By serene_fictionist

112K 12.8K 4.2K

Raelynn Baker A woman who escaped the viciously blinding nights of forced prostitution. Snatched from the emb... More

Author's Note
Meet the leads!!!
Prologue - HIM
Prologue - HER
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 23

2.2K 240 62
By serene_fictionist

190+ Votes!



They all exclaimed loudly in unison, startling me.

I turned my head to them as my wrist was still being held firmly in place by Mr. Marino.

"No way!"


"She's lying, isn't she?"

"So, what Elio was saying was true?"

"Who's she?"

I frowned at the throbbing pain in my head that's being fueled by the incoherent exclamations and questions.

I noticed Cavin give a discreet nod in our direction, at Mr. Marino, and then gestured something to the middle aged lady. Both of them then left the room, closing the door.

On the other hand, the incoherent and shocked questions were still being poured out by the kids in front of us.

Well, all of them look to be teenagers, except, of course, Theodore Marino.

Out of all their concurrent questions, all I could make out properly was the constant name, 'Vince'.

Mr. Marino let go of my wrist and I took a step away from him, taking a deep breath to endure the pain in my head that had successfully overridden the rage.

I was still angry, but I curbed myself into a blank stoic.

If this is Mr. Marino's house, then there would definitely be many more men guarding this place. I should not act on impulse. I need to maintain my calm, gauge the situation and then take the next step.

"Stop.", Mr. Marino said in a low stern tone, facing them.

They had their brows furrowed into deep confusion, but stopped talking, looking at him and peeking glances at me, while the boys, especially one of the twins kept glaring at me.

"Firstly, this is Raelynn Baker, one of my former business associates. If you're thinking there's something strange going on between me and her, then, no, we are just acquaintances.", he said calmly.

Why would they think there's something going on between me and him?

"Coming to what you've just heard her say, it is true. I drugged her yesterday night and brought her here without her knowledge. There were certain reasons and compulsions for me to take that step which I will not indulge you in.", he stated.

Reasons and compulsions!

Good way of hiding things. Scoff.

I could see the faces of, probably his siblings, contort into utter shock and they stood speechless, staring at him.

"However, irrespective of the reasons and compulsions, it was outrightly an extremely despicable act to do.", he said sternly, his tone displeased.

My brows furrowed at his words, while my head turned to him, surprised.

He then looked at me.

"I earnestly apologize, Ms. Baker, I'm sorry.", he said, looking straight in my eyes, his tone firm.

To say I was stunned would be an understatement.

I froze, looking at him, speechless, dazed, astonished.

He ...... apologized?

To me?

In front of those kids?

I don't understand.

He's not supposed to apologize. He's supposed to be self righteous and crude. He is in the mafia after all.

Why, then?

Steering his gaze away from me, he looked at his siblings yet again.

"As mentioned, there are some reasons for her being here. She'll leave soon, but until then, do not address her by her full name. Do not discuss her with any guards or maids. If anyone asks you who she is, tell them that she's our grandmother's guest from Italy.", he instructed them.

I was still staring at him in a daze.

"You're already getting late to school. We'll talk at dinner if you have any more questions, but remember not to indulge any information about Ms. Baker to anyone.", he said firmly.

The utter silence from them made me look in their direction and, well, the boys were glaring at me while the girls walked away without a single glance in my direction.

I am not sure what's happening at this point.

The fact that this gray-eyed man apologized to me is itself very hard to comprehend in the first place.

The moment he apologized looking me in the eyes, all my rage got conquered by shock.

Since when did men in the mafia start apologizing for what they do? It's absurd.

"Ms. Baker", his voice grabbed my attention, pulling me out of my daze.

"Take a seat. We need to talk.", he informed calmly.

Not saying anything, I pulled a chair to the right of the head of the table and settled down.

He placed the fallen chair properly and sat at the head of the table where he had been sitting before I interrupted.

"I suggested you find a new house and shift to it discreetly in 2 days.", he commented, facing me.

"Why would I listen to you? It could be a trap for all I know.", I said, making my suspicion clear.

"It wasn't. Well, the first thing you should know is that I have some rivals ... dangerous ones.", he started calmly, his gaze stoic.

Enemies would be a nice word.

"After the fiasco that happened at the hill, rumors have started to spread among these rivals that you and I are related in a ro- .. (ahem) ... they think you're my partner.", he completed, a little awkward at the end.

"They use dirtiest means to get to me and now, they assume you're one of those ways to lure me into a trap.", he said.

"That's why they've been stalking me and even ambushed me once. That is evident. Can't you just handle them?", I questioned, my tone displeased.

"If I get directly involved in matters regarding you, it will only fuel the legitimacy of the rumors, leading you into even greater danger. That's precisely why I had some of my men patrol the area you reside in so as to make it look like a usual routine and not a form of special security. Neither to my rivals nor to my own employees.", he answered calmly.

That explains the men who interfered when I was being attacked and the nights when the stalkers didn't show up.

"The withdrawal of my company from your project was also a way to project an impression that we do not share a cordial relationship. The share price of your company falling, the rumors of you getting sacked and the abrupt decision of some shareholders to sell their shares off in apprehension, it all happened naturally, but that indirectly helped in portraying the image of a cold bond between us.", he explained.

That's why he pulled out?

Not for an apology?

"Let's say all of that is true. What was your reason to ambush me, drug me, break into my house and bring me here without my consent?", I asked suspiciously, my gaze hard.

"Despite the attempts to portray an image of discord between us, these 'rivals' of mine wanted to test the waters and take you hostage to gauge my reaction. Hence, I asked you to shift houses discreetly, so I could play my part in striking off the rumors. I would still have waited for you to act on my advice, but they were going to make a move and if I hadn't moved you out of there, they would've been the ones to abduct you yesterday night.", he replied in a neutral tone.

I frowned at that piece of information.

His enemies seem too desperate to trap him.

Also, why are they so hung up on dragging me into this?

And how far are his words true?

"I know you're suspicious, Ms. Baker, but you already witnessed me breaking into your house. Just like how I broke in through your door, they can too. The security locks and cameras aren't a big deal.", he stated calmly.

I pursed my lips, offended.

"Why are you so keen about rescuing me?", I asked, raising a brow.

His entire story about his enemies may be true, but what does he have anything to do with my safety?

Why does he bother going to such lengths to keep me out of their hands?

"I don't drag innocent people into my matters. When someone gets involved, I make sure to pull them out of it.", he replied in a firm tone.

"You'll kidnap them to protect them?", I probed dryly, my tone lacing with sarcasm.

"This is the first time someone has got so seriously entangled in my matters. I didn't plan on a course of action for a situation like this beforehand as I didn't expect something of this sort to ever happen. Hence, I am trying to handle it in the most optimal way and I suggest you comply with my advices.", he stated firmly.

"Most optimal way? Like kidnapping? It might not be a big deal for you, but it can terrify people beyond reason.", I raised my voice slightly, agitated.

The whole incident scratched open my memories of getting kidnapped at 16 years of age and the aftermath of that abduction.

Owing to the therapy I've been receiving, I barely managed to prevent a panic episode.

My nerves are still trembling from the residual fright swirling within them.

"I warned you beforehand.", he said calmly.

"And that makes this any better?", I argued.

"This is the first time I'm faced with a situation like this, Ms. Baker, so I'm doing what I can to cast you out of this danger. To comply with my advice and stay safe or go against me and get caught by my rivals is your choice to make. And let me warn you beforehand yet again that these rivals that I'm talking about are barbaric rapis*s. So, decide wisely.", he said sternly, his gaze cold and tone faintly indifferent.

I calmed down as my brain was now occupied deeply with new thoughts and choices.

Should I trust his words?

What if what he's saying is true and I get abducted by those rapis*s?

Maybe I can endure it, plot a plan and escape, but do I want to go through that torture again?

No. Absolutely not!

The biggest argument that's pushing me to believe his words is that he would get nothing by deceiving me. He has no profit in betraying or manipulating me.

But again, that's only as far as I know.

There could be a motive I don't comprehend as of now.

Maybe I should just play along and find out how true his words are and how huge the danger is.

"Fine. I'll cooperate.", I said firmly, looking him in the eyes.

He nodded.

"Firstly, I'll refer to you as my grandmother's guest from Italy in front of the maids and the guards that might be stationed around near the door. Second, don't go to the west side of the mansion no matter what. Third, don't get seen by any guards as much as possible except Cavin, the man who came along with you just now. Finally, do not use your own phone or laptop until I get you new ones by evening. What else to be done next, I'll inform you in the evening.", he instructed.

I nodded.

"Why did you bring me to your house and not to a hotel?", I asked, curious.

"Because that would grab attention too quickly if it's a luxurious hotel and if it's a moderate one, there's a possibility of any of my rivals' underlings getting a glimpse of us. The only place for the moment was my house. However, I suggest you find a house soon and leave.", he replied.

As if I want to stay here.

"Don't go to your office today. If you need to use a desktop, you can use my brother, Theo's. I'll inform him.", he concluded, ending the discussion.

I nodded.

He stood up, buttoning his suit, ready to leave.

"One last thing, Ms. Baker.", he started, making me look up at him.

"Don't give away your information or anything related to the current situation to anyone. Not to my siblings except Theo as they are too young for this and not to any maid or guard. They are trustworthy, but it's better to be cautious. In case you need to discuss or inform anyone about this to anyone, trust only me, Theo and Cavin.", he said firmly, his tone a warning.

I nodded curtly, acknowledging his words.

Giving me a curt nod back, he walked out.

As I sat there, mulling over my own thoughts for a while, the door opened and in walked Theodore Marino.

He greeted me politely and I returned a polite greeting myself.

"I'll be in the living room in case you need anything. And this is my old PC, you can use it by creating a new admin account.", he informed, placing a gray laptop on the table.

"Thank you.", I said in courtesy.

He nodded and turned around to walk away, but stopped when I called him.

"Why shouldn't I use my own mobile and laptop?", I asked, frowning.

"Except our personal appliances, other phones and gadgets will be under surveillance. So, they might track yours and find out your identity.", he answered politely.

"But, aren't all employees here working under you? There must be no need to keep them in the dark.", I commented.

"It's just to be safer.", he replied, clearing his throat.

I nodded and he walked away.

Does that mean they suspect the presence of moles in their own employees?

That makes the situation all the more dangerous.

I get it now why Mr. Marino asked me not to reveal my original identity and to stay on alert around other guards.

The rest of the day, I sat in the room given to me and sent some much needed mails to Mr. Brown to inform him of my sudden leave and replied to some important ones.

The middle aged maid, Sofia, brought the breakfast and lunch to my room, making it suitable for me as I didn't want to step out of the room yet.

It was now a little past 7 in the evening as I was finally forced to leave the room as the water in the jug was over and I was thirsty.

While I was walking down the staircase, I heard a sudden yelp from a room.

I slightly turned my head back, walking, and suddenly collided with someone, but balanced myself with the help of the railing.

"Watch where you're walking, lady.", I heard a rude snap.

I looked at the guy walking past me.

One of the twins.

"Watch where you're walking, kid.", I retorted, my tone lacing with sarcasm.

I mean, he could've avoided getting collided if he was looking in the front, but he was busy on his phone.

That comment of mine halted him.

Turning around to me, he gazed hard into my eyes, trying to intimidate me.

I gave him back a flat gaze.

I don't understand these men in the mafia and their urge to intimidate others.

"This is my house and I'll walk however I want to.", he said indifferently.

"And I'm a guest. Your brother's guest. I hope you've been taught how to treat guests in your house.", I commented casually.

Not waiting for his reply, I turned away and started walking down the stairs.

Much to my dismay, I could hear his footsteps behind me.

"Don't expect me to apologize, lady. My brother might have felt pity or something for you, that's why he apologized to you in the morning. I'm sure it must all have been your fault and-", he started rudely, making me pause in my tracks.

Turning to him slightly, I looked up straight into his eyes.

"Apologizing doesn't make a person less, kid. Your brother had the guts to acknowledge his actions and apologize for them in front of his siblings. You trying to dismiss that isn't going to protect his honor, it will only undermine it.", I said sternly.

He pursed his lips, looking away, his brows furrowed together.

As I turned to leave, I saw the two young girls standing a few steps below, looking up at me.

Unaware of what to do, I just walked past them.

I don't know if Mr. Marino's apology was earnest or not and I will never admit it in front of him that it really was quite commendable of him to apologize in front of his younger family members, but that doesn't mean I don't acknowledge his action.

I walked to the dining room to get some water, but there was none on the table.

Wondering if it was okay to enter the open kitchen and search for it, I stood at the table, trying to think of what to do.

Maybe, it's better to just ask Theodore about it. He did tell me to ask him if I needed anything.

"Do you need any help, mam?", a sudden voice startled me.

I turned to the door and found the same two young girls standing there.

"Uh I just need some water.", I said awkwardly.

One of the girls walked past me to the kitchen and came back with a jug full of water and a glass.

"Thank you.", I thanked politely and started walking away.

"Uh um mam -", one of them started awkwardly, halting me.

I looked at her and she was scratching her neck in awkwardness while the other looked away.

I suppressed the smile forcing out at how adorable they looked in embarrassment.

"About how Ash talked, he's not actually bad-", one of them was saying, but I cut her off.

"Ash?", I frowned, not knowing who that was.

"The one who talked to you on the stairs. His name's Ashton.", the other girl replied.


"Oh, right, we didn't introduce ourselves! Hi, mam, I'm Angelina and this is my sister, Arianna.", the first one introduced cheerfully, while the other one waved at me shyly.

"I know your brother already told my name, but still, hey, girls, I'm Raelynn. Please address me by my name.", I greeted gently, smiling.

"But Vince said not to use your name.", Arianna pointed out.

Oh, right.

"In that case, 'Rae' can be used.", I suggested.

"But that sounds obvious.", Angelina commented.

"Lynn?", I suggested.

"That too is obvious.", Arianna shook her head.

We stood there, thinking of a name for a while, deep in thought.


All three of us said at the same time.

Surprised, they burst out laughing while I couldn't help the chuckle that curved my lips.

"Ren it is.", I declared and they nodded, smiling.

Interrupting our conversation, one of their brothers walked in.

Taking something out from the refrigerator, he walked to them.

"Ace is calling you for training.", he said calmly.

"But he said he's not in proper form today.", Arianna frowned, looking at him.

"He's fine now and he's calling you.", the guy said dryly.

Before they could argue further, he gently shoved them along towards the door and out of it, while they greeted me politely before leaving.

I could see the displeasure in his eyes. Maybe he doesn't want them to talk to me.

Letting the thoughts slide, I walked back to my room.

Dinner was a silent affair as it was brought to my room.

I could hear the faint noises from outside until it was a little past ten and the lights were turned off outside except my room.

All through the evening, I could feel a strange anxiety build within me at the fact that I was staying in the house filled with mafia men.

And now when it's finally dark, I could feel my breathing getting heavier.

Feeling suffocated, I walked to the window and opened it wide, breathing in some fresh air.

But, when my eyes opened and my sight fell on the men walking about around the mansion building as if patrolling, I felt a chill run down my spine.

Closing the window immediately, I shut the curtains.

Not intending to stand out, I switched off the lights in my room too.

Sitting on the bed, I tried to calm myself down by breathing rhythmically, but to no avail.

The closed room, the darkness, the faint light peeking through the closed curtains, the thought of men patrolling around the building, the fact that I cannot possibly walk out of this estate easily and that this was filled with people from mafia, it all made me feel trapped and constricted.

The suffocation gradually increased despite my efforts to distract myself. It constricted my chest as black dots started appearing from breathlessness and my mind flooded me with memories of shackles from my past, the dread of imprisonment and barbarity of the mafia.


I could feel it pushing forth.

Terrified to face a panic episode, I picked up the mobile given by Mr. Marino and dialed him as a last resort.

Trying my best to concentrate on my breathing, I'm managing to stay conscious.

"Hello", a groggy voice came through.

"M-Mr. Marino", I barely whispered in a quivered tone, rubbing my chest harshly.

I could hear a shuffling sound and footsteps through the call.

"What's wrong? Where are you?", he asked sharply, piercing through my bubbling panic.

"Room", I muttered, gulping the bile rising up my throat.

"Stay on the call, I'll be there in a moment.", he said firmly.

Tapping my finger on the wood, I tried to concentrate on its sound, but the image of men roaming around just outside this building kept flashing in, forcefully trying to push my mind into a frenzy.

A knock at my door grabbed my attention.

"It's me. Open the door.", I heard the familiar deep voice.

Walking to the door in incoherent steps, I twisted the knob and opened the door slightly.

I looked up at him in a dimly lit corridor.

"Can't breathe .... leave ..... go out ... leave", I just let out some words through my labored breathing.

"Come with me.", he said.

"Can't", I shook my head.

I could feel the tremble in my legs.

Taking a step back, he extended his palm to me.

Terrified to face the dreadful panic attack, I placed my hand in his on impulse.

His calloused palm engulfed mine whole firmly, gently nudging me to step out of the room.

I took a step out with trembling legs.

Leading me up a couple of stairs by holding my hand in support, he took me to the terrace.

As soon as a gust of cool wind engulfed me, I breathed in huge chunks of air.

Letting his hand go, I leaned against the railing for support and breathed in hurriedly.

However, as soon as I looked down, my heart picked up speed seeing numerous men spread over the whole estate and a lot more as they neared the high compound.

It just brought back the petrifying memories of being enclosed and monitored in the brot*el, making disgusted shivers crawl all over my skin.

Before I could get consumed by anxiety and panic, I was pulled back away from the railing firmly.

Unable to withstand the growing agitation, I kneeled down on the floor, clutching my chest, breathing harshly, sweating profusely as I felt engulfed by a suffocating warm air.

"Raelynn", a cold, sharp voice jolted me up.

I flinched slightly when I felt a finger below my chin, lifting my head up firmly.

As I looked up, my blurry vision came face to face with his gray eyes.

"Lie flat on the ground. It will help in regulating your breathing.", he said firmly.

That's when I remembered Dr. Nicholas giving the same suggestion.

Moving away from him, I laid flat on the ground on my back. Staring into the vast sky, I took deep breaths. My nerves relaxed faintly as my eyes captured the endless dark sky.

I am not shackled.

I am not imprisoned.

I am not in that brot*el.

The sky reminded me ...... reminded me that I am free.

A few tears escaped my eyes at the realization.

For three years, I was locked up in a dirty cellar with no sight of the outside light. And for the first time I escaped out of it, I was overwhelmed by the dazzling dark sky. Since that moment, the sky symbolized freedom for me.

I bit down hard on my trembling lower lip, gulping down any sound that might have escaped my throat.

I am free.

I chanted it continuously in my head.

As the hysteria died down, I could once again feel the cool breeze against my skin, relieving me.

But my brain still reminded me that I was amidst numerous mafia men, in a place that was securely guarded, a place that is hard to escape from.

The constant reminder kept my nerves on edge.

A throat clearing grabbed my attention and I looked at Mr. Marino who was sitting casually on the floor a few feet away from me.

"This is my house, Ms. Baker. My siblings live here. And you saw in the morning that I have two young sisters.", he said calmly.

I frowned, not getting his point.

"This mansion, this estate, it's highly protected. No harm would come to you in here.", he clarified.

Looking back at the sky, I wet my lips and collected my calm before speaking.

"What if it's your own guards I'm wary of?", I muttered in a low tone, still staring at the sky.

"You're my guest, Ms. Baker, none of these men would dare to even look at you wrong, let alone meddle with you.", he said sternly.

I didn't respond to that.

He might really be honest about what he said, but that doesn't wash away my suspicion.

I still need to be on alert.

I clenched my eyes shut at the realization that he saw me in such a terrible state today.

I should've been careful.

Looking at him, I spoke up.

"Look, whatever you saw today, don't think I'm some weak damsel who can be pushed about easily.", I said sharply.

He ignored my words and lied down on the floor, on his back, his hands folded behind his head for support as his eyes stared at the sky. He was wearing a black undershirt and casual gray tracks.

"I can easily escape from here whenever I want. I wouldn't stay quiet if you try anything cunning-"

"You're panicking again.", he cut me off calmly, still staring at the sky.

Realizing I was indeed getting restless, I turned away, letting the silence prevail.

"Maybe you should try speaking about another topic.", he suggested.

"Like what?", I asked.

"Anything.", he replied curtly.

"Fine. Do you have a secret child?", I asked, looking to the side at him.

He turned his head towards me, probably surprised.

"What?", he asked, his tone neutral.

"Do you have a secret child?", I asked again bluntly.

"What made you assume that?", he questioned calmly.

"You handled that kid so easily back in that town.", I shrugged slightly.

He laughed out lightly.

Surprised, I looked at his dimly illuminated side profile as his eyes shone in mirth and his voice reverberated faintly in the air while the breeze disturbed his hair.

It was astonishing to say the least.

This is the first time I saw him laugh and for a second the thought that he's the boss of a mafia syndicate slipped my mind and I stared at him involuntarily.

"You seem to have a habit of making the wildest possible assumptions from normal actions.", he commented as his face contorted back to its usual calm.

Frowning, I looked away.

What the hell was I staring for!

"How else could you handle him so well?", I questioned.

"Maybe I have a natural skill of handling kids.", he replied.

"Such a flex.", I scoffed.

"It's a fact.", he retorted.

I rolled my eyes.

"So, kids just naturally come to you?", I probed dryly.

"Honestly, no. Kids never come to me. They run away, in fact.", he said seriously.

"What about that kid then?", I asked flatly.

"I offered to handle him out of courtesy. I myself was pleasantly surprised when the kid really stopped crying.", he answered.

"You're such a flex.", I muttered.

"You don't seem too lucky around kids yourself.", he commented, his tone subtly mischievous.

Or am I assuming the mischief part?

"Fine, I accept. Kids don't really like the scary looking lady.", I huffed.

"Neither do they like the scary looking man.", he said calmly.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing at that comment.

"You indeed look scary. You got lucky that the kid didn't cry out even louder when you took him.", I laughed.

Laughing lightly, I looked to the side and found him staring at me.

Composing myself, I looked away awkwardly and so did he.

The awkward silence gradually prevailed into a relaxing one.

I was deep in my own thoughts.

When, after a long time, I turned to him, I found him sleeping, his face serenely calm.

Turning wholly to his side, I continued staring at him in a daze.

He's a dangerous man, probably the most dangerous one.

Yet, he apologized. That too in front of his younger siblings.

He kills people with a straight face.

Yet his eyes shone with kindness when he handled the little baby.

He's, in general, stoic, cold, domineering and proud.

Yet his countenance didn't twitch for a single moment when he acknowledged his own actions to be despicable.

He's not very fond of me or my guts.

Yet he helped me in the middle of the night.

He's a kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Yet he's sleeping here on this hard floor without a trace of discomfort or irritation.

Just what is this man!

He's making me question my own judgment.

I would be deceiving myself if I say I'm not intrigued.

I'm suspicious, cautious, alert and wary of him. However, I am no doubt curious as well.

But I should put a stop to this curiosity before it drives me into misery.

This man is dangerous and so is my curiosity.

Shaking my head, I turned to the opposite side to clear my mind.

My eyes slowly gave into exhaustion, pulling me into a dreamless sleep.

I don't know how much time passed by, but my ears twitched at the sound of approaching footsteps.

Confused about where I am, I tried to open my eyes against the light hitting my face.

Adjusting quickly, I opened my eyes to a grayish sky with a twinge of orange lacing it.

As a shuffling sound caught my attention, I sat up abruptly and looked at the person standing a little in front of me.


Looking at him drove out the haze in my mind and it was clear where I was.

Realizing who he must be looking at, I turned my head to the side and found Mr. Marino sitting on the floor, running his hand through his messy locks, ignoring his brother.

His brother, however, was looking at him and me with a deep frown etched on his face as he questioned,

"Did you sleep together?"


Phew! That was a very long chapter!

How was the chapter?

The siblings seem angry at their brother apologizing to Rae. 😐

Well, the girls are being nice at least. 😊

And, ahem, laughing together on the terrace? 😏

Rae finally accepted that she's at least intrigued by Vince. 😉

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow.

Yours lovingly,


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