Shattered Pieces

Penny987 tarafından

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Sapphire always felt like she was missing a big part of her life not knowing anything about her birth father... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: Different
Chapter 2 School
Chapter 3 Training
Chapter 4 Birthday
Chapter 5 First Shift
Chapter 6 Hospital
Chapter 7 Confession
Chapter 8 Gym
Chapter 9 Embarrassed
Chapter 10 Intense
Chapter 11 Link
Chapter 12 Meeting
Chapter 14 Code
Chapter 15 Road Trip
Chapter 16 Mate
Chapter 17 Intruder
Chapter 18 Brother
Chapter 19 Overkill
Chapter 20 Meeting
Chapter 21 Older
Chapter 22 Wolves
Chapter 23 Dinner
Chapter 24 He did what
Chapter 25 Mine
Chapter 26 Uncertainty
Chapter 27 Speechless
Chapter 28 Ceremony
Chapter 29 War

Chapter 13 Destroying

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Penny987 tarafından

                                                                  Zavier POV

The weather is sunny and a great evening for training. I need to train tonight to get my mind off last night, did my sister really communicate with me or was it just a dream? 

The big open field around me probably needs more grass seeds from being worn down. My two best friends are helping me train a couple of dozen pack members tonight. "All right everyone, line up and form two groups, one for the obstacle course and another for sparing. We will..."

Dad's Beta Lennox mind link suddenly comes through.

Zavier we need you to come to your dad's office right away, he is destroying it!


I look to my friends Mark, and Conner to follow me.

"Fred, take over training, something has come up." Fred is the most experienced in the group.

"Yes, Zavier."

As we get closer to Dad's office we can hear him yelling and screaming. There is a massive hole in the side of the building. Furniture is being thrown out of it, there are broken twisted, and munted pieces everywhere.

"Alpha Zander please calm down!" Beta Lennox begs, fear laced in his voice.

"We want to help you, but you need to tell us what happened." I recognize Gamma Anthony and Beta Lennox's voices.

When we enter his office we are shocked at what we are witnessing, he is enraged, half shifting from wolf to human form while throwing things. He picks up a chair and throws it out the hole in the wall.

"Dad, what happened? Please calm down!" It was devastating to see him like this.

The desk is smashed in half, and books and paperwork are thrown about. It looks like a bomb has gone off.


I'm coming as fast as I can, is he OK?

I can hear the desperation in her voice, No! I managed to reply Dad needs you, come to his office!

Zav, I'm nearly there.

"When will it ever stop!?" He yells. "The nerve of them ringing me and asking about missing girls from my pack!"

"I know I didn't protect my family. I failed my mate and daughter!" tears run down his face. "18 years I have tried to find her and nothing so far, not a damn lead, nothing!" Another chair gets thrown against the wall and makes the hole bigger. We can all hear a massive growl coming from him, and it is very scary.

Mum sprints in and is shocked at the state of her mate. Mum quickly runs up to Dad and embraces him to try and calm him down. Dad inhales deeply letting her scent wash over him to calm himself. It slowly works, he is finally in a calmer state of mind.

Dad must have had his wall up so, Mum could not feel most of his emotions throw the mate bond.

"What happened love?" Mum looks into his eyes and sees the torment swirling in them.

"How can you look at me like that, knowing I was not able to protect our family? Zinnia is gone and it is my fault. I should have stayed at the hospital."

"No, you did the right thing, we were being attacked by rogues. You needed to help the pack. Please stop blaming yourself. I feel guilty that Zinnia is gone too. If I had not gone and had a shower we would still have her. We are lucky that they didn't take Zavier as well." Tears are streaming down her face from the grief of losing a child.

"Zavier I know that it is earlier than we planned, but I need you to step up and take over as Alpha, I can't do it anymore." his head hung low, defeated. "I need to get away for a while."

"Ok Dad I can do that, you deserve a rest, it is not your fault that Zinnia was taken. The rogues must have been a distraction, so someone could sneak in. Can you tell us what happened just now?"

"I got a phone call from Night Star Pack. There Beta was inquiring about missing girls from my pack and I lost it. I asked them why they wanted to know about any missing girls, I started to get mad and yell. I never gave him a chance to explain, I don't even know why he was ringing. I have never had any communications with them before!" He takes a big breath before continuing. "There is something that I have not told you." He looks at Mum and me with pleading eyes that are asking for forgiveness.

He reaches for a box on a bookshelf by the door and opens it. Inside is a key that we have always wondered what it is for. He would never tell us.

He gets the key and walks over to the bookshelf that has all of our family photos only on it. He then moves a photo and inserts the key into the back panel of the bookshelf that I have never noticed before.

The whole shelf moves forward with the photos still in the same position. Behind the panel at the back is a cavity that has what looks like letters on it. Some look very old and some newer, underneath that is a very thick folder.

He hesitates before he grabs the letters from the secret shelf and places them in my hands. We all look at him puzzled.

"What are these Dad?" I ask him.

He looks me in the eyes. "These have come every year on your birthday and Christmas. I have had experts look at them and no one can trace where they are sent from or from whom."

He looks like a broken man standing in front of me. It is hard to watch, he has always been a strong, fierce man.

I look at the envelopes and see they are from all over the country. I find the oldest letter and hand the rest to Mark to hold. I open it, scared of what it contains. I can feel my heart rate picking up with anticipation.


I am so angry that I start to shake, my wolf Rock wants to get loose and rip the office to pieces. I look at Dad and try to calm down when I realize that he has been dealing with this all by himself. I slump back into a chair that was not destroyed.

Now I know why Dad lost the plot and destroyed his office. Thinking that it was his tormentor.

"They are all the same, every last one of them, tormenting me, making sure that I know that I failed as a father and Alpha to protect the ones I love," he says defeated.

"I am very proud of you son." He says putting his hands on my shoulders. "I know that you will make a strong and loyal Alpha and lead the pack to a bigger and brighter future. I am impressed with how you dealt with the rogues last night. You killed 6 all by yourself before anyone got there." He reaches into the cavity and pulls out the thick folder and hands it to me. "This contains all the transactions pertaining to Zinnia's disappearance, and what we have found out so far."

"Thanks, Dad." I give him a hug which he returns.

"You will have to ring them, sorry son." I stand up and Mum gives me a reassuring hug before they both leave.

We are all standing there still shocked, trying to understand what just happened. I put the letter back into the envelope with shaking hands and asked Mark to put them and the folder back into the hiding spot.

"Right, between the five of us, we can clean this mess up," I say to everyone.

"I'll help you, Dad." Mark grabs the end of the desk that Lennox is about to lift.

"Thanks, son." Lennox smiles warmly at him.

"Dad, what are you going to do now?" Connor sounds worried.

"Don't worry about me Connor, your Mum and I are going to have no spare time to get bored." he winks at Conner while picking up broken debris around the office and chucking it out the hole.

"Oh yuck, you didn't have to tell me that, gross Dad." Conner looks mortified.

Lennox laughs loudly while picking up chairs and throwing the broken ones out the hole.

"You had better not say the same thing to me, Dad." Mark looks just as horrified.

"Sorry Mark, but that would be a lie if I didn't tell you that is one of the perks of retiring."

"You are just as nasty as Anthony." Mark scolds his dad. "We don't want to know about our parent's sex life."

"Just wait until you have a mate, and let's see if you can keep your hand off of her for a long time." Lennox raises his eyebrows at all three of us.

Nobody says anything after that, I'm just as horrified as Mark and Conner.

It took a few hours to get the office kind of sorted and a temporary wall put up. Just as we were finishing the phone rang.

"Hello, Alpha Zavier here."

My wolf starts to pace and huff

Calm down Rock, would you

Sorry, I feel strange

"Hello, Alpha Zavier my name is Alpha Logan from the Night Star Pack, can I please speak to Alpha Zander?"

I am so angry that they are ringing again and try to control my voice "Sorry that won't be possible he has retired, I am Alpha now." Everyone stops what they are doing, looking worried at me.

"Congratulations on becoming Alpha Zavier."

"Thank you, how can I help?"

"Right, this is a bit awkward. I need to clear up a misunderstanding that my Beta Thomas had with Alpha Zander today."

"Go on I am listening" I hiss

"The reason Beta Thomas was inquiring about missing girls from your pack, is that we have a young lady in our pack who is trying to find her family, unfortunately, we don't know their names."

"Her mother was a member of your pack years ago. Her name was Cindy Smith. From what we understand before Cindy died, is that the father also grew up in the same place as Cindy."

"Well, that definitely is a misunderstanding then."

"My top warrior Travis and his four children will be arriving in the area on Saturday evening and would like to request a meeting with you, and to visit your pack for leads to try and find her family and then go from there if that is OK with you?"

"How old is the young lady?"

"She is 18 years old."

She could be our sister

I know, be cool and calm down would you, stop pacing.

Ok, I feel like something big is coming, and it is unsettling me.

I know I feel the same, but you are not helping.

"Do they need a place to stay?"

"No thank you. They will be staying at a motel while they are in the area, they don't want to be an inconvenience."

"Tell them to be at the pack gates at 10 am on Sunday."

"Thank you. There is more to this story, Travis and Sapphire would like to explain the rest in person. It is an alarming story that is still affecting the family. Please look after them for me. They are like family to me and they have been through enough heartache."

"OK, I understand, by the way, we are having a lot of trouble with rogues lately. Let them know that they can contact me if they have any problems with them."

"Will do thank you, Alpha Zavier."

I hang up the phone. "Well, that was a miscommunication."

"Cindy Smith that name kind of rings a bell," Lennox tells us.

"Would you mind showing Conner where the old records are kept, so we can find out more about her? And thank you for your help, Beta Lennox and Gamma Anthony."

"Yes, Alpha Zavier. Just let us know if you need anything and we will help with the transition for you and your new Beta and Gamma."

"Thank you. I appreciate that."

They both bow their heads and leave the room. Conner follows them.

Mark and I both get lost in our thoughts waiting for him to return.

5 minutes later he walks back in looking smug. "Found it."

"Alpha! How do you feel?" Mark inquires with a smirk on his face.

"It still has not sunk in yet."

"I can understand that", Conner comments.

"Zavier I have to ask, but I do understand if you don't want to answer me," Mark asks hesitantly.

"What made you so angry last night before the rogues attacked? You looked like you would kill anyone who came close to you. You were very scary to look at, half man half beast."

I look at both of them, how do I explain the strange mind link conversation to them "I think we need to discuss this in a bit more private place." I say while going to the secret hole in the wall, grabbing the envelopes and folder, and walking to my office, they both follow me.

We all take our seats, and I start to explain that I was halfway in between sleep and a calm state of mind thinking about Zinnia when I felt someone trying to communicate with me.

"Brother the female voice says. I could not believe what I was hearing."

"She tells me that she just learned that she was taken at birth and has a twin brother. I asked her where she was."

"You will never believe where she is."

"Where?" they both impatiently ask.

"The rocks! Then she said something that I was excited about. I will come to you. I was telling her where I am, I don't think she heard the pack name though when the bloody rogue alarm went off. I wanted to kill every last one of them for breaking the connection."

They both have shocked looks on their face the more I tell them.

"Wow, that's great if it is her." Mark chuckles.

"I take it, you didn't tell your parents because you think it might be the tormentor?" I just nod at Conner.

"I don't want to get my parent's hopes up and find out it is another one of his tricks."

I see Mark pull out his cell phone, muttering the rocks to himself. He has a dumbfounded look on his face. "Dude, the Rocks is a nickname for Night Star Pack."

I can't believe it's the same place. I open the folder that Conner placed on my desk. "It looks like Cindy went for a drive in June and never came back, a search party was sent out, but no one could find her. It's like she vanished off the face of the earth. Then transfer papers were requested in February of the following year. I don't know how much help we can give the family?" I put the folder on my desk feeling inadequate.

Mark picks up the folder that I placed on the desk and starts to read it. I see a frown form on his face.

"Well, it looks like she isn't your sister, Cindy left the pack seven months before you were born," Mark tells us.

"Great," I say disappointed, I was hoping for a lead to find my sister. I know I should ring Alpha Logan about this. But how do you start that conversation? Alpha Logan, I mind-linked my sister, but I don't know her name, do you know who she is? OMG, he will think that I am on drugs or something if I ask that question.

Conner opens the big folder and starts to go through it. "Your uncle Silas was head of tracking her down by the looks of it." Conner frowns.

"Damn." I sigh in frustration. It would have been good to pick his mind about what he was able to find.

"We will have to postpone our trip as well." I feel so dejected, by the looks of the other two, they feel the same way.

"Omg, now we know what caused the betrayal you felt the other day," Mark growled out. We sit there with shocked looks on our faces.

Okumaya devam et

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