The Girl by the Sea (Countryh...

By ineedtoeatpotatos

1K 43 575


Meet the Characters
The Seawall
Aussie and Batholomew
Bugging My Brothers
Nothing To Worry About
Misconceptions or Not?
Fish Market Adventures
Strange New World
Not-So Sweet Dreams
Cultural Exchange
A Taste of Freedom
Aggressive Support
Only His
My Joy
Finding Peace
Soul Hunting
Espionage on the Enamored
Useless Child
Waves Come Crashing Down
Capsized Ship
Maybe, Maybe, Maybe...
Peace Treaty
Already Dead
Churamari Aquarium
Happy Birthday
Ghost Stories
(Almost) Brothers in Law
Swirling Petals
With Liberty and Justice for All


35 1 31
By ineedtoeatpotatos

Written: March 3, 2024

I stand frozen, staring America in the eyes through his shades. I nod quickly, instinctively reaching for my hair pin, only to realize I didn't wear it. I swallow hard. "You warned me, but, but-"

"Then why slip the secret, Oki-tot?" America menacingly approached, causing me to back into a wall. He rested his hand against it, staring down at me. "You are so short." He scoffed. "Kinda makes me want to see what would happen if I used all my strength on you." His other hand stroked my cheek, devoid of affection.

"America, I just want to go home." I gently pushed his hand away from me, cautiously walking away.

"Oh no. Not yet you aren't." As we meet under a streetlight, I notice a dark bruise marring his face. It was a dark shade of violet, splotches of pine green and honey edging it.

"What-What's wrong with your face?" I ask sympathetically, pointing to his face. The American scoffed.

"Australia happened." He seethed, spitting ashes. "The cur decided to fight." America roughly grabbed my shoulder. "It doesn't matter now. You broke the deal, and you will be dealt with." America growled like a car engine.

"Got a problem here?" Russia's russet coat flowed in the gentle wind as her features got more prominent in the light.

"Yeah, ya ankle biter." I heard a familiarly nasal accent call. "Leave my lil koala alone." Australia ran at America, charging at him with inexplicable rage.

As Australia charged at America, I felt a surge of panic and fear coursing through me, torn between wanting to intervene and knowing that any attempt to do so would likely only make things worse. I watched helplessly as the two of them clashed, their fists flying in a frenzied blur of motion, each blow landing with sickening thuds that echoed in the stillness of the night.

"Stop it, please!" I cried out, my voice hoarse with desperation. But my words were lost amidst the chaos, drowned out by the sounds of their struggle as they grappled with each other, locked in a deadly dance of violence and aggression.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the fight was over. Australia lay crumpled on the ground, blood oozing from a gash on his forehead, while America stood over him, panting heavily, his fists clenched at his sides.

"Enough," Russia's voice cut through the tension like a knife, her gaze icy and unyielding as she stepped forward, her presence commanding and authoritative. "This ends now."

"You're damned right it does!" China and Taiwan call in unison. America flashed back to look at them. North emerged from behind our cousins, his eye dark and burning with homicidal intent. I stay by Australia, brushing away the blood from his forehead. Tears blurred my vision as the shouts of the people above me relentlessly went on.

China whipped off her slipper and clutched it. Taiwan sighed, took off his glasses to clean them, and pushed them back on. Russia remained focused on America, her eyes boring into his back like a starving hawk.

"Damn it." North growled under his breath. "Damn it all." As the tension reached its peak, I could feel the weight of the moment pressing down on me, suffocating me with its intensity. The air crackled with electricity, charged with the raw emotion and simmering anger that hung between us like a thick fog.

But amidst the chaos and turmoil, there was a glimmer of hope – a flicker of resilience that refused to be extinguished. I looked up at Russia, her unwavering gaze steady and determined, and felt a surge of courage coursing through me.

"We can't let him get away with this," I whispered, my voice barely audible above the clamor of voices around us. "We have to stand up to him, together."

Australia stirred beside me, his eyes fluttering open as he groaned in pain. I reached out to him, offering what little comfort I could, knowing that we were in this together – a family bound by blood and loyalty, united in our determination to protect each other from harm.

And as we stood there, battered but unbroken, I knew that no matter what trials and tribulations lay ahead, we would face them head-on, drawing strength from each other and the unbreakable bonds that held us together. For in the end, it was not the might of one nation alone that would prevail, but the collective resolve of many, standing shoulder to shoulder in defiance of tyranny and oppression.

"Aiyaa!" China screams, throwing her slipper so it lands square on America's head. With that move, all hell broke loose. Taiwan was blindly throwing punches, North was on America's back in a deranged piggyback, and Russia was tripping over her own feet trying to lead America into a wall so he can hit his pinky toe on a cornerstone.

"Lemme at him!"

"Kill the bastard!"

"I hope your socks get wet!"

"I swear I will sell your feet pics online!"

I was hunched over Australia, cradling him as he held his face in agony. His eyes were squeezed shut and his teeth were clenched so hard, that it could forge a knife.

Amidst the chaos and cacophony of shouts and blows, I held onto Australia tightly, my heart pounding with fear and desperation. Each cry, each insult hurled at America was like a battle cry, a testament to the collective fury and indignation of those around us.

But amidst the frenzy, there was also a sense of unity – a shared purpose that bound us together in solidarity against a common enemy. Despite the pain and the uncertainty, I felt a glimmer of hope flickering within me, fueled by the knowledge that we were not alone in this fight.

As Australia grimaced in pain, I whispered words of comfort and reassurance, my voice barely audible above the din of the brawl raging around us. I promised him that we would get through this, that we would emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

And as I held him close, feeling the warmth of his body against mine, I knew that no matter what trials and tribulations lay ahead, we would face them together, as a family – united in our determination to overcome whatever obstacles stood in our way. For in the end, it was not the strength of our fists or the fierceness of our blows that would prevail, but the power of our unwavering love and loyalty for one another.

Russia sat on the ground, holding America in a headlock as North and Taiwan took off his shoes and socks. China whipped her phone out and spammed the camera button to take myriads of photos of America's feet.

I couldn't help but release a soft giggle. Taiwan was smiling smugly, one of the lenses of his glasses completely shattered. North was smiling like an idiot at Russia, completely enamored by her. America was writhing in Russia's grasp, shouting unsavory words into the night. Russia was calmly looking at the moon as if she was a toddler seeing it for the first time. China was maniacally cackling as she uploaded thousands of pictures of America's feet to the dark web, in high hopes of making money.

Amidst the chaos, there was a surreal sense of absurdity that enveloped us, turning a tense and potentially violent confrontation into a bizarre and comical spectacle. As Russia held America in a headlock and China gleefully snapped photos of his feet, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer absurdity of the situation.

Despite the seriousness of the circumstances, there was a certain levity in the air, a fleeting moment of relief amidst the turmoil and strife. Taiwan's smug smile and North's adoring gaze at Russia spoke volumes of the bond that united us, transcending the chaos and confusion that threatened to tear us apart.
And as I looked around at my eccentric and dysfunctional family, I couldn't help but feel a surge of affection and gratitude for each and every one of them. In that moment, amidst the madness and mayhem, we were united – bound together by love, loyalty, and a shared sense of purpose.

As the night wore on and the commotion gradually died down, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together – a ragtag band of misfits and oddballs, united in our determination to stand by each other through thick and thin. For in the end, it was not the battles we fought or the victories we won that defined us, but the strength of our bonds and the depth of our love for one another.

"Heyyyy, Oki doki artichokie!" China draws out, her cheek smeared with blood. A sinister grin tugged at her lips. "You're my favorite cousin, you know that? And since we're so close, can I see your feet?"

"Don't fall for it!" Taiwan, North, and Russia all shouted.

"She sold our feet pictures and made thousands off each of them." North warned, exasperated. Australia faintly chuckles in my arms. I smile down at him, fixing his blood-tainted fedora. The six of us ditch America in an alley and head home, chattering and rubbing the blood off our cheeks.

As we made our way home, the tension of the earlier confrontation gradually dissipated, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and solidarity that bound us together. Despite the chaos and the bruises we had endured, there was a lightness in our step, a shared understanding that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together as a family.

China's playful antics and North's exasperated warnings served as a reminder of the unique dynamic that defined our relationships, filled with quirks and idiosyncrasies that only strengthened the bonds between us. And as we laughed and joked together, the weight of the night's events seemed to lift from our shoulders, replaced by a sense of unity and belonging that filled us with warmth and gratitude.

As we reached home, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over me, knowing that no matter what the future held, I had my family by my side – a motley crew of misfits and oddballs who had become my greatest source of strength and support. And as we settled in for the night, I knew that no matter what challenges awaited us in the days to come, we would face them together, united in our love for one another.

North and I burst through the front door, disheveled and convulsed in laughter. I was laughing until each breath was pure agony. Two lights turned on. We had awoken Japan and South.
After afew moments of embarrassed silence, North began to snicker with me adding to the commotion with a fit of giggles.

"Go shower. Both of you." Japan grumbled, rubbing her eyes, not even caring that North and me were streaked with blood. As Japan's stern command cut through our laughter, North and I exchanged sheepish glances before nodding in agreement. We quickly made our way to the bathroom, still chuckling under our breaths, the adrenaline of the night's events still coursing through our veins.

Inside the bathroom, we took turns washing away the dirt and grime of the night, the warm water soothing our tired bodies and easing the tension in our muscles. Despite the chaos and the bruises, there was a sense of contentment that washed over me, knowing that I was surrounded by my family, who accepted me for who I was, flaws and all.

As we emerged from the bathroom, clean and refreshed, Japan greeted us with a stern look, her eyes softening slightly as she saw the exhaustion etched on our faces. "Go to bed," she instructed, her voice softer this time, tinged with concern. "We can talk about what happened tomorrow."

With a nod of understanding, North and I made our way to our respective rooms, the events of the night still fresh in our minds but overshadowed by a sense of gratitude for the love and support of our family. As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over me, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I would always have my family by my side.


Also, here's a fun fact: Monopoly was originally created to warn players of the dangers of Capitalism

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