𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃, jeremia...

By onehappyhero

31.7K 1.4K 1.5K

we were born to be the pawn, in every lover's game. in which she loves him, but he hates her. [ jeremiah fish... More

one. all of my enemies started out friends
two. make him fall for you
three. step one
four. lifeguard
five. you're so gorgeous
six. sunrise boulevard
seven. are there still beautiful things?
eight. strawberries and lilies
nine. the ocean & the sand
ten. something was born on the 4th of july
eleven. it comes and goes in waves
twelve. friends
thirteen. a smile that could light up this whole town
fifteen. a heart is drawn around your name
sixteen. rapunzel, rapunzel
seventeen. and all the stars aligned
eighteen. step two
nineteen. hold me without hurting me
twenty. being this young is art
twenty-one. me, the sand, and the sea

fourteen. conversations in the dark

1.1K 61 132
By onehappyhero


I'm friends with Jeremiah.

I am friends with Jeremiah Fisher.

I. Am. Friends. With. Jeremiah. Fisher.

Fuck. It doesn't matter how many times I repeat the phrase to myself. I smile like an idiot every single time, giggling like a damn maniac.

It's becoming a problem.

Salem, my cat, steps onto my feet and sits down on them like I'm the one in his way. Rolling my eyes, I bend down to pick him up. He lets me without complaint and stretches into my arms, happy that I got the memo.

I step further into my closet. With one arm around Salem, I reach with my other hand to grab the hanger holding the rose gold dress that's been sitting in my closet for weeks. I hang it up on the rack at the top of my closet door and then head back to my closet to grab the heels I'm planning on wearing tonight.

It's my grandma's eightieth birthday party, and she's pretty big on celebrating, well, herself. She'll take any chance she can get to throw a party. Especially one dedicated to herself.

I'm not really close to anyone in the family apart from her. I've always just kind of been an outcast with all my cousins and aunts and uncles because of the fact that I was adopted. Dad isn't really close with anyone except for his mom either. How can he be when they all mock him for never getting married again after his wife's death?

I don't really remember her much—at least not like Rey does. Most of my memories of her are after the cancer really started taking a toll on her body. The only things I remember before that are her sweet smile and her laugh that sometimes still echoes in my ears when I'm alone at night. I like to think she's watching over me even though we never really got the chance to bond.

Dad tells me she really loved me, though. That makes me sad. I wish I could have gotten the chance to get to know her.

Exiting my closet, I look up and nearly scream when I find a figure climbing into my room through my window. I get so startled that I accidentally drop Salem. He screeches and walks over to my desk chair to climb on top of it.


My heart hiccups in my chest as my brown eyes meet those pale blue ones. He wears a grin, dropping his feet to the floor of my room and walking toward me. His eyes flick to Salem sitting on the chair.

"You have a cat," he muses, making his way toward him and reaching out his hand.

"I wouldn't touch him if I were you. The only people he likes are me and Van."

He narrows his eyes. He slowly extends his hand out to Salem who glares up at him. Then, he jumps up and would have clawed out Jeremiah's eyes if he hadn't moved away so quickly.

I get in front of him, blocking the black cat's path.

"Calm down, Salem. He's not an asshole, I promise. Well, at least most of the time he isn't."

Jeremiah scoffs.

"You named your cat Salem?" is what he chooses to focus on. "Like...the Salem Witch Trials?"

I snort, turning around to face him. "Salem as in the cat from Sabrina the Teenage Witch."

He hums, jumping onto my bed and placing his head on his hand as he stares at me. I hate to admit that the action makes me gulp and think some not-so-PG thoughts.

"Like the new live-action one or the animated one?"

"Animated obviously. That show was my entire childhood."

He lets out a laugh, his eyes catching on something on my wall. "Just like Big Time Rush over there was your entire childhood."

Looking over, I spot my autographed Big Time Rush poster which I hung up on my wall when I was like ten.

I glare at the blonde boy on my bed. "Shut up. At least I didn't have an obsession with Total Drama Island."

Jeremiah gasps. "How dare you?! That show is pure genius. It is my sole reason for living."

I shake my head in amusement, laughing at him. He smiles.

"Wanna hang out today?" he asks, stretching across my bed.

My heart skips a beat, making it that much more difficult to say no.

"I can't," I reply apologetically. "I have a family party to go to."

He pouts. "Can I come? I've got nothing to do today."

The question catches me by surprise, and I hesitate because I'm unsure about how to respond.

"Please?" He implores. "Pretty please? We're friends now, aren't we?"

I sigh, finally relenting. "Fine."

He grins and gets up from the bed. "Yes! I need to go get dressed! Is it formal?"

"Yeah. We're leaving at five, so be back before then."

He gives me a thumbs-up and then skips over to the window. He looks back to wink at me.

"See you at five, Fall."

I narrow my eyes. "I swear to God, Fisher, if you start calling me that—"

"I can't hear you!"

He slips out of my room through the window without a glance back. I have to fight the smile on my face.

MY DRESS IS on, my makeup is done, and my hair is set. I look at myself through the mirror and smile. I feel pretty.

A noise on the other side of the room makes me look over to find Jeremiah climbing in through the window again, this time wearing a suit.

"You do know the front door is an option, right?" I tease as I stand up.

He doesn't respond.

He's staring at me. His eyes dart all over my face, down the length of my body, all the way to the heels that wrap around my ankles. I look down at myself.

"What?" I ask him. "Do I look bad?"

No sound leaves his lips. For a second, I think he's finally going to say something. Do something. Anything.

But he doesn't.

He looks away, flexing his jaw. "You...you're good."

I blink. "Oh. Okay. Good."

I scratch the back of my neck, feeling a little disappointed even though I shouldn't. My eyes stray to my vanity where there is a necklace on display—the one my grandma got me for my sixteenth birthday. Right, one last thing to put on and then I'm ready.

I reach for the necklace and wrap it around my neck. I try to slide the hook into the loop, but it doesn't go in. I let out a groan when I try again and it doesn't work. I hear a chuckle from behind me and then footsteps. I turn to glare at him to which he laughs.

He stands right behind me and pushes my hair aside. He holds out his hand for the necklace. Not breathing, I place it in the palm of his waiting hand. He wraps it around my neck and clasps it behind. I feel his hot breath on the base of my neck. It burns almost as much as it would if he were holding a match against my skin.

We suck in a breath at the same time.

Then, he steps back and clears his throat.

"Thanks," I mumble.

He nods in response, and we're both quiet for a second.

"Should we start heading out?" he asks.

"Yeah, let's go downstairs."

Immediately upon opening the door, I find Vanessa and Rey standing behind it looking very suspicious. I send them both a flat look.

"Oh, hey guys!" Van greets cheerfully. "Had no idea you two were in there!"

Rey shakes his head, rubbing his temple and sending Van an exasperated look. She sends him a look back, one I'm assuming means 'what?' They bicker all the way downstairs. Jeremiah and I share a discreet look, trying not to laugh.

"Everyone ready?" Dad asks when we reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Yuppers," Van replies, making the corners of Rey's mouth tip up the smallest bit.

Dad's eyes land on Jeremiah who shifts uncomfortably underneath his intense scrutiny.

"Jeremiah Fisher," he says in a tone I assume is supposed to scare him. I roll my eyes. "I didn't hear you walk in. What were you doing in my daughter's room?"

Jeremiah visibly gulps. I have to restrain my laughter.

"Oh, I-I wasn't doing anything..." he stammers, ears turning the most adorable shade of pink.

Dad raises his eyebrow. "You don't sound too sure about that."

Jeremiah opens his mouth, but I decide to cut him off and save him from too much embarrassment.

"C'mon, Dad," I say. "Stop pretending to be scary. We all know you're afraid of butterflies."

His jaw drops. "Rosie, I expected more from you. I cannot believe you would bring that up at a time like this."

I roll my eyes. "You're so dramatic."

"At least now you know who you get it from," Rey adds.

I slap his shoulder to which he sends me a 'what the fuck' look. Shrugging, I send him a sweet smile. He glares at me.

"This entire family is full of lunatics," Van stage whispers to Jeremiah.

Dad snorts. "Didn't you just ask me yesterday to adopt you?"

Vanessa sends him a betrayed look. "Dude, don't say that. My Korean mother will hear you with her super hearing and then you'll never see me again."

I roll my eyes. "You guys are all dorks. We have to leave now if we don't want to be late."

"Alright, everyone in the car!"

We pile in, Van and Rey insisting that Jeremiah sit in the back with them. He shoots me a look that seems like a cry for help as I get into the passenger seat. I just smile and watch as my brother and best friend force him into the middle seat, both of them wearing matching smirks.

They tease him the entire drive over, Dad joining in, and even though Jeremiah looks scared for his life, sometimes he catches my eye in the vanity mirror and smiles that charming smile I fell for.

And even though my family enjoys messing with him, I know that that means they actually really like him. And that makes me all the more certain that there is no one else I'd rather have fallen for.

jeremiah's pov

I LIKE AUTUMN'S family. They're funny and down to earth and lowkey scare me a little, but I'm almost positive that they like me. And for some reason, that relieves me. Like I've gotten extra credit on an assignment I didn't even do.

When we get to the banquet hall where the party is being held, I realize that Autumn's grandmother is rich as hell. It's this huge mansion with at least ten sets of doors in the front. Marble stairs lead up to the main entrance, and upon entering, there is a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling decorated with who knows how many diamonds. There is a fountain filled with what I'm assuming is champagne, placed right in the middle of the floor where guests first enter.

It's incredibly fancy, and I sort of feel out of place. Glancing over at Autumn and seeing her cringe slightly, I realize that she feels the same.

I trace the curls falling into her face and her soft brown skin that seems to glow in the light of the midday sun. Her floor-length dress is simple but elegant, and in this moment, she looks striking. Someone who cannot be ignored. Like the blaze of the sun in a crowded room full of average stars.

I sort of froze when she asked me if she looked bad. She doesn't look bad. Not at all. She looks...

I don't think I can even admit to myself what kind of thoughts are racing through my head.

I feel my cheeks warm and I quickly turn to face forward before anyone notices. We walk further into the room, more and more people appearing in my line of sight.

"It's literally going to be impossible trying to find Abuela in this crowded room," Rey remarks.

"She's right there," Vanessa deadpans as she gestures in a specific direction.

He shoots her a glare to which she grins and just grabs his hand to lead him toward where she was motioning. I think I'm the only one who notices the light smile on his lips and the way he glances down at their intertwined hands.

"He's so obvious," Autumn interrupts my thoughts.

I nod. "Agreed. How does she not know?"


Smiling, we all walk toward the woman who is apparently the grandmother of Autumn and Rey. My jaw literally drops when I see said grandmother, though, because she does not look eighty years old. Not even close.

"Rosie! Reiner! Vannie!" the woman—who literally doesn't look older than her mid to late fifties—exclaims when she sees us approaching.

"Hola Abuela," Autumn says, wrapping her arms around the slightly shorter woman. "Feliz cumpleaños!"

Vanessa and Rey both join in, the four of them embracing. When they pull apart, Autumn's grandmother starts fussing over the three of them, switching back and forth between English and Spanish, and commenting on how happy she is to see them.

"Mamá," Mr. Cortez speaks up irritably. "Seriously? Your son is right here."

She rolls her eyes and waves him away. "Please, Santiago. Stop being so self-centered."

He gapes at his mother, donning a look of betrayal and offense. I hold back my laughter at his expression as Autumn bursts out laughing.

"Ooh, who is this handsome young man?"

Autumn's grandmother turns to me and smiles.

"Jeremiah Fisher," I reply, suddenly nervous. "Uh, happy birthday. Ma'am."

She snorts. "Don't call me that. It makes me feel old." She turns to Autumn with a slight smirk on her face. "Rosie, es este tu novio?"

Autumn's eyes widen, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks. "Abuela! ¡No claro que no! No seas ridícula."

The older woman chuckles and shrugs but doesn't comment further. I furrow my eyebrows, wondering what they're talking about. Mrs. Cortez turns back to me.

"Well, Jeremiah Fisher, it is nice to meet you. Save this old lady a dance later, will you?"

"Of course," I say, grinning at her. "I'd never miss the chance to dance with such a beautiful woman."

I wink at her, and she laughs. Then, she raises her eyebrows at Autumn.

"El me gusta mucho, cariño."

The brunette groans and shakes her head. "I think you've had too much champagne."

They all laugh, and even though I have no idea what they were saying, I laugh along because their family dynamic makes me feel comfortable around them.

When Mrs. Cortez is pulled aside by her friends, the rest of us go to sit down at a reserved table. This party is starting to feel more and more like a wedding reception. As we're passing by nearby tables, I see a few people turn their heads to stare at Autumn, their whispers sounding in my ears.

"She's still here?" one older woman says in a low voice.

"Santi should know better by now," someone else chimes in. "She doesn't belong in this family."

"The nerve she has coming here. The sooner she leaves the better."

"She can't even get a boy to stay with her. Remember the last one she brought to one of these parties? I heard he couldn't even stay loyal. Who can blame him?"

"I wouldn't. She deserves it. This one will eventually leave too."

My jaw flexes, my hands subconsciously clenching into fists. I glance down at Autumn who seems to be completely indifferent. I can't tell if she just didn't hear anything or if she's putting on a brave face. But then I see the slight frown between her brows and her knuckles turning white as she holds them in front of her.

Without thinking, I reach down and envelop her hand in mine. From the corner of my eye, I see her look up at me, but I face forward. Squeezing her hand, I feel her relax, and that's all that matters to me.

I'm still livid when we sit down, and even more so when the ladies who were just talking about Autumn come to our table with fake smiles plastered across their faces.

"Santi!" the taller one exclaims in a high-pitched voice. "It's been so long. Reiner, greet your dear aunt, won't you?"

Rey flat out ignores her.

Instead, he pours some water for Vanessa and starts talking to her about something completely different. Their aunts laugh it off awkwardly as Mr. Cortez glares at them. Good to know I'm not the only one who doesn't like them.

They turn toward Autumn, their eyes glinting with disdain. My hand instinctively goes to her thigh. Her hand goes to it, clutching onto it as if she needs me. And I desperately don't want her to let go.

One of the aunts flicks her eyes in my direction. "Ah, is this your boyfriend?"

Autumn clenches her jaw and then opens her mouth to respond, but I cut her off.

"Yes, I am."

Autumn's eyes widen as I swing my arm around her shoulders and pull her closer to me. Someone's heart races, but I can't tell if it's hers or my own.

"I had to chase her for nearly a year and beg her to give me a chance," I continue. "But she finally agreed, so here I am. I've got to be the luckiest guy in the world."

I smile down at her, her eyes swimming with questions and gratitude.

"Oh," one of the aunts says. "I see."

The other clears her throat. "Isa, I think Carmen is calling for us."

"Oh, yes. Let's go see what she wants."

The tension at the table immediately erases as they leave. None of us mention them again, but Autumn's eyes are glazed over for the rest of dinner.

THERE IS AN old classical Spanish song playing when I go to ask Autumn's grandmother to dance with me.

"You didn't forget," she says as she takes my outstretched hand.

"Of course not. I've been looking forward to this all evening."

She lets out a soft laugh. "You're charming, aren't you?"

I grin. "I try my best."

We head down to the dance floor. I place my free hand on her upper back and she places hers on my bicep. Waltz training for the Deb Ball has finally come in handy. As I lead us through the steps, she smiles up at me.

"You like Autumn."

I trip over my own feet.

"What?" I sputter. "With all due respect, ma'am, that's ridiculous."

She just laughs. "Mi niño, I am everything but ridiculous."

I don't respond. Autumn and I are friends. I care about her just as I care for Steven, Conrad even. Under no circumstance would I, of all people, fall for Autumn Cortez. We just...don't work. Besides, I like Belly. I've liked her for years. One summer isn't going to change that.

"No matter, you will know soon enough."

"Know what?"

She ignores the question. Instead, she looks over my shoulder and waves someone over. Then, she pats my shoulder and steps back just as Autumn approaches. My breath hitches as she comes to a stop in front of us. Autumn's grandma sends me a knowing smirk.

"I'm getting tired," Mrs. Cortez says. "My body doesn't work like it used to. Rosie, mi amor, dance with your friend, won't you?"

Autumn's eyes widen. "But—"

"Is that Eve calling me? Gotta go, have fun!"

I have never seen an eighty-year-old woman move that fast.

Looking down at Autumn, I find her staring awkwardly at the ground. My heart flips as I smile at her.

"Shall we?" I say, holding out a hand.

She lets out a small snort and takes it, placing her other hand on my shoulder. My free hand wraps around her waist, causing our eyes to meet before we quickly look away.

We dance to the music for a little bit. I tease her for having two left feet and she just laughs and rolls her eyes in that way she always does that makes it seem like she's praising me instead of insulting me.

I love hearing her laugh.

After a while, her eyes wander over to where her aunts are now sitting, occasionally glaring in our direction. My thumb swipes across her hip, the tips of my fingers brushing against the bare skin of her back because of her low-back dress.

Her eyes connect with mine again. I send her a comforting look as I lean in closer.

"You wanna get out of here?" I ask quietly.

Her hand moves up until her fingers reach the ends of my curls. I struggle to keep still.

"I can't leave everyone here."

The look on her face tells me she wants to be anywhere but here.

"Stop thinking about others. Think about yourself. Do you want to stay?"

She bites her bottom lip, momentarily making me lose focus, before she shakes her head.

"Not really."

"Alright then."

I step back, not releasing her hand, and start leading her toward the entrance. She tugs on my hand for me to stop.

"Let me tell Van and Rey first."

Nodding, I walk back with her so she can tell her brother and best friend that we're leaving. Vanessa wiggles her eyebrows at me and smirks while Rey glares at me and uses two fingers to point to his eyes and then toward me. Autumn just rolls her eyes at both of them and then gestures for me to follow her toward the exit.

For a while, without any kind of purpose or direction, we walk together in silence. Our hands brush ever so slightly as we move. She clasps her hands behind her back and I shove mine into the pockets of my pants.

Somehow, we end up at the beach. It's not the one we usually go to since that's on the opposite side of town, but this one is just as beautiful. The sun has already set and the stars have already started to appear when we get down to the sand.

Without any care for her dress getting dirty, Autumn heads straight toward the ocean, sinking her toes in the saltwater before her entire foot.

"You're going to get your dress ruined," I reason with her.

She sends me a blank look. "So?"

My smile grows as I stare at her little smirk. Shrugging, I remove my blazer and set it down before stepping into the water with her. When she isn't looking, I bend down and splash some water at her.

She gasps. "Jeremiah Fisher!"

"Autumn Cortez!"

She narrows her eyes. Then, she squats down and sends a huge wave of water my way. It soaks my entire shirt and my pants.

"Oh, you're fucking in for it now."

She squeals as I suddenly lift her into my arms with her head under one arm and my other arm beneath her knees.



I let out a maniacal laugh and pretend as if I'm going to throw her into the water. She screams, clutching at my shoulders. She shuts her eyes tightly, making me smile. Fuck, she's adorable.

When I finally let her down, she starts hitting my chest.

"You fucking bitch," she fumes.

I chuckle, grabbing her delicate wrists. I lean down enough so I can feel her warm breath on my cheeks and hear the way her breath catches. My eyes drop down to her dark red lips on their own accord, so fast that I'm not sure she even notices. Fuck, why am I wondering if they're as soft as they look?

Swallowing, I force myself to smile nonchalantly and wink at her. "I know."

She laughs as she rolls her eyes, pushing me away. We're both soaked when we finally decide to get out of the water. We sit down on the sand, the summer night breeze sweeping over us.

Autumn shivers, her hands rubbing against her bare arms. I pick up my jacket which I left on the sand and hold it out to her.


She looks over and then shakes her head. "I'm fine."

I roll my eyes. Opening up the jacket, I lay it over her shoulders so it covers her.


"Shut up."

She cracks a smile.



All I can do is nod as I suddenly find it difficult to find my voice.

The stars have become visible in the dark night sky, splattered across a black canvas like white paint drops. The crescent moon hangs just above us, so close it feels like we can reach out and touch it.

Autumn stares at the sky. I stare at her.

There's a light smile on her face, her dimples still showing. Her wet hair sticks to her forehead, the dry strands blowing away from her face. The moon casts a glow on her skin, making her look ethereal. There is emotion in her eyes that I've never seen before, and something clicks right in that moment.

How did I never realize how beautiful she is?

My knuckles subconsciously brush the outside of her bare thigh, my breath hitching and electricity shooting through every vein in my body. The muscle in my jaw twitches as my hands clench into fists. I turn toward the summer night.

"I'm sorry," she blurts out.

I furrow my eyebrows. "For what?"

She shrugs. "For my family. They've always been like that. Pretentious. We're not really close to any of them except my grandma."

I'm suddenly reminded of her aunts' words earlier at the party. When they were talking about her not being able to keep a guy. How many times has Autumn had to hear cruel comments like that? How many times has she been cut down by her family just because she's not related to them by blood?

I won't leave, I want to say. I'm here to stay.

But I'm a fucking coward, so I don't.

"I'm sorry," I say instead.

She frowns. "Why are you sorry?"

"I'm sorry you have to endure that. It's fucked up and I hate that you have a family like that. You're so fucking incredible. You're smart and funny and you always work ten times harder than you have to. Some people stop pursuing their goals because something or someone gets in their way. But you shoot that motherfucker down before they even have a chance to stop you. It's your family's loss if they can't see that."

She stares at me for a hot second, and I'm worried I said too much. She turns her head and bites back a small grin.

"Why do you always say the exact thing I need to hear? It's annoying."

I grin, knocking my shoulder against hers. "You're annoying."

"You're an ass."

"You're obnoxious."

"You're infuriating."

"You're aggravating."

"I'm glad you came."

She turns to me then, a smile on her face and her eyes filled to the brim with emotion that clogs my heart. No words form on my tongue. All I can do is stare at her like a fool.

You like Autumn.

I'm in some deep shit.

𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 !

sorry for the wait guys, hopefully this long chapter makes up for it 😭 here's an update bc i finally passed my driver's test hehe

anyway there are 10 chapters left...

we have officially entered the "burn" of slowburn.

side note: i used google translate for the spanish portions so feel free to correct me if anything is wrong and i'll fix it!!

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