Where I Belong// SPNxTVD

By NotTheBrightestToad

28.2K 864 37

Alex Milligan has no familial blood ties to the Winchester brothers. But being the surviving half sister to t... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Two

1.4K 33 4
By NotTheBrightestToad

Rowena had told the boys that she was a witch. The next few paragraphs wrote out all the lovely details of that encounter, allowing the reader to be a fly on the wall. The books written by Chuck were their biographies after all. The Winchester Gospels. Every last word was written there for the world to read.

And she had once been a part of that world.

Following Dean's explosion of anger, this time directed at her, Alex had fled the bunker. She spent the the next hour driving in no specific direction, ignoring the speed limit signs that flew past. She had finally pulled over after the sun had long disappeared and she could no longer see through her tears. She'd been witness to Dean's anger before, but had never been the cause or recipient.

But as terrible and hurtful he had been, it hadn't compared to the pain and slight betrayal she felt when Sam had sided with Dean. Alex wasn't stupid, she knew the brother's bond was one of the most solid things in the history of the worlds, but she had thought, just for a moment at least, that Sam would at the very least, understand her situation.

He knew what it felt like to be the outsider, to be looked at as a freak. Though Sam hadn't been aware of her witch powers, he had still admitted to her that he felt a bond with her. One that he never seemed to be able to find with Dean. Alex had assumed Sam would be the understanding one; the one to give her a chance.

But he had stood beside Dean, refusing to look her in the eye, and explained that in hindsight, he saw and understood that by not telling Dean the truth, he'd ended up screwing everything up. Sam claimed to be understanding but made it clear that neither of the brothers could trust her anymore. How could they know she hadn't already screwed things up?

Parked on the side of the road that night, sat in the gravel with her back against the side of her beat up car, Alex cried out to the darkness in anger and pain. She hadn't expected an answer, let alone one in the form of the devil himself.

The sound of someone 'tsking' caused Alex's tear stained face to shoot up, her hands reflexively snapping up in front of her, ready to recite the words necessary to defend herself.

"Whoa, whoa. Easy there, pumpkin." The tall man chuckled, raising his hands in surrender. "I just wanted to see if you were all right."

Alex slowly lowered her hands, using them instead to lift herself off the ground into a standing position. "I'm fine." She cast a quick glance around her to determine where this man might've come from. "You can continue on your way, thanks."

The blonde man looked at her, tilting his head slightly as he studied her. "Tempting." He nodded his head side to side in faux contemplation as his nose scrunched up. "Think I'm gonna pass."

Alex immediately flung a shot of power towards the strange man before darting around the back of the car towards the driver side door. As she went to grab the handle, she suddenly collided with the solid form of a man. Looking up, Alex's eyes widened as she realized the solid form belonged to the man she had just attacked. How the hell was he standing in front of her? Her eyes shot back and forth between the man in front of her and where he had just been standing two seconds ago.

"Hey, hold up, sweetheart. I'm only here to help. You're the one that called me. No need to go shooting off angry balls of fury."

"Who are you?" Alex demanded, taking a step away from the man.

"Oh, wait. Hold on, I know this line," he said, holding up a finger as he looked up at the sky in thought. His face lit up with a smile. "Oh, right, that's it," he said with a snap of his fingers. "I'm your fairy godmother."

Alex couldn't control the humorless chuckle that left her lips at this crazy man's antics. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, correct me if I'm wrong here--and trust me, I'm not-- but you just had your heart broken by two guys who claimed to be your family." He gave Alex an exaggerated sympathy face, his lower lip sticking out dramatically.

"How do you know that?" She questioned hesitantly, taking a small step back. The blonde man followed her with a step forward of his own.

Pointing at himself, he smiled. "Fairy godmother, remember?" Taking another small step towards Alex, he continued on. "I do however take back what I said though. I said I wasn't wrong. But I was, wasn't I? Hmmm." The man shook his head in self shame as Alex stood still, careful eyes watching as he slowly started to walk circles around her. "I said 'two guys who claimed to be your family.' But that's not true is it?" He paused to look her in the face from behind her shoulder. "Oh sure, Sammy boy, he's introduced you to a couple people as his sister, but Dean," he tsked before continuing, "Dean, never once claimed you as family, did he?"

Alex's spine straightened, her senses heightening, at the mention of the boys by name. Who the hell was this man? She knew enough about the supernatural to know that he wasn't actually a fairy godmother. Her best guess? Demon. Worst guess? Angel. Crowley she hoped it was a demon. A demon she could handle well enough on her own with her magic. If it was an angel, she was undoubtedly screwed.

"No," he continued bringing Alex's attention back to him, "Dean always knew you were hiding something. He wasn't ever going to trust you. Why would he? You weren't family after all. And as we all know, Dean only trusts family." The man stopped his circling, landing back in front of her.

"Why are you telling me all of this? What do you want?" Alex raised an eyebrow at the man, her stance relaxed and calm. The complete opposite of what her insides were doing.

"Because unlike those Winchesters, who, at the first sign of you doing something that scared them turned on you, I, my dear friend, am the good guy here." He gave a sweeping arm gesture at himself. "I'm the good guy," he reiterated, "and I'm here to help you out the goodness of my heart."

The smile that he gave Alex made her skin crawl. Something in her gut told her she shouldn't listen to this man, that anything that came out of his mouth was a lie. But listening to his words, she couldn't bring herself to agree with that. What had he said that wasn't actually true?

"Who are you?" Alex asked, nodding her chin in curiosity at him as her eyes scanned him up and down.

"What, fairy--" Alex quickly cut him off with, "And don't give me any of this 'fairy godmother' bullshit. I've been around long enough and I'm not stupid."

The man gave her a childish smile, folding his arms against his chest exaggeratedly, like a child that had just been caught was playing innocent. "Oh, all right then." Taking a large dramatic breath he answered, "I'm Lucifer."

Alex instantly stepped back, her defensive walls slamming up around herself, the magic pooling in her hands, ready to use at a moment's notice.

"Oh, come on now." Lucifer huffed in timid offense, his arms hanging limply by his sides. "That's kind of hurtful you know."

"You're kind of the devil you know," Alex sniped back.

Lucifer rolled his eyes as he leaned against her car in a defeated manner. "I haven't done anything. You're the one that attacked me, remember? You called me remember?" His voice lowered slightly in volume as he began to talk to himself in a mocking voice. "I could have just left her pretty little face stranded here, but noooo, I had to be the nice guy and pop in and make sure she was okay."

"Wait," Alex stepped forward without thinking, "what do you mean I called you?"

Lucifer paused his self mocking and looked at her. He folded his hands across his chest in an innocent and protective manner. "Yeah, when you did your little emotional scream into the night, you must've used your mojo to send out an S.O.S. to me." He gave her a timid, innocent shrug. "I just figured I could help."

Alex's face scrunched in a frown. She had sent a help signal? To Lucifer? She looked down at her hands in confusion and worry. Warily glancing at Lucifer, she contemplated her next move. She watched as he glanced at her a few times from the corner of his eyes before he gave a dramatic huff. "Fine, I guess, if you don't actually want my help, I'll just go." He let his arms fall to his sides as he started to shuffle away.

Alex couldn't help but chuckle at the pathetic display the devil himself was putting on just to get her acceptance. She was torn inside. On on hand, he was the devil and the father of lies. On the other hand, he hadn't lied to her once yet, had willingly identified himself, knowing full well that she would know what that meant; he also had offered her help and hadn't even blinked at her being a witch. Taking a deep breath she made a decision.

"How can you help?" She called out to him, making him pause mid step, his back to her. While Alex pinched the bridge of her nose, squeezing her eyes closed as she contemplated how bad her decision was doing to bite her in the ass, she missed the malevolent smirk that flashed across Lucifer's face.

"Well," he dragged out as he turned back around on one foot to face her. "I guess I could just snap my fingers and make the Winchester brothers go bye-bye." He tapped his index finger against his bottom lip, his arm folded across his stomach, before he scrunched his face in disgust. "No, that wouldn't work. We care about them too much to do that." Alex met his questioning look with a bitch face of her own. "Right. Oh!" Lucifer's eyes lit up as he snapped his fingers.

Alex's eyes snapped to his hand then back to Lucifer's face, a shadow mixed of fear and anger crossing her face. Lucifer threw his hands up in defense and laughed lightly. "Woah, easy there, tiger. It was just an innocent gesture. Nothing attached to it."

Alex was again questioning her judgement in trusting this man. Devil. Angel. Whatever.

"I've got it. What if you could go somewhere where people didn't hunt witches? Where witches were much more welcome than here? And a place where Sam and Dean Winchester were nothing more than a fanciful story written by some nerd in his boxers and bathrobe? Hmm?" Lucifer offered with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

Looking back, knowing then what she knows now, Alex agrees that even though Lucifer was the one that made the offer, it had been a good offer to take. With only a few more words said from Lucifer and the reminder of the harsh words that had been spoken by Sam and Dean, Alex had accepted his offer. 

With a snap of his fingers, Alex had found herself standing alone in her room back at the bunker. Knowing she was limited on time, she had grabbed a duffel bag full of clothes and a shoulder bag that carried her grimoires, hidden underneath sci-fi story book sleeves. For a split second she had contemplated saying goodbye to the boys, but recalling Dean's angry face and words she knew it was for the best if she just left silently.

After a quick call to the air, she found her self standing back beside Lucifer and her car. New to the scene was a shorter Asian man who stood back by himself, as if waiting for instruction. The newcomer gave her a small wave and a tight smile. Before she had a chance to respond, Lucifer stepped forward rubbing his hands together in excitement. With a few words from the newcomer, a tall orange streak of light appeared floating in front of her.

She glanced at the shorter man before turning her questioning look to Lucifer.

"Nothing to worry about. It's a portal. No tricks, just treats." Lucifer smiled at her warmly. 

Alex wanted to question everything that was happening. She knew she should be asking so many questions; finding out who this new man was and why he was there; what was Lucifer really getting out of this? But with a small glance at the nothing behind her, she found that she really didn't care. 

She didn't have anything keeping her here anymore. Adam and her mom were long dead; Sam, the only other family she might've claimed, had made it clear what he thought about that. Dean-- well, as much as she wanted to look up to him as her big brother, he had- as Lucifer reiterated earlier- never claimed her as anything. Not even a friend. He had tolerated her. She supposed they all had. Had she been a burden to them all and not realized it?

With an encouraging touch from Lucifer to her elbow, Alex took a deep breath and with a final nod to the blonde man, stepped into the glowing line.

Now, after a deal made with the devil-- quite literally-- she was a part of a different world-- also quite literally.

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