MLP x Alicorn Male Reader

By LarryLegend759

112K 2.6K 3.4K

An Alicorn was born which all of Equestria does not know about. He was raised without an actual family, so he... More

Prologue: Welcome to Ponyvile
Friendship is Magic, Part 1
Friendship is Magic Part 2
The Ticket Master
Applebuck Season
Griffon the Brush Off
Author's Note (14 December 2023)
Boast Busters
Bridle Gossip
Author's Note (16 December 2023)
Swarm of the Century
Winter Wrap Up
Call of the Cutie
Fall Weather Friends
Suited For Success
Meet the Sparkles
Feeling Pinkie Keen
Sonic Rainboom
Stare Master
The Show Stoppers
A Dog and Pony Show
Green Isn't Your Color
Over a Barrel
A Bird in the Hoof
The Cutie Mark Chronicles
Owl's Well That Ends Well
Party of One
The Best Night Ever (Season 1 Finale)
Season 2: The Return of Harmony (Part 1)
Season 2: The Return of Harmony (Part 2)
(Y/N)'s Departure
Important Author's Note (28 February 2024)
Lesson Zero
Luna Eclipsed
I Made My Equestria Girls Story
The Cutie Pox
May the Best Pet Wins
The Mysterious Mare Do Well
Sweet and Elite
Secret of My Excess
Short: Night Corps First Test
Hearth's Warming Eve
Family Appreciation Day
Baby Cakes
The Last Roundup
Author's note (14 May 2024)
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
Read It and Weep
Hearts and Hooves Day

Sisterhooves Social

1.5K 33 42
By LarryLegend759

[Author's note: Ooh... boy. Where do I even begin. 😂]

Rarity: [Inhales]

Hondo Flanks: Well! G'mornin', Rarity!

[Author's note: I was actually happy to see Rarity's parents. I was not entirely surprised Rarity came from lower stratum family. I always love to see families together]

Rarity: Father! Mother!

Hondo Flanks: I'll have you know that Sweetie Belle here cooked this yummy lookin' breakfast all on her own.

[Author's note: I found this really cute and wholesome, despite the fact she burnt everything]

[Author's note: How in blazes did she burn juice!? I need to learn Sweetie Belle's ways of burning drinks. 😂]

Rarity: I... figured. [Sniffs] I didn't know you could burn juice.

Cookie Crumbles: I've been giving her lessons. I wouldn't be surprised if she's got a cutie mark in fancy cooking by the time we get back from our vacation.

[Author's note: You taught her to do that!? Teach me, wise one! 😂]

Rarity: [Shocked] Vacation? Is that this week? As in 'starting this very instant' this week?!

[Sweetie place a bowl of burnt whatever it is on the table]

Sweetie Belle: Uurh. Let me guess: apple sauce?

Sweetie Belle: Nope. Toast!

[Rarity gives off the 'WTF how!?' Look]

[Author's note: How!?!? When I first watched it, I couldn't stop laughing at this and wasted 10 minutes trying to understand how can such a little filly make such a mess in cooking. I understand burnt pancakes but burnt oranges/apples, burnt butter, burnt juice, and burnt 'toast'?? And the parents said yummy... I know you are being supportive, but even I can handle criticising her on that one... I feel sorry for the poor future husband of hers to handle her cooking. Either she needs to learn to cook, the husband would have to learn to cook for survival, or live every day eating at restaurants for the rest of his life. 😂😡]

Sweetie Belle: We're gonna have the bestest time two sisters could ever have! I'm gonna go grab my stuff from Dad's wagon. [Walks away to unpack]

Rarity: So, now, when you say 'a week'... is that, um, seven whole days?

Cookie Crumbles: And six nights, I know! Such a short time to spend with your little sis.

Hondo Flanks: You gonna eat that?

[Author's note: My gosh, Hondo!! Does your wife feed you burnt bricks since he is so interested in all of Sweetie Belle's Burnt Breakfast Surprise (S.B.B.B.S)]

Rarity: [Passes the plate to her father] But I've got such a long to-do list. Oh well, I suppose 'spend time with your sister' will just have to be added to the list.


[Author's note: When I wrote all of these previous notes, keep in mind, I adore Sweetie Belle and the rest of the CMC. This was just one of her 'quirky' moments in this show. She makes Anime girls who sucks at cooking seems like culinary masters. 😂]

Sweetie Belle: Just a few necessities.

[Author's note: I am writing a lot for myself since this is actually one of my favorite episode of Season 2. I don't have a sister, but I have brothers and it is quite relatable for both older/younger siblings to enjoy watching this episode. Also, Sweetie Belle is just like Rarity when it comes to saying... 'Just the necessities' only to bring humongous amount of rubbish. No offense but I feel sorry for those having to deal with this. I have a mother that does the same thing, so it makes me laugh seeing this]

[Time skip]

[Horn honks as Rarity and Sweetie Belle's parents depart on their vacation via Taxi]

[Rarity and Sweetie Belle went back inside as Rarity heads to the kitchen]

Rarity: Now, let's get that kitchen all cleaned up.

Sweetie Belle: [Confused] Cleaned up? But we haven't even eaten yet.

Rarity: Well now, Sweetie Belle, I appreciate the gesture, but we simply can't eat this breakfast; it's burnt.

Sweetie Belle: It's not that burnt.

[Author's note: My gosh! It is worse than Chie's cooking from Persona 4! I'm sorry for adding so much of my own thoughts every scene in this one... I have so much to say and it is both funny and frustrating. I don't hate any of it, but if I was in Rarity's shoe and I heard Sweetie Belle say 'It's not that burnt' I would not be polite. I am not polite with people. I simply know how to be diplomatic, even when I disagree wholeheartedly. I was laughing and writing this as I have rewatched the episode and it had been years]

Rarity: Never fear, my dear, I'll get a proper breakfast going. [Hums]

[Rarity levitates a box of cereal and a bowl]

Sweetie Belle: Can I help?

Rarity: Oh, er, of course, er, in one moment, Sweetie Belle. Let me just get things started.

[Rarity levitates a pitcher full of water on the kitchen table, then levitates a fork, spoon, and knife, next levitates a vegetable knife to cut the carrots into slices, following with her throwing away the Sweetie Belle's burnt breakfast surprise with her magic, levitates a basket full of eggs, and then she stirs the pot while Sweetie Belle had to patiently wait, feeling dejected]

Sweetie Belle: Rarity! I thought you said I was gonna help!

Rarity: You are! [Make up a task for her] You... can... put the garnish on the plates.

Sweetie Belle: You mean this parsley?

Rarity: [Nods]

[Sweetie Belle holds the parsley on her teeth and trying to put it on top of the eggs until...]

Rarity: [Putting unnecessary amount of pressure on Sweetie Belle] Okay, now, easy! It has to be just right! No need to rush. No! That's too slow. Careful! Back up! Looking for perfection here...

Sweetie Belle: Whoa, whoa! [Trips on herself and fell on top of the table causing a big mess]


[The eggs land on the plate on the floor as the parsley perfectly lands on the eggs at the perfect spot]

Rarity: Not... bad.

[Time skip]

[Rarity cleaning up the floor with a cloth as Rarity tosses it into a pile of dirty cloths. Rarity looks at the clock as it is 2:00 PM (14:00)]

Rarity: [Gasp] There are some things I must attend to. Can you take the dirty towels to the laundry room?

Sweetie Belle: [Scrubing the floor with a brush] No problem, I'll make myself useful!

Sweetie Belle: [Pushes the basket of laundry to the laundry room] No problem, I'll make myself useful!

[Sweetie Belle has an idea...]

[Rarity notices something odd outside]

Rarity: Sweetie Belle!

Sweetie Belle: I told you I'd make myself useful. Surprised?

Rarity: Am I? You washed my incredibly expensive one-of-a-kind designer crocheted wool sweater! Do you know how hard these things are to come by?

Sweetie Belle: What's the big deal?

Rarity: The big deal is that in the heat of the sun, wool... [The wool sweater shrinks] shrinks.

Sweetie Belle: Oh. Sorry.

[Rarity was extremely angry but maintains her composure through her immense amount of self-control]

Rarity: Nng... Well. Back to work. I must create!

[Rarity accidently splash her left hoof in a bucket of water]

Sweetie Belle: [Confused] Sorry?

Rarity: [Stern] Huh. Stay out of trouble, okay? Please?

Sweetie Belle: [Pushes the bucket of water] I just wanted to do something nice for my sister.

[Time skip]

Sweetie Belle: [Losing her patience] Raargh, I'm so bored! When is Rarity gonna finish her work?

Rarity: [In Sweetie Belle's mind] Stay out of trouble, okay?

Sweetie Belle: [Sees colouring crayons and coloured papers] I never got in trouble for drawing. [Draws] Hmm. This needs something... [Sees an opened chest full of baby blue sapphire gems]

[Time skip]

Sweetie Belle: [Holding her drawing] Hi, Rarity! I made a special drawing for y-

Rarity: [Screams] Oh no! Did you use these gems?!

Sweetie Belle: Well, yes, but I know you have more in your work room-

Rarity: But, but these are extremely rare baby blue sapphires! I need them for an outfit for an extremely important client!

Sweetie Belle: Oh. Sorry.

Rarity: [Sigh] Sweetie Belle, what am I going to do with you?

Sweetie Belle: [Excited] Oh! We could paint together, we could ride bikes, play chess, sing a song, catch frogs, pillow fight-

Rarity: That's not what I meant!

Sweetie Belle: Oh.

Rarity: Now I have to go and find some more of these gems!

Sweetie Belle: I'll go with you and help!

Rarity: [Immediately shout] No! [Noticed Sweetie Belle's sad expression, making her chamge expression] No thank you. You can help by picking up these papers and stacking them, neatly. Put the pens and pencils back exactly where you found them, and please find something to do that doesn't create a large mess for me to clean up!

Sweetie Belle: Geez Louise, can't I do anything right?

[Author's note: You can't always please Rarity, Sweetie Belle. It is Rarity's fault for leaving unattended gems open for Sweetie Belle to get a hold of. Both sides made mistakes, but most people have to learn to let go and move on]

[Sweetie Belle walks until she stops at Rarity's inspiration room being a massive mess. Sweetie Belle smiles as she has an idea with the task she was given]

[Time skip]

[Rarity returns with her baby blue sapphire gems]

Rarity: [Opens the door and drops her gems on the ground] Sweetie Belle! I'm back! [Looks to her room] Sweetie Belle? [Gasps in shock]

Sweetie Belle: Surprise!

Rarity: My- ee- bleh- My inspiration room! [Looks at how organised those coloured pencils and paper clips are on her desk] What did you do? What did you do?!

Sweetie Belle: [Smile] When I saw the big mess in your room, I thought I'd clean it up for you.

Rarity: This wasn't a mess! It was organized chaos! I was just about finished planning my new fashion line, and, and you, you, you went and, and you- and you put everything away!

[Author's note: Discord may have missed that when he was learning about the Elements. I guess he would rank Rarity as his second favorite of the Elements]

Sweetie Belle: But every time I make a mess, you get upset!

Rarity: But this was my mess in my house! And now I have to start from scratch!

Sweetie Belle: [Confused] But, I thought it would make you happy!

Rarity: [Angry] Happy?! Happy?! I- [Grinds teeth] [Maintaining her composure] I just need some time alone. [Sweetie Belle walks away] Hm!

[Scene change to Sweetie Belle walking outside]

[Apple Bloom and (Y/N) appears with a poster]

(Y/N): Hey, Sweetie Belle!

Apple Bloom: [Puts the poster on the ground] How's the sleepover at Rarity's goin'?

Sweetie Belle: [Mimicking Rarity] Why, it's smashing! [Walks with frustration]

Apple Bloom: Huh?

(Y/N): It's Rarity talk for... not well.

Apple Bloom: What? How do you know that?

(Y/N): [Chuckling] When you're around for so long, you sort of know what she's saying behind her posh demeanor

Sweetie Belle: Then you know what I am going through.

(Y/N): What seems to be the problem, little one?

Sweetie Belle: [Sit] I just wish we could do something special together that didn't include me goofing anything up.

[(Y/N) and Apple Bloom Nods at each other]

(Y/N): We think we have the perfect solution to your problem.

[Apple Bloom Rushes near Sweetie Belle starling her]

Apple Bloom: The Sisterhooves Social! [Shows her the poster] Applejack an' I do it every year! You an' Rarity can compete against other sister teams in all these neat events!

(Y/N): You can spend time with Rarity while having fun.

(Y/N): [Thinking] Unless she is a fool to reject her sister's offer.

Sweetie Belle: [Gasp from realization] That sounds like the perfect way for us to hang out! Rarity will think it's an excellent idea. [Thrilled]

[Scene change]

Rarity: What a ridiculous idea. [Sweetie Belle changed from happy to sad] A contest at Sweet Apple Acres? It doesn't sound... very... clean.

Sweetie Belle: [Frustrated tone] So, what, now you're back to hating messes?

Rarity: [Scold] Sweetie Belle, watch your tone! I am still your big sister.

Sweetie Belle: Right! And any sister who cares about her sister goes!

Rarity: Sweetie Belle...! Honestly! Playing silly little games in the dirt is just... uncouth! With or without a sister.

Sweetie Belle: [Sadden to the point of tears] Well then! Maybe, maybe I'll try the Sisterhooves Social without a sister! [Angry] In fact, I think I'll try the rest of my life without a sister!

Rarity: [Gasp] Oh, I'm the one who's ruining your life?! Really?! Have you looked around this place? I'm the one who'd be better off with no sister!

Sweetie Belle: Well it looks like we finally agree on something! Neither of us needs a sister!

Rarity: Deal!

Sweetie Belle: Deal! Goodbye, un-sister!

[Sweetie Belle leaves and closes the door to her room as Sweetie Belle leaves Rarity's house]

Rarity: Hmph!

Sweetie Belle: [Crying] Why can't you just hang out with me, Rarity!? She is not my sister! [Runs]

[(Y/N) was putting the last poster as he let Apple Bloom head back to work as he took her share of posters]

Sweetie Belle: [Bumps into (Y/N)] S-sorry...

(Y/N): [Looks at Sweetie Belle] Sweetie Belle? [Wipes her tears] Are you alright?

Sweetie Belle: [Sad] No...

(Y/N): I take it Rarity didn't accept your offer to spend time with you. Is that right?

Sweetie Belle: [Nods as she is crying]

(Y/N): [Levitates her as he puts her in a hug] It's alright. I'm here, Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle: [Crying]

(Y/N): I'm sorry to hear it. I was sure she would accept it since she spoke highly of you when I last talked about you with her. [Pats her head] Do you want to talk about it with company of your friend, Apple Bloom? [Reassuring smile] Would that cheer you up?

Sweetie Belle: [Nod slowly]

(Y/N): I'll take you there and then I'll talk with Rarity soon and-

Sweetie Belle: No! Please... can you stay with me? Please... [Begs with puppy dog eyes]

(Y/N): You don't give me a choice with those eyes. Fine, I'll stay with you all day.

Sweetie Belle: [Wipes her tears] Thanks.

(Y/N): Let's go to Apple Bloom. We could do the long boring walk to Sweet Apple Acre or I can fly with you on my back. Which do you choose? [Grin]

Sweetie Belle: [Smile] The flying one!

(Y/N): You pick the best one. [Levitates Sweetie Belle on his back] Hold on tight.

[(Y/N) flies up in the air with immense speed to excite Sweetie Belle as he didn't take her straight to Sweet Apple Acre as he wanted to have fun with Sweetie Belle and make her feeling a bit better, flying around Ponyville for a few minutes until he reached Sweet Apple Acres]

Sweetie Belle: That was fun!

(Y/N): Did that help a little?

Sweetie Belle: [Shyly] Yes. I feel a little better. Still sad about Rarity.

[Apple Bloom, Big Mac, Applejack arrives]

Applejack: Howdy y'all! What brings you two here?

(Y/N): Sweetie Belle had a little fight with Rarity. I brought her here to be with company to tell us what happened. And I flew here with her to cheer her up.

Apple Bloom: Fight? What happened?

Applejack: We'll listen as we work. [To her family] Right?

Apple Bloom: Right!

Big Mac: Eee-yup

(Y/N): Got it. [Levitates multiple apples to the bucket] Done... now tell us what happened.

Sweetie Belle: [Lies down on a haystack] It all started when-

[One long story later]

Applejack: [Stupefied] 'Uncouth'? She said the Sisterhooves Social was 'uncouth'?

Apple Bloom: Yeah! Uncouth? [Belch] Wait. What's uncouth? [Talk with her mouth full]

(Y/N): [Giggles at Apple Bloom]

Apple Bloom: What?

Sweetie Belle: It's not just the Social. She thinks I'm uncouth.

Applejack: Honey, Rarity thinks everything's uncouth.

(Y/N): We would be living in a bubble if we didn't know that. Especially with that sleepover you had with Rarity.

Applejack: Don't remind me.

Apple Bloom: [With mouth full] What's uncouth?

Applejack: It means uncivil. Y'know, bad mannered?

Apple Bloom: [Belch]

Applejack: Exactly.

(Y/N): [Giggles]

Applejack: Sweetie Belle, just give Rarity some time. She'll come around. Sisters always do.

Sweetie Belle: Not sisters like Rarity.

(Y/N): You may be right on that... but Rarity isn't too stubborn like Applejack.

Applejack: [Jabs at (Y/N)] Hush, you! [Tease]

(Y/N): [Laughs]

Applejack: Come on, now. Apple Bloom and I got some chores to finish up on. Maybe you can help!

Sweetie Belle: You sure you want me to help? I just mess everything up!

(Y/N): Sweetie Belle... never think like that. That's not healthy to think of yourself with such behavior. Applejack... show us one of your activities with Apple Bloom.

Applejack: Watch!

[Applejack tosses bad apples one-by-one to Apple Bloom carrying and balancing a bucket on her head, catching the rotten apples]

Applejack and Apple Bloom: [Laughing]

Applejack: Good catch there, Apple Bloom! Whoo!

[Applejack uses her tail to swat the bad apples to Apple Bloom's direction for her to catch it with her bucket]

Applejack and Apple Bloom: [More laughing]

Sweetie Belle: This is a chore?

Applejack: Since we can't sell the bruised apples, we gotta collect them all for the pigs to eat.

Apple Bloom: It's a lot of work, so we make a game of it. Wanna try?

(Y/N): Come on, Sweetie Belle. Let's try it... you and me.

Sweetie Belle: Um, okay. [Tries to get the bucket as (Y/N) hits the rotten and bruised apples hits Sweetie Belle's horn] Ow!

(Y/N): Are you okay, Sweetie Belle? I should had controlled my strength.

Sweetie Belle: It's okay. [To Apple Bloom] You're right, it is hard work.

Apple Bloom: That's why we do it...

Applejack and Apple Bloom: Together!

Sweetie Belle: Huh, Rarity never wants to do chores together.

(Y/N): Come on, Sweetie Belle. Let's continue playing this game. I'll use my magic to throw it gently. Once you get used to it, I won't play nice. [Smirk]

Sweetie Belle: It's on!

[(Y/N) started gently throwing the bruised apples with his magic and Sweetie Belle holding the bucket on top of her head catched her first apple]

Sweetie Belle: [Chuckles]

(Y/N): Don't get distracted. In games, every moment counts.

Sweetie Belle: [Excited] Okay!

[(Y/N) would slowly speed up the process as Sweetie Belle catches each of them with ease as (Y/N) got faster, Sweetie Belle was starting to fumble a bit and fell on the floor]

(Y/N): Good one, little one. You are actually good at this game.

Apple Bloom: Woah! I don't think I ever would have catch any of these, Sweetie Belle!

Sweetie Belle: [Felt confident]

[Scene change to Rarity]

Rarity: Ugh, all that work ruined, thanks to Sweetie Belle. [Amazed by Sweetie Belle's organisational skills... it might challenge Twilight's] Oh my. It's usually a big mess in here. [Gasp] Id-ee-a! [She was able to make five different dresses at once] This is genius! I shall call it 'full spectrum fashions'! If Sweetie Belle hadn't- [Clears throat] Well, no matter. [Lift her dresses as she walks away] She still shouldn't have touched my things without permission. Hm!

[Scene change to Sweet Apple Acres]

[Applejack throws the last grape]

Applejack: Apple Bloom! You're up!

Sweetie Belle: You're... making... grape juice? Rarity would call the fashion police on me if I got grape juice anywhere near her precious outfits.

(Y/N): [Awkward smile] Yeah... she actually made a complain at my doorstep. Thinking I am a Count, she can make a complaint about fashion... calling it a travesty when one of her linen fell on mud. She called it a crime despite it raining the day before the incident.

Sweetie Belle: Bummer. How long did it take to deal with her?

(Y/N): [Frustrated look] 2 hours.

Apple Bloom: Well, that's silly! [Dumps down to continue her work but some of the grape juice fell on Applejack entirely]

(Y/N): [Laugh]

Applejack: [Serious look] Apple Bloom...

Sweetie Belle: Please, Applejack, she didn't mean-

[Applejack charges at Apple Bloom giving her a playful noogie]

Apple Bloom: Whoa! [laughing]

Applejack: How d'you like them grapes, y'little whippersnapper!

Apple Bloom: That tickles! [laughing]

[Sweetie looks at the two displaying a bond between two sisters and smiles]

(Y/N): [Smiles] Having fun?

Sweetie Belle: Definitely!

[Scene change]

Rarity: [Levitating her new clothes she designed] Now to get these fabrics washed for my fabulous new line. [Looks at the shrunken sweater] Ooh, my favorite sweater... I just can't believe that Sweetie Belle. [Accidently stepped on Opalescence's tail]

Opalescence: [Yowls]

Rarity: [Puts the shrunken sweater on Opalescence] Oh, Opal-wopal! It's as if Sweetie Belle knew the sweater was perfect for you. And Sweetie Belle should consider herself perfectly lucky that this thoughtless mishap turned out all right. Hm.

[Scene change to Sweet Apple Acre]

[Sheep baaing]

Applejack: Apple Bloom!

Apple Bloom: Got it, sis!

Sweetie Belle: Wow. It's as if they were just one pony.

Applejack and Apple Bloom: [High-hoof each other] Yee-haw!

Applejack: Way to corral some critters, sis!

Sheep: You coulda just a-a-a-asked.

[Applejack shuts the door for the fence]

[Author's note: She shuts the door as if she wanted to say 'Your opinion don't matter' 😂]

Sweetie Belle: Rarity never high-hoofs me.

(Y/N): Want to do it for fun.

Sweetie Belle: Yeah!

[(Y/N) and Sweetie Belle high-hoof each other]

Sweetie Belle: That was fun!

(Y/N): Let's go have some more fun.

[Scene change to Rarity]

Rarity: Perfect! Just one more, and this ensemble is fini! [Look to find any gems left but she ran out and was angry] Rrgh, Sweetie Belle! Where's her silly little arts and crafts project?

Rarity: [Watery eyes] Oh, Sweetie Belle! My one and only sister! What have I done? All the time I could have spent with you was wasted complaining and wishing you were gone! [crying dramatically] Woe is me! No! I must get her back! I must! As Celestia is my witness, I shall never be sisterless again!

[Time skip]

[(Y/N), Sweetie Belle, Applejack, and Apple Bloom are roasting marshmallows as they are camping in Sweet Apple Acres]

[Author's note: Reminds me of Spongebob when Spongebob and Patrick were camping ten feet from Spongebob's house]

(Y/N): [Eats his marshmallow] These are good! I never had these before.

Sweetie Belle: You never had marshmallows.

(Y/N): No. [Looks at Sweetie Belle] What's wrong, Sweetie Belle?

Sweetie Belle: I was remembering when Rarity didn't eat my breakfast because.she said it's burnt.

(Y/N): How burnt exactly?

Sweetie Belle: [Whispers to (Y/N)'s ears]

(Y/N): Oh, dear. Sweetie Belle... why don't I teach you how to cook. I actually know some skills around the kitchen. I may not make you the best cook, but you will be able to impress Rar-

Sweetie Belle: I don't want to hear her name!

[The whole group remained silent as they continued to roast their marshmallow by the fire until Rarity appears]

Rarity: [Gasp] Sweetie Belle! Oh, I have been galloping all over looking for you. I-

Sweetie Belle: [Looms away with anger] Oh hello, un-sister. What are you doing here? Better be careful, you might get some dust on you.

Rarity: Oh, Sweetie Belle, I want to apologize. I am not better off without a sister.

Sweetie Belle: I'm not better off without a sister either. Spending the day with (Y/N), Applejack, and Apple Bloom made me realize that.

Rarity: Oh, Sweetie, you don't know how happy I am to hear-

Sweetie Belle: And that's why I'm adopting Applejack and (Y/N) as my big sister and big brother!

Rarity: What?!

[Sweetie Belle hugs Applejack and (Y/N)]

Applejack: What?!

Apple Bloom: What?!

(Y/N): [Shocked] Woah... didn't see that coming.

[Author's note: The infamous catchphrase from Johnny Test used often when I saw it as a young teenager]

Sweetie Belle: A sister is someone who loves and takes care of another sister. Applejack's a real sister. And my brother, (Y/N), has been teaching me more things than you ever been. If he was a mare, he would be the best sister in the world.

[Rarity was immensely jealous as she shows a scowl on her face towards (Y/N) and Applejack]

(Y/N): That's sweet. But...

Apple Bloom: She's my big sister! And he's my big bro! [Grabbing onto (Y/N) and Applejack's leg]

[Sweetie Belle does the same]

Applejack: Yeah, um-

Sweetie Belle: [To Rarity] Or maybe both of them should be your brother and sister, so they could teach you what a good sister is supposed to be!

Rarity: But I don't need lessons on being a good sister, I-I promise! Listen! I'll show you how to cook my favorite quiche! [Sweetie Belle was not interested as she holds a scowl on her face] Or, or, I'll show you the proper way to beautify your mane. Won't that be fun? Hm?

Sweetie Belle: [Moves aggressively towards Rarity as Rarity moves back] Hm! You want me to go home with you, so we can do what you wanna do?

Rarity: [Smiles] Uh... yes?

Sweetie Belle: [Walks away not wanting to see Rarity] Just forget it!

Apple Bloom: We're still siblings, right?

[Applejack nods]

(Y/N): [Whispers to Apple Bloom] I've always been your sister, Apple Bloom. I don't mind if Sweetie Belle thinks of me as a brother. It's sweet.

[Apple Bloom nods in understanding and left]

Rarity: Well, that apology went swimmingly. Applejack and (Y/N), why do you two have to be so good and make me look so bad?

Applejack: [Chuckles] Oh Rarity, once again you're thinkin' about yourself. Bein' sisters is a give and take. You've been doin' a whole lotta takin', but you haven't been doin' a whole lotta givin'.

Rarity: But of course I give. I give lessons. Reasonable demands.

(Y/N): That's not exactly what Applejack means by give and take.

Applejack: Ya never give in. Bein' sisters is like... apple pie. You can have amazin' apples, and you can have a wonderfully crispy crust, but only together you can have a perfect apple pie.

(Y/N): In Applejack's way of speaking, you have to put in the work to make the best time with Sweetie Belle. If you don't spend time with her even when it is hard or unappealing to you, you would just be distant towards each other. And that's the last thing you want.

Applejack: [Shocked] How do you know that's exactly what I wanted to say?

(Y/N): If I hadn't been your friend for a year now, then I wouldn't understand any of that.

Rarity: [Thinking] But apart, all we are is just a pile of mush and some crumbly dry mess...

Rarity: [Gasp] I know what I need to do! I just hope it isn't too late!

(Y/N): It is never too late to rekindle your friendship between sisters, Rarity. [Sigh] Anyway, I have to go. It is a little lonely back home.

Applejack: Ain't Twilight there at home?

(Y/N): No. She left immediately with Spike to tell her family about being engaged. She left me here because she said my work as Count is important. They'll return tomorrow. Plenty of work in dealing with complains, especially one lasting for 2 hours.

Rarity: [Blushes as she laughs nervously]

(Y/N): See you soon. I'll meet you all at the Sisterhooves Social! [Flies away]

[Time skip to Sisterhooves Social Event]

[Two teams compete over at the Pie eating competition and the team on the right wins]

Sweetie Belle: Well, I guess it's a good thing Rarity isn't here. [Everypony walks with Sweetie Belle] Do I see 'uncouth' written all over this contest?

(Y/N): [Reassures] Don't worry, she'll come around. [Gently pat her head]

Sweetie Belle: Rarity doesn't even do any of what you do. If you were a mare, I would want you to be playing with me.

(Y/N): [Nervously chuckles] I don't think I want to be a mare. I'm proud of being a stallion, just as you should be proud of being a filly. It's a little silly for one to say one should be another. Ponies would regret their very being they were born with.

Sweetie Belle: Why are you so good at giving lessons like that? Rarity wouldn't even teach me anything like you do.

(Y/N): Uhh...

Apple Bloom: [Walks up to look at the pigs] Look at the size of that pig!

Applejack: He sure is a cutie.

Sweetie Belle: That's the last word Rarity would use. [Mimicking Rarity] Oh my, what a repulsive monstrosity! This thing needs a head to toe makeover!

(Y/N): [Laughing] Okay... you got that one right.

[Trumpet call]

Applejack: It's almost time!

(Y/N): I'll head to where I am supposed to sit. [Flies away]

Sweetie Belle: [Sigh] Well, you two have fun. Sure wish I had a sister to run the race with. [Applejack puts Sweetie Belle a stetson hat and green neck bandana] Huh?

Apple Bloom: You do now!

Applejack: AB and I figured since we do this every year...

Apple Bloom: I'd let you borrow my sis so you can give it a try! Since (Y/N) is not allowed since he is a stallion!

Applejack: Sister for a day.

Sweetie Belle: [Excited] No way!

Apple Bloom: [Point at Sweetie Belle with serious face then a smile] Stern One. Day. [Reminding Sweetie Belle] One. Day.

Granny Smith: Is this thing on? [To Big McIntosh] I don't think this thing is on. [to the megaphone] Hello! [Big McIntosh whispers into her ear] What is the- e- oh. You have to say so. Confangled modern doohickeys. [Hits the megaphone as it twirls rapidly to the right position for Granny Smith] Now, the event you've all been waiting fer! The Sister Soci- The Socialhooves- Oh, dabnabbit, you know, the big race! We have five teams this year fer the event! So y'all head on up to the finish line, y'hear? [Big McIntosh whispers into her ear] [To Big McIntosh] Eh? [To the megaphone] The start line! [To Big McIntosh] That's what I said.

[End at 2:25]

Sweetie Belle: So, we did the whole competition... together?

Rarity: That we did, little sister. Well, except for the start line.

[(Y/N) appears]

(Y/N): And you finished together.

Sweetie Belle: You mean... you were all in on it?

Applejack, Apple Bloom, (Y/N), and Rarity: Mm-hmm.

Rarity: Us. I did it for us. You see? We are apple pie!

Sweetie Belle: Huh?

(Y/N): It means you are sisters that work together and get along with each other, despite your difference. You're a team.

Apple Bloom: [Astonished] You're good.

Rarity: I think we deserve a celebration!

Applejack, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle: Yeah!

Sweetie Belle: Where?

Rarity: The spa, of course.

Applejack, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle: [Laughing]

(Y/N): She ain't lying.

Sweetie Belle: Oh, Rarity.

Rarity: No, I-I-I'm serious.

[Scene change to Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and Spike in Rarity's inspiration room]

Rarity: Very well then, what should we write to the Princess?

Sweetie Belle: I'll start. [Looks at the mirror] Having a sister is just about the bestest thing in the world. But it sure isn't the easiest.

Rarity: [Putting the clothes outside to dry] I agree that being sisters is a wonderful thing, but it takes teamwork. [Rarity sees smoke from the kitchen until Sweetie Belle shows her baked pie that wasn't burnt] Sometimes it's about compromising. [Rarity dresses up in one of her dresses as Sweetie Belle dresses up in a similar dress as Rarity] Sometimes it's about accepting each others' differences. [Sweetie Belle playing in the mud as Rarity and Sweetie Belle are wet from the rain] But mostly, it's about having fun together. [Sweetie Belle dives down to the mud from the tree branch high up] Even if it means getting your hooves a little bit dirty.

Sweetie Belle: A lot dirty.

Rarity: A little bit dirty.

Sweetie Belle: A lot dirty.

Rarity: [Argue] A little bit dirty!

Sweetie Belle: [Argue] A lo-

Spike: [Mediates by pushing them away] Hold it, hold it! How about "a medium amount of dirty, not too little, not too much, just right"?

Rarity and Sweetie Belle: [Hugs each other] Deal!

Rarity: By the way, Sweetie Belle, how did you know how to bake that delicious pie?

Sweetie Belle: (Y/N) told me how to bake one. Applejack was busy and he instructed me as I went along with his baking and he was really good at it. His pie were the best, even Applejack wanted to eat more of his pie. He asked me to bake it myself and he would guide me along the way and I made my very first pie without it being burnt!

Rarity: That was marvelous. I should thank him for all of the things he taught you. He is quite the spectacular pony.

Sweetie Belle: He told me he didn't mind when I call him big brother. [Excited] Isn't this great!? [Jumping around] I got a big brother! I got a big brother!

[Rarity was glad for (Y/N) taking care of Sweetie Belle when they were fighting, but now she is a little jealous because of how good he raised Sweetie Belle well in the span of 24 hours]

Rarity: [Thinking] I think he did a little... too well... in being a good sibling. [Laughs]

[Sweetie Belle joins in on the laughing with Rarity]

Sweetie Belle: Wait... what are we laughing about?


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