Twins of Mammon (Helluva boss...

By GemStone418

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Twin Demons, half imps and half embodiment of the Sin Greed. Greedo and Avarice, twin son and daughter of Mam... More

Princess and Prince of Greed
Facts about the Twin pt 2
IMP (Pilot)
Murder Family
Loo Loo Land
Spring Broken
Truth Seekers
Queen Bee
Names for the Sins (Not a Chapter)
The Circus

The Harvest Moon Festival

759 24 10
By GemStone418

Credit hannahconkle for the chapter idea


-At the Greed Ring-
In the Middle of the night, Greedo and Avarice were sleeping in their own bedroom.

As Greedo snores with his blanket off his body with his arms out, snoring, His phone starts ringing. He squints his eyes a bit but reaches over to hang up. His phone rang again, He groans and sat up.

He grabs his phone and sees who was calling him. When he saw the caller's name, he groaned and pinched the bridge of his face “the hell does he want?”

He answered his phone and said “What is it this time, Blitz?”

"Gree! My Favorite and only Accountant! How's it going?!"

"Sleeping, jackass. Why are you call me at" The prince looked over at his clock and said “6 in the goddamn morning”

"Great great, anyway Gree how about you and Ava come with us to the wrath ring fro some Harvest moon festival and shit"

Thisi woke him up a bit. "The harvest moon festival?" He rubs his eyes. He does like festivals so this peaked his interest.

"Yep now Come on, Gree it would be fun besides you like festivals right" he said

"Ok you got me at festivals, Guess I'll come. I need a break from the office once and awhile." Greedo said as he stood up from his bed

"Meet me at the station in an hour, don't be late my cutie wittle accountant" he did a baby tone, which made him groan “just stop” he said

"Get the fuck out of here sir!" He heard Moxie at the end.

“Is that Moxie” Greedo asked and raised and eyebrow. He then waves his hand and said “nevermind that, I'll see you at the station, just wait and let me get my sister

“Already told her bye” Blitz hangs up. Greedo looked at his phone for a bit until he heard rapid footsteps coming at his door.

As his door was kicked open, He jumped “The fuck?!”

Avarice was at his door, in a western style outfit, two suitcases with a big smile on her face “Get your cowboy hats and shit together bro. Time to go to the wrath ring for a festival and corn. Yee-ha” she cheers.

Greedo looked at her and bluntly said “Ok that was stereotypical but Got it sis”


In the Wrath Ring

As the IMP van drove to a ranch called Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch, which belonged to two wrath ring imps, Millie's parents.

The I.M.P van pulls up in front of two imps. Excitedly, Millie runs out of the van "Mama. Daddy!". She run to her father's arms as he spins her around

"Yeeeee-hawwww! How's my deadly little pumpkin spice doing?" he sets her down before ruffling her hair

"I'm good Pa. Thanks for lettin’ us stay here for the harvest jamboree." She smiled

Her mother said "it's no trouble. We know you aren't making as much anymore since y'all went 'freelance'."

"Freelance pays fine, Ma! We're doing fine! It's fine." She said then walks to the van

She went over to Moxie who was struggling to pull their luggage

"anyway y'all remember my husband, Moxie" Millie then shoves Moxie to her parents, looking nervous

He looked up and saw the disapproval look on their faces "hmph"

He nervously said "greetings, Lyn. Joe. How have you been now with all the flaming twisters and stuff around here?" He held out a hand

"We lost our old farmhand to one of them terrors last week." Joe said, looking upset

He laughed nervously "oh oh crumbs m-my bad. I am so sorry, I didn't mean to open that wound, sir."

"Hey watch it I'm the 'sir' here, bucko" Blitz yelled out

"oh yeah, y'all haven't met my boss blitz and his hellhound" Millie introduced

"I'm not just his hellhound" Loona said, with hee hands on her hips

Pulling her into a side hug, he said "yeah she's my daughter"

"Only on paper. Y'all don't deserve to know my name" Loona said bored and texted on her phone.

Avarice ran out of the van and went over the fences “No way Hogs! So cute” she squealed

Greedo was getting the rest of the suitcases and yelled out “Hey Mills, Where do I take these?"

Millie yelled back “Just leave them at the front of the door, we'll take care of it

He gave her an ok sign before taking the cases at ease to the door. His appearance and Avarice’’s shocked Millie's parents. Lyn said as she was still in shock “Millie, are they?

Noticed by their shocked expressions Millie turned to her parents and explained “oh yeah, This is Avarice and that's Greedo. Princess and Prince of Greed. They are also my co-workers.”

Greedo came.back and wave “Hey, names Greedo, pleasure and the girl that wants to hug one of your hogs is my twin sister, Ava” he said and since they are Millies parents, he gotta show some respect

“Holy shit, Prince Greedo” Joe said as he and Lyn bowed at him “didn't know we had two royals comin’ here.”

Greedo waved his hands around and said “no need for that formality bullshit. Just call me Gree. I'm just your daughter's coworker and Ava is her friend.”

“Alright then Gree.” How stood up and shook his hand “then you call me Joe, you're majesty”

Lyn reaches over to pull him down and pinch his cheek “oh aren't you so handsome. You know in case Millie breaks up with her weak husband, you got my blessin' She winked at him as if it was a plan.

“Ma!” Millie yelled

"What? He is better than him and more tall and handsome" Lin points at Moxie, who looked offended. She then pinches Greedo's cheek, making him groan “or do you prefer the princess, I can tell she knows how to wrestle a hog.”

Greedo pulled away and held his bruised cheek "That nice of you Miss, but I think Millie prefers Moxie than us royals"

"Oh dear call me Lyn, and who knows" she shrugs "it can happen" she joked, she winked again, making Millie groan “Ma”

Blitz walks towards Millie's parents then shoves Moxie away, hard "it's a pleasure to finally meet the sperm and egg factory that popped out this little gem of an assassin. You two raised a sturdy bitch." he playfully punches Millie in the arm

Joe chuckled "that we did. So Blitz, is it?" He then shook his hand "Heh. Heh. That's a fine name."

"it reminds me of war" Lin smiled as she liked the name

Joe sighed happily, "Nothing like a little war to make a strong man."

“I like you people.” Blitz said

Mox then started explaining “Y'know... more battles were won by technological advances in warfare. I've researched the history of weaponry extensively, and it's inspiring how… for example, the progression of guns utilizing angelic technology has changed the landscape of Hell's combative…”

He trails off when he sees Millie making a 'cut it out' gesture, "I mean..." he said in a deep tone, "War fun"

Joe then said "Guns get the job done but a man ain't nothing if he can't tear the head off a hellish beast with only his bare hands"

Blitz laughed at Moxie as Gree and Ava chuckled "he's right Moxie." He then said in a baby tone "you got cute wittle baby hands like your baby dick " he pokes his crotch

"refrain sir" Moxie glares at him and swat his hand away

"Speaking of strong hands," Joe said as Blitz quickly poked Moxie's crotch again "y'all should meet our newest help. Hey Striker!"

Black flaming hooves clop rapidly on the ground. An Imp's spiky tail whips a black horse's flank. An Imp wearing a cowboy hat rides a black hell horse with a fiery mane. The horse leaps over a fence.

Blitz looked at the horse in glee as Ava was looking at the Imp with interest, her red eyes sparkled at the sight of him

As the horse stopped, revealing the imp that was named Striker. He tilted his hat up and said "well howdy. Oh looky here you must be the famous Mildred."

He got off his horse and walked towards Mille "heard some good things about you from your folks little lady." He winks at her and places the weed straw in his mouth

Millie chuckled as she was flattered

They shook hands as Striker said "what are y'all doing so far away from imp city? Heh, free workin' finally slowing down?"

"Oh no, freelance isn't free. it's a....never mind. We're just visiting for the festival the prince is our boss's boyfriend" she joked at the end

Blitz said as he was with her "Millie, I am not above hitting a female in front of her daddy."

Striker looked at Blitz "boss huh?" He then looked surprised "oh! so you're the bold Imp to start his own killing biz?"

"yeah well when you're good at something you should probably capitalize" blitz said

"Not many Imps start businesses on their own. That's pretty impressive sir." Striker winks at him

"oh..yeah? it is - i guess, i guess it is, isn't it?" he then looked proud

Striker said as he shook Blitz's hand "so you even conned that ditzy blue blood into getting you to the surface."

Blitz then answered "well it's long and complicated but the short answer is yes." He then looked a bit frantic " but he's not like ---you know --- we're we're not like we're not doing-- we what's's a transactional fucking, you see." The imps behind him smirked with amusement

Avarice looks at Striker and whispers to her brother “bro I have a crush”

Greedo immediately turned to her and said “you can't be serious, sister?”

“Look at him, he's cool, brave and he's hot like fire. I think I found a husband to rule Greed with me” Avarice smiled big as she was hoping

Greedo scoffed at the idea and said “as if dad would allow it. But if it's you he would agree.” he crossed his arms.

“Well if it isn't the prince and Princess of Greed” Greedo saw Striker approach them. “Howdy” he said

Greedo looked at him and said bluntly “sup”

Avarice smiled big and raised her hand out to him “Names Ava, nice to meet you sir”

Striker checks her out and grins. “pleasure your Majesty. It's very rare to see a royal sin roam around the rings. A Pleasure doll” he held her hand before placing a small kiss on the back of her hand.

Avarice giggled as she held her red cheeks with one hand “and he's sweet too”

“You know You're a Pretty gal with a pretty face. I hope we get to know each other, doll" he winks before placing a peck on her hand again.

She smiled as her cheeks turned pink “I'm gonna faint, bro” she whispered

Greedo rolled his eyes at her “don't be dramatic, sister.” He glanced at Striker and for some reason, he felt off about him, something tells him….he's dangerous

“Y'know... you boys should enter the Pain Games!” Joe said as he stepped in

Immediately, Blitz went to Joe and said excitedly "I heard games. What games? I'm in."

Avarice joined on as she lays on Blitz's head “games you say, Joe”

Lyn explained "every harvest festival, there's a competition to be the roughest toughest bastard in wrath."

"yeah wish i could play" Millie said as her arms were crossed and turned away

Lyn walks over to her daughter and explains "Millie, you know you get too carried away. The last competition ended in 15 separate funerals."

“What really?” Greedo said.

"i'm aware but I only caused nine of them. How come Sallie Mae still gets to compete?" She then pouts like a child

"your sister doesn't have a neighborhood head count"

"she so does!" Millie yelled

Behind them, Her sister Sallie Mae walks past with a body bag in her arms with two small imps with other bodies behind her "it doesn't count if you don't find the body~" Sallie Mae sang as Millie growls at her

"Still, you get to root for her and your brothers and now you can cheer on your boss and your royal friends!" Lyn said to cheer her up

Moxie then placed his hand on Lyn's shoulder "you know, she can also cheer for me." He said

Joe laughed, slapping his knee "wait you?"

"yeah! I could compete, can't i?" Moxie said until Lyn elbows him hard making him wince in pain

"Sorry boy, but I don't think sensitive thespian types would last very long in the games". He told Moxie

Holding his side, Moxie said "I was born here too. I have some fight in me" he did a western tone at the end

Striker then placed his hand on his shoulder "huh. Well then little fella, why don't you help me wrangle one of them hogs for dinner?" Pointing at the hogs in the pigpen

"simple, watch me" Moxie said as he was going to pull out his gun

"nah" Striker then up his face before tossing him a dagger and rope "with these. Bullets can't pierce the shell. You got to get the Knot underneath them and pry yourself an opening"

He gulped and smiled nervously "oh right right. I knew that"

Blitz then grabbed his shoulders  "Now just remember, your rep with the in-laws is on the line here. So no pressure at all, you totally will not make an ass of yourself in front of everyone important in your life. Go get 'em tiger." he shoves him over to Millie.

“Moxie don't be stupid. You don't have to do this” Greedo warned him

"oh he totally does. Kick its ass Moxie, yeah!" Blitz cheered for him

Moxie steps in the pig pen and sneaks behind the hog. At the right moment, he jumps on the hog with the rope around its neck. He then was ready to stab it but the shell made the blade bounce off. The pig then starts fighting to get Moxie off of it.

The others watched him as Blitz cheers loudly "Fuck yeah, Moxie! Ride it, Moxie! Making that bitch you won't call back in the morning!"

"This is fucking beautiful." Loona said as she starts recording with her phone

"Doing great moxie" Blitz yelled then whispered to Loona "send me that video later"

As Moxie was screaming, Striker jumped in. He shoves Moxie away hard as he holds the hog. He twirls the dagger and stabs it hard on the hog until it dies.

Striker glanced over, and saw Avarice clapping and cheering “so cool striker”. He grins as he hears her praise.

Moxie winced in pain "ow my clavicle"

Striker approached him as his tail shook like a rattle snake and said "don't worry little one. You never stood a chance"

He walks past the growling, small imp. He then turned to Blitz and said  "hey boss man. You want to help the men skin this thing for dinner."

"oh I am always down to skin the manly meat with the manly man" he swayed around and held his suspender

"that's what she said" Loona said as she follows the others

"what who said" blitz face then turned red "wait what bitch is talking shit about me?"

Avarice walked with Striker and asked “mind showing me how?” she smiled.

He chuckled and said “sure anything for ya, princess” he grinned.

As everyone but Greedo, Millie and Moxie leave for the house with the demon hog. Moxie sighs sadly with his arm in a cast with Millie comforting him.

Millie then said “Don't let 'em get to you. And hey, you don't need my parents to respect you. They will eventually.”

Sallie Mae stepped in and said “No, they won't.”

Millie glares at her, saying “don't”

“What? I'm right, ain't I?” Sallie Mae shrugs as if it was true.

“Oh, I'mma enter in those games.” Moxie glared as he was confident, making Millie sigh.

Sallie mae then said “Hmm, how pissed would you be if I bet on him dyin'?” Millie glares at her trans sister

Greedo looked at her before looking in Striker's direction. 'Something doesn't feel right about that snake. But for now, I'll just watch his moves.’


-At the Harvest Moon Festival-

On the stage, Wally Wackford held a microphone and announced, "Welcome, I say, welcome a, all to Wrath Ring's annual Harvest-a Moon a Festival! To kick things up, we have the great prince Stolas-a, here to usher in this here, Pain Game!"

Stolas took the Mic and chuckled "How kind, Wackford. Greetings, tiny Wrath Ring imps. I, hereby, welcome you all to another year of celebrating the spoils of your labor that continue to feed the citizens of Hell! I'm happy to kick off the start of these games that will challenge the toughest imps to show their skill in dominance. Good luck to you all!"

He then spots Blitz in the crowd "all especially that sexy little red one there, you whoo Blitzy" he waves at him

Blitz became annoyed with the Ars Goetia "Oh, fuck me"

“Least you got a fan, Blitzy~” Avarice joked and chuckled

“Not helping Ava” Blitz said

All the imps start at the line for the first challenge. Striker looks over at Avarice that was next to him and winks at her. She blushed a bit.

Greedo was next to Moxie and watched over. she snarked, baring his sharp teeth at him.

A gun goes off and the games begin, the imps raced as Moxie gets trampled with a yelp. Striker climbs up a wooden ramp structure while Blitz leaps down ahead of him. Avarice climbs up and hand stands on the structure before doing a front flip.

Moxie tries to catch up but claws at the structure and falls into a small puddle. Before he could fall, Greedo grabs his arm and swings from the structure as he lands on his feet. As a shark came from the water, Greedo punched it away.

In the next game, Striker grins smugly at Blitz who has his legs, arms and horns tied behind him. A muscular Imp holds a rope and grins at a scared Moxie. Avarice came to his rescue and used the rope on the imp as she tied him up with a grin.

Striker, Blitz, Greedo and Moxie team up in a tug of war match. Moxie falls into the water and the shark attacks him again. The scene cuts to a

The next game was a wrestling match in the mud between Blitz and Striker. A group of imps do a football huddle on top of Moxie.

As the imps get off him, The shark leaps over the fence and begins to elbow drop Moxxie “MOTHERFUC--!!”


As the games ended, Wackford jumped on the stage and announced loudly "I say, I say for the first year ever, we have a three way tie, for the winners of the Harvest Moon Pain Games!"

Quickly, Stolas took the mic from Wackford and announced "The winners are Striker, Avarice, Princess of Greed, and my darling Blitzy!!"

Striker got on stage. Blitz yelled "just say my name right! Fucking dick" he stomps on the stage

At the bleachers, Millie was treating Moxie from his wounds with Greedo next to him. He said and glares at the cowboy "all right so he has the physical advantage I'm better at other things. Like singing"

Striker then said to the crowd as he pulled out a guitar "i'd like to take this opportunity to sing a quick song I wrote just now about me winning"

He strums it as Moxie yelled "Ah, what the fuck!"

Striker then sang " Sweet victory...I smell it sweet... From up in sake 'ol heaven...To the rough'in rock in hell."

A female imp came to the stage but Striker kicked her face. Being caught by a male imp, a group attacked her

"Sweet victory...With everything I do...With every talent I'm so much more talented than you."

Blitz came to the bleachers with his employees. He said as he took a bite of his cheese on a stick "isn't this guy great"

“Like hell he is” Greedo growled as he watches his sister watching Striker like a puppy

"False" Moxie argued

"it's gonna be nice working with him" blitz said

"Working with - what?!"

Greedo turned to him “the fuck Blitz. You hired him?!”

"yeah, I asked him if he wants to join IMP" Blitz still eats his cheese

"you asked...but" Moxie then looked hurt which confused Blitz

Millie said as he held his hand "Mox i think you've had enough for now let's head back to the house and get you clean" she smiled softly

Striker sang "Moxie go fuck yourself".

Moxie angrily tears up and leaves as Striker finishes his song.

Greedo walked with before looking over at Striker and glared at him..


Back at the Ranch

Volcanoes with fiery spheres floating above them are revealed. Blitz lies down on the ground and looks admiringly at Bombproof as he feasts on an animal carcass.

Millie beams beside her parents as her brothers load up jack-o-lanterns into a truck. She waves at them and runs off. Greedo helped as well and helped Millie's older brother carry more jack-o-lanterns in the truck.

Inside the cottage, Moxie glumly walks up some stairs, until he notices light shining through the bottom of a door “Well, that's troubling.”

Moxie then opens the door and peers around and notices the light coming from a box. Out of curiosity, He walks over and sees a rifle with glowing designs in an open gun case.

“Oh, my crumbles!” Moxie said as he runs his hand along the side of the rifle “A genuine carmine crafted blessing-tipped rifle!”

“How… How in the fuck did he get one o' these?!” Moxie asked himself.

Out of nowhere, Striker appeared, leaning against the door frame behind him and spoke up “Why don't you ask me, little dude?”

Surprised, Moxie jumped “Shit! W- Why do you have this... mister?! You are aware this kind of weapon can kill–”

“…demon royalty?” Striker said in a threatening tone.

“Yes. That.”

“No shit.” Striker stands up and flicks his wheat stalk away and runs his claws across the door “That's kinda the point.”

Moxie then said as Striker shuts the door behind him and walks over to him, menacingly “Okay. Well I'm- I'm relatively concerned by your possession of this... I'm also glad my instant dislike of you has been vali-DATED!” Moxie choked as Striker's tail before being tossed to the wall, hard.

Before Moxie could sit up, Striker hovers over him and chokes him on the floor. Moxie started hissing and tried to claw at him. Striker holds him down with his body weight. Moxie then glances over to see a lamp on a table. He groans and kicks the table and the lamp crashes into Striker.

Greedo heard the crash from outside.

Millie noticed that Greedo looked at the house and asked “somethin' wrong Gree”

“Yeah, I'm gonna check something inside, be right back” he said and walked towards the cottage as he bares his sharp teeth and four eyes appeared on his forehead, knowing something is wrong.

Moxie was able to get out of Striker's grip and race toward the door. Just as he reaches the door,  Striker roughly pulls him back by his tail and covers Moxie's mouth, strangling him.

As Moxie continued to struggle, he slowly lost consciousness. Striker noticed and chuckled evilly “Pathetic.”

Suddenly, Striker was pulled by his tail and thrown to the ground hard. As he saw who attacked him, Greedo glares at him as he was in his half demon form “I knew something was off about you.”

Striker grins and stands up “looks like you're smarter than the others. I have to say, Respect but too bad I might have to kill you like that Goetia.”

Greedo growls at him and lungs him. The two started fighting each other, throwing punches and kicks.

As Striker was about to grab him with his tail, Greedo grabbed it and with his strength, he spins him around and threw him to the wall. Striker went limp in place as he slid down to the floor.

Greedo pants as he returned to normal, he went over to Moxie “shit Moxie!”

Moxie was still conscious but was beaten up badly to stand up.

Before Greedo could pick him up, an arm was wrapped around his neck. Striker grabbed him and said “Never turn your back on me.” With his tail, holding a knife stabs Greedo in the waist.

Greedo let out a scream as the blade pierced his side, repeatedly, with blood dripping on the floor.

Striker grins and slams Greedo to the wall, hard, making him collapse.

A now injured, prince, held his waist in pain, trying to stop the bleeding.

Still conscious, Moxie mutters weakly “Gree” he then glances over with slight blurry vision, he sees Striker walking over to them, grinning then grabs them by their hair roughly.


At a cellar, both Moxie and Greedo were tossed inside. When Greedo fell in, his leg got caught in a bear trap “Fuck Ow!!” Greedo yelled.

Striker then said as he stood at the cellar doors “I'd kill y'all, but I feel like there's more leverage with your rodeo clown of a boss if I don't! Plus, you little things ain't worth the cleanup and I have a date with a wealthy Princess, I don't need her own little brother ruining it for me.

Glaring, Moxie runs up the stairs, but Striker closes the cellar doors on him. Moxie tries to push the door open but it wouldn't budge.

He looked over and saw Greedo hurt “Your majesty” he went over him as Greedo tried to open the bear trap and held his wound “oh Satan, are you ok?”

Greedo groaned and said “I'm fine Moxie.” He then grins “I dealt worse. When me and my sister try to do a knife trick to perform at my dad's concert. I cut myself and got a knife stuck in my foot but I was able to do the trick perfectly, worth the pain. For now, you have to go find him before he kills Stolas. I don't want that fucking cowboy near my sister.”

Moxie then said as he was doubting himself “But I can't break through it. I'm not strong enough.”

Greedo sighed and leans back, with his hand on his stab wound “look Moxie, you may not be physically strong like Millie, Blitz, or the others but you are strong in your own ways. Come on Mox, you are a badass on how you use weapons and you don't give up”

Moxie looked at him and said “really Your majesty”

“Cut the formality, Mox, just call me Gree.” He sighed “look mox, You are strong in your ways and know what is right from wrong, you even have a good heart.” he chuckled and looked away “if I'm being honest, I see you like the brother I always wanted, someone I can trust and believe in.”

Just when Greedo looked over, Moxie smiled big as he was proud and if he was gonna cry.

Greedo blushed red and glared at him “don't get all gitty about it, ok?” He then demands “just use your gun to blow the fucking door open and don't tell anyone what I said or feel, not even to my sister, got it” Greedo demanded

Moxie calmed down and said “ok gree”. He then pulled out his pistol and shot the cellar doors open. As Moxie walked out, he turned to Greedo “thanks for believing in me, Gree.”

“No problem but before you go stop the fucker, call someone to help me, God dammit” he points at the bear trap on his leg and his stab wound.


-Back at the Festival-

Stolas stood at the stage as he made his Grimore float by him. He announced "My dear commoners of the ring of wrath. I, Stolas of the ars Goeita, hereby, curse this year's harvest with the glow of blood moon."

The clouds swirled as Stolas created a portal revealing a red glowing full moon in the sky

The imps were at Aww as a few were amazed, even some were cheering loud

From a far in Millie's house, Striker aimed his blessed tip rifle at Stolas, chuckling darkly

Suddenly, he heard a clip from a gun

"uh excuse me? The fuck?!" Blitz was behind him with a gun aimed at Striker's head

He smirked then turned to him "Blitz! I thought you were still at the ceremony."

"You thought I wanted to stand around with a bunch of hillbillies excited about corn and shit with a thirsty owl on stage?" Blitz asked

Striker stood up and leaned against the window "huh now you seem disappointed in me"

"Yeah, well I'm not a fan of someone I offered a job to about to off my easiest lanky ticket to earth behind my back" Blitz snaps

Striker then approaches him “Blitz, come on. You know, the two of us are superior than most of our kind. And you were so above suckin' on a disgusting, rich, pompous Goetia, only to sneak topside for scraps and work for bitter sinners, who could care less who you are, when you could be slaying Overlords.”

He walks around Blitz and spoke as Blitz looked conflicted “Why struggle to run a business that is rigged against you? When you could partner up with me and kill... the unkillable?” Striker appears and pins Blitz against the wall “Starting with the one that treats you like a plaything?”

"oh that's kind of hot" Blitz grins lustfully at the wall pinning

"We could be the most dangerous beings in hell,
Blitz " Striker continues

"wow that was a good pitch"

"been workshoppin' it" striker commented

"you know what? Fuck it. i'm in" Blitz said

Striker grins at his answer but then heard a sound of a gun clip behind him

Moxie appeared with Strikers rifle in hand

"took you long enough mox" Blitz laughed "wow you should have seen your dipshit face" blitz jumped when Striker held a dagger at him with his tail "okay cliche much"

Striker grins, as he grabs Blitz's gun and aims at Moxie, luckily he missed.

"oh you daddy fucker!" Blitz bites down on Strikers arm and elbowed him in the face

He tried to land punches on the cowboy but Striker shoves him hard to the ground as Blitz landed on the smaller imp.

As Moxie tries to reach for the rifle, Striker steps on his hand. "You dumb fucks lost the upper hand fast,  huh?" Striker picks up the rifle and aiming at them

"Ha, you seem to have forgotten something, fucko!" He whistles loudly.

From afar, Loona hears Blitz's whistling but ignores it and continues to play on her phone.

"Ugh Fucking damn it, Loona.” Blitz groans

“It's a damn shame, Blitzo. We might actually've made a good team…” Striker shrugs and aims his rifle at him “Ah well.

“In your wet dreams, you honky-tonk GOAAAAT!” Blitz yelled and kicked Striker in the leg.

He falls back as Blitz attacks him. He then grabs Striker by his waist with his tail and throws him to the wall

Moxie fires, almost near his head

As the two cornered him, Blitz pulled out a pistol, aiming at him

Grinning, Striker spoke up "still think it's embarrassing you're wasting a lot of potential relying on a weak litlle-"

He got interrupted by a gun shot. Moxie then said "you're gonna finish that fucking sentence, partner?"

"Vermin" Striker grins

"who's weak now bitch" Moxie yelled but then had a door slammed to his face, revealing Loona "okay im here"

As they were distracted, Striker shoves Blitz away as he escapes to the window "maybe you'll get me next time blitzy" he then jumps down

Blitz tried to catch up to him but sadly he was gone


-The Next day-

IMP were packing their things to head back home.

Lyn treats Greedo's wounds as he winces in pain “stay still, will ya” She told him as she ties the bandages around his waist.

She pulled away “there you go, just rest up and you'll be good as new. And I apologize if Striker hurt ya. We didn't know he was an assassin.”

“Yeah shame on us” Joe said

Gree sighed and winced “it's fine, you two, luckily we didn't die by him.”

Just as Millie's parents entered the cottage, Avarice came to him and asked “what happened Gree and what happened to you”

Greedo looked at his twin sister and explained “It's your ‘future husband’. He was planning to kill Stolas but we tried to stop him, he knocked out Moxie, attacked Blitz and” he presents his bandages that there was a blood stain where he got stabbed “stabbed me”

Avarice gasped and covered her mouth “he did what?!”

“Yeah, he attacked us, luckily the knife wasn't blessed or I'll be dead” He then turned to her “I'm sorry sis, but your future man is dangerous so hate me if you wan-” Greedo stopped as Avarice hugged him.

Greedo was surprised at first but hugged her back. Avarice pulled away and lightly punches his shoulders “stupid, reckless, stupid. After what I heard, I hate him. No one hurts my besties and my brother.” She pouts

He chuckled at her childlike behavior “I know right but I'm glad you saw in my perspective.” He then stood up “now let's go home, Striker did a number on me” he grabs his crutches and starts heading to the van.

“Kk, little bro” Avarice said as she followed.


Greed Ring

The twins returned back to their home, pretty late since the gang decided to eat out before going home.

As they entered their home, Avarice yelled out “Dad, we're home!! And Greedo got beaten up!!!

Greedo looked at Avarice and said “you didn't have to say that. You know dad will get on my ass for it.”

Sudden green smoke appeared with the sound of money, revealing their father, Mammon. He grins and says “There are my two money bags, so tell me how'd Wrath, poor? I bet it was” he joked

Avarice smiled and said “nah it was cool, We did the pain games, saw Stolas. And I got first place in the game”

Mammon laughed, “that's my daughter. You must always be the best and don't let imps or anyone lower than ya beat you.” He ruffles her head, making her laugh.

As he turned to Greedo, he looked surprised “oh shit son, you look like shit! What happened to ya?!” He looked at his son and looked at the wounds around him.

“Am imp attacked me because I stopped him from killing Stolas. But I'm fine, I dealt worse” Greedo shrugs

“Speaking of imps, a few hours ago, an imp in some cowboy costume came and offered your hand in marriage” Mammon explained

“Wait really?” Avarice smiled big as her eyes sparkled.

“Yeah but I declined it.” Mammon shrugged.

“Wait why” Avarice pouts and crossed her arms

“Sorry my money bag, he ain't good enough for you. He looked like he wasn't rich and I checked and asked how much he has and Holy shit, he's poor. I was like, "You aren't good enough for my daughter, even a loan shark is better than ya.” He laughed

Avarice calmed down and said “well if you think he isn't good enough, I trust your words dad. By the way, what's his name anyway?”

Mammon strokes his chin as his other two arms were on his hips “hmm I think it was Straker, Spiker, stri ... .Oh yeah Striker. His name was Striker but don't worry about him, just be you and wait until I find a good husband for ya. Now off to bed you two, you must be exhausted. But first, bath, I can smell farm and horse shit from here” he frowns “Night by money bags” Mammon then grins and teleports away

Avarice then looked at her brother “I call the first shower” She teleports away.

Greedo waves the green smoke away from his face. He stood in place as he was surprised “Fucking Striker was here. Damn he doesn't give up.” He clenched his fist a bit.

He calms down a bit, remembering that his dad rejected Striker's proposal to marry Avarice. He mutters “thank you dad for being an asshole” he sighed in relief.

For once, he appreciates his dad for being an asshole for this time.

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