Ducktales Retold: The Life Of...

By Jozar143

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I made my own fanfictional character from the 1987 ducktales and the 2017 ducktales versions, a only eleven-y... More

Aiden Gets His Magical Powers/Aiden's First Adventure
Funso's Funzone Of Doom
Aiden Meets Lena
The Inventions That Turns Evil
Mark Beaks The Tech Billionaire
The Terra-Firmians That Live Underground
A God For A Day
Happy Birthday To Scrooge Mcduck
The Money Shark That Attacked Duckberg
The Only Child Day Adventure
The Young Mage And The Robot
The Other Bin
The Tales Of Sky Pirites
Scrooge's Parents
Aiden's Horrible Mistake
Aiden Vs. Magica

Rescueing Agent 22

86 2 0
By Jozar143

Late at night the triplets were in the living room watching the Ottoman empire all day marathon while Aiden was hanging out with Webby and Mrs. Beakley was picking after Huey, Dewey and Louie's messes as always and she says "Living room protocol use a coaster. And must you fill the fine china with cheesy puffs?" She grabs the dishes from the ground and takes them into the kitchen sink and Beakly was cleaning the dishes until suddenly a mysterious stranger breaks in. It was tall female heron wearing a cloak and a red outfit has a robotic on her left arm and she was about to fight her with ninja skills and so did Mrs. Beakley but it stopped for a moment as Louie comes into the kitchen to get some cherry pep and says "Getting low on Cherry Pep, Mrs. B." Then heads back to the living room with his brothers to watch the marathon and the fight continues and suddenly Mrs. Beakley was defeated by the stranger and when she took off the hood and revealed herself as Black Heron.

Black Heron: Greeting, Agent 22.

Mrs. Beakley/Agent 22: Black Heron?

Black Heron knocks her out with some sleeping gas out from her arm and kidnaps her. On a nice morning in Mcduck Manor Scrooge came downstairs to the triplets still watching the marathon and both Aiden and Webby were in the dining room sitting together and reading a biography of Scrooge Mcduck.
Then Scrooge walked in the dining room and sits on his chair as he usually sits.

Aiden: Good morning Uncle Scrooge.

Webby: Good morning Mr. Mcduck.

Scrooge: Oh, uh, good morning, Aiden and Webbigail.

He turns to Webby and asks her about her Grandmother Beakley missings that she was supposed to bring him his nutmeg tea this morning then Webby and Aiden volunteers to make his tea together but Scrooge thinks it wasn't necessary but let's them do it anyway. Scrooge Mcduck gives them introduction on how to do it but these kids already know how Scrooge likes his tea, Aiden pours a droplet of milk, Webby then does a light stir not to fully dissolve the nutmeg, and last but not least Aiden puts in the same teabag they've been using all month. They gave the tea to Scrooge and tries it, and swallow it and tea taste great and says thank you to Aiden and Webby.

Webby: Now we can go make your breakfast! C'mon Aiden.

Both Webby and Aiden does some back flips and front flips to the kitchen but then Scrooge got off from his chair and say "Look, kids I really appreciated but I can get it myself." When Scrooge, Aiden and Webby opened the kitchen door everything was a mess.

Scrooge: Great sacks of delirium!

Aiden: What on earth happened here?!

Webby: Maybe, Donald tried to make an omelet again?

Scrooge: impossible. He still hasn't figured how to get out of the pantry.

Then they heard the banging noise from the pantry and Aiden and Webby opens the door and Donald was free and says thank you to them and meets with the triplets to watch the marathon. Scrooge was finding clues to see what have happened in the kitchen and founds a black that belonged to the Black Heron that he encountered many years ago.

Scrooge: It can't be!

Aiden: Hey, Uncle Scrooge what did you find? A feather?

Scrooge: Not just any feather lad, this is the feather of the Black Heron. A real bad egg. Martial artist, robotics engineer, and chemist-turned counter-agents. She must've taken Beakley from the same island we were at years ago.

Aiden: But why does Black Heron wanted Mrs. Beakley for?

Scrooge: Because she... she's a spy name Agent 22.

Aiden: What?! Mrs Beakley was a spy captured by an evil spy?!

Aiden didn't know any about this and Webby fills her best friend in about her grandmother being a secret agent and tells him that they gotta go help Agent 22 along with Scrooge Mcduck and while Scrooge was getting for his rescue mission both Webby and Aiden did the same. Webby packed her grabbling hook in her bagpack and Aiden packed his spell book in his bagpack now they're ready to have their adventure with Scrooge Mcduck.

Scrooge walks in to living where Donald and the triplets were watching the marathon and tells them. "I'm off for a little trip. Food is in the pantry if you're hungry. If I don't come back, it's a pleasure knowing you all." The triplets and Donald were too focused on the TV and said like yeah, yeah, and whatever but as Scrooge was about to head out the door Aiden and Webby came in and asks "So where are we going?"

Scrooge: "We" aren't going nowhere.

Webby: But you are going to save Granny, aren't you? If she's in trouble, we wanna help!

Aiden: Yeah, and I'm a sorcerer now! We delt with danger before.

Scrooge: Yes we have, but you're still a level one mage Aiden. Plus Beakley wanted you kids safe at home. That's final.

When Scrooge closes the front door and Aiden looks up his spell book for a teleportation spell and Webby asks "Are you looking up a spell that will gets us in the submarine before Scrooge does?" And Aiden says "Uh-huh because no agent steals my best friends grandmother." Webby was really happy that Aiden is coming along to this adventure, she hugs him and says "Oh thank you Aiden, you're the best friend I ever had!" She kisses Aiden's right cheek and blushes bright red and smiles at her and does his teleportation spell.

And poof they were in the submarine before Launchpad and Scrooge until they heard foot steps and they hid in the box life jackets and they fit perfectly in it and both Scrooge and Launchpad were ready to save Beakley from the hands of Black Heron. Soon Scrooge was getting his action cane PPK and Launchpad says "We'll be arriving in a couple hours, Mr. McD."

Scrooge: Remember, this trip needs to remain a secret, Launchpad. No one should know where we're going.

Launchpad: Way ahead of you.

Launched puts on a blindfold so he can't see where they're going. Then Scrooge was twirling around with his cane and accidentally pushed a button that does a shockwave and made some noise until it stopped by Aiden. Scrooge pulls out Webby and Aiden from the box.

Scrooge: What are you two doing here?

Webby: The action cane PPK that can be only mean an Agent 22-Mcduck spy adventure! Oh! With Granny missing, can me and Aiden be your partners on this one?

Aiden: Yeah, please give of us chance! We're trained in espionage, counter-espionage, we're good keeping good at secret keeping...

Scrooge: Hmm. We're too far to turn back now, but you kids will be safe in the sub.

Scrooge puts both Aiden and Webby on life jackets and suddenly Launchpad was bumping the boulders and he says "Sorry. Blindfold slipped. Still no clue where we are."

Scrooge: On second thought...

Aiden and Webby: We can come!

Webby: First-ever Webby-Aiden-Mcduck team up!

Both Webby and Aiden high fived and Scrooge says to the children "This is not a normal adventure. You two need to follow my lead." And then he turns to Aiden and says "And you need to keep studying your spells if you want to reach level 2 Lad."

Aiden: Trust me Uncle Scrooge I have. I mean how else me and Webby got here in the first place?

Scrooge: The spell that makes you run very fast?

Webby: Nope, he learned a teleportation spell.

Scrooge: He what! [turns to Aiden] Aiden that spell is not easy to control and not only you can teleport from anywhere but you can also time travel from the past, present and future. So whatever you do, do not talk about the future when you're in the past understand?

Aiden: Yes, Uncle Scrooge.

And when Aiden takes off his life jacket and study his spells his amulet was teleported him in a place were everyone bids Aniques from the past on an agent 22 case and Aiden must be very careful of not alter the past by talking about the future later he sees his uncle Scrooge so young and Beakley young and beautiful and she says to Scrooge "Now just follow my lead, Mcduck? She sees Scrooge showing off his entrance then the judge says "Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, let's start our bidding with the last page from the great book, a priceless artifact for medieval enthusiasts."

Aiden keeps a low profile on not being spotted by anyone until he sees Black Heron.

Aiden: That's Black Heron? She's beautiful.

But he stand corrected when he sees her shoving everyone in her way then adds "Nevermind, she's really bad." Then the bidding has begun between Black Heron and Scrooge Mcduck but he was forced by Agent 22 to bid. But when he couldn't bid anymore because the agency only gave him 60,000. Black Heron won the page and runs towards the window and when Scrooge and Agent 22 was going after her Aiden was ahead of them and they were surprised that they never seen a child like him before and seen Aiden grabs her and tries to take the page away from her but the amulet teleported him back to his present in the Island where Mr. Beakley was being kept by Black Heron and he falls on top of present Scrooge and Webby was startled a little bit.

Meanwhile back from the past Scrooge says "Who's pink fleshy kid was that? Are he and Black Heron in cahoot?"

Agent 22: They probably are working for F.O.W.L we must steal that page from her.

Scrooge: Well I just saved SHUSH a lot money, you're welcome.

Then Agent 22 punches Scrooge in the face in the fact she was mad at him for letting two fowl agents get away with the page. Later in the present Webby was asking Aiden Where did he teleported to or when did he teleported to then Aiden says "I.. I time traveled to the past and saw Scrooge a little young and Grandma Webby she was also a little young and beautiful. I can see how you got your beautifulness." Webby blushes at Aiden's comment telling her she's beautiful just like her Grandmother.

Webby: That's really the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.

Aiden holds Webby's hand and they were both blushing and walking together and Scrooge says "What else did you see from the past laddie?"

Aiden: I also saw Black Heron was too beautiful but she was just so mean like a big baddie.

Suddenly a big orb wearing a hat and both Aiden and Webby finds it adorable but Scrooge tells them to stay away from it because it really was dangerous and when it lands on a bush it exploded so Scrooge, Aiden and Webby were trying to avoid the orb.

Webby: The vintage series 2 Troububble C-20! That's filled with incendium! It'll ignite anything it lands on. So cool.

Aiden: Definitely cool.

Scrooge: You know, most kids wouldn't get this excited about impending doom. Louie mostly just cries.

Aiden: Me and Webby are younger then Louie and don't cry from impending doom we fight or die trying!

Webby: That's right!

Suddenly the orb found the children and Scrooge and when it could ignite them Aiden shouts "Run for it!" The orb made Scrooge, Aiden and Webby fall to the ground when it ignite the boulder into pieces and the orb was now coming at Scrooge and the kids until Aiden says "Mind if we borrow this?"

Scrooge: What are you...

Then both Webby and Aiden pokes it with the action cane and starts to gas it from incendium to helium and the orb blows away. Scrooge was impressed he never seen a maneuver like that since he first encountered the Troububble C-20 with Agent 22 so as they onward to the rescue mission Aiden time traveled again and teleported him in the past and he was still on the island but he was in a cave with younger Scrooge and Beakley fighting some robots. Aiden wanted to help them and so he uses his magical beams at the robot who was attacking Scrooge. Scrooge remembers that boy with the same fleshed face who was running with Black Heron with the page.

Scrooge: You?! You're working with Black Heron aren't you, you wee alien child?

Aiden: No, no, no I'm not a villain, I'm a hero like you and Bea... I mean Agent 22.

Scrooge: Oh, my bad. [Scrooge looks at Aiden's amulet] Nice amulet laddie, are some sorta a young sorcerer?

Aiden: Actually, yeah. I'm a level one mage but I'm fast and strong... so do you need another hand taking down the last robot Scrooge?

Scrooge: Nah, Agent 22 has got it... wait a minute how do you know my name?

Aiden: A sorcerer never reveals his secrets.

When Scrooge and Aiden walks towards Agent 22 Scrooge asks "Alright then, what's your name?"

Aiden: Aiden, just Aiden.

Scrooge: Well, please to meet ya lad.

When Scrooge wasn't looking Aiden time travels back to the present and he teleported in Black Herons lab where she's keeping Beakley and Aiden bumps into desk where all the science stuff was and he calls out to Beakley suddenly he heard an entrance and hides thinking it was Black Heron and when Aiden takes a peek and it was only Scrooge and Webby and was relieved, he comes out of hiding and Webby asks "Did you time traveled in the past again?"

Aiden: Yeah, I think so and I beat a robot who was attacking younger Scrooge.

Scrooge: Did talked to younger about the future?

Aiden: No, sir.

Scrooge: Good boy.

Back at the past Agent 22 was fighting the last robot and suddenly defeats it and Scrooge says "22, I would you like to meet our new... where did he go?"

Agent 22: Where did who go?

Scrooge: Uh, do you know that kid from that night of the bidding?

Agent 22: The boy working with Black Heron, he was here and you let him get away?! What is wrong with you, McDuck?

Scrooge: Hey, hey, first, there's nothing wrong with me. Second he saved me from that robot with his magic plus he's one of us.

Agent 22: He is? Well, shall we...

As they continued on to their mission later in the present Aiden founds a movie projector and plays the film of Agent 22 being captured by Black Heron and says "Good afternoon, world leaders. This is Black Heron of FOWL. Regrets if you haven't heard of me. But I've gotten very well acquainted with your Agent 22." Then Black Heron was interrupted by Agent 22 saying "My back molar is rigged with a distress signal. SHUSH will be coming for me... and you Heron."

Black Heron: Excuse me. I'm in the middle of filming my declaration of harmful intant. Where was I? Oh, yes! After meticulous, frankly ingenious planning, I have obtained history's biological weapon. With the completed formula, I will breed an army of super soldiers that will bounce to the highest peaks of corruption.

Aiden: (laughing) Did she just said "bounce"? That's the ridiculous and funniest thing I ever heard.

Webby: Me too.

And as the film continues young Scrooge says "You're making a bounce serum? The untold powers of the ancient creatures is bouncing?"

Black Heron: Yes! There'll be bouncing here and there and everywhere. Mass destruction that's beyond compare!

Scrooge was laughing at Black Heron's statement of taking over the world of a silly bounce serum then Black Heron says "Stop laughing! I have wasted an entire reel of film, and you're not even entirely in frame!" The she attacks Scrooge and he was fighting her back but Agent 22 says "She out of your league!" And later Scrooge and Black Heron bumps the projector and when they continued fighting the film was over.

Aiden and Webby were confused of that battle with that deadliest super-villain.

Aiden: I... I don't understand.

Webby: Yeah, how did you defeat Black Heron Mr. Mcduck?

Black Heron: He didn't.

It was her the Black Heron who kidnapped Beakley and then she has her eyes on Aiden and says "Well, I never seen a child like you before. What are you some kind of hairless ape?"

Black Heron: Leave, Aiden out of this Heron.

Black Heron: Oh, it has a name.

Aiden: Hey, lady, I'm not an "it" I'm a he! And you and your robotic arm doesn't scare me and my best friend Webby!

Webby: Yeah! And where's my Granny?

When the two children were about to charge at Black Heron, Scrooge stops them and says "Easy, kids. This ones out of you leagues."

Webby: Nobody's out of league, Mr. McDuck!

Aiden: She's right, We've taken tougher villains before this one shouldn't be any different.. Let's get her Webby!

As Webby and Aiden tried to ninja kick at Black Heron, she blocks them and pushes them to the ground and Aiden says "Okay... she might be tougher then we thought."

Scrooge: Aiden! Webby! We need to..

Aiden: Look out!

Black Heron sprayed the sleep gas and hits Scrooge and Webby were effected but Aiden suddenly teleported on a higher spot in the lab away from Black Heron, but she didn't care about Aiden and ties up Scrooge and Webby later Beakley was in a cage waking up her granddaughter and Scrooge and says "I can't believe you. What is my granddaughter doing here? On a shush assignment, of all things! She's just a little girl!"

Scrooge: Beakley it's not what you think, Aiden has come along too.

Beakley: You've brought two children on a shush assignment are you out of your mind?!

Black Heron: Silence! I've waited so long for this, 22. Decades lying in hiding, tracking you down, rebuilding this place, rebuilding myself.

Aiden was climbing down very quietly and being careful on not making any suspicion and creeps down low and sees Webby being grabbed by Black Heron and says "World domination can wait. This... this is sweet revenge. Now tell me the formula."

Beakley: (chuckling) It was years ago. How am I supposed to remember? Wait. What are you...

Black Heron threatens Webby with a rocket launcher from her arm and says "Come, come, 22. Protocol dictates you memorize all mission-related data, and you're even more fastidious then I am. So you have 3 tenths of a second to respond, or--

Webby: Don't do it!

And when Black Heron was hurting Webby, Aiden was started to turn red of anger and bubbling to a boil inside and then he jumps at Black Heron and she wasn't prepared for that. She let Webby go was being pumbled by Aiden, Beakley was surprised and says "Aiden Fauntleroy? Where on earth did he come from?"

Scrooge: My nephew is full of surprises.

Webby: Yeah he is! Go! Aiden! Kick that baddies butt!

Aiden was pulling her eye sockets, pounding her head and swirling around while hitting her every spot until Black Heron catches him and throws Aiden five feet away from her.

Black Heron: You have spirit child and I'm going to enjoy taking you out first!

Scrooge: Curse me kilts! Aiden!

Webby: No!

Aiden showed no fear and was ready to use his spells on her until Beakley says "Stop! I'll tell you just please don't hurt the boy." Black Heron lowers her rocket launcher arm and turns back into a regular robot arm and says "Smart choice 22."

Aiden: Mrs. Beakley, what are you doing?! I was going to cast my spells on her, so the plan would've failed for Black Heron!

Beakley: Aiden, I'm sorry dear, but I couldn't just watch you killing yourself from that super-villain. [turns to Black Heron] Six handful of red berries, four orange berries, three purple berries, four blue berries, three green berries and one yellow berry, in that order.

Aiden: No...

Scrooge: Bentina...

Black Heron has finally completed her serum and says "Finally, the powers of the ancients are mine."

Aiden: Want a bet on that Heron?

Aiden uses his levitation spell on the serum out of Black Heron's hand and moves towards him with his telekinesis spell and grabs the serum and drinks the whole thing.

Black Heron: What are you boy?

Scrooge: That's Aiden Fauntleroy the level 1 sorcerer, my new partner along with Webby Vanderduck!

Webby: Yeah! And my best friend too!

Aiden: Uh, Scrooge? Webby's last name is actually Vanderqua-a-ack!

Aiden feels tingly and was bouncing everywhere and he was going "Ya-hoo"

Beakley: Aiden!

Aiden: This is amazing! A perfect thing to save my magic's energy from my super high jumping spell.

Aiden frees Webby and Scrooge from the ropes and Scrooge says "You two get Heron. I'll get Beakley free." And Black Heron drinks some of the same juice Aiden did and she was bouncing everywhere too until both Aiden and Webby pinned her down but gets back and knocks them off from her feet and bounces away and Aiden chases after her by bouncing.

Black Heron used her rocket launcher at Aiden and smoke was covered the whole seen assuming she ulimited him but what she didn't know that Aiden used his teleportation spell and grabs the serum right out of her hands and says "I'll take that!" bounces away.

Black Heron launches a laser cannon from her robotic arm and and blasted the serum out from of his hands then it was on the floor between the two and Webby was in front of it so throws it to Aiden and says "Aiden, catch!" He bounces to her and caught it and says "Thanks, Webs." He bounces out from the skylight and Black Heron chases after him.

Scrooge frees Beakley out of the cage with his action cane.

Beakley: Well, you're right McDuck. Aiden is full of surprises or should I say our Aiden is full of surprises.

Webby was really happy to be with her Granny again and says "I thought I never see you again, Granny."

Beakley: It's alright, Webbigail. I'm okay now that I know you and (gasping) Aiden!

Meanwhile on the roof Aiden was bouncing away from Black Heron and lands on the antenna and so did Black Heron right across of him.

Black Heron: You know I've been loving your spirit quite awhile child, and you can do magic I heard from your friend. How about we make a deal give me the serum and  join me with my intelligence and your spells we rule the world together!

Aiden: Are you kidding me, lady? There's no way I will ever use my spells for bad and I'll never team with a big baddie like you! And if you want your precious juice so bad, then come and get it!

And he bounce so high to the sky and Black Heron growls at frustration and bounces after him and suddenly the serum was wearing off on both Aiden and Black Heron soon they wear falling. When they were falling Black Heron tries to take the serum out of Aiden's hands.

Black Heron: Give me the juice, you freak!

Aiden: I got you juice right here!

Aiden punches Black Heron in the face which was effective and was further away from him and Beakley, Scrooge and Webby sees Aiden falling and Beakley says "Hold on Aiden! I got you! I got you!

Aiden suddenly was teleporting into the past again and uses proctection spell so it will break his and it did he was in the lab but it was very different from the present of the lab and he hears young Scrooge say "Just do something!" And Aiden sees Agent 22 in trouble he free her and gives her the serum in front of her.

Agent 22: It's you... you're helping me?

Aiden: Yep and Scrooge, you ready be to stop this baddie?

Agent 22: Yes I am!

Agent 22 drinks the juice and suddenly she was bouncing everywhere and says "This is disconcerting! What is happening!"

Aiden: It's fun. This is the bouncing serum that Black Heron was making but let's make sure she doesn't make another one.

Agent 22: I'm way of head of you.

She then ribs the page to making the fumula and Black Heron was really mad and says "You will pay for that!" And as she charges at Agent 22 and Aiden she grabs the child and bounces away then Black Heron accidentally bangs the chemicals to the juice and starts a fire and takes Scrooge and Aiden out of the lab with her suddenly the effect wear off and Scrooge says "22, you just broke protocol for me."

Agent 22: For the mission. And you, partner. And you dear child for helping us.

Aiden: Aww, it was nothing really.

Then the fire was spreading and Scrooge says "Whoop! Time to go." And Aiden responds "You don't have to tell me twice." While in the lab Black Heron was on the ground screaming "No!" And when she tried to get the juice the chemicals made an explosion in the lab and that's how she got her robotic arm from Aiden's present later on the island Agent 22 says "I have a feeling I'm going to be cleaning up a lot of your messes from on out, Agent McDuck."

Scrooge: Call me Scrooge.

Agent 22: Bentina Beakley.

Aiden: Aiden Fauntleroy.

Scrooge: Oh, that's right! Beakley meet Aiden, Aiden meet Beakley.

Aiden: It's very to meet you both.

Agent 22: We feel same Aiden and thank you again for helping us stop Black Heron.

Agent 22 gives Aiden a kiss on the cheek and the blushed bright red and smiles then said "I'm supposed to hate bring kissed but I really like it. And you're welcome... well I really must go..."

Scrooge: Back to the future?

Aiden: What... uh... no.

Beakley: Dear, we're agents and it's okay you maybe a child but you knew the protocol of time traveling and we're proud of you for not altering the here our present plus we hope  to see you again Aiden.

Aiden hugs Agent 22 and Scrooge then says "And someday... you will" Agent 22 and Scrooge restle his hair then Aiden teleported back to the present and was in the submarine sitting right between Webby and Scrooge and says "Hi, guys what did I miss?" Webby hugs Aiden feeling very happy to see where best friend again and says "Aiden! You're back! Look at this cool robotic arm of Black Heron we got." Aiden was amazed and responded "Aww man that is cool where are going to put it? On the wall as a trophy?" Scrooge fines what Aiden said was funny and starts to chuckle then rustle up Aiden hair and said "That's not a bad idea."

Webby: Me and Aiden can't believe we're now part of an actual McDuck-Agent-22 adventure! Thank you Mr. McDuck!

Scrooge: Call me Uncle Scrooge.

Webby: I'm Webby.

Aiden: I'm glad the rescue mission was success and I'm very happy that you're alright Mrs. Beakley.

Beakley: Call me Granny dear.

Aiden: I'm Aiden.

Aiden hugs his now Granny and Beakley puts a warm smile and hugs her second grandchild and Launchpad takes them all back home to McDuck Manor.

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