Crestwood Murders

Oleh DovePublishing

146 60 0

On the campus of Crestwood University, a long time friend group loses one of their own to a mysterious murder... Lebih Banyak

Character Arts
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Tangled Emotions
Chapter 3: Fractured Bonds
Chapter 4: Unveiling Secrets
Chapter 5: Mystery Decision
Chapter 6: Reveal Mystery?
Chapter 7: The Truth & Storm
Chapter 8: Surprise Surprise!
Chapter 9: Missing Brick in a Brick Wall
Chapter 10: Notes & Files
Chapter 11: Bloody Mess
Chapter 12: Red & Blue
Chapter 13: Whispers On Campus
Chapter 14: Highly Suspicious
Chapter 15: Secrets Open
Chapter 16: Bonding
Chapter 17: 9 Suspects
Chapter 18: Track Star
Chapter 20: Blues & Sorrows
Chapter 21: Extra Extra Read All About It
Chapter 22: Karma & Fury
Chapter 23: Finish the List
Chapter 24: Only a Transfer
Chapter 25: Simple Beginnings
Chapter 26: What is Love
Chapter 27: Baby Don't Hurt Me
Chapter 28: This Changes Everything
Chapter 29: Double Trouble
Chapter 30: What Matters Most
Chapter 31: A Deeper Look
Chapter 32: Lies Lead To Demise
Chapter 33: Code Blue
Chapter 34: Tied Up
Chapter 35: Tackling The Situation
Chapter 36: The Long Wait
Chapter 37: A Night To Remember
Chapter 38: Can You Fix The Broken
Chapter 39: Where Fate Takes Us

Chapter 19: Home run

1 1 0
Oleh DovePublishing

Joshua and Hannah having arrived at the baseball field observed Kevin and Matt in their practicing and goofing off doing Naruto runs as they hit balls up in the air. Before approaching Kevin Joshua tried to maintain a sense of normalcy.

"Hey Kevin, got a moment?" Joshua greeted a friendly demeanor masking the underlying tension.

Kevin grinned with wide eyes
"Josho my man! What's up bro? Ready for the next game we are about to whoop some buffalo booty?"

Matt laughed
"Did he say buffalo booty!"

They continued chatted about their upcoming schedule, oblivious to the topic Joshua was about to drop over the conversation.
However.when Joshua broached the topic of Kayla and questioned Kevin's whereabouts during the incidents the tone shifted.

"Alright guys I need to be serious for a moment."

Matt giggled
"Oooh serious josho"

Joshua sighed
"Alright for real though guys, Kevin, Jessica was murdered last week the same way Kayla was and I'm trying to figure out who did it. You were on a list of suspects that matches the time frame" Joshua explained with a serious expression on his face.

Kevin shocked responded
"Nah man I don't know anything about that. All I know about Kayla is that you missed a lot of practices while getting laid tho am I right" Kevin joked provoking laughter from Matt.

"Haha bro burn!" Matt exclaimed delivering a fist bump to Kevin as he laughed hard.

Hannah visibly annoyed by the banter mentioning Joshua with another girl. She remained quiet though crossing her arms.

Matt spoke up
"Alright we being for real real though? No Bro, no, just no Kevin and I are a collective unit yeah We're together 24-7 We practice together every time we do and we're never on campus without each other. So, he couldn't have been on the list without me. I think your list wherever it came from likely the toilet is crappy doo doo poopy yeah!" Matt laughed heartily over his own joke.

Kevin joined in the laughter, saying
"That was so stupid and goofy bro! He fist-bumped with Matt again before adding "But seriously we didn't touch your ex. If you ever dump Hannah though.we might touch her in a different way! She won't die of anything except a good time" More laughter ensued as they continued with their antics both winking.

Hannah disgusted and angered by the exchange stormed off breathing in and out distancing herself from the crude humor she didn't like.
Joshua wrapping up the conversation with Kevin and Matt unable to get any serious answer from them set out to find Hannah.

As he walked back to the car seeing Hannah sitting inside he thought about one of Matt's words specifically
How they're always together and he's right, why wouldn't Matt be on the list if Kevin was.

Either somebody was lying or the list wasn't as accurate as they thought it would be.

They both now found themselves back in the car. Joshua.slipping into the driver's seat took a sip of his coffee as he contemplated the unsettling encounter. Hannah sitting beside him expressed her discomfort.

"How dare those guys mention you having intimate moments with another girl in front of me and even think of you dumping me? I'm so mad right now" Hannah vented, her frustration evident.

Joshua attempting to defuse the situation replied
"Hannah, they're just goofballs. Don't take it to heart. You know they're always making stupid jokes like that it's just who they are."

Hannah sighed crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.
"It's just not right Joshua It's disrespectful You and I are together and they shouldn't be making those kinds of jokes about us."

Joshua nodded understanding her perspective. "I get it Hannah but you have to understand also that Kayla will always be a part of my history. It's not just about intimate moments or a random girl, it's a significant part of my past. I'm not saying it to hurt you it's just the truth."

Hannah scoffed
"Obviously, Kayla was there first but everything happens for a reason We're meant to be and I still dislike the idea of you with anyone else now It's been a year and things have changed a lot."

As Joshua drove the car became a space for a deep conversation He explained
"Hannah I understand your feelings, and I respect them but Kayla was a big part of my life not to mention your best friend too, and I can't erase that But you're also a significant part of my life now People change circumstances change and I chose to be with you I care about you deeply and I wouldn't want anything to jeopardize that but you need to relax sometimes please."

Hannah looking out the window softened a bit contemplating Joshua's words.

They continued to drive

Tyler and Emma are about to go question Jack who was good friends with Jessica and seemed like he knew alot about her and could know who she hung out with or what she was doing that day.

Tyler and Emma strolled towards the campus yard anticipating their meeting with Jack who had been close friends with Jessica. The weight of their own losses lingered in the air as they approached the location.

Emma feeling a mix of empathy and caution, voiced her concerns to Tyler.
"We need to be careful with this Jack guy. Losing a friend is tough and he might be going through a rough time just like we did when we lost Kayla last year."

Tyler nodded in agreement reflecting on his own experiences.
"Yeah losing people is never easy It hit me hard when I lost my dad in a car accident when I was a kid and then losing Kayla last year... it's just rough losing people you never want to see anyone have to go through the loss of a friend or family member."

As they continued their conversation sharing the pain of past losses Emma found herself sympathetically hugging Tyler's arm offering silent support. They understood the depth of grief and hoped to approach Jack with sensitivity.

Arriving at the campus yard they spotted Jack sitting alone with headphones on by a tree and lost in his thoughts.
The atmosphere was heavy with the unspoken sorrow that connected them all. The duo approached cautiously unsure of how Jack would react to their questions.

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