By phairryn

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"Tell me what you see in me... Gotta be something different" More



295 30 5
By phairryn

please excuse any mistakes ❤️‍🩹


🎶 Get freaky, she got a tattoo right by her bikini that say "Eat me"
Top me in the Demon, while I hit the gas down Peachtree🎶

     Peaches & Eggplants by Young Nudy ft. 21 Savage played loudly through Raven's entire penthouse as she sat on the floor of her paint room. Utensils and canvases were scattered haphazardly circling where she sat, focused on the piece she was currently working on.

The large t-shirt she wore was covered in an array of colors with only a pair of boy shorts underneath. Her natural curls were thrown messily into a bun with a few strands fallen out and framing her beautiful paint-covered face.

"Boaw, boaw, boaw, boaw, boaw, boaw," she yelled, bouncing her head to the beat.

With a fat blunt in one hand and a paintbrush in the other, Raven was in her element, focused on finishing her second and final piece of the day. She woke up this morning struck with inspiration and the motivation to actually get something done. She was glad.

The past few days haven't been the best for her so she was happy to be in a good enough mood to do what she loved.

Interrupting her music for a quick second, her phone went off with a notification from her Ring doorbell, letting her know someone was at her door. Rae furrowed her brows in confusion, not expecting guests. Especially after 9pm.

She carefully placed her paintbrush and blunt down, picking up her phone and opening the app to her camera. Before she could go to view the camera's live video, a message appeared at the top of her screen.

Justus🖤                                                              now
    I'm at your door

Jumping up from the floor, Rae's eyes widened and she turned on the live video.

He was indeed at her door. Dressed in all black and scrolling through his phone, with the usual resting mug he always seemed to wear when he wasn't physically in her presence.

She turned on the mic.

"Justus, what are you doing here?" She questioned, the shock and confusion clear in her tone. "How did you even get in?"

"Kimani," He stated simply. "I brought you food." He held up a paper bag and she couldn't help but smile.

So thoughtful.

Turning and leaving the room, she rushed downstairs not even bothering to look into the mirror. She knew she looked crazy, but she yanked her door open anyway greeting him with a giddy smile.


"Wassup, doll." He smirked and she stepped to the side to allow him entry.

"You didn't have to bring me food," she said to be polite. "Thank you though."

Raven pulled him into a warm hug, wrapping her arms around his neck while he held her waist with his free hand.

"It ain't no problem," he shook his head, locking her door after she closed it behind him. "I know you said you been working all day. Figured you prolly forgot to eat," he explained.

Raven tucked her lips, knowing he was right. She was usually on top of making sure she ate when she was supposed to. Today it just so happened to slip her mind.

"What'd you get?" She wondered, grabbing his hand and leading him further into her penthouse.


"I don't think I've had that before," she hummed thoughtfully. "Is it good?"

"I think you'a like it." He nodded, placing the bag on the kitchen counter. "I fuck wit it."

"Well let's see."

Raven washed her hands then began to pull all of the food out of the bag, lining everything up on counter. She did her ooo's and ahh's while Justus watched with a slight smile and laugh, finally getting a good look at her actual appearance.

She had dried up specs of paint everywhere; her hair, her face, her arms, her legs, and even her feet. She looked ridiculous but somehow he still found her beautiful.

"This all looks and smells so good." Rae grinned, looking back up at him after pulling plates out of her cabinets. "I think I wanna try a little bit of everything. What do you like most?"

"The drunken noodles," he answered, moving behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. She smiled feeling him place soft kisses on her neck.

Rae pulled a couple of forks out and began opening up all of the containers. He bought a lot of food, mainly because he didn't know what she'd like but also because they both ate like five grown ass men. He knew majority of that food would be gone by the nights end.

While she fixed their plates, Justus continued to be in her personal space, rubbing her stomach underneath the shirt she wore and kissing the side of her face. Rae smiled, soaking up all of the attention she was receiving, enjoying it. She was growing to love the affectionate side that he was showing her which was a shock in itself.

She could admit that she wasn't the most affectionate person. She never really liked being touched, it just wasn't her vibe. But Justus came and threw all of that out of the window, showing her a different side of herself. A side that she enjoyed.

After fixing the plates she pulled out of his arms to make their drinks and he made a noise of protest, causing her to chuckle. Once the drinks were made, the two of them carried everything to the living room area together.

"What do you wanna watch?"

Justus shrugged, not knowing. He never really watched any tv anymore—whether it be shows or movies. There was usually never enough time in his day to, with the busy schedule he had.

"It don't matter, mama," he spoke in his usual low, nonchalant tone. "Put on whatever you wanna watch."

Rae hummed, grabbing the remote that controlled the speakers and turning off the music finally. She then powered on her tv and went to HBO, picking a random series for them to watch. She didn't really know what to put on either because she rarely ever watched anything new.

The only shows she could fully get into have always been Grey's Anatomy and Shameless. Her comfort shows.

Anything else could only get 5 minutes of her attention before she lost interest.

They ate for a while, not being in a rush as they were consumed in their own little world. Raven was sat on his lap comfortably while he leaned back on her large sofa. Neither of them could keep the smiles off their faces, too caught up in each other to pay any attention to whatever it was that was playing on the TV.

When they did finally finish, Justus cleaned up their mess while Raven sat at the large island eating a bowl of pink pineapple.

"Do you want to stay?" She ended up asking.

Justus smirked, grabbing her empty bowl and putting them in the dishwasher before eyeing her. "You want me to?"

"Yes I do," she nodded, blushing at the look he gave her. He always stared at her so intensely, it was a wonder she didn't always end up in a puddle on the floor whenever he was around.

"Then yeah, I'll stay." He nodded.

Raven smiled, happy to have her way. She got up out of her seat, making her way towards him and he met her halfway. Instantly, she was in his grasp, both hands holding her waist.

She stared up at him expectantly.

"You so beautiful." He spoke softly, licking his lips.

"No way, I probably look crazy right now." She shook her head, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Yea," Justus nodded in agreement. "Still beautiful though."

"Thank you," she muttered, blushing profusely before sighing and falling into his chest dramatically. "You're so good to me. I appreciate you."

Justus felt his body heat up at her words and he pulled her closer. No one had ever just outright told him that they appreciated him. It was a different feeling that he hadn't felt before. "I'm just doing what a man supposed to. You happy?"

"Mhm," she hummed dreamily, nodding her head and standing on her toes to be closer to him.

"That's all that matter." He kissed her lips softly. "You ready to go upstairs?"

"Yes." Raven nodded and he helped her turn all the lights and electronics off downstairs before they both went upstairs.

He followed her into her art room where she began gathering all of her used materials and taking them into the en-suite bathroom. While she cleaned up her mess, he took the time to admire the work she had completed.

There were canvasses every where in the room, majority of them completely covered in intricate details, while the rest were still blank.

Justus was in awe. He hadn't realized how talented she actually was, and was shocked to see the very professional level of work she could create.

"You like?" Raven questioned, dropping her paintbrushes and pallet on a towel and spreading them out so they could air dry. She planned to come back and finish whatever she couldn't get to sometime tomorrow.

"Hell yea," he nodded, standing in front of the painting she completed earlier today. It had to be his favorite out of all of them. "This shit hard. When you did this?"

"I finished it today," she chuckled. His enthusiasm was amusing to her. "I had planned to finish two but there wasn't enough time for the last one." She explained, gesturing to the larger portrait she was working on before he got there.

Justus walked over to where she was and looked at the half completed painting. He was still able to see how good it was even unfinished.

"You talented as hell, doll." He complimented, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his side.

"Thank you." She smiled, resting her head on his muscular arm.

"These all for your gallery?"

"Most of them are," she nodded. "The ones against this wall over here, I'm still trying to decide on. They don't necessarily go with the current theme of the place."

"What's the theme?"

"Well since Halloween is in almost a month, I had my manager reach out to all of my artists and asked them to send in their best spooky pieces for the entire month of October."

It was reaching the end of September and was coming into one of Raven's most favorite times of the year. She didn't necessarily celebrate Halloween anymore but she always loved to see the kind of art people could create when this season came around.

"We can go ahead to the room now if you're ready." She spoke up, watching him stare at her with a look in his eyes that she couldn't necessarily decipher. It caused her entire body to heat up and her heart to race.

"Yea c'mon," he nodded, licking his lips.

The pair walked to Raven's bedroom together with his arms still around her and he closed the door behind them once they entered. They stood in the middle of the floor with her arms now around his neck.

"I have to go get in the shower," she muttered, smiling softly when he pecked her lips.

"Mhm," he kissed her again.

"I have paint everywhere," she chuckled, looking down at herself to see dried up specs of paint scattered across her skin. "I won't be long. There's towels and stuff in the guest bathroom for you to use too."

"Who won't be long?" He eyed her.

By now, Justus had spent enough nights with Raven to know that she took very long showers. She had an extensive routine that she took her time with every night. He knew tonight would most likely be the same.

"I won't!" She exclaimed.

At least that's what she hoped.

"Let's be for real, doll." He rubbed her arm.

"Bye." She walked off into her bathroom, rolling her eyes and he laughed.

After about an hour, Justus had finished with his shower and nightly skincare routine as well as cleaned up his mess in the guest bathroom. Raven still wasn't done like he expected so he sat in her bed scrolling on his phone, waiting for her to return. When she finally did come out of the bathroom, she quickly cut all the lights off, closed her curtains and climbing into bed.

He instantly wrapped her up in his arms, pulling the comforter over them and laying back against her pillows.

Rae let out a deep sigh of contentment, her head on his chest and nails tracing the multiple tattoos on his skin. JT trailed his fingertips up and down her spine with gentle strokes, feeling her shiver subtly at his touch.

"How long you been painting and dancing and shit?" He wondered.

She hummed in thought. "I think my dad said he put me in dancing lessons at like three. And I've been painting since then too. He said I wouldn't stop coloring on the walls so he put me in some type of art club for toddlers." She explained.

"You got any other talents ion know about?"

Raven smirked at the subtle innuendo, swatting at his chest and he gave a chuckle in response.

"My dad kept me occupied with basically everything I showed interest in. So I have multiple talents but not many things I actually have a passion for," she explained.

"So just cooking, dancing, and painting." He concluded.

"Mhm," she nodded with a small smile.

"Where you learn to cook?"

"My dad mainly. When I was around other family members like my grandma and auntie, they showed me some things but I spent most of my time with him."

"What about yo mama?" He questioned, only ever recalling her talking about Calvin when discussing her upbringing. He wondered if the lady was around or ever had been.

"I was born by surrogacy," she admitted, lifting her head to look up at him. "No mother."

"Oh damn, my fault..." He looked at her, feeling a little guilty for some reason. He wasn't sure if this was a sensitive topic for her or not.

"There's nothing for you to apologize for," she chuckled and shrugged it off. "You didn't know."

Justus nodded, though he still felt awkward about it. She didn't seem that uncomfortable with the topic of conversation but he could tell it wasn't something she talked about often. He didn't want to overstep any sort of boundaries she had about talking about the circumstances surrounding her birth.

Raven didn't know if she really had any boundaries about that though. She never talked about not having a mom because nobody ever asked. Justus was the first to be curious enough about her background to want to know.

"You can ask me anything, Justus," she said to him softly, twisting her body to slide herself on top of him. Her thighs parted to be on each side of his hips and she placed her hands on his bare chest to hold herself upwards.

"You sure?" He questioned, caressing her smooth thighs.

"Mhm," she nodded, rubbing her lips together. She felt a little anxious, not knowing the kind of questions he wanted to ask her, but regardless she would tell him anything he wanted to know.

"So how the fuck he come up with surrogacy instead of just getting a girl pregnant?"

Raven giggled at how confused and appalled he sounded. She could admit that a straight man choosing to have a child by surrogacy was a bit unheard of.

"He didn't necessarily want a baby mama but he wanted kids. He couldn't adopt because he's a felon so that was his best option." She explained exactly what her father had told her years ago.

"And both you and Dove was born the same way?"

Raven's heart churned at the mention of her baby sister but she ignored it, humming a quiet yes. "Same surrogate and egg donor."

"Why he ain't use the surrogate's eggs?"

"She was ugly," she said, tucking her lips into her mouth in an attempt to hold back her laugh. It was useless once Justus burst out laughing, causing her to do the same. His laugh was so contagious you couldn't help but to join in.

"Aye!" He shouted, tossing his head back with loud cackles.

"I'm just telling you what he told me," she explained, chuckling.

"Nah, pops funny as hell." He took a deep breath, attempting to bring himself back down. "Nigga was not finna have no ugly kids."

"As he shouldn't," she responded, smartly.

Justus shook his head at her, gripping her ass just because and she grinned. He couldn't see her face but his eyes were adjusted to the darkness enough to see the silhouette of her curvy but slim body, making him lick his lips.

"So you ain't got no mama," he stated bluntly.

"I-" Rae frowned, feeling a little offended. "You didn't have to say it like that.."

"Ion have no dad, it's aight." He shrugged. "We got some shit in common."

"Hm," she hummed. "I guess you're right. Not the best thing in the world to have in common but it's something." She smiled, deciding to look in the bright side of things.

"I'm sure we got more in common, doll. Just gotta find it," he assured her.

Raven nodded, leaning forward so that her chest was flat against his and stretching her legs out. She lied on top of him and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

"Do you have any more questions?" She wondered softly, tucking her face in his neck. Her body melted on top of his and she closed her eyes, feeling a wave of exhaustion hit her out of nowhere.

"Nah not tonight," he shook his head. He yawned, triggering her to do the same while covering her mouth. It was as if his energy mirrored hers and he was feeling exhausted as well. "Gimme kiss mama," he muttered.

Without hesitation, Raven lifted her head from his neck, pressing her lips to his. He immediately returned her kiss, slipping his tongue in her mouth which she accepted willingly. He assumed dominance over the kiss, gripping the back of her neck to prevent her from ending it prematurely and she moaned softly.

They went on like this for a bit longer before finally she pulled away, out of breath and way too turned on for it to be bed time. He smacked her ass before gripping it roughly and she tucked her lips to keep from making any noise that would embarrass her.

"I have to go to the bathroom," she grumbled, sliding herself off of him.

Justus smirked, listening to her get out of bed and pull open a drawer before going into the restroom. When she returned, she climbed back in bed without a word and placed herself right against his chest, closing her eyes. He took that as a sign to go to bed, so he wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes as well.

"I can't believe you have me out here punching bags." Raven frowned.

Justus chuckled, grabbing her gloved hands and un-strapping them from around her wrists before gently pulling them off. "You did good, doll," he assured, tucking the gloves underneath his arms.

He was very surprised to see how well Raven could throw a punch, especially with basically no fighting experience. She was a heavy handed hitter without trying and when she was upset she naturally used that to her advantage. He knew she would do good if she ever were to get into a fight.

"My hands hurt." She grumbled, indignant.

"Putting in that work," he responded, cupping her cheeks in his hands and tilting her head upwards. She met his eyes, both hands on his sides, shuffling closer to him subconsciously. "You had fun?"


"You'll be alright," he smirked, leaning closer to her. Raven lifted to her toes to meet him halfway and their lips met in a gentle kiss. "Next time imma have you in the ring wit me instead of using the punching bag." He reminded, dropping his hands and stepping back.

"I don't understand." She blinked.

She watched as he took the boxing gloves that she was using and carried them over to the filing cabinet that took up majority of the wall of the private training room they were in.

"What?" He glanced over his shoulder at her before grabbing a few antibacterial wipes out of a bin labeled 'cleaning supplies' and beginning to wipe the gloves down, inside and out.

"Was this not just a one time thing?" She questioned, taking a seat on a workout bench and using the towel he had given her earlier to wipe the sweat off of her forehead. She was glad that she had the stamina to be able to keep up with him, the kind of training he put her through being very rigorous.

"Nah," he shook his head. "What gave you that idea?"

Raven shrugged with a frown, her shoulders slumped as she slouched. Habitually, she fixed her posture and rolled her eyes. Learning to fight had never been on her list of things to do. She felt like it was ridiculous and she couldn't understand why it was such a big deal.

"Do you have showers here?" She asked, pulling her sports bra away from her chest, feeling sticky with sweat.

"Yea," he nodded his head. "In my office. Ian think it was appropriate to have communal showers here since it be mostly kids." He explained.

"That's smart..." She muttered, watching as he put the gloves she was using in a mesh bag and place them in an empty transparent box. He then grabbed a thick sharpie and began writing on the box, labeling it 'baby doll'.

Rae blushed when she saw it and tucked her lips to keep from smiling too hard. When Justus turned to her finally, she looked away awkwardly making him chuckle. He stood in front of her and held his hand out for her to grab which she did.

He pulled her to stand and when she was he smacked her on the ass, initiating a small yelp. "Justus!" She gasped and he only smirked in response. "Can you just take me to your office so I can wash my ass?"

"Yea cmon," he chuckled.

Tucking the bin with her name on it underneath his arm he grabbed her hand to lead her to his office. He put up a sign that said that the room they had been using needed to be cleaned and why in the direction of his office.

The pair passed Saphoni on the way there and Raven smiled at her politely.

"Hi Saphoni!" She grinned, waving her free hand. She liked Saphoni and thought she was a nice girl. She wasn't the friendliest but she wasn't rude either and every time Raven came to the rec center, she never gave off bad vibes.

Saphoni smiled wide in response, perking up in her seat. "Hi Raven! Did you have a good workout?"

"No," She shook her head, hearing Justus smack his lips. "He wants to do it again too!"

"Oh no," she pouted, sympathetically. "Maybe-"

"Aight, come on. This ain't chit chat time." Justus interrupted, tugging on her hand.

"Rude." Raven spoke, rolling her eyes, allowing him to pull her away to his office. "I'll see you later, Saphoni."

"See you," Saphoni chuckled, watching as they entered his office that was down the hall from where her desk was and closed the door.

Justus locked it behind him and turned to look at Raven who was staring up at him expectantly. Her hands were behind her back and she tucked her lips twisting from side to side.

"What you looking like that for?"

"I'm just waiting on you to show me the shower."

"You brought your clothes like I asked you to?"

She nodded, "Yes. They're in your truck though."

He shook his head at her and placed the bin on the corner of his desk. "I'll go get it. The bathroom is in that room and it's soap and a towel for you. I had Saph go to Target to get the stuff you be using before we got here." He reminded her.

"Aww," Rae pouted. "That's so thoughtful. Thank you,"

"Mm," he nodded. "Come here, gimme a kiss."

"So demanding," she scrunched up her nose, but shuffled closer to him anyway.

She stood on her toes to reach his lips and he met her half way, wrapping a hand around her throat. He pressed his lips against hers and she hummed softly, parting her lips and giving him access to slip his tongue into her mouth. He slid his tongue against hers, wrapping his free arm around her waist and pulling her body flush against his. His head tilted to the side and their tongues slid against each other's softly.

Raven melted into him, placing her hands against his chest as her heart raced. She felt herself fall under some sort of spell he always seemed to put on her and she could never seem get out of. He had some kind of hold on her and she couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

His hand slid further down and gripped her ass roughly while the other tightened its grip around her throat. Chills ran down her spine and she wrapped her arms around his neck melting further into him, releasing a soft moan.

Quickly, their making out was becoming more intense which caused Raven to trail her hands down his chest to the waistband of his grey sweats without thinking. She gently tugged at the strings and he hummed finally coming to his senses enough to stop her.

"Raven.." he muttered gruffly, placing his forehead against hers and opening his eyes.

"Hm?" She hummed softly, fluttering her eyes open to look into his. He got stuck, caught up in the lustful look in her eyes and licked his lips.

"Go get in the shower doll," he told her.

"Come with me." She tugged on his waistband once again and he bit his lip, grabbing her wrists.

"When I bring your stuff in, I got you." He promised her, smirking when her eyes brightened with excitement. "Okay?"

"Yes," she nodded, standing flat on her feet and taking a step back.

Justus paused at the submissive tone in her voice and eyed her thoughtfully. She couldn't possibly understand what she was getting herself into acting this way.

He chuckled with a shake of his head and took a few steps towards the door. "Lock this door when I leave, alright? I'm the only one that got a key to get in here."

Rae nodded, tucking her plump lips into her mouth.

"Use ya words."

"Okay," she smiled softly. "I'll lock the door."

"Good. I'll be back."


After one last kiss, Justus exited the office and Raven locked the door behind him like he told her. She then went into the bathroom and turned on the water in the very spacious shower before getting undressed. She looked at herself in the mirror while doing so. Once she was done she removed the hair tie from her hair and grabbed a washcloth before stepping into the shower.

She allowed the scorching hot water to rain down on her, soaking her curls and allowing them to fall in loose coils down her back, reaching just below where her bra strap would've. She pushed it all back so that it wouldn't be in her face before turning her back to the water and tilting her head towards the ceiling.

As Raven ran her fingers through her hair, Justus was entering the steamy bathroom. He took in the sight of her naked silhouette through the clouded glass door and licked his lips at the sight, feeling his dick hardening within the confines of his Ethika briefs.

He began to get undressed.

The sound of his clothes hitting the floor caught Raven's attention and she stopped what she was doing and looked in his direction. She too could only see his silhouette and her heart began to race with anticipation. Chills traveled down her spine right to her core and she closed her eyes, letting out a soft breath.

Justus pulled on the shower door and she opened her eyes to watch him step in , in front of her. He paused, mesmerized by the sight of her and let out a harsh breath.

"You beautiful as fuck." He blurted, his dark eyes racing up and down her body, committing it to memory. He didn't want to ever forget what she looked like.

"Thank you," she spoke softly, holding her hand out to him. "Come here."

Justus grabbed her hand and stepped closer before gripping the back of her head. He tilted her head upwards to meet his eyes and she bit her lip, rubbing her hands up his back. She glanced down between them, her eyes slightly widening at the size of his dick.

He was very blessed.

"Sheesh." She poked it.

"Chill," Justus laughed, tangling his fingers in her hair and leaning forward. He dipped his head, capturing her lips with his and she stood on her toes to reach him better. When they pulled away, Rae stepped back underneath the water, closing her eyes.

He watched her with a growing infatuation, moving towards her without trying to. Raven opened her eyes when she felt him right in front of her and blushed at the way he stared at her.

"You're always staring at me. I'm ugly?"  She questioned.

"The opposite," he chuckled, reaching behind her and grabbing the brand new loofah he bought. He then picked up her soap and squeezed a decent amount on the loofah before rubbing it together in his palms underneath the water.

Raven watched his movements, feeling her heart race when Justus began bathing her himself. Not knowing what to do with her hands, she placed them on his waist, staring at him. He felt her burning gaze but kept his attention on what he was doing, scrubbing away the sweat and dirt from the day.

"You having a good day?" He questioned, lifting her right leg up to scrub her thigh and calf before moving on to her foot.

"Yes," she nodded, her grip on him tightening to ensure she would remain upright. "I didn't like the boxing but I enjoy spending time with you so I had a good time. Are you?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "I always have a good time when I'm wit you," he admitted truthfully. It didn't matter what they were doing, he was always enjoying any time he was given with her.

"Really?" She smiled.

"Mhm." He returned her smile, placing her foot on the floor before moving on to the next leg.

"That's sweet." She blushed. "How's it going with the club? I remember you saying things were going better, is that still the case?"

"Yea," he answered. "Everything straight for now. Meech been there every other day keeping an eye on the progress and making sure they not fucking around no more."

"That's good," she smile proudly. "Do you know if the man snitched or not?"

Justus smacked his lips and shook his head. "Told you that nigga can't go to the cops. He scared to get deported." He spoke bluntly.

"He can still go to the police though, babe," she reminded. "He won't get deported if he's just telling on somebody."

"He don't know that though," he chuckled, dropping her foot and turning her around.

Raven shook her head, not bothering to say any thing more on the topic. Instead, she grabbed the black wash cloth that hung on a hook next to where her loofah was and his soap. She ran the towel under water and squirted soap into it before lathering it up. She turned back to face Justus and began scrubbing his chest just as he had previously done to her.

He moved her hair to the side, scrubbing her back from in front of her while she bathed a much of him as she was willing to. When it came time to clean privates they did their own, turning away from each other for privacy before finally rinsing off.

They stood underneath the water together, Justus placing soft kisses on Raven's lips continuously while holding her waist. Her arms were tossed over his shoulders as she watched him, her heart racing and butterflies fluttering in her belly.

She didn't know what it was about this man that had her feeling all sorts of feelings. Especially so quickly and so strongly. She wanted him more than she's ever wanted anyone before and that was a terrifying fact that she wasn't quite ready to acknowledge.

Being able to tell the kind of man he was, she knew that she had to be ready to be able to receive the kind of love he could give her, and she wasn't. She could only be grateful that he was being as patient as he was with her.

Breaking her from her thoughts, Justus slid his hand further down her waist to her ass and between her legs while searching her eyes for approval.

"Can I?"

"Yes," she answered almost instantly. When she nodded her head, he licked his lips and lifted her up into his arms.

The second part coming soon I just wanted to get this out since it's been damn near 2 months.

But like😗 the less yall vote and comment the less im motivated to write so who's really at fault here👀

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