Reaching For The Stars

By winterkonijn1

23.8K 2K 495

The stars. It is the fascination of mortals. In the past they have looked to the gods that hold sway over it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chaptet 43

215 25 5
By winterkonijn1


She stood watch the entire night while the others slept. No one really talked about Aphrodite. Her little appearance made an impact on many of them. Only Percy and Zoe didn't feel anything. Well, Percy didn't get to talk to the love Goddess, so that's to be expected. She wonders why Zoe didn't feel any side effects.

Juniper poked the fire with a stray branch. Her mind filled with the face that has been constantly appearing. Aphrodite loves her. A thought she never would have expected. What made it even more mind-boggling is that she knew from when she was born. A time when Juniper was still part of another realm.

What makes her so special to be destined as a wife of Aphrodite herself? Hades, she never thought she would even have to ask this question. Is the world so skewed? Yet... Artume is taken by Annabeth. The girl certainly has a good soul. But, to be honest, Juniper isn't entirely sure whether a cheating Aphrodite would be a nice wife to have.

Beauty is one thing, but the heart is just as important. Juniper wants a loyal person, not a person who lays as frequently in another's bed like Aphrodite. Her brows furrow even further together, her hand gripping the stick a bit tighter. The fire crackled as she poked the burning logs.

"You know, taking watch is supposed to make us feel safe. You're so distracted, I could have killed you easily."

Juniper knew it was Thalia as she felt her long ago, watching for a moment. A deep breath left her as she threw the stick into the fire. "It is a good thing that you only watched me then. I don't want to upset- well, I'll keep that to myself."

"Aren't you ever knowing..." Thalia chuckled, lowering herself to sit next to Juniper. "Still thinking about what Aphrodite said?"

The dryad stared up at the fading stars. It was always comforting to have them shining down. One aspect of being in Artume's realms she very much likes. You always feel warm, being comforted, as long as the stars are there. It's how Artume looks out for her. Juniper is certain Bianca feels the same. The girl is sleeping so peacefully.

"Yes, I am. It's not every day you're shown what the future will hold for you."

"I know. It was a lot for me too," Thalia said, a breath leaving her. "What use is it to ponder on? Aphrodite was vague with everyone. I mean, fuck, she will personally meddle in mine. Whatever, I don't care. We went to save Annabeth and that's what I'll do."

"Right, perhaps you're right. Yet we always will face it, Thalia. This is Aphrodite's domain. Her opinion is basically law when it comes to love. Whether you're God or mortal, she knows."

Thalia frowned as she stared deeply into the fire. "Yeah, I know... But I forge my own destiny. They can kiss my ass if they think otherwise. I will not be forced into anything."

It makes Juniper smile a little. Such a fierce woman, whoever she saw will be lucky to have Thalia. "You're not alone in that sense, but fighting fate is never wise. It may just take away your happiness, don't forget that, Thalia."

Thalia nodded yet said nothing in response. It is not like any of them had premium knowledge of how things will go. Juniper thinks only she knows that Aphrodite is waiting. For her to probably say yes. And honestly? She would be a fool to say no. Who could say Aphrodite herself offered to date you, with the intent of truly loving you?

"Well, I guess we should-"


The two turned to the river where they saw a rather long body of a serpent with a cow's head. It was odd to see, yet the head made the creature look harmless.

"Bessie is truly following us, isn't she?"

"Yeah, wonder why," Juniper said. "Percy is right. The cow is kinda cute."

"Yeah, but I don't get it. Doesn't it have other things to do? Never seen monsters following me around, well, Percy in this case, without attacking me. They always seem to want to have a piece of me."

"Not every monster is evil," Juniper counters. "It depends, really. Some of them were created by the stirring underneath the conflict often present within Western Civilization. But some are just unfortunate souls like Medusa. It's their origin that makes them more friendly or hostile."

"Whatever, we should get a move on. A lady is in need of saving."

True enough, Juniper thought as she briefly looked at Thalia waking everyone up. She took one breath before standing up. This entire trip may be the most impactful she has witnessed in the last thousand years. As everyone, besides Zoe, begrudgingly got ready, Juniper thought about it more. Even in the car with Thalia behind the wheel speeding away, her mind went back to Artume.

The Goddess has shielded her thoughts and mood ever since Annabeth was taken. Usually, she was quite open with it, allowing Juniper to sense what is going on. This time, however, was different. Artume kept everything close to her chest. Juniper could not feel anything. There could only be something she doesn't want to become known.

"We should make sure to go north," Zoe spoke up. Her gaze on the road, seeing what must be a sparkling line that showed the way.

"What's north? I mean, I only know of the Underworld entrance at Los Angeles," Percy said. "But I highly doubt there is anything in Hades' realm for us to find."

"My mother's realm is in Los Angeles?" Bianca asked curiously, eyeing the group with interest.

"Yeah," Grover confirmed, bobbing his head. "Percy, Annabeth, and I went there for a quest almost three years ago. Can't say I found it a nice place to hang around."

"What's up the state, Zoe?" Thalia interjected to get the conversation back on track. "You seem too sure, even with that ball of light."

"Aphrodite said something I feared would be the case. I doubted at first when they spoke of a general," Zoe said, glancing at Bianca who smiled uncertainly. The girl is too new to it all. Juniper is fearful too from what Zoe will confirm. To face him would be a tremendous task.

"She said we will face 'my old man'. That is most worrisome as my father is Atlas, the Titan that holds the sky."

"You got to be kidding me..." Thalia muttered, brows furrowed as she peered through the rearview mirror. "How did he get free?"

"I do not know," Zoe said. "But I fear my lady Artemis has made it possible. By some miracle, she was imprisoned and forced to take his place... Or by using Annabeth to force lady Artemis' hand."

"He is cruel enough," Juniper said as a shudder goes through her. "I have seen him in action before. It was terrifying..."

"How old are you exactly?" Percy asked curiously. "You know so much for looking as old as me."

"Has anyone told you how that's a rude question?" Juniper questioned, raising an eyebrow. It was Bianca who looked most uncomfortable as she sat between the two. Almost as if she is the wall that kept Percy safe.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to offend, it's just cool... I guess."

"Thy guesses? Have thee no manners?"

"Come on, I am the only boy here. No offense, Grover. Your nature thingy helps you more than me being a Demigod."

Grover only raised his hands up, making sure to keep quiet. A smart approach, Juniper thought. The man is too nervous. He is a nice man yet he could use a bit of courage to stand up for himself. Percy puffed out a breath as he slumped into the seat, arms crossed.

"I am old enough to have seen the Titan war, just like Zoe. While nowhere near the action, it wasn't hard to see the Titans and the Gods clashing in the far distance. Atlas was the one leading most of the armies. He was cruel in every battle."

"Indeed. He has little mercy for his enemies. Arrogant yet rightfully so. The second strongest Titan. While he could not match the strength of the Big Three, he still could easily fend off the other Elder Gods," Zoe explained further.

"I'll put him in his place," Thalia says with a smirk on her lips. "If that dipshit Hercules can do it, I can do it easily."

"Your confidence is inspiring," Juniper said, a soft chuckle coming from her. "But do not be a fool and underestimate him. I pray my lady will help us but her interventions are limited by law. Your father is watching her carefully, Thalia."

"Why?" Percy asked, his gaze switching from the green mountains in the distance to Juniper. "Wouldn't he like for someone to take care of this problem?"

"You are correct yet Lady Artume's rise has made him concerned," Zoe said, her gaze firmly on the road ahead. "Lady Artume is beloved by the Demigods. She has the backing of the Queen of the Underworld. She has garnered powerful people to her service. Her demigod child is extremely powerful. This has made him weary of her."

"He also made short work of Ares," Percy added. "I saw it when I came back from the Underworld."

"Well, that is not very surprising. Many have done so in the past," Zoe said with a shrug. "If I am honest, he is strong yet his stupidity makes him weak. I would consider lady Athena more fit as a war Goddess. Which she does hold in some aspects. It is why Ares is constantly arguing with her."

"Burn..." Percy chuckled. "Well, anyway, so up north is where your father is. Where exactly is that?"

"San Francisco, in the Garden of the Hesperides. It is where my sisters dwell. We'll get to my father through the garden quite quickly."

"The star is pointing the same way?" Bianca asked.

"Yes, it points toward the Garden," Zoe confirmed. "I'm certain-"


The group turned their heads sharply. A sound came with an impact at the back of the car. It wasn't hard to notice. Another car came after them, speeding through the traffic while black skeleton hand used a bow and arrow. The same monsters that attacked them before the Hoover Dam.

"They don't stay dead..." Thalia mumbled irritably, hands turning the wheel to make them less of an easy target. "Death girl, do something."

"Me!? What can I do?" Bianca asked, eyes on the enemy.

"Your mother deals with death, Bianca. Being in Artume's service will not change that," Juniper said. "Do something—deathy!"

"Deathy!? What... ugh, fuck it... I'll do... something 'deathy'."

"Hey, I am rubbing off on you guys! Nice."

"Do not encourage, Thalia," Zoe said sharply, getting her bow materialized in her hand. "Bianca, take this. It will aid thee. Perhaps it may do more in thy hands."

"Thanks..." Bianca mumbled. "I never fired a bow before..."

Bianca pushed the roof window open, trying to get ready to shoot some arrows. It makes Juniper wonder whether she will even hit the car. Considering Thalia swerves from left to right, dodging cars to shake off the skeletons, it seems impossible.

Yet Juniper's eyes widen slightly as spectral arms align with Bianca's. Artume winked at her with a small smile, the see-through face of the Goddess turning back to the enemies. Bianca's face crunched up as she concentrated. One arrow was released, shaking the entire car as Thalia forced the car under control again.

"Gods, what was that?" Thalia asked, but the group watched as a silver radiant arrow pierces the pursuing car, each skeleton coming alive with green flames of the underworld.

"Bianca whipped some ass," Percy notes, watching with awe at what he saw.

"Thy... are more powerful than I first thought," Zoe mutters as she got handed the bow back. Bianca glanced briefly again at the car behind them. Juniper felt Artume's presence, saw her even, Bianca must have as well. This wasn't solely her. How else would you explain this feat? A girl with no experience, slicing a car and killing every enemy in a single try? That sounds impossible.

"I don't think it was me..." Bianca muttered. "I felt Artume guiding me. Her arms helping me aim and fire. Her strength and determination fueled the power of the arrow... somehow."

"I don't care if it was Santa Claus," Thalia grumbled. "I didn't want to crash because of some skeletons unwilling to stay in the dirt."

"It would be most shameful," Zoe said, glancing one more time at the smoking car wreck. "But our way is clear for now. Let us move to San Francisco."

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