By 28antoine

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A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal family who ruled the international underworl... More

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By 28antoine

Chapter 891 - Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

Long Jinjing felt shy as she climbed on the massive bed. It was the biggest she had seen so far, even bigger than the bed of her Little Sister Xiulan and Brother-in-law Liwei in their room at Dragon Palace Home #10. There was no doubt that both beds were customized to fit their owners.

Speaking of beds, Lu Zihao followed through his intention of getting them a customized bed for her little bedroom at her condo unit. She had been worried that there would be no space for a bigger bed in her small room but surprisingly, the new bed fit better than the old one. It took up almost one-third of her bedroom space but with a little rearranging of the furniture, the bed fit perfectly as if it had always belonged there. Most importantly, she and Lu Zihao felt more comfortable sleeping together in the new bed. He could now fully stretch his legs without them dangling off the bed.

She tucked herself under the duvet and watched Lu Zihao as he continued standing n.a.k.e.d in front of the windows. When he still didn't move, she finally couldn't take it anymore. She asked, "Are you not going to bed yet?"

"Let me calm myself down first," he replied, still not facing her. "If I don't, I'd end up seducing you even though you're on your period."


Her face and neck heated up which spread throughout her whole body. Then feeling a little courageous, she made a daring offer in a stammering voice. "I can...h-help you, you know. Uhm, I can use my...h-hands and mouth...."

He growled and turned only his upper body to finally look at her. "Don't tempt me, Jinjing. Go to sleep. I'll join you later."

"Oh. Okay." She tucked herself deeper under the duvet but continued watching him.


"Jinjing," he called in a low voice as if testing if she was still awake.


"You'll start taking the pill a few days after your period?"

She felt shy to be discussing her period with him but still answered him. "Y-yes. I'll follow the doctor's recommendation."

"Good. I can't wait."

Truth be told, she also couldn't wait. If things went according to plan, she should be protected by the time of her sister's wedding. Then a thought entered her mind. With both her and Lu Zihao's anticipation, didn't it feel like they would also have their own little honeymoon?

Her heart hammered inside her chest and she felt hotter. Oh no! She shouldn't have allowed such a dangerous thought to enter her mind.

Erase, erase!!!

Fortunately, her misbehaving thoughts were interrupted by another question from Lu Zihao.

"Do you still want to go home?"

His question took a few seconds to register in her mind. And when it did, she hesitated. How should she reply? Would he think of her as a hard to please woman if she spoke her mind?

"Just tell me how you really feel," he said.

"Uhm...yes. I still want to go home, Nikolai."


She looked around the luxurious master bedroom. However, just like the rest of the penthouse, it felt empty and impersonal. The vast space and the cold atmosphere made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

"It's...too big?"

He frowned.

"Uhm...it doesn't feel like home, Nikolai. It's like a hotel, I guess."

"What about Dragon Palace? It's bigger than this. You don't feel at home there? Do you also feel like it's a hotel?"

His questions made her think. She shook her head. "I'm okay at Dragon Palace."


She squirmed under his gaze.

Finally, he released a long sigh before saying, "Fine. We'll return to your condo tomorrow."

Her heart jumped. She felt happy inside but also guilty. "Nikolai, I'm fine, really. You said that we'll only stay here for a few days at most. I don't want you to get tired travelling every night from your work here only to come back to my place. You'll be too exhausted, especially right now that you're still lethargic."

"Let's talk about this again tomorrow. It's late. Go to sleep now."

She paused but nodded. "Good night, Nikolai."

"Good night, Jinjing."

She must be more tired than she thought because as soon as she closed her eyes, she immediately fell asleep.


Lu Zihao looked at the sleeping Long Jinjing and at his half-solid erection. With a deep sigh, he headed to his big but mostly empty walk-in closet and put on a pair of boxers and pyjama pants.

He had now learned that he couldn't trust the self-control that he was always so proud of when it came to Long Jinjing. If he climbed on the bed n.a.k.e.d, he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't be tempted to wake her up and f.u.c.k her even though she was on her period. Wearing some pyjama pants wouldn't stop him from getting hard but it might at least deter him a bit and also act as a reminder to control his primal urges.

When he returned, he didn't climb on the bed right away. He stood on the side and stared at Long Jinjing. Her mouth was slightly open and very tempting.


He ignored the annoying shit speaking inside his mind.

'I said hey, Nikolai! Dude, aren't you going to thank me for helping you deal with your pretty girlfriend? If I didn't suggest that you start acting a little nicer and gentler with her, I bet that she would've already kicked your hard balls and stomped out of this mausoleum-like place. Like my grandpa said earlier, she might always give in to you but you can't always take and take and take! Everyone has their breaking point, even your angelic girlfriend. So don't always act like an asshole—'

He clenched his jaw and glared at a random corner, imagining that he was glaring at the pest shooting his mouth off inside his mind.

'Shut up, Lu Zihao.'

'Che. What an ungrateful man! By the way, your pretty girlfriend said that she doesn't want to be in a relationship with a liar but you lied to her.' The remnant snickered. 'Liar, liar, pants on fire~'

'I said shut up!'

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Chapter 892 - I'm Not Your Bro

Lu Zihao, no, Nikolai turned his gaze away from the sleeping Long Jinjing and returned to his previous spot in front of the glass windows. His reflection was superimposed on the city's glittering night lights. His expression looked impassive as if he was truly enjoying the urban view outside. On the inside, however, he was busy having a frustrating argument with the remnant.

'I didn't lie,' he growled in his mind. 'I only recounted my conversation with your grandfather to Jinjing. It was the old man who assumed that I have selective amnesia and insisted on taking me to the hospital. I never expressly claimed that I have selective amnesia.'

'Che. You're such a cunning bastard. As expected of a mafia boss. Tsk. Poor Jinjing!'

'You're not allowed to call my woman by her first name. Call her Miss, you monkey!'

The remnant ignored him while going into another lecture mode. 'You seriously need to be gentler with your girlfriend, you know. Tone down your possessiveness a notch as well. Don't be too intense. Your girlfriend is a very delicate woman. I told you before that modern girls like her don't like possessive assholes. Sooner or later, she'll get tired of your shit.'

Nikolai curled his lip at his reflection. 'You're not qualified to lecture me on how to treat my own woman. If those words came from the old man, I might still listen. At least I can be assured that he knows what he's talking about. But you?' He snorted. 'You had never been in a serious relationship before. Don't lie and claim otherwise. I have your memories.'

'Hey! I was always serious in my relationsh.i.p.s with my past girlfriends! I just love adventuring more. Also, all my girlfriends understood right from the start that they're not my priority. So no hard feelings between us after the break-up. But as for you...' The remnant snickered. 'Let's see how you'll be once the 30 days with your pretty girlfriend are over. I bet you won't let your angelic Miss Prim and Proper go.'

'Shut up!'

This time, Nikolai growled out loud. He almost punched the reflection on the glass windows. The end of his 30-day agreement with Long Jinjing was something that he didn't want to think about. He would just deal with it when the time came. For now, he wanted to enjoy f.u.c.k.i.n.g his temporary girlfriend as often as he could before their time limit arrived. He didn't like being reminded about it, especially not by the annoying pest laughing at him inside his mind.

The remnant laughed at him for a few moments before stopping—thank f.u.c.k! However, it continued yammering away and annoying the f.u.c.k out of him.

'Anyway, I feel really sorry for your pretty girlfriend because she has to deal with all your shit and bad temper. Tsk tsk. If it weren't for me giving you some friendly advice, you would've made the situation worse earlier. She might've followed through her intention to break up with you if you had been too late in controlling your assholery. So where's the thanks that I deserve? Huh, Nikolai? Thank me! Come on~ Don't be shy~'

Nikolai did his best to ignore the little shit. The lethargy made his body feel heavier than normal but he couldn't sleep in peace with all the noise inside his head. He massaged his head while sighing in annoyance.

'Hey, Nikolai!'

'Stop disturbing me!'

The remnant paused. Then in a more serious voice, it said, 'Fine, I'll stop disturbing you tonight. I'm getting tired, anyway. That backlash was no joke. Ugh! But before I go recharge again, I just want to remind you about your promise to my third brother before you left Dragon Palace.'

Nikolai's body tensed.

'According to your memories while I was recharging, you and Third Brother made a deal. You agreed to let me meet your beautiful sister before she marries Third Brother. Don't forget!'

Indeed, Nikolai promised Jin Liwei to allow Lu Zihao's remnant to take over their body again after it recharged so that it could meet Evelinka. During that time, he was at the height of his lethargy. Jin Liwei, the crafty man, was able to manipulate him into agreeing to that deal when he was in such a weak state.

Now that the remnant reminded him about the deal, Nikolai felt unwilling. He didn't want the remnant to take over their body again and suffer the same backlash if it failed to properly disconnect from the body. In fact, he still hadn't fully recovered from the resulting lethargy yet.

The remnant sensed his resistance. 'You promised! If you don't fulfill your promise, I will pester you—'

Nikolai gritted his teeth. 'Fine!'

A light feeling flooded him. It wasn't his own so it should be from the remnant. He recognized the feeling as relief, anticipation and happiness.

'I can't wait to meet my future third sister-in-law. I'm tired now. I need to recharge again. Take care of my body, Nikolai. Don't work it so hard when you're still feeling lethargic. You'll age my handsome self faster. Your young and pretty girlfriend might dump you if you begin looking like an old man. Haha!'

Nikolai already had enough of the annoying shit so he ignored it.

'Good night, bro.'

He froze at what the remnant called him.


He could feel that the remnant had "fallen asleep" and should be "recharging" again. He also felt sleepy but didn't head to the bed yet. There was a deep frown on his face.

Then he tapped his fist on the cold glass window, directly on top of his face's reflection—no, Lu Zihao's.

"I'm not your bro," he said in a harsh whisper.

But even as he said this, he found that he didn't really hate it deep inside. In fact, it felt nice. This realization, however, was something that he didn't want to accept.

He didn't need any brothers. His sister was enough.

After throwing a final glare at Lu Zihao's reflection, he finally headed for bed and lay beside Long Jinjing. He hugged her tightly before allowing himself to finally sink into a lethargic sleep.

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Chapter 893 - Please Keep It A Secret

Dragon Palace Home #10.

Jin Liwei had just arrived home from a short afternoon meeting at Jin Corporation to redistribute some of his work to his assistant and the other executives because he would be taking a two-week off after this coming weekend. He didn't inform them of the exact reason for his short vacation, only telling them that it was an important private matter.

Nobody questioned him because he was the big boss and also because they knew that he never neglected his work despite taking leave in the past. Even when he got injured in the construction site accident, he was still able to complete all of the most urgent tasks that needed his attention as the President-CEO right from the comfort of his own home.

This became possible for him because of the virtual assistance of his AI daughter. Ketchup's powerful self-learning function allowed her to become increasingly adept the more she assisted Jin Liwei in his work at Jin Corporation. It came to a point that he was realizing that he didn't need to physically go to the company anymore in order to complete the majority of his work. Nevertheless, as the President-CEO, he still needed to show his face now and then at the company. It was one of his responsibilities as the head.

During his two-week leave, he would depend on both Ketchup and Xu Tian to deal with non-urgent work-related issues on his behalf. They could only disturb him about his work if it was an emergency. If it wasn't, he didn't want anyone interrupting his honeymoon.

As for his long-time assistant, Xu Tian's ugly injuries from the same construction site accident had also been fully healed. In fact, he recovered much faster than Jin Liwei because his injuries were mostly superficial wounds. He had a little bit of scarring but nothing too serious.

Back to the present, Jin Liwei handed his suit jacket to the butler before asking, "Where's my wife?"

"The mistress is busy working in her music studio. She's been there since mid-afternoon. Please don't worry, Master. We made sure to deliver frequent snacks, refreshments, and of course, ginger tea for her morning sickness."

"How's her morning sickness?"

"The mistress hasn't been sick since she entered her studio. The doctor says that it might be because her mind is too focused on work that it's not allowing her to feel sick."

Jin Liwei nodded. "I'll see her now. Call us when it's time for dinner. We'll try to eat with our godson and the others if she doesn't get sick at the dining table."

"Understood, sir."

When Jin Liwei arrived at Iris' home music studio, he found her having a shouting argument with someone via video call. He frowned. Who dared shout at his baby girl?! He peeked at the computer screen and it turned out that it was JJ, her brilliant but hotheaded music producer. Ah, no wonder.

"This is the worst possible version for this song! This instrumentation is horrid! I get that you have to change it to fit the artist we've chosen to sing this song but this is not a good arrangement at all! Mr. JJ, you've butchered my song! Change it!"

"You! What's gotten into you today, brat?! Why are you shouting at me like a pig giving birth?!"

"You're the one who shouted at me like a pig giving birth first!"

Jin Liwei got the gist of what the two were arguing about. His baby girl was red in the face from too much anger. It was obvious that she was in another one of her extreme mood swings. If this continued, she might start declaring war against her music producer. Steeling himself like a soldier going into the battlefield, he decided to intervene before the situation got worse.

"Love, I'm home."

Iris stopped mid-shout and turned to glare at him for disturbing her important meeting with JJ. She was breathing hard, causing Jin Liwei to become worried about her stress level.

Before she could say anything to him, he arrived in front of her and bent down from the waist to give her a firm and hot kiss on the mouth. She stiffened for about a couple of seconds before melting into the kiss. When it was over, she was still red in the face but not from anger anymore. She sighed in contentment, wrapped her arms around his waist, and leaned on him.

A loud, deliberate cough interrupted them. The couple looked at the computer monitor and saw a scowling JJ. However, Jin Liwei detected caution in the music producer's expression. He wasn't surprised. JJ must be taken aback by Iris' fiery temper just now.

Even though Iris and JJ had argued many times before, she had always been able to maintain her composure and speak in an overall polite tone without raising her voice too much. It was usually only JJ who would rage like the hothead that he was. This time, however, she was unable to keep her usual composure and matched JJ's hot temper with her own. It must be quite shocking to JJ to experience it for the first time.

She smiled at JJ, looking like she hadn't been in a shouting match with him just seconds earlier. "My apologies for the interruption just now, Mr. JJ. Where were we again?"

JJ blinked a few times.

Jin Liwei looked around and saw a tray of some snacks. He grabbed a chocolate bar and unwrapped it before handing it to his baby girl. She beamed at him before taking a delicate bite, even closing her eyes in bliss as she savoured the sweet taste.

JJ narrowed his eyes. "Brat."

"Yes, Mr. JJ?"

"Are you...uh, pregnant?"

She paused and turned to Jin Liwei. He was the one who replied to the music producer.

"Please keep it a secret, Mr. JJ."

The producer's eyes widened. He even gasped out loud. "W-what? Are you serious?!"

She subconsciously rubbed her still flat stomach while continuing to eat her chocolate bar. "Yes, I am pregnant, Mr. JJ."

"Ah." JJ slumped back on his seat. "I see. Now everything makes sense!"

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Chapter 894 - Introduce Someone Important To Me

"You brat!" JJ slapped his thighs. "Is that the reason why you've decreased your showbiz activities and took a backseat on your music?"

"Yes, Mr. JJ," Iris replied. Her voice was now very calm, even sweet.

Jin Liwei did an excellent job in calming her down with a kiss and a chocolate bar.

"Fine! I'll forgive you for shouting at me just now. Hmph! Good thing that I, JJ, am a very understanding person! If it were another person, I would've already fired him or her for shouting at me like you did."

Iris only smiled and handed Jin Liwei the empty wrapper of the chocolate bar that she just finished. He unwrapped another one before giving it to her. She started eating the second bar while pressing herself closer to him who was now sitting on the arm of her chair.

"Hey, brat! Are you still listening to me?!"

She glanced at the scowling JJ. "Yes, Mr. JJ. I'm listening."

"Hmph!" He watched her eating the chocolate. "Tell me what type of food you're craving. I'll send some to you. Oh, right! I got the invite for next week. I'll give you a care package curated for pregnant women to you then. But before that, can you at least tell me what I will be attending next week? The invitation doesn't say anything!"

She didn't reply but nudged Jin Liwei to answer instead.

"It's a secret for now, Mr. JJ," Jin Liwei said. "Just please come. Xiulan and I will appreciate your presence on the day."

"Alright. Fine! Since my protégé Iris Long is asking me, JJ, so nicely, then I'll make sure to come!"

"Thank you, Mr. JJ." Iris gave her music producer a bright smile.

"Let's continue our meeting another day," JJ announced. "We've been at it for a few hours now. A pregnant woman should have lots of rest!"

"But we're not done discussing—"

"We're done for today!" JJ's tone was final. He also gave a meaningful look at Jin Liwei.

He took the hint and told his baby girl, "Mr. JJ is right, love. Time to rest. You can continue your discussion another time."

She was reluctant but still acquiesced. "Fine."

"In the meantime, I'll re-think about the versions that I sent you today and consider your suggestions," JJ said. "But I just want you to remember that these songs are going to be sung by other artists, not you. We need to consider the version that will fit the artists' personal styles the best. And also, not everyone can perform complicated vocal runs like you do. Sometimes we need to adjust our expectations.

"Like you and me, for example. I always expect a lot from you because I know that you can do everything that I ask of you. That's not the case for some of my artists but I still work with them because they have their own unique strengths. But of course, that doesn't mean that I'll go easy on them. Hah! As if I, JJ, will do something like that! They still have to work hard in improving themselves while satisfying the high standards of being artists signed under my record label.

"My point is for you to let go of your tendency to control everything, especially since you've already decided to take a backseat and allow other artists to perform the songs that you've written. Trust me and let me do my magic! There's no way that I, JJ, an award-winning music producer, would produce crap!"

JJ's words made Iris ponder.

He added, "If you want more control, then sign up as a music producer next time. You have a bit of an experience producing with me before, so you already know what to expect. But for now, leave everything to me! Alright, brat?"

She thought about it some more before finally nodding. "Alright, Mr. JJ."


After saying goodbye to each other, the video call ended. Iris sighed and rubbed her face against Jin Liwei's shirt, making sure to inhale his scent.

"I wanted to be the music co-producer of the songs I wrote," she murmured.

"We already talked about this, Evelina."

She sighed again. "I know."

He kissed the top of her head. "You can be the producer next time after you've given birth to our babies. You can do whatever you want. You know that. I'll support you all the way. But you need to focus on your health during this time."

She nodded and rubbed her stomach. It was still flat. Just by looking at her appearance, nobody would suspect that she was pregnant. She hadn't gained any extra weight. She was still in the first trimester so no baby bump yet.

Afterwards, they left the music studio and stayed in the cat room to play with Little Jun, Ice Cream and Popcorn and also chat with the talkative Ketchup while waiting for dinner time. Bacon seemed to be busy with his work at Shadow Winds so he was absent.

"We'll have a meeting with our wedding planner tomorrow," Jin Liwei said. "Then on Sunday, our friends will come for the rehearsal."

Iris nodded. She already knew about their schedule for this weekend.

"Love, I would like to make some changes regarding my best man."

She tilted her head to the side. He told her what he had planned.

"I don't mind," she said. "If that's what you want."

"Thank you, Evelina," he told her in Russian.

She beamed and replied to him in Russian as well. "You're welcome, Liwei."

Jin Liwei had been diligent in learning the Russian language. He had become more motivated to master it after learning his baby girl's origins in her past life.

"Also, I would like to introduce you to someone important to me before our wedding," he said.


"You'll meet him on Sunday. Hopefully."

"He'll be here with our friends?"


She studied his expression, trying to get some clues from his face but to no avail. "Okay, darling. I'm looking forward to meeting that person."

He smiled, but deep inside, he hoped that everything would go well and that the meeting wouldn't stress her too much.

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Chapter 895 - Know The Real You

It was the final weekend before the secret wedding. The entire Dragon Palace Home #10 was busy with all the preparations. Despite the hustle and bustle, everybody was moving in an efficient manner and also conducting everything with the utmost discretion and secrecy.

After a busy meeting with their wedding planner which lasted almost the entire morning, Iris started feeling a little queasy. Jin Liwei decided to have the two of them eat a quiet lunch at their suite's living room instead of joining the others.

Lunch was light but very nutritious. Iris struggled a bit in eating her food but she was still able to finish everything without running to the bathroom and vomiting.

After the meal, she reclined on the couch and sighed. "I hope I won't get sick on our wedding day."

"Don't stress too much about it, love," Jin Liwei said while taking a seat beside her.

Once the table was cleared of all the dishes and the household staff left the suite, the couple lounged while listening to Iris' recorded piano music. Some were classic masterpieces from the great masters, a few were by some of her favourite contemporary composers, and of course, the majority were her own original composition. Regardless of the original composer, her style of playing flowed like an ethereal breeze throughout the entire suite.

Iris rested her head on Jin Liwei's shoulder and stared at his face. He looked back at her with a slight smile and raised eyebrow.

"We haven't really talked about how you're feeling since the shock from last week. Are you really fine after reading the...report?"

His expression froze but it only lasted for a second before he gave a reassuring kiss on her forehead. "Must we talk about this right now?"

She didn't answer but it was obvious that it was bothering her.

He sighed. "I'm not going to lie. I'm still digesting everything even until now. It's...a lot."

"I know."


She tugged his shirt. "You still want to marry me after knowing my true origins?"

"What kind of question is that?" He scowled. "You thought that I'm going to back out of marrying you after learning about your identity in your past life?"

She turned her eyes elsewhere, not saying anything.

"Evelina, look at me."

When she didn't move, he touched her chin and gently turned her head back to force her to look at him again.

"I was the one who asked you to marry me. Many times, if I remember correctly. And now that we're expecting our twin babies, there's no way in hell that I'm going to back out of marrying you. We'll marry and that's final! I'm a little hurt that you even thought I'll back out. Do you have so little trust in my love and loyalty for you?"

Instead of answering him with words, she grabbed his face with both hands and gave him a passionate kiss. Both became hot and breathless after their mouths separated.

"Thank you, Liwei," she whispered.

"No need to thank me."

They stopped talking again and focused on the music instead to calm their desires for each other. Jin Liwei's injuries were almost all healed now. A few more days and he should be completely fine. The doctor already permitted them to resume their regular s.e.x life. However, the two of them decided to wait until their honeymoon to finally make love again.

It was Jin Liwei who spoke again. "Last week, I've been too harsh on your brother. I was so worked up that night with all the information I read in the report that I lost control of my emotions. I shouldn't have blamed Nikolai for what you went through. Just like you said, he also suffered. Both of you were victims of the environment you were born into and grew up in."

She pressed herself closer to him while continuing to listen to his words.

"Nobody can choose which family you're born into. To a lot of people in this world, there's the option of leaving an unfavourable family situation to seek for a better life elsewhere. However, now I know that the two of you never had that option. Choosing to leave was even more dangerous than staying." He sighed and stared at the ceiling. "I was only thinking about you and how much you suffered. I never even considered what your brother must have gone through in order to achieve the level of his strength back then."

"You were overwhelmed that night," she whispered. "My brother and I dumped a lot of information on you. Your reaction was understandable. To be honest with you, I expected a lot worse. I'm actually very surprised that you managed to maintain your composure and that you're still willing to accept me and my brother after knowing who we really are. Even after our meeting with my brother, you're treating me as usual like nothing really changed between us."

He shifted his position so that they were face to face. "You're wrong, Evelina. Something did change between us."

Her eyebrows drew together. She looked at him warily.

Before her mind could arrive at a worst-case scenario, he grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest on top of his beating heart. "After learning what you went through in your past life, I found that I love you even more. My desire to protect you has intensified because I don't want you to experience any of your past life's suffering again. Evelina, this is what changed between us. It made our bond stronger because I now know the real you."

Her eyes watered but her lips curved up. He was right. Now that he said this to her, she was also finding that she loved him even more.

He lifted her hand on his chest and kissed her soft palm. "No matter who you and your brother were in the past, both of you are now my family. You are my wife, Evelina, and the mother of my children. And Nikolai is my brother-in-law. I protect my family and that's what I'm going to do for the rest of our lives."

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Chapter 896 - Knowledge Is Power

Iris rested her head on Jin Liwei's shoulder again before sighing in contentment. Jin Liwei saw that she was still alert so he asked her something that had been bothering him since last week.

"The report isn't complete, is it?"

He felt her stiffen but pretended to not notice. Nikolai told him that the report was incomplete because Evelina was never a part of the Vetrov organization. There were things that they kept from her. One thing that wasn't included in the report was how each of the final family members of the Vetrovs died. There were also no detailed information about what happened the night of the annihilation.

Truth be told, Jin Liwei didn't want to know how his wife died even if it was in her past life. Just knowing what she went through growing up in the name of "training" as a Vetrov was already enough to cause him to erupt in volcanic fury. If he learned about how she died, he might even join Nikolai in seeking revenge.

Despite this, there was still a part of him that felt curious about how she, her brother, and the other members of the Vetrovs died. He already had an idea based on how she described her nightmare about fighting off attackers in her piano room who eventually killed him, their twin babies, and everyone at Dragon Palace Home #10.

However, she never really told him how she exactly died. He didn't want to ask her point-blank about it for fear that it would upset her, or worse, awaken any debilitating trauma. He couldn't do that to her, especially right now that her health condition was very sensitive due to her pregnancy.

The wary expression returned on Iris' face when she looked at him. In a soft voice, she said, "Yes, you're right. The report is incomplete but it wasn't my intention to conceal other information from you."

"I know, love. Don't worry. I'm not asking due to suspicion but from curiosity."

She nodded and took a deep breath. "When I prepared the report, I wrote it based on my own memories. I admit that my memories of my past life may not be 100% accurate because everything is based on my perception. In addition, a lot of my past memories especially the more mundane ones are becoming fuzzier with each passing day. I have to think hard to remember specific incidents.

"However, anything that is based on historical facts and basic biographic details such as names, dates of birth or death, special skills, major achievements, and things like that about the most notable figures in the Vetrov family tree are already recorded in my memory like pages in a book. These are information that I can't forget even if I want to because all members of the Vetrov family were required to memorize them in order to instill pride. These are the types of information that I included in the report I prepared for you, so they should be 100% accurate."

"I see," Jin Liwei murmured.

"But just like you noticed, the report is incomplete because I only included basic biographic details and also some of the things that I can still remember. I didn't want to include anything that I wasn't 100% sure. And also..." Her eyes dimmed. "I didn't want to gather additional information by hacking."

He opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself because she continued talking. He didn't want to interrupt her so he just continued to listen.

"Unearthing anything about the Vetrovs right now is too dangerous. The people who annihilated us, whoever they are, should be very powerful and capable to do what they did. I suspect that they're different groups who temporarily teamed up in order to make the Vetrovs disappear from the face of the planet. I'm confident in my skills as a hacker and I know that I can find out anything if I really wanted to but...."

He finally interrupted her by pulling her into a tight hug. "Love, you don't have to say anything anymore. I understand."

She grasped the front of his shirt. "I...I just can't bring myself to do it," she said in a shaky voice. "Am I...weak? Liwei, do you think I'm a weak person for not daring to investigate what really happened that...that hellish night?!"

"No!" His voice was firm and brooked no argument. "Let's not talk about this anymore. You're turning too pale."

She shook her head and gasped his shirt harder until her knuckles turned white. "Big Brother wants revenge and I understand why! But I...."

"Alright, love. That's enough for now." He forced himself to be calm even though he was extremely worried deep inside because she now started trembling in his arms.

Contrary to his expectations, however, she was able to control herself. She pushed away from him a little so that he could see her expression. Her face still had a worrying pallor but she looked calmer. Then she looked down at her abdomen and started rubbing it gently.

"I can't do it right now," she said in very soft whisper that Jin Liwei had to strain in order to hear. "But maybe one day..." Her eyes flashed with determination. "Maybe one day I'll be able to at least have the courage to find out the truth about our annihilation."

He didn't say anything but his expression became pinched.

"Right now, I need to focus on carrying our twins and giving birth to them safely."

"Exactly." He placed his hand on top of hers over her stomach while embracing her with his other arm.

Moments later, her eyes closed. He sighed in relief when he ascertained that she fell asleep. She usually took a nap during this time. After carrying her to their bed, he returned to the living room with the tablet containing the Vetrov report.

No matter what happened in the future, he needed to know as much information as he could. Knowledge was power. And in this case, the more knowledge he had, the more prepared he would be to be able to protect his wife and their family.

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Chapter 897 - Big Macho Man

Even though it was Sunday, Dragon Palace Home #10 was still extremely busy with the wedding preparations. In fact, it was busier today because of the rehearsal.

Jin Liwei's sworn brothers including his younger brother Jin Chonglin and all the members of the girl squad came to the mansion. Even Clover was present who arrived from France very late last night. She chose to stay at Dragon Palace instead of returning to Iris' Gold Heights penthouse to prevent revealing any clues about the secret wedding to Wei Lan who had also just returned from her Asian vacation with her new best friend Randy, the Zumba instructor.

Included in the rehearsal was Little Jun, Ice Cream and Popcorn. Their friends also couldn't help but notice Dom carrying a big tablet showing a white and black cats.

"Is that Ketchup and Ham?" Yu Mo asked as he looked at the two cats on the tablet with great curiosity.

The black cat hissed and swiped its claws at him.

"Whoa! Easy there!" Yu Mo jumped away but then realized how foolish he acted because he just got "attacked" by a cat on screen.

"It's Ketchup and Bacon, Teacher Mo!" Dom corrected while giggling. "Bacon is boss and sir boss' youngest baby. He's very proud of his name. That's why he got angry at you when you called him by the wrong name."

"I see," Yu Mo said in a good-natured tone. "Sorry, Bacon. Uncle Mo made a mistake. But wow! This is the first time we've met these two, although we've seen their pictures all over the mansion."

"They're very shy," Dom said with a snicker. "They always hide and refuse to come out when there are other people in the mansion."

Yu Mo laughed. "But they don't mind video-calling like this?"

"Oh, they love it! These two are very photogenic. Ehehehe! Right, Baby Ketchup and Baby Bacon?"

The white cat meowed cutely while the black cat started licking its little paws in boredom. They looked like regular cats. Even their eyes looked normal and didn't glow like before.

Yu Mo shook his head while chuckling. He didn't ask any more questions about Ketchup and Bacon. The others didn't either. They accepted Dom's explanation. Even if it was weird that the two cats would be attending the rehearsal and the actual wedding via video call, they didn't think too much about it because Iris and Jin Liwei often did things their own way. All of them were already used to it.

Moreover, there were much more interesting topics that they wanted to focus on than asking about the two shy cats Ketchup and Bacon, namely the relationship between Lu Zihao and Long Jinjing. Everyone in the girl squad already knew about their relationship, but Jin Liwei's sworn brothers and his younger brother Jin Chonglin had no idea. Therefore, they were quite shocked when they found out about it today.

After the first set of rehearsal, they took a short break and divided into two groups. Jin Liwei went with his brothers while Iris joined her friends.

"Fifth Bro, I didn't know that you still had it in you!" Yu Mo teased while throwing his arm around Lu Zihao's shoulders. The position was quite awkward because Lu Zihao was so much bigger than him. However, this didn't deter the Systema instructor even for a bit. Then he looked around to make sure that the women on the other side couldn't hear him. "Ever since you returned to the country, we haven't seen you flirting with other women like you did in the past. We thought that you had become a monk or something!"

Lin Yehan patted Lu Zihao's shoulder. "Long Jinjing is a good woman. All of Xiulan and Miss Jiang's friends are good."

Wang Yingjie nodded but all the brothers knew that his sharp eyes were silently observing Lu Zihao and Long Jinjing.

"So you're CFO Long's mysterious boyfriend!" Jin Chonglin exclaimed.

Then he told them about the rumours he overheard at Orchidia Beauty. He was frequently at the company during this period because of his men's line. The rumours said that CFO Long Jinjing had a mysterious boyfriend who would sometimes drop her off in front of the office building with swollen lips and a red face. Nobody saw her boyfriend yet but those who managed to get a glimpse of his figure could tell that he was a big macho man.

"Pft! Big macho man! Ahahahaha!" Yu Mo doubled over in uproarious laughter.

The others also couldn't stop laughing. Lu Zihao didn't join them but his expression indicated that he didn't mind. If one looked closely, they might even notice that his lips were slightly curved upwards.

On the other side where Iris and her friends were congregated, the girl squad looked over to the men's side.

"What are they laughing about?" Chen Fei asked, wrinkling her nose.

"They look like they're teasing Mr. Yummylicious," Meimei observed.

"S-stop calling him that!" Long Jinjing said with a red face.

The siblings Dom and Clover giggled.

Iris could hear what the men were talking about. "Meimei is right. They're teasing Big Brother about his relationship with Big Sister Jinjing."

Long Jinjing flushed even more.

The rehearsal resumed after the short break. They had to take another unexpected break when Little Jun and his cat cousins stopped cooperating because the kids got too tired and too bored. Clover volunteered to accompany Jiang Ying Yue to take Little Jun and the cats to the playroom.

Before leaving, the toddler ran to her godparents and gave them loud, wet kisses on the cheeks. "Bye bye, Mama! Bye bye, Papa!"

Then he went on to say goodbye to the others as well until he reached Lin Yehan.

"Bye bye, Anko Han!"

Lin Yehan crouched down and patted the child's head. "See you later, Little Jun."

Little Jun giggled before running back to his mother and Auntie Clover. When they left, Dom clutched his chest and wiped real tears from his eyes.

"Time flies by so fast! Little Junie boy doesn't cry anymore when leaving us! Wuwuwu! Our cutie patootie baby is a big boy now!"

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Chapter 898 - Where's The Person?

Iris sighed, inwardly agreeing with Dom's sentiment despite his dramatic way of expressing it. Her hand subconsciously rubbed her stomach. By next year, she would be giving birth to her and Jin Liwei's twin babies. Indeed, time flew by so fast.

There wasn't really much to rehearse for the wedding so they wrapped up everything by lunch time. Iris and Jin Liwei also didn't require everything to be absolutely perfect. What they both wanted was for all of them to be happy on their wedding day. This was the most important to both of them.

In addition, with a toddler like Little Jun and also the cats participating in the wedding who might or might not be in the mood to perform their very simple assigned tasks, expecting absolute perfection was out of question. There was no way Iris and Jin Liwei would force the children to do something that they didn't want to do. However, the couple still hoped that Little Jun and the cats would at least be in a good mood on the actual wedding day.

Later, the couple and their friends were at a lounge room where a buffet-style lunch had been prepared for them. Little Jun and the cats joined them again.

"How about the wedding planner and the workers?" Iris asked the butler. "Do they have lunch, too?"

"Yes, Mistress. Please don't worry. They are also enjoying a sumptuous buffet right now."

"Good. Thanks for the hard work."

The butler bowed before withdrawing and quietly instructing the other household staff on what to do next.

Iris sat on the farthest seat from the buffet table while waiting for Jin Liwei to get some food for her. Lin Yehan and Yu Mo, the only ones who still didn't know that she was pregnant, noticed this but didn't comment. The two of them only thought that their third brother's level of pampering towards his wife increased another level. He wouldn't even allow Iris to get her own food anymore.

Finally, Jin Liwei returned carrying two plates in each hand. He approached Iris in a slow and careful manner which baffled Lin Yehan and Yu Mo. Those who knew about the pregnancy pretended that everything was normal but also observed the scene.

When Jin Liwei was about a metre away from Iris, he asked, "Are these foods alright?"

She didn't answer right away. "I think so."

It was only then that he sat beside her and gave her one of the plates.

Lin Yehan and Yu Mo looked at one another. Lin Yehan was frowning while Yu Mo just shrugged. Then something happened that made them both shocked.

Iris pushed the plate back to Jin Liwei, covered her mouth, and started to run away. Chen Fei who was sitting near her reacted the quickest. She grabbed a wide-rimmed decorative vase and shoved it in front of Iris who already began vomiting. Jin Liwei was at her side in the next second while Wang Yingjie also stepped forward to monitor her.

Just like before, she didn't really vomit much of anything. However, the rolling heaves of her body were powerful and when she was finished, she was completely exhausted. Jin Liwei carried her to the powder room to refresh herself. Wang Yingjie followed them but didn't enter, waiting outside the door instead.

"W-what?" Yu Mo looked at everyone who didn't look surprised.

Lin Yehan looked like he realized something but kept his mouth shut for now.

When Iris, Jin Liwei and Wang Yingjie returned, Yu Mo ran to them.

"What happened?! Are you sick?!"

Jin Liwei looked at Iris who nodded at him before addressing Lin Yehan and Yu Mo. "Eldest Brother, Fourth Brother, Xiulan is pregnant."

"WHAT?!!!" Yu Mo looked absolutely shocked.

On the other hand, Lin Yehan gave the couple a gentle smile and shook their hands. "Congratulations to both of you! I'm so happy!"

"Thank you, Eldest Brother."

Then Lin Yehan looked around. "It seems that everyone here already knows about it except for me and Fourth Brother."

Jin Liwei explained to him how the others came to know about it.

Lin Yehan patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, Third Brother. I'm not resentful or anything like that. I was just genuinely curious about how the others know about it already."

"Xiao Xiu, you're really pregnant?!" Yu Mo asked after recovering a bit from his shock.

She nodded.

"So that's why you haven't been attending our Systema classes! Only Dom does!"

"I'll attend our classes again when my pregnancy becomes more stable."

Jin Liwei frowned.

"Huh? No way!" Yu Mo shook his hands and backed away from her. "Give birth to my niece or nephew first before you return. If something happens to you on my watch, Third Bro will murder me!"

She sighed, not bothering to reply. Wang Yingjie urged her to eat something. In the end, she could only stomach the soup and some of the steamed vegetables.

Throughout lunch, there were different conversations happening at the same time. Jin Chonglin and Chen Fei were in a serious discussion about his men's line. Sometimes Iris and Long Jinjing would join them if their opinions were sought. However, most of the conversations revolved around the upcoming wedding and everyone's excitement for it.

"Nikolai, would you like some more beer?" Long Jinjing asked in a soft voice where they were sitting together to the side.

Iris, with her great hearing, heard what Long Jinjing said. Her eyes contracted.

"What's wrong, love?" Jin Liwei asked after noticing her unusual reaction.

She whispered to him what she heard. His eyes widened and he also looked at the direction of Lu Zihao and Long Jinjing. Lu Zihao noticed their attention and also looked back at them with a raised eyebrow.

"We'll talk later to your brother," Jin Liwei told Iris. "You can ask him about it by then."

"Okay." She felt curious about why Jin Liwei wanted the three of them to talk again but given what happened last weekend, perhaps he had new questions that he wanted to ask her and her brother.

Then she remembered something. "By the way, where's the person that you want to introduce to me?"

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Chapter 899 - Contradictory

"I'll tell you later," Jin Liwei said.

Iris tilted her head to the side, waiting for him to explain but when he didn't, she had no choice but to swallow her curiosity for now. He would tell her when he was ready. She was sure of that.

The friends hung out for the entire afternoon and even ate dinner together. Afterwards, they bid each other goodbye and left one by one. Only Lu Zihao and Long Jinjing stayed back.

Iris became excited. "Are you sleeping over again?"

"No," Lu Zihao said. "Your man wants to talk to both of us again."

"Oh." She looked at Jin Liwei with reignited curiosity.

Lu Zihao turned to Long Jinjing. "Stay with Dominic and the others for now. I need to talk to them. I'll be back later and we'll return to your place."

"Okay." Long Jinjing joined Dom, Clover and Jiang Ying Yue.

Later in their suite's living room, Iris sipped hot ginger tea while she observed Jin Liwei and her big brother. Both men appeared relaxed on the outside but she could feel the nervous energy emanating from them. At the same time, she could also sense Jin Liwei's excitement which was the total opposite of her big brother's...displeasure. Yes, her brother appeared to be displeased. She wondered what the two men were planning to talk about with her.

But first things first. She needed to satisfy her curiosity about something that she kept on forgetting. Turning to Lu Zihao, she finally asked him, "Big Brother, I heard Big Sister Jinjing calling you Nikolai."

He stiffened for only a fraction of a second but she still caught his reaction. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Did you tell her to call you by your real name?"

Lu Zihao crossed his arm and stared outside the window. All of them were basically sitting in the same spots as they did last weekend.


Iris and Jin Liwei's eyes widened and they looked at each other.

"Why?" she asked.

Finally, Lu Zihao looked at them. "What do you mean why? You told your man your real name. Why can't I tell my real name to my woman?"

"I told Liwei my real name because I love him. Do you love Big Sister Jinjing?"

Lu Zihao's back straightened and he frowned. "No, I don't love her."

She tilted her head to the side. "Really?"

"I..." His frown deepened as if he encountered a difficult problem that he couldn't solve. Then he sighed. "You know I can't love her. My world is too dangerous for me to have that kind of deep attachment for an innocent woman. What I have with her...it's only temporary. I'll let her go once we've satisfied each other. She'll be safer away from me."

She also frowned and opened her mouth, about to argue, but Jin Liwei placed a firm hand on her thigh to stop her. He shook his head at her.


"Let the two of them figure out their relationship, love. They're both a.d.u.l.ts and—"

"No!" Iris couldn't accept it. She pushed away Jin Liwei's hand and stood up before facing her brother. Her slightly flushed face indicated that she was worked up after hearing what her brother said about his relationship with Long Jinjing.

"If that's how you feel, then you shouldn't have taken her as your girlfriend in the first place. You should've left it as a one-night stand, maybe a two or even a three-night stand but nothing longer than that. Definitely not a relationship like what the two of you have right now! Big Brother, aside from Liwei, I'll always side with you. You should know that. But Big Sister Jinjing is my friend and...I've grown to accept this body's blood connection to her as Xiulan's half-sister. I care about her. That's why I can't just sit back and listen to you spout such contradictory—"

"Which part of the things I said is contradictory?" Lu Zihao demanded.

"You say that what you have with Big Sister Jinjing is temporary and yet you told her to call you by your real name. Have you forgotten the power and danger your real name holds? Only a few people know Evelina but almost everyone in the underworld knows Nikolai."

Lu Zihao's jaw and entire body tensed. A heavy aura burst out of him but Iris was too worked up to react. It was Jin Liwei who stood in front of her and glared at Lu Zihao. Lu Zihao caught himself and took a few deep breaths as he withdrew the aura he unconsciously released.

Iris, however, wasn't done yet. She left Jin Liwei's back to confront her brother face to face again. Jin Liwei tried to calm her down but to no avail.

"Then you say that you don't love her. Fine! If that's what you say, then I'll try to believe it. But you care about her. Don't deny it!"

Lu Zihao closed his mouth when she said that. Indeed, he was about to deny it on instinct. But now that she pointed it out, he realized that she was right. He cared about Long Jinjing.

"Yes, I care about Long Jinjing," he finally admitted out loud. "She's my girlfriend, for f.u.c.k's sake! Of course, I care about her! Do you think I'll waste my f.u.c.k.i.n.g time being in a relationship with a woman I don't care about?!"

This time, it was Jin Liwei who spoke. Since his wife couldn't be stopped, then he might as well join her. "Then take responsibility for your decision, Nikolai. Telling Long Jinjing your real name and taking her as your girlfriend while you still have Shadow Winds is the same thing as pulling her half a step into your world whether you want to admit it or not."

Iris hugged Jin Liwei's arm and nodded at what he was saying.

"And don't take us for blind people," Jin Liwei continued. "We know that the two personal bodyguards you assigned to protect and take care of her are some of the best in Shadow Winds, not to mention the hidden ones you instructed to watch over her in secret."

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Chapter 900 - How Is That Possible?

Lu Zihao narrowed his eyes but didn't deny anything of what his sister's man said. A thick vein throbbed in his forehead as he also glared at Jin Liwei.

"I also know that you instructed Bacon to monitor Long Jinjing so that my son can instantly alert your subordinates if she ever needs help," Jin Liwei said.

"The little devil told you that?" Lu Zihao asked through gritted teeth.

Amus.e.m.e.nt flashed in Jin Liwei's eyes. "No, I was just guessing. But your reaction just now confirmed my guess."

An adorable child's snicker suddenly sounded in the room. "Uncle Haohao called Bacon a little devil. Ehehehe. Meow~"

"Uncle Zihao, calling your own nephew little devil is not classy," Bacon's voice said. "You've hurt Bacon's feelings. I want a salary raise as compensation for my emotional distress. If a raise is not possible, a simple bonus will do."

Lu Zihao's expression turned blacker. Before he could scold his naughty niece and nephew for interrupting the a.d.u.l.ts' conversation, Iris' amused laughter flowed like a refreshing breeze over the tense atmosphere. Watching his sister laughing at his expense, his frustration gradually dissipated.

"Bacon, don't pester your uncle for a raise or a bonus for now," Iris said after controlling her laughter. "It's not the right time."

"When is the right time, Mother?"

It was Jin Liwei who answered Bacon. "End of the year holidays. Your uncle should pay you a bonus by that time."

"I see. Bacon understands. Thank you for the information, Father. I will pester Uncle Zihao during the holidays instead."

Lu Zihao's scowl returned.

"What about the cute and mighty Ketchup? I want a holiday bonus, too! Meow~"

"You're the boss of your own company. You can just give yourself a holiday bonus."

"Oh, right! Ehehehe. Ketchup is a lady boss like my mommy! Yay yay! Ketchup will surely pay my cute and mighty self a holiday bonus! Thanks for the reminder, Daddy~ Love ya so much! Mwah mwah tsup tsup! Meow~"

Iris chuckled before reminding her AI children not to disturb the a.d.u.l.ts anymore while they were talking. Just like what happened last week, Ketchup and Bacon managed to lighten the heavy atmosphere between their parents and uncle.

Unseen by the a.d.u.l.ts in their big but cozy virtual home, Ketchup winked at her little kitty brother. Bacon ignored his older sister but his tail was wagging in satisfaction at his performance. The AI siblings were able to make their mother laugh and more relaxed. Their father secretly promised to reward them if they helped to calm their pregnant mother whenever she was stressed out.

Mission accomplished!

Back at the suite, Iris' mood had now turned for the better. She tugged Jin Liwei and the two of them returned to their seat on the couch.

"Big Brother, I'm sorry if I sound like I'm interfering with your relationship with Big Sister Jinjing. I just suddenly felt all worked up when I heard your unsatisfactory words about the relationship between the two of you."

At first, Lu Zihao felt better after hearing his sister's apology but when he heard the last part of what she said, he frowned again. However, he didn't want to bother about it anymore. He didn't come here to argue with his own sister and her man.

Truth be told, he wanted to get this meeting over and done with so that he and Long Jinjing could return to her place as soon as possible and f.u.c.k before falling asleep—if that was possible. He was dreading what would happen later. There was a high chance that his just recovered self would become lethargic again because of his damn promise with the sly Jin Liwei.

"I just hope that whatever happens between you and Big Sister Jinjing, she would be safe," Iris said.

Lu Zihao's lips pressed together in a thin line but he gave a stiff nod which seemed to satisfy his sister—thank f.u.c.k! [This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l . c o m (remove spaces). If you're not reading this chapter on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It's very discouraging to see thieves profitting from my hard work. Please support the original author, ArriaCross. Thank you!]

"But I was really surprised that you told her your real name, Big Brother."

"I just don't want my woman calling another man's name while I'm f.u.c.k.i.n.g her."

"Language, Big Brother. Please don't forget that my children are still listening!"

This time, Lu Zihao didn't feel sorry at all. He only rolled his eyes and continued staring outside the window.


Since her curiosity about hearing Long Jinjing calling her big brother Nikolai was finally satisfied, she looked at the two men and gave them a "now what" expression.

"Remember when I told you that I want to introduce you to somebody important to me?" Jin Liwei asked.

"Yes, I remember. Where is he? Did he not come today?"

"He's right there." Jin Liwei pointed at Lu Zihao.

Her eyes turned blank before she looked at Jin Liwei like he turned into the most idiotic man in the world.

"Love, I want to introduce my fifth brother to you. His name is Lu Zihao."

A furrow formed between her brows as she struggled to understand what he meant. Then her eyes widened in amazed disbelief while listening to Jin Liwei's explanation about Lu Zihao's remnant.

"Is that true?!" Iris asked her brother.

Lu Zihao sighed before nodding.

"B-but...how is that possible?! I never experienced anything like that with Long Xiulan's remnant!"

The two men looked at each other. Jin Liwei held some hope that his wife's own experiences might help Nikolai and Lu Zihao's remnant in some way, but it seemed that might not be the case.

On the other hand, Lu Zihao, no, Nikolai wasn't as surprised as Jin Liwei. He already knew that his and his sister's situations were different from each other no matter how similar they might seem at first glance.

"Can Lu Zihao's remnant really take over your body and talk to me like a normal person?" Iris asked.

"Yeah." Lu Zihao stood up, sighing. "I f.u.c.k.i.n.g hate this but since I already made a promise to your man, then fine! I'll let you meet Lu Zihao's remnant."

Iris' eyes widened in amazement once again as her brother went from a gloomy man to a grinning one.

"Hey there, Third Sister-in-law!" Lu Zihao gave her a roguish grin and a friendly wave. "Nice to meet you! I'm Lu Zihao!"

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