By Onyxphoenix18

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"Love isn't sunshine and butterflies , I learnt that first hand, and the most dangerous desire grew from that... More

Party Favors
Chapter 1 The Beginning
Chapter 2 The Encounter
Chapter 3 The Decline
Chapter 4 The HUNT
Chapter 5 The beginning Part 2
Chapter 6 THE GARDEN
Chapter 8 The Claim
Chapter 9 The Pet
Chapter 10 The Fallen

Chapter 7 The Pendant

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By Onyxphoenix18

The slam of my apartment door echoes through the halls as it locks shut, I growl in defiance as I storm into my bedroom, looking for my vibrator. "Ugh like fuck him" , I say kicking off my boots, stripping my body naked.

I'm agitated and if you must know I didn't get to cum. After the reveal, which was certainly on purpose by him, Things became a little heated, so much so that the cocky bastard called one of his goons, who picked me up and carried me out of the garden, like a sack of fucking potatoes. My membership card was revoked and money refunded by the time I arrived home.

Humiliated would be an understatement. I am perplexed, furious, annoyed and worst of all WET. I look at the silver bullet as I turn the intensity to high climbing into my bed and placing the object on my achy clit. It takes several seconds before I am huffing and moaning in frustration. It's no use, I am incapable of bringing myself to climax. I toss the silver bullet across the room before, pulling the covers up to my neck and closing my eyes, my phone buzzing beside me. I go to grab it only to see the number unknown. He really has the balls to call after the stunt he pulled tonight, hitting the ignore and closing my eyes, I attempt to sleep.

Thirty minutes later, the phone buzzes again and this time I am way too tired and horny not to bypass the opportunity to tell that asshole exactly how I feel. However, the pending image accompanied by the text "Left Something" makes my heart quicken with anticipation. With hesitant fingers, I tap the message and there it is, the image that speaks volumes without uttering a single word. Time seems to freeze as I absorb every pixel, every detail. My lungs feel tight as if the air has been sucked from the room, leaving me suspended in a moment of raw emotion. A tattooed hand holds the most important item I've ever owned , my mother's ashes encased in a diamond pendant necklace.

I grabbed the empty spot around my neck, instantly sighing as the memory of my lost necklace once again pulled me back to reality. It's been a week, despite my better efforts, since I spoke with him, well if you consider texting speaking. A deep sigh leaves my body as I wipe down the counter of the dimly lit bar, the familiar scent of alcohol mingled with some Jazz played in the background, calming my nerves. I'm beyond distraught, I have never been apart from my mother this long. Tears threaten to fall from my eyes , as I try to clear my head and focus on my night ahead. Tonight is not just another early evening shift, filled with the usual mix of regulars nursing their drinks and occasional strangers passing through. It is the second most important day of my life, Justin's Birthday, and his party is tonight .

Harry decided to close down the bar early so everyone would be able to attend. He doesn't do this for all his employees but when it comes to Justin and I he has a Soft spot. Harry is like a father to me and without him I would not know where I would be. Justin, like myself, came from a tough background. One that would have destroyed us both if Harry didn't take us in.

" Everything is all closed up?" Harry questioned walking to the back door , his car keys in hand.

"Yep , I just let Jim out and locked the locks." I say to him, removing my phone out of my pocket before sighing and placing it back into my jeans.

" everything ok? ", he questioned before locking the back lock and walking me to my car.

" Yes , everything is fine, just Justin freaking out about me not being on time for the makeup artist." I lie not wanting to worry Harry even more.

" You two are day and night", He shakes his head with a chuckle. "Welp you better get going! BE SAFE and tell Justin not to drink a lot, I'm not getting out of my bed again at 3 o'clock in the morning to bail his sassy ass out ", He says opening my car door and closing it.

" OK, but Ryan will be there so he is in good hands ", I laughed starting the car. Harry lets out a grunt while getting into his car and pulling off, with me leading the way.

The truth is Justin never texted my phone, Syrius did. After learning that he had my pendant, I reached out several times to retrieve it and each time ended with the same reply "Undeliverable" If you could call that a response.

Unknown: My driver will be waiting to pick you up from your desired location at 11pm sharp ...Text me the address, don't be late.

I didn't respond immediately, because this guy is an ass, to clearly ignore me for days, then send a response like that really grinds my gears. I unlock my apartment door and head into the bathroom.

Me: I have plans tonight, So I would prefer your driver deliver my item to me!" I hit send, climbing into the shower with a smirk on my face.

30 mins later

Unknown: Then I guess you will have to retrieve your necklace another day.

I groan with annoyance. I known he has figured out that the necklace holds some importance to me. Fine !! If he wants to play this game then I will play, I'll give him a sight he never forgets, As long as it ends with me being reunited with my mom.

Me: "I'll be at the Black Cat Lounge in Boys town and I'll see you once i'm ready "

I send the message , as I open the door for Kayla, Justin's stylist and Makeup artist friend , to enter my apartment.

Two hours later I arrive at Justin's party looking every bit of dolled up. Justin rushes me with hugs and kisses as he takes in my appearance. " Damn , STAC ! You look good , " he says, spinning me around before handing me one of his signature cocktails. Grabbing my hand Justin guides me to the Bar. With the pulsating rhythm of music filling the air and the scent of cocktails lingering around , I laugh as Justin tells me about his night so far. Justin, resplendent in a sequined outfit that shimmered under the low lights as he called for the bartender, his boyfriend, Ryan who looked dapper in his tailored suit, hugged Justin from behind. I smiled at the two as Ryan glanced my way.

Ryan, always a pleasure," I say, extending my hand with a warm smile.

Ryan flashed me a charming grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Likewise, Doll. So glad you could join us for the festivities."

"Three shots of your finest tequila, please," Justin announced, his voice dripping with charisma " Matter of Fact , just give me the whole damn bottle.

The bartender nodded and swiftly poured three shots , sliding them across the bar towards us before handing Justin the entire bottle. The glasses clinked together as we raised them in a silent toast, a shared moment of camaraderie amidst the pulsating energy of the lounge.

"To the most stylish Disco ball ever !" Ryan exclaimed, breaking the brief silence with laughter.

"To Justin!" I echoed, our voices blending with the chorus of laughter and music that surrounded us.

With a shared nod, we each tossed back our shots, the fiery liquid warming us from the inside out. As the burn of the tequila faded, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for these two incredible friends by my side, and a thrill of anticipation for the night ahead. Two shots , four wings, two cocktails and two different happy birthday songs later. We all stand around a really tipsy Justin as he makes a birthday speech in pure Justin style, on top of a bar.

" I would like to take the time to thank everyone for your kind words and coming to celebrate the best damn Aquarius the word has ever set eyes on", Justin says addressing his friends while holding a shot glass in the air . I stand next to his boyfriend as we both side eye each other for his crazy antics. Justin leaps from the bar and wraps a arm around me. " May my 20s Rest in Peace '', he shouts before we all take our final shot for the night. The sting of tequila causes a single tear to drop from my eye as I smile at Justin, Ryan and whom I can only assume is the guy from the gym all dancing together on the dance floor.

I am so happy he found someone to love him truly. I watched from the edge of the dance floor as Justin twirls and sways back and forth from the Gym guy's arm into Ryan's arms, their movements fluid and effortless. As crazy as it sounds ,the sight of them together filled me with a sense of happiness. My best friend is finally free to be his true self, and it brings tears to my eyes to see. They motion for me to join them, however I hold up my hand giving them a one minute mark as I retrieve my phone from my pocket. Unknown display on my phone sending a sudden jolt of electricity coursing through my veins, the fine hairs on the back of my neck ,stand on end.

Unknown: Deacon, My driver, is outside.

I look at the time and roll my eyes , " Stay calm Kira" I came too far to allow one single person to affect me the way he does. However, at this moment, I find myself grappling with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions-fear, curiosity, anticipation, apprehension-all mingling together in a tangled web of uncertainty.

I do not do well with uncertainty, so despite the apprehension that grips me, there's also a glimmer of confidence, so whatever may come next I am fully prepared. I place my phone inside my purse before I head to the dance floor with Justin.

1 hour later...

Me : I told you I had plans

Unknown: you're late I'll see you in thirty, Angel.

I go to type a snarky response but think against it, I'll need to allow him to think he is in control, that much I know. Part of me looks forward to seeing him again, but the other parts know this is a dangerous game I'm playing. I'm no fool. I know where I'm going and what may happen when I get there. The question is, if this is a smart decision to make. My nerves get the best of me and I place my phone face down on the bar, Downing another glass of wine. I send a text to Justin saying I'm headed home, before exiting the building and climbing into the Black SUV.

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