Eclipse *Minsung*

By allisung111

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Two gods created the world. The Sun God and the Moon God. Though equal, they were so different in so many way... More

A coin has two sides
A burnt out sun and a cold moon
Words and Knives
Gravitational Pull
Which to rule the sky?
An agreement
Wandering eyes
My name
Clearing the air
I am here
A razor edge
The Sun Lands
Soaring Hearts
Love and war
Sworn death
Whatever it takes
The challenge
Your end
To have and to Hold
True connection
Only for you
A new life

The future

416 30 46
By allisung111

*The main song I listened to while writing this chapter. The lyrics are just so pretty. Wildfire- SYML

"It appears to have been a drug typically used by smugglers and traffickers."

"Are you sure?" Minho's voice reached through Jisung's slowly awakening mind.

"This test kit rarely shows wrong results, Your Highness. And based on my own observations of the Moon Prince, I can confirm what the results say. He'll be weak for another day, the dose was thankfully minimal. The drug is more fast-acting than long-lasting, so he should be fine by tomorrow."

A relieved sigh. "Thank you, doctor."

"Make sure he eats something warm as soon as he wakes up."

"I will. And thank you again."

"Of course. As always, send the word if you need anything."

A few seconds later a door closed, followed by a brief silence. Jisung's head was so foggy, he could hardly feel his body, and he was barely holding onto consciousness despite wanting to sit up and show Minho he was alright.

"So where do we start?" That was Seungmin's voice.

"We can start by killing whoever did this to him."


"I know." The Sun Prince pushed out a breath. "Right now we have nothing to go off of. We'll have to wait for him to wake up."

Jisung was trying to wake up.

"Changbin said he just found him on the floor?"

"On the floor in the middle of what appeared to be a panic attack of some kind."

Seungmin let out a short, dry laugh. "First you're nearly killed at the Moon Palace and now Prince Jisung was clearly attacked in some way. Someone really doesn't want either of you in power."

"So I've noticed. I have my suspicions, but that's all I have."

"I can turn those suspicions into facts and evidence. Just say the word."

Minho was talking again, but Jisung could no longer hear anything. The next thing he knew, his eyes were opening, slow and bleary. The white drapes hanging over his bed swayed, spotted with soft sunlight. His chest filled with air, relieving as if he hadn't been breathing properly, and his body felt... heavy.

Jisung forced his body to move, barely managing to push himself to sit up against the pillows. He glanced to the side, surprised to see Minho sitting at the desk. The quill in his hand stopped writing as his head turned at the hint of movement.

"Jisung." The Sun Prince dropped the quill and approached the bedside table where a pitcher of water a a few glasses were waiting. He filled one of the glasses with water and handed it over, sinking onto the mattress beside Jisung's legs. "How are you feeling?"

To give himself a moment to make sense of his surroundings and his last memories, Jisung slowly drank the water. Behind Minho, beyond the windows, the light of the sun outside was growing dim, indicating that it was nearly evening. "How long?"

Minho titled his head before understanding lit his eyes. "You've been out of it since last night." A bit cautiously, Minho reached to take Jisung's hand.

The Moon Prince laced his fingers with Minho's, showing that he was alright with the touch. "Have you been in here all day?"

"I had no mind of leaving you since Changbin came to get me."

A strange feeling welled in Jisung's chest, tight in his lungs and throat. His eyes began stinging and... something wet slid down his face. He was... crying?

Minho instantly took the glass from Jisung's hand and then shifted so they were sitting side by side before pulling Jisung against his chest. "It's alright, I'm here," he whispered.

Jisung could hear Minho's heartbeat from where his head dropped against the Sun Prince's chest, and he closed his eyes, causing more tears to slip free. He couldn't remember the last time he'd cried. It had to have been at least ten years, and he realized it was due to being so utterly numb to everything hurting him. Minho had made him feel again.

"I'm alright," Jisung murmured after a moment. "I'm just overwhelmed that I have you." He didn't realize what he'd insinuated until the words were already swirling through the air. He went still in Minho's arms, afraid of the reaction he would receive from saying such a thing.

Minho's breath caught. "I hope you have me for a long time."

Jisung sat up, meeting Minho's eyes in a way of hoping to restart his heart. "You... You mean that?"

The Sun Prince smiled, cheeks gaining color, eyes filling with cautious hope. "I think you've come to see that I speak my mind very well around you."

A small laugh. "I suppose that's true."

Minho took Jisung's hand again, running his fingers over the small bandage on the Moon Prince's arm. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Jisung stared at the bandage, feeling ill just looking at it and remembering the threat that had come with it. "If you continue this perverted charade, the king will grant you such lovely treatment that you will beg for death. Do you understand me?"

"I..." Jisung swallowed, eyes flickering away. He cared for Minho too much, and he didn't want to put the Sun Prince in any more danger. Minho had enough daggers pointing at his back. "May I have some food?"


"Of course." Minho got back to his feet once Jisung moved aside to let him up. "I'll send Chan for some. And I'll send for Changbin, he wanted to see you as soon as you were awake."

Jisung set his legs over the edge of the bed, testing the strength of his limbs so he could wash up and get changed. "Thank you."

Minho disappeared for a few minutes, and Jisung's head spun, twisting through threads of thought and getting tangled in the vines of warring emotions. By the time the Sun Prince came back in, Jisung was on the verge of bursting.

"I didn't disrupt anything important, did I?" Jisung asked, unable to hold the question back. "You talked with your parents last night, right?"

"You didn't disrupt anything, I promise." Minho sat beside him. "My parents, though confused about some things, have not protested to my ideas, to the plans I have for our kingdoms. And they personally met with Prince Jeongin earlier."

Relief washed over Jisung's features. "So all is well on that front?"

"Very well, actually. My mother scolded me for not including her in these plans sooner."

"I'm so relieved," Jisung said, closing his eyes briefly. "And their meeting with Prince Jeongin? What's going on with Banscar?"

"Jisung," Minho stopped him, setting a hand on his arm. "Stop worrying about everything else for tonight okay? It's you we're going to focus on."


"Just for tonight. Let yourself breathe."

Their eyes met, and Jisung wondered if he would be able to breathe. Minho's hand on his arm, the warmth of his body sitting so close to his... He was so aware of it all, so aware of Minho.

The Sun Prince was the first to break the trance they'd both seemingly entered and began helping Jisung to his feet. "The food should be here by the time you're done washing up."

Jisung blushed and with Minho's help, made his way into the washroom. His head was all over the place, but he knew one thing for certain; with Minho by his side, he could overcome the shadows filling his mind, and maybe... maybe he could accept his scars and learn to harness them.


"You found him?"

Seungmin nodded from where he lounged with his feet propped on his dining table. "He's waiting for you." He gestured to the door behind him and continued carving bits from the apple he was eating with his knife.

Minho gave a single nod, straightened the black gloves he wore, and entered the room the assassin gestured to. It was void of furniture, the wood floor inside scratched and stained in the dim light of the candles situated near the walls, and in the center of the room was a man hanging upside down. Minho pushed the door closed with his foot. "Good afternoon, Advisor."

The bald man spat, missing Minho's boots by a few centimeters. It appeared Seungmin already got started, as the man's face was a bloody mess and his clothes were tattered. Most likely from being dragged behind a horse, the usual treatment Seungmin's prisoners received.

After Jisung was unable to open up about what happened and who attacked him, Minho had set Seungmin on the case, and, as always, the assassin came through.

"I see you're in an excellent mood." Minho leaned back against the door, restraint etching the lines of his body. "Are you upset that you were caught, or are you upset that your beloved ruler can't do anything to help you?"

The man, or as Seungmin had managed to pull out of him, Sulong, sneered. "You know nothing, boy. As understandable as it is to fool around, a future king should know better than to let a filthy fa-"

Minho's boot met Sulong's face, sending his hanging body swaying and blood cascading to the floor as he yelped in pain. "Be grateful I didn't allow you to finish that sentence," Minho stated calmly, stepping back. "You speak as if you know anything, which makes it very clear that you don't."

Even though his face was just cracked, Sulong let out a harsh, dry laugh. "So the bitch ran to you anyway."

"If another foul word about Prince Jisung escapes that crooked mouth, I will end this meeting early." Minho drew the knife he always carried and set it against the advisor's throat. "Do I make myself clear?" Without waiting for a response, Minho smiled darkly. "Good little man."


"I'm the one speaking now, and you will wait your turn," Minho snapped, voice still calm as ever despite his insides filling with molten hatred. "Prince Jisung did not, in fact, inform me about who attacked him and left him drugged on the floor two nights ago. He didn't have to tell me anything. You are sloppy. The trail you left was fairly easy for my assassin to trace, so if you wish to blame anyone for your predicament, you can blame yourself."

Sulong clearly didn't have a response to that either, only spitting more blood to the side.

Minho continued. "Are you aware that harming a descendant of the Moon God is punishable by death? I'm sure you aren't, considering you were so willing to do just that."

"And what are you going to do about it, Prince? The evidence is lacking, and, well, you might as well be declaring war by hanging the Moon King's right hand man like an animal."

"You are an animal, do not mistake that." Minho tilted his head. "And your king? He will soon learn what it's like to fall under someone else's will, especially if he wishes to avoid war."

Sulong coughed roughly. "It's war or his way. Accept that now, Your Highness."

Minho rocked back on his feet, clicking his tongue. "Ohhh. You see, I tend to be very stubborn, so accepting that is, unfortunately, off the table. Sorry to disappoint. But I do believe it's you that must accept a few things."

At last Sulong's angry front dropped into a look of disbelief. "What-" he coughed. "What are you talking about?"

Perfect. Minho grinned a bit wickedly, reaching into the breast pocket of his shirt and taking something out. "You want to know so badly?" He held his hand up, revealing a handcrafted ring of twisting silver and gold embedded with tiny, crystal blue gems. "As long as he accepts, this ring is intended for Prince Jisung."

Sulong's mouth dropped open. "How dare-"

Minho laughed mirthlessly. "Oh, now look at that. Truly pathetic that you would be so concerned about who loves who. Revolting scum." He tucked the ring safely back into his pocket, and then politely folded his hands behind his back. "Looks like we all get what we want. We join in an alliance with marriage, and I get to marry the one I love and the one that rightfully deserves the throne over the Moon Lands."


"Yes," Minho confirmed, cutting him off again. "I should have known all that blood flowing to your head would lower your already dismal intelligence."

"This will not stand! The Moon King will not have it!"

Minho turned away, moving for the door.

"You will destroy everything!"

Minho stopped, his hand on the door handle. "For him, I will."


Minho stopped in the middle of opening the door to Jisung's rooms, a smile growing on his face as he heard the sound of Changbin speaking quickly and wildly, his loud voice accompanied by soft laughter that had Minho's heart melting. He dared to peek inside, his smile growing at the sight of Jisung and Prince Jeongin sitting on the sofa, enthralled by whatever story Changbin was telling.

The table in front of the princes was covered in scrolls and ink wells, quills laid out and leaving spots of ink on some of the documents off to the side. A further glance inside revealed the Moon Princesses sitting on the bed sorting through what appeared to be the clothing catalog the castle staff had given them upon arrival. Ida had a few ink spots on her gown, but she didn't seem to care.

Minho glanced over his shoulder at Chan. "I thought their meeting happened hours ago."

"It did. They worked for most of the time you were gone, but now... they're just letting loose. What they're trying to accomplish is not easy."

Minho softened. "Right you are, as always." He clapped a hand on Chan's shoulder. "Thank you for watching them while I was gone. You've hardly had the chance to guard the one you were hired to watch over."

The bodyguard returned the warm smile. "Watching over you comes with many responsibilities, and I'm happy to shoulder all of them."

Minho dipped his head in gratitude and then glanced back at the door. His pocket suddenly felt very heavy. "They're enjoying themselves, perhaps I shouldn't-"

"Minho," Chan said, stopping him. "You must talk to him, you know that."

The Prince smiled. "You remembered to address me by name."

"I will revert to calling you 'Your Highness' if you do not go through with this conversation."

Nerves instantly sparked in Minho's veins, and for the first time in a long time, he felt... unsteady. "Chan... How can I do this?"

Chan tilted his head, brown eyes compassionate. "Follow what's in here," he touched Minho's chest, "do what comes naturally. He may love you just as much as you love him."

Minho made himself nod, grateful for the solid comfort he was quickly getting used to receiving from the bodyguard. However, Chan only knew that Minho wanted to tell Jisung the true depth of his feelings. He didn't know about the ring. Nor did anyone else save for Sulong, who would likely not survive after his use ran out.

He took a deep breath. "Clear the corridors and my rooms. I'd rather not deal with any would-be assassins or traitorous court members tonight."

"Of course." Chan bowed, a formality he refused to drop, and disappeared around the corner to follow his order.

Though a little tempted to chicken out, Minho steeled himself, knocked once at the door, and then strode inside.

"Good evening, Your Highness," Changbin greeted instantly, bowing with a cheerful smile.

Everyone else in the room rose to their feet, but it was clearly out of respect rather than fear of authority, as their postures remained relaxed, smiles still resting easy.

Minho dipped his head. "Good evening, everyone. I see that you've had a productive counsel?" he asked, nodding toward the mess on the table.

"I think it was productive," Freya spoke up, feet bouncing a little. "I've never participated in such an important gathering before."

Ida chuckled, patting her sister's head. "Yes Minho, it was productive. We can't thank you enough for allowing us to... take the initiative in forming these proposals for Banscar and the other kingdoms."

Minho shook his head. "I did not allow anything. I merely gave you all the space to work as you needed." He turned to Prince Jeongin. "I hope all is going well on your end?"

The young prince nodded eagerly. "Prince Hyunjin has yet to send a reply, but I'm sure he'll agree to join me in the official negotiation with my brothers."

"Very good. If it wasn't for the upcoming council with the Moon King and my parents, I would join you in the negotiation as well."

"Hopefully there won't be a need. I pray my brothers will see reason, even if they are upset about that reason going against their views."

Jisung smiled at Jeongin softly. "You have a way with words, even if you don't realize it. I'm sure things will go better than you'll expect."

Now that the subject Minho was trying to avoid looking at had spoken, his eyes latched onto the Moon Prince, heart skipping forward and scattering the nerves that settled in his bones. Dressed in the style of the South with soft colors of the Moon and jewels of the Sun, Jisung looked utterly ethereal.

Minho cleared his throat before he could fall into a pit of distraction. "I'm glad to see it's all going well. But if you wouldn't mind, I would like to speak with Prince Jisung for a time."

The others nodded, and Jisung visibly swallowed, stepping away from Jeongin and glancing at Changbin. "It's getting late, you may all-"

"We'll clean everything up, Jisung," Ida interrupted easily. She threw a subtle wink at Minho, as if she could read his intentions like a banner on display. "Don't worry about all of this."

Jisung nodded once and then followed Minho's motion to go first.

The walk through the palace was filled with quiet discussion of what Jisung and his siblings had come up with in bringing up the alliance of the continent to their father. The topic only made Minho more nervous, as the discussion with the Moon King would be further complicated if Jisung stepped forward with a ring on his hand. But no matter how complicated and chaotic things got, Minho was certain of his feelings and determined to stop hiding them.

"What of your day?" Jisung asked as they reached Minho's rooms.

Minho breathed in a little deeper. "Seungmin and I took care of a mess. I have yet to see how things will turn out on that front."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

An endeared smile. "No, Jisung, you're already helping me with everything, and that's all I need." Minho pushed the door open, holding it for Jisung to pass through.

Jisung stopped a few feet inside, studying the room, his pale blue and green eyes reflecting the soft candle light throughout the large space. Minho had to remind himself to breathe in and back out. "And Jeongin said my rooms were large."

Minho let out a laugh. "I only appreciate the space because it provides Aja enough room to come in as she pleases without destroying anything."

Jisung's full smile at last made its appearance. "That is a very good reason to live in such spacious conditions."

"Good or bad. A griffin trying to lay out on a bed designed for humans is... interesting, to say the least."

"What, she does that?" Jisung asked in disbelief, pointing at Minho's bed across the space. "Right there?"

Minho nodded, laughing as he recalled the last time she tried using his bed like her own. "If you move the pillows along the foot of it, you'll see where her claws latched on when she inevitably fell off."

Jisung quickly approached the bed and did just that, laughing when he uncovered the four large gouges in the mattress. "Oh, she really did."

Minho stared at the Moon Prince, heart waking up and hitting his chest as if it could escape at any moment. Jisung was so beautiful. Like moonlight reflecting on a lake of crystals, like the soft caress of night after a day filled with the sun's wrath. Like cool sheets ready to embrace a weary body.

"Jisung." Minho startled himself with his own voice, but that was quickly forgotten as the Moon Prince turned to him. Easy Minho. "Sit with me."

With curious eyes, Jisung nodded, and the pair moved over to the large sofa near the low-burning hearth. Minho's heart was sure to give out, and he instinctively took Jisung's hands into his own once they sat down.

"With everything moving forward and progressing at once, I-" Minho swallowed. "I still have something that I haven't told you, and I feel as if I won't have very much time to do so."

"Is everything alright?" Jisung asked, hands squeezing Minho's.

"I hope it will be."

"What do you-"

"Jisung," Minho said, unintentionally speaking over the other prince. He felt himself freeze under those eyes, his pounding heart the only indication that he was still alive. "You're so beautiful."

Jisung's breath hitched. "Minho-"

"I love you." There it was, Minho's heart leaping out of its cage, unprotected and waiting. "I love you, Jisung."

Frozen shock melted into a weak smile that vanished as quickly as it appeared. Jisung took in a sharp breath, turning away. "You- no, you can't-"

Minho touched Jisung's cheek, turning the Moon Prince to face him again. "I do, Jisung. Nothing will change that."

Tears welled in Jisung's eyes as he met Minho's gaze. "I am nothing but-"

"You are everything." Minho's thumb brushed one of the tears that slid down Jisung's cheek, his other hand trailing through his silver hair comfortingly. "You are everything and more."

Jisung's breath shook slightly and he closed his eyes, leaning into the hand cradling his head. "You can't love me, Minho. You deserve someone better, someone-" a labored breath in, voice breaking "-someone that isn't broken and covered in shadows."

"I don't care how broken you think you are," Minho promised, holding him in place gently. "I need you, Jisung. I want to be by your side, to hold you, to call myself... yours." He nearly whispered the last word."

"Minho, you don't-"

"I do." Minho was going to silence Jisung's doubts, giving them no room to darken his love's mind any further. Fear was natural and a crucial part of healing and growing. Doubt was the poison that trapped minds trying to find light. "I think I fell in love with you the moment I saw you on those palace steps."

Jisung's eyes finally opened again, teary but focused, the hint of a smile coloring his features. "I don't think that's possible."

"That doesn't matter," Minho dismissed lightly. "What matters is now. What matters is you."

Their gazes remained locked, inches apart, hearts reaching out to tangle through that simple action.

Slowly, their lips met, soft and yearning. Minho pulled Jisung closer, wiping away the remnants of tears on his cheeks and pouring all of his love into the kiss.

Jisung's fingers curled loosely into Minho's chest, using the ribbons criss-crossing it as an anchor as he whispered, "I'm scared."

"It's okay to be. But I'm not going anywhere, we can face that together."

Jisung slowly nodded. "And my father?"

"We'll face that together just like everything else."

Minho closed the gap between them once again, bringing a light gasp from Jisung as their lips collided, bodies falling in sync, the need for each other rising. They deepened the kiss at the same time, hands exploring, hearts leaping.

Jisung pulled back, and their lips brushed as he rushed out, "You mean so much to me, Minho." Another series of deep kisses. "I... I love you." 

Minho drew back, for some reason not expecting to hear those words so clearly from the Moon Prince, who typically hid or downplayed his emotions. Then he smiled, but before he could say anything, Jisung's trailing hands brushed over his breast pocket, making his heart stop.

Jisung's hand stopped there. "Minho?" he whispered, realization coloring his voice.

Minho quickly caught his hand, afraid he would pull away. But he wasn't going to hide or deny anything. Keeping his eyes glued to Jisung's, he pulled the ring out, fingers trembling. Jisung stared at the ring, seemingly no longer breathing.

"If you'll accept," Minho began, slipping off the sofa and getting to his knee, "this ring is for you." He wasn't going to do this tonight, but he was following Chan's advice. He was going with his heart, with what felt right. "Jisung, I want to marry you."

------------------- WHOA things escalated quickly, eh? ;)

With the one scene, I liked how Minho's words contradicted Sulong's words to Jisung, and how the foul ones were spat back in his face by Minho. Kinda satisfying, eh?

You will be pleased with how Sulong's story ends, so look forward to that. Things are picking up and getting exciting! The climax is on the way.

But first, next chapter will be filled with nothing but love and romance, that is a promise. We can have a break from plot for a minute lol.

Thanks for reading \(!o!)/

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