Bow and Sparrow

By tlquinn

6.9K 474 121

Two countries on the brink of war and Noreena Phillips is caught in the middle. As the daughter of renowned G... More

CH 1
CH 2
CH 3
CH 4
CH 5
CH 6
CH 7
CH 8
CH 9
CH 10
CH 11
CH 12
CH 13
CH 14
CH 15
CH 16
CH 17
CH 18
CH 19
CH 20
CH 21
CH 22
CH 23
CH 24
CH 25
CH 26
CH 27
CH 28
CH 29
CH 30
CH 31
CH 32
CH 33
CH 34
CH 35
CH 36
CH 37
CH 38
CH 40
CH 41
CH 42

CH 39

67 6 1
By tlquinn

The muffled sound of a door slamming shut woke me, but as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, all was quiet again. It was still dark outside, and I could still hear Anders snoring from across the hall -how Rylan and Knox could stand it, I didn't know. I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep, but the moonlight beaming through the window told me it hadn't been long.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

There it was again. My ears perked up, curiosity replacing the fogginess of sleep, as someone climbed the stairs. It was probably just the innkeeper, I told myself. But then I realized it was more than one person. Way more than just one person.

I bolted upright and tiptoed to the door, pressing my ear flat against it. I could only barely make out the conversation on the other side.

"Are you sure?" A male voice spoke just outside the door.

"Yes, it's her." I recognized the hushed voice of the innkeeper reply.

I stepped back, bracing myself just in time for the door to be thrown open, except it wasn't mine. It was the door across the hall, the one Rylan, Anders and Knox had disappeared through earlier. I heard muffled yelling coming from their room and the sound of a scuffle.

I lunged for the doorknob, twisting it, but it jingled uselessly beneath my palm. I gaped at it in shock. It was locked from the outside. I tried banging on the door, but it was lost in the commotion. Now I could hear the twins' voices mixed into the din as they were dragged from their beds too.

What was happening?

Rushing to the window, I threw it open and looked out into the yard below. Outside the night air was warm and calming, absurd compared to what was happening inside. I spotted Dava nearby, but she was grazing on a patch of grass, clueless.

I looked down and contemplated jumping but I was two stories up, and there was nothing below to break my fall. I would be useless to the others with two broken ankles.

I barely heard the door creak open behind me over my own racing thoughts, and I spun on my heel to face the innkeeper slipping a key in her apron pocket. I heard Rylan shout my name as she closed the door behind her.

"What is going on?" I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest and stormed to where she lingered by the door. I stood at least half a foot taller than her shriveled frame.

"You're safe now, dear." The innkeeper patted me on the arm, glancing at the door. I jerked backwards out of her reach and looked over her shoulder. The hall was quiet as the footsteps retreated down the stairs. I made to move around the innkeeper but she wrenched me backwards, blocking the door with her thin frame.

"You need to wait here until they're done." The lady hissed between her crooked teeth. A look of horror passed over my face. I wasn't sure exactly what she meant, but it didn't sound good for my friends.

"What did you do?" My voice was higher than I intended it to be, but I didn't give her time to respond.

I shoved the innkeeper away from me and she stumbled, tripping over the satchel I had discarded on the floor last night. I was out of the room before she hit the ground.

I took the stairs two at a time, my heart hammering in my throat, and came to a halt on the bottom step. Every muscle in my body froze as I looked on at the scene before me.

We were outnumbered by almost double the men. Rylan's eye was almost swollen shut and Anders had two men holding his arms back. Knox was complacent, stiff in his restraints, and the twins' eyes darted around frantically for something they could use as a weapon. They didn't notice me as they were being forced outside.


A dozen pairs of eyes turned towards me, causing my confidence to buckle under the weight. I made note of the strangers and the patches that had been hastily sewn onto each of their shirts and the way they looked at me with uncertainty. Then it all clicked. I steeled myself, rolling my shoulders back and brushing a strand of hair from my face.

"I am Lady Noreena Phillips and I demand you release them at once."

"Yes, m'lady." A brief moment of hesitation passed and then to my surprise, they did. One by one, the weapons were put away and my friends were set free, though each of them wore the same expression of bewilderment and confusion. Their questions would have to wait.

"Which of you are in charge?" I addressed the group of strangers.

"I am." A tall, burly fellow stepped forward with a nervous look on his face. I leveled my gaze with him. I didn't recognize him, but I recognized the emblem on his shirt. I had grown up around it my entire life and I have never been so relieved to see it again. It was the Phillips' family crest.

"What are you doing here?"

"Your father hired us to search for, well, for you. We were just passing through when the innkeeper alerted us to your situation." He lowered his voice on the last word, dipping his head low and glancing nervously over his shoulder.

I resisted letting out a groan of frustration. That explained the innkeeper's odd behavior. A missing girl shows up at her inn with a group of men spending foreign money. I probably would have alerted someone too, but I still cursed the woman for her misunderstanding.

"They're harmless." I nodded in my friends' direction who kept a respectful distance from the other members of the search party. Though they didn't look happy about being dragged from their beds. "Mostly."

The man shifted his weight from one foot to the other and muttered, "My apologies."

I wanted to wave it off but I wasn't entirely sure I forgave him. "Will you escort us back to Dast?"

"Yes, m'lady." He dipped his head and hastily rejoined his companions as they made preparations to leave. His presence was quickly replaced by five faces crowding my vision.

"I knew it." Anders teased when he got close enough. He dipped into a dramatic bow before boldly declaring, "My lady."

I rolled my eyes at him. I was not going to give him the satisfaction of having guessed it, even if it was by accident. Yes, I was technically a Lady. My father was granted Lordship by the King of Verdana after his service in the army. "I don't like using it."

"How did you know who they were?" Rylan reached for me, his fingers brushing my elbow. They all looked at me expectantly, waiting for an answer.

"Well they hadn't tried to kill us yet." 


Sorry for being MIA lately. February was not my month. But here's to better things in March.

Hope you enjoy the chapter! Happy Readings!


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