Shattered Pieces

By Penny987

158 3 2

Sapphire always felt like she was missing a big part of her life not knowing anything about her birth father... More

Chapter 1: Different
Chapter 2 School
Chapter 3 Training
Chapter 4 Birthday
Chapter 5 First Shift
Chapter 6 Hospital
Chapter 7 Confession
Chapter 8 Gym
Chapter 9 Embarrassed
Chapter 11 Link
Chapter 12 Meeting
Chapter 13 Destroying
Chapter 14 Code
Chapter 15 Road Trip
Chapter 16 Mate
Chapter 17 Intruder
Chapter 18 Brother
Chapter 19 Overkill
Chapter 20 Meeting
Chapter 21 Older
Chapter 22 Wolves
Chapter 23 Dinner
Chapter 24 He did what
Chapter 25 Mine
Chapter 26 Uncertainty
Chapter 27 Speechless
Chapter 28 Ceremony

Chapter 10 Intense

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By Penny987

                                                        Zavier's POV

I look around the hall and see smiling and playful people sitting eating dinner. Mark, my future Beta, and Conner my future Gamma are laughing at a joke, I am not paying attention to anything around me. I feel like shit, I don't want to be here, I feel like I want to hide in my room and cry.

"Are you going to eat that?"

I turned to see Conner with an expected look on his face. I look at my plate of spaghetti pasta, and I realize I have been shifting it around on the plate without eating it. This is my favorite thing to eat as well, I never leave any on my plate.

"Yea, nah." I push it away as if it has done something wrong to me.

"Dude... are you OK?" Mark asks looking concerned.

"No, I need to get out of here!"

Mark and Conner look worried, we all get up and quickly leave the room. As soon as I'm out of sight of the dining room, I run to my room, and I can hear the others following me.

"Shit, shit, shit, she is so sad!" I can feel tears running down my face, I'm surprised I was able to control myself in the dining room.

"What's going on man?" Conner asks while patting my back.

"Zinnia is very sad, dude!"

"Let's watch Netflix and try and take your mind off it, comedy coming up dude," Mark says while flicking through the channels.

"I'll go get the snacks." Conner leaves the room to go and get them.

The comedy movie does help take my mind off how sad my sister is. But halfway through the second movie, a massive wave of grief, followed by betrayal rocks my body. They are making me growl loudly, which shocks both of the guys. They look at me scared.

"What happened man?" Mark nervously asks.

"It started sad, then grief as if someone died but now wave after wave of betrayal are cursing through me."

"Shit, I hope she is OK?!" Mark sounds panicked. "Can you manage or do you want us to call your parents?"

"Yeah, nah, I'm good, man."

"If things change let us know?" Conner nervously asks.

I nod at them, I don't want to worry the guys. The feelings are getting intense, it feels like my heart is being ripped into a thousand pieces.

Suddenly I can't help the scream that leaves my lips as I fall to the floor. I hold my chest, hunched over trying to breathe. I don't even realize my parents are in the room when I am howling in pain. I can just make out Mark telling my parents what is happening.

Mum runs over and embraces me, trying to comfort me, but it is not working.

"What is happening, son?" Mum brushes my wet hair out of my eyes, I can feel sweat dripping down my body.

"Zinnia." I manage to choke out. "Someone died, I felt her grief, but now massive waves of betrayal are cursing through me. I feel like my heart is shattering into a million pieces!"

Dad and Mark put their arms under my armpits to help me onto my bed.

"There is only one good thing from this, we know she is alive." I try to lighten the mood, I look at Mum and see a small smile form on her face.

"I wish I could hold her in my arms and help ease her pain." Mum chokes out while Dad embraces her.

"This is all my fault, I didn't protect my family." Dad hisses out, while inhaling Mum's scent to calm himself down.

"We have been over this, it was not your fault." Mum scolds him. He just inhales her scent instead of answering her.

I lost track of how many hours it was before the intense feelings started to fade. "I think that she is calm now, You guys should go get some rest."

Mum walks up to me and kisses my sweaty forehead. "Love you Zavier, you are so strong going through this." Then Dad gives me a bro hug.

"Please call us as soon as anything changes." Dad insists.

"Conner and I won't leave his side while this happens, we will call you straight away, if anything changes." Mark reassures Dad.

"I know we can count on the two of you. Thanks" Dad pats Mark and Conner's shoulders, as my parents reluctantly head to bed.

The guys are true to their word, they never leave my side. Even when I'm so moody and grumpy. I am grateful to have their help, to take my mind off how I am useless i am in helping my lost sister.

"This is a good time to go over our travel plans since none of us are going to school in a while," I tell the guys.

"What colour should we give this?" Conner inquires.

"That's a good question, Conner." Mark sounded shocked while laughing.

"Dude you sound shocked, I came up with that."

"Yep." Mark laughs at Conner's annoyed face.

"I'll whip your ass Marky boy, if you keep that up." Conner hisses at him with humor laced in his voice.

"Do your best Con Con" Mark stands in a fighting stance while holding his fists up. Trying not to laugh at the nicknames we came up with one summer, and they have stuck.

Conner mirrors his stance. Ready to pounce on him.

I end up laughing so hard at their childish behavior. They both freeze and look at me. Then high-five each other.

"Welcome back Zav." Conner smacks me on my back.

What we have worked out so far about Zinnia's emotions. The boys and I came up with a colour code, to keep a record of her emotions to help track her down.

Yellow = that is happy.

Blue = training or teaching.

Purple = maybe patrols.

Pink = sparring/fighting.

Red = Rage

Red Dragon = Blinding Rage

"It is definitely not red! but It is so close to rage," I inform the guys.

"Maybe a new colour? Green?" Mark asks.

"Green is it, it better be a once off though." I sigh in frustration.

Conner goes to my desk, pulls out the calendar that we use to keep track of her emotions, and puts a green dot on today's date.

We lock ourselves in my room for days, in case I do something I might regret.

We work out what packs we want to visit first, in our search for Zinnia. The intense pains come and go, but it is manageable at the moment.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse it does.

"Shit balls, what is she doing?!" I yell and jump up from my bed, nearly bowling the other two off in my haste to get off it. We are watching a movie and I start to pace around my bedroom getting angry. These are definitely not my feelings.

"She is hitting something." I managed to tell them, I was getting a massive headache. This is the worst red dragon I have ever experienced.

"Red dragon." I manage to howl out in pain, I can feel my blood boil with a blinding red rage as the night carries on. My hands and feet feel like they have open wounds on them. I don't know how much more I can take of this.

Rock, my wolf is howling in my head, in pain, making my head pound more. I block off our connection so he won't suffer along with me.

I can see Mum and Dad run into my room, exchanging worried stressed looks between them. Next minute my hands and feet are throbbing, I try to shake it off, but it gets worse as the night goes on.

"She is bleeding but won't stop, she is in a blind rage, and I'm scared for her." I cry out in pain trying to control my anger.

"She has been punching and kicking for hours, someone needs to stop her before she loses too much blood," Mark yells, getting angry that no one has stopped her yet.

"Only a mate's touch or Alpha command will be able to stop her at this stage, where is her Alpha?!" Dad yells at no one in particular, his fists are clenched tightly shut.

I shake my hands and feet trying to get rid of the stinging from them, but of course, it doesn't work. Lovely, just bloody lovely, I groan. "The betrayal is so bad, who could have done this to her," I scream to everyone.

"Try to calm down Zavier, you need to send her happy thoughts." I just look at Elder John and growl at him. I don't even know when he turned up. I see him flinch away from me.

"Sorry, Elder John," I say feeling embarrassed, but he just gives me a reassuring smile.

"All is forgiven, I need you to sit down." He points to the chair by my desk.

I plop my tired body onto the chair and give him the death stare. I see him recoil from me before he composes himself. I know how angry I feel, I wonder what the room feels like for everyone else.

Worry is written all over Mark and Conner's faces, Mum looks devastated, and I can see Dad trying to be strong for us, but it looks like he will crack any minute.

"Try to block out Zinnia's emotions." I nod at Elder John trying, but it is hard.

"I need you to concentrate on love and joy thoughts only. Then try and project them to her by visualizing her in your mind."

"What?" I give him an, are you kidding look.

He nods at me. I will try anything to help her out of this devastating situation she is in. I close my eyes and think of the day we will be reunited.

"Good, I can see your aura changing, it is not so dark and enraged." Elder John tells me after thirty minutes.

"I feel like she is trying to punch, but can't."

"Oh, I hope someone has finally stopped her." Conner releases a deep breath after saying that.

I keep sending her as much happy thoughts as I can, not even knowing if it is working. I feel stupid sitting here doing this, but I won't stop until she is calm.

"She is calming down, I feel like I can finally breathe again." within twenty minutes all the feelings have stopped.

I look around the room at everyone and see concerned faces again.

"I think she has passed out, I feel normal again." Mum comes over and embraces me. "I'm so proud of you son." She kisses my sweaty forehead, goes to Dad, and wraps her arms around him.

"Shit man, that was intense to watch, how are you holding up?" Mark walks over handing me a bottle of water.

"Well my hands and feet are still killing me, they are bloody sore and throbbing," I say before guzzling half of the bottle.

"I wonder what happened to make her so angry." Dad was seething.

"Do you think she found out what happened to her?" Mum chocks out sobbing into dads chest.

"That might explain the intense betrayal coming from her." I sniff myself I feel disgusting, I smell bad. "I need a shower, thank you, Elder John, I'm sorry that I disrespected you and growled before."

"Like I said, all is forgiven, I'll be heading home now, but if you need me again, just let me know." I nod at him, thinking about Zinnia.

Dad moves towards the door with Mum. "We are heading to bed now, blimey it's late, but if anything else happens tonight let us know."

"OK, Dad will do." I can feel my body getting sleepy.

I turn to Mark and Conner. "Thanks, guys, for everything, you two can head to your room now. You probably will be looking forward to your beds instead of sleeping on the floor. I think she is sleeping."

They patted me on the back before going to their rooms. I manage a five-minute shower before crashing on top of my bed welcoming the darkness of nothing.

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