The Boy From Hell j.b/j.m

By cyanbinoo

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Brooklin was looked at as the sweet innocent town girl. Nobody really knew about her heartbreaking past. She... More

The Boy From Hell {Jason McCann }
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19

Chapter 18

63 4 1
By cyanbinoo

Brooklin's P.O.V

It's been two weeks full of training and let's just say I feel very pumped. Like I could knock any body out if I wanted. I think I'm pretty well set to go on these missions. Tonight I'm pretty sure I'm learning to shoot better with certain guns.

That's not the only thing that has changed in my life, Justin has been even more distant when it comes to communication and training. His sentences were more blunt and not very emotional , and everyday I feel more and more unattached from him. It's like I'm starting to not like him as much as I did.
It makes my heart hurt just thinking of letting go of something so important but since he finds no interest ,I was left with no choice right?
Now I see us as workers helping the gang. The gang was also very distant, like if I would try to start a conversation they would just say something out of context and blow me off.

Like earlier today, I came up to Harry to ask how him and Nicole was doing he looked at me and replied "What a nice day it is."

I was very confused and interested in this because it was becoming a habit of everyone doing it.

I forgot to mention that Justin let Sophia back in the gang and that pisses me off to the point of me committing murder to that ugly face of hers.
I was beyond jealous because they have became so close and I bet they even been making those movies. I don't even want to think about that at the moment.

I just wish things could go back to normal.

"Hey what you doing in here by yourself?" Ashton peeked into the shooting room.

I took my ear covers off and looked at him. I looked at the small pistol in my hand.

"Wait where you think of-" I cut him off admittedly.

" No No, I was suppose to be training with Justin but I don't think he's coming." I rolled my eyes and set the gun on its stand.

" Well he just head out with Sophia somewhere." He said.

I growled lowly and looked around the room in anger.

"You're jealous?"He asked smirking.

"Actually no, just fucking done with this shit. I have been balancing my life for that douchebag.Hoping that- You know what you don't want to hear this."I shook my head.

"I don't mind, it sounds interesting. I mean nobody in this house talks anymore."He said.

"Right?! I thought I was the only one."I said.

He chuckled.

"How about we bring this downstairs?"He said.

I nodded chuckling.


"Wait was he really wearing a strippers outfit!"Ashton burst into a huge laughter as I joined him.

"Yea-Yeah and everyone's face I swear I was dying."I tried laughing.

"Blake is crazy, but I love him." I tried calming down.

He wiped his eyes and fixed the blanket on us.

"God you making me laugh so hard I'm crying."He said sipping his water.

"I have that effect on people."I smirked patting his shoulder.

I laid my legs on his lap and our faces were really close. I never realized how beautiful Ashton's eyes were.

I didn't know he has such a cute personality and laugh under that shyness. His laugh is literally the best think you could ever hear.

" So uh I hope you feel better now."He smiled.

"Oh yeah definitely, this just has been a stressful month.I think I'm gonna be fine." I said.

He scooted closer to me laying his hand on my leg giving me goosebumps instantly.

"I know this is crazy..." He trailed off.

"But when I saw you for the first time, I couldn't help but think you were the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." He confessed.

I blushed lightly.

"Really?" I breathed out.

"Hell yeah,
But I was so scared to tell you or hit on you because Jason or Justin.. What ever his name is." He said.

"Yeah It's Justin. Jason is his stage name to not get caught or for the gang."I explained.

"But... He isn't a problem anymore. He just hates me now, which should be the other way around."I said.

"Do you hate him?" He said tilting his head.

"Well not really. I'm losing feelings for him everyday.He always does something to make me argue with him. I just want to know why? How did things change so fast. I loved him so much. Now-"I stopped myself.

"What Brooklin?" He said.

"I don't love him..." I said wiping one tear rolling down my face.

"Why not?"He sounded shocked.

"He's not himself,I just can't with him anymore."I said.

"But now it doesn't matter right I'm over it and moved on."I said shrugging.

"I guess that mean's I can't hit on you know mannnnn!"He snapped his fingers.

I giggled and smiled at him.

"Why not?"I laughed.

"It's kinda douchebaggy to just hit on you when your having other boy problems." He chuckled.

" Well I like you so I don't really mind."I smiled.

His eyes lit up.

I grabbed his face and pulled him closer so our lips attached. We started to moves our lips in sync. I felt a new feeling in my stomach it was different but I liked it.

When I pulled away I heard a huge bang which made Ashton and I jump.

"What was that?"He asked looking around.

"Uh I gotta go train now." I said.

"Wait Brook."He spoke up.

I stood up and walked behind the couch.

"Look Ash it was really fun, but I don't want anything serious right now.You understand?"I asked.

"Yeah of course I'm not gonna force you to do anything."He said nodding.

I smiled at him before heading upstairs back into the shooting room.

Justin wasn't up there that made me confused.

I started to shoot without him until Ashton and the rest of the gang piled in the room.

I stopped shooting and looked at everyone surprised.

"Who died?"I joked.

"Everyone." Liam breathed out.

"Wait what?"I asked.

"He is fucking killing everyone in the all downtown gangs.I won't be surprised if he started killing bystanders." Za added.

" So wait why you guys coming to me?"I asked everyone.

They all looked at each other.

"Why can't Sophia do it?"I scoffed.

"Sophia was kicked out the gang today.."I turned around and raised a eyebrow.

"Why? Doesn't Justin love her.."I said.

" For the past week or so she has been making rumors and been putting us against each other ,we have catched on and told Justin."Harry explained.

"We have this rule in this house if we want to kick someone out we have a vote and the bigger vote wins.That means bye bye ugly white girl."Za laughed as Khalil explained.

I chuckled.

"Okay but they still dating?"I asked.

"We don't know. It seems like he hates her." Christian added.

"When I'm in the room they are definitely loving so thats not true."I rolled my eyes.

"Ohhhh"Everyone spoke in one piece.

"What?"I asked.

"Justin is making you jealous.. on purpose."Chaz said. There was another "oh" followed after that.

"Why would he do that?" I asked annoyed.

They looked at each other again.

"He already made me jealous enough sleeping with the hoe while we were dating,so I don't see why he has to try to make me even more jealous." I said.

I looked at all of them and they all looked like they were hiding down thing even Ashton.

"What are you guys hiding!"I spat.

"We can't tell you Brooky. Justin has to confess himself." Nicole said.

"Okay then he will can you guys leave now?" I asked.

"What! No you have to stop him..." Niall said.

"Why me!?"I spat.

"Because he loves you."Ashton said.

"He does."Luke and Michael said at the same time.

"No he doesn't."I sighed and looked at Ashton.

"Okay if you won't do it for him, do it for us."Calum confessed.

"What if I get hurt out there?"I said.

"You have excellent fighting skills, and yet you shoot a gun real well."Harry pointed out.

Everyone agreed.

"Fine but if I need back up be ready."I spoke.

They all nodded. I looked at them all before I grabbed my favorite gun putting it on safety,and putting it in my pants. I pulled my hair into a pony tail and head downstairs as everyone followed afterward.

I put on my converse and grabbed my leather jacket before looking back at them. I grabbed my keys and rushed to my car and making my way out of the Forrest.

I was going way too fast, I was surprised no cop was gonna pull me over. Nicole was texting me possible places he might be. One place sounds familiar. I rushed to the alleyway and my senses kicked in.

January 24th 2010

"I don't think we should go down here." Justin warned.

"Jay it's okay, I just want to get the cat that jumped out the window. I bet you that owner is freaking out."I said.

He chuckled and shook his head.

"You are way to nice."He kissed my cheek as we looked down this alley way.

A group of guys about our age started coming from the alley laughing and howling.

"What do we got here!" A red head spoke.

"Ow ow she is a hot one."Another guy smirked as they stood in front of us.

"I hope you ain't with this loser."Brown curly haired guy spoke smirking.

"Well I am so leave us alone."I said.

"Excuse me bitch."The red head spat.

Justin pushed me behind him.
"Call her that again, I swear you'll regret it asshole."He spat.

When Justin was angry it scared me because it was like a whole different person.

"You ain't gonna do shit pretty boy. We fucking your girl,shes gonna love it."Instantly Justin lunged at them at went full out punching the guy that said that.The two others looked at the event in shock.

I tried pulling Justin off.
"Justin lets go."
I made my way down the alley and it was clear Justin's frame had a guy against the wall. There was screaming involved.

I put my hood on and pulled my gun out making sure to turn off safety.

"Hey! Let go of him!"I growled.

He turned his head and focused on me.
"Who are you to tell me what to do!"He growled.

"I might as well kill you after this whimp!"He chuckled.

"Listen to her!"The guy yelped.

"Shut the fuck up"Justin pushed him further in the wall.

"Let him go or I will shoot you."I sighed.

"You think that will scare me? You know who I am bitch?"He growled.

"More that you think."I pulled the trigger hitting Justin in the leg and him instantly letting go of the guy.

The guy took of running in my direction. I quickly grabbed him and pinned him against the wall.

"Now you listen, everything you saw here. You must not tell and if you do.."He gulped loudly.

"I will personally hunt you down and rip your balls off and kill you, you understand?"I threatened. He nodded furiously.

I let him go and he took off running. I walked to Justin and he held his leg.

"Fuck Fuck..."He groaned.

I put my gun on safety and put it in my jeans again.

He jolted up and swing his arm instantly.

I grabbed his fist and found the strength to push him at full strength so he landed on his ass. I took down my hood.

"Knock it off Justin."He looked up in shock.

"What are you doing here?"He sighed.

"Saving you from trouble and saving innocent people from you."I said crossing my arms.

"I have to do everything now..."I said.

"I'm a grown man I can do whatever I want. I can't get caught either, I'm Jason."He stood limping lightly.

"Why are you fucking doing this?Why are you acting out?"I asked.

"Why do you care,don't you have somebody to kiss."He scolded.

I opened my mouth to spat back but then I came to realization. He saw Ashton and I kiss.

"I'm sorry but how did you see that?"I asked.

"I come home to you guys kissing all over my couch. Maybe you should take your whore ways somewhere other than my family room."He said.

"Oh I'm the whore. At least I don't cheat. Fucking asshole."I hissed.

He came closer. "Fuck you Brook!"

"WHAT DID I DO TO YOU! WHAT DID I DO TO MAKE YOU HATE ME JUSTIN!"I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"I don't hate you."He sighed.

"Then why do you treat me like it." I pushed him angrily.

"Do you still love me?" He asked.

I gave him a double look of shock.

"What?"I asked.

"Do you love me?"He spat.

"I...I .. don't know.."I stuttered.

It was silent as he stared at me for awhile.

"Do you still love me?"I whispered, as he slid his back on the wall with his hand grabbing his hair.

"No."He admittedly spoke. He shook his head and stood up and it was like I didn't even shoot him.

"Y-You Don't?" I spoke. I tried holding back the tears. That was it this was the end of us.

He turned around and looked at me and his emotions showed that he was really frustrated and regretful.

"Do you love Sophia now or." I asked having a small crack in my voice.

"No I hate her..." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Why I mean you obviously made it clear that you wanted her over me. Which is weird cause she looks dusty as hell and her outfits always have random puke stains; that were caused from her getting too waisted and throwing up on herself. Not to mention she is a major whore." I smiled crossing my arms.

He looked at me with a focused expression.

"She is perfect for you." I spat.

He grabbed me by my throat and I felt myself tense up.

"You know what this reminds me of. The first time we met again and you got mad cause I made fun of you in front of your gang." I taunted.

"You remember squeezing my throat to the point of me almost losing every breath then you finally letting me go to let me smack to the ground like a puppet." I hissed.

He let go and looked at me.

"You can't control me anymore, you can't hurt me anymore. I don't love you anymore. Is that what you what to hear?" I asked.

He was silent.

I nodded and looked at him emotionless.

"You know what I'm not going to stand in the middle of this alley and fight with you.I was here to knock you to your senses and drive you back to the house." I sighed.

"Let's go" I said walking ahead of him as he lingered behind.

I unlocked the car and got in and waited for Justin to open the passenger.

As I drove off I saw Justin holding on to his leg.

"You need to go to the hospital."I asked.

"No I'm perfectly fine."He grunted.

"Why you care?"He added.

"Cause I'm nice, you should try it sometime." I hissed.

"I'm nice.You know I'm nice especially in the bed-" I stopped him.

"Just shut up, I'm glad I didn't have sex with you."I grunted under my breath.

"Isn't that so."He chuckled.

"Yes. I'm very proud." I rolled my eyes.

He grabbed my leg and instantly jerked him off.

"Get off."I grunted. His touch made my skin tingle.

"You know.... Sex with me would be so powerful. It would change you. You know how your so tough and strong right now." He smirked.

I looked at him with a stern face and looked back at the road.

"After making love to me you'll become more vulnerable." He whispered scooting closer to me.

"I bet you would enjoy me touching you in places you always wanted my hands to go. I bet you want to pant and scream my name while I doing everything you ever wanted. I bet you want me to treat you like a baby girl." He whispered in my ear making me slowly crave him but I hated this. I hated him. I hated what he did to make me feel like this.

He grabbed my leg but I couldn't find strength to jerk him off. He had me on pause.
He started to rub closer and closer to place I wanted him to touch.

"You want this."He whispered. "I can see this in your face."

I gripped the steering wheel.

We were getting closer and closer to the house. I just wanted to get there before he fucking had me in his control.

He started to rub me in my pants and I quivered lightly.

I felt his hand doing something with my pants and instantly his hand entered my skinny jeans. He rubbed me lightly and stroke slowly making me  twitch and moan. By this time I was trapped.

"Fuck." I whispered.

"Baby you want me."He planted in my ear.

I pulled up to the gate as he kept rubbing me in my jeans.

I parked in the drive way and jerked out of the car with my pants unbuttoned.

Before I could get to the door Justin pinned me against the car. His groin pressed to me. I huffed out caught in a trap.

"Don't tell me you feel tingly." He breathed in my ear.

"We gotta take care of that leg."I trailed off avoiding the subject.

"Fuck my leg." He said.

"I want you." He added as he kissed my neck which made me gasp in pleasure.

I couldn't lie I wanted this for a long time but everything that has happened made me think differently.

"You don't like me this isn't right.i don't like you." I said as he stopped kissing my neck and looking at me.

"You don't like me huh?"He asked.

He kissed me intensely and I felt myself kissing back.

"I hate you." I grunted into the kiss.

"Baby I know."He grabbed my ass as he deepen the kiss.

I felt my control come back so I  pushed him back.

"Fuck you Justin." I spat and he chuckled

"In sorry is this funny to you."I added.

"Hilarious."He smirked.

I look over Justin shoulder to see the gang coming outside to surround Justin.

I stood there awkwardly.

"What took you guys so long?" Harry said smirking at both of us.

"What do you mean?" Justin smirked.

"We are just in time." He added.

WHAT DO YOU MEAN ON FRIDAY SO FREAKING PUMPED WHOOOO AND HE PERFORMING AT VMAS OMGG. Sorry just updating 😁 but it's okay you guys will have your action soon😊.

Thanks Readers :)

Love you


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