The Kingdom Thief

By chlo_dance

3.9K 225 7

You know that saying that goes like 'things don't always work out the way you planned'? Well I know that sayi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 8

127 8 0
By chlo_dance

My alarm clock wakes me up in the morning at 6. I groan and turn over to my side before I remember that I have to get up. I have to be in the training center at 6:30.

"Damn you Kane with your stupid early morning practices" I mumble into my pillow before sitting up. To my surprise I find a stack of folded clothes sitting on the desk. Madeline or Annabelle must have put them there last night.

I immediately figure out it is my guard uniform. It looks just like the uniforms the guards wear that I have identified easily even without my few days at the castle. I've seen it plenty of times chasing me through the streets to recognize it by heart.

The uniform is a black sleeveless top that hugs my body comfortably with gold stripes on the side of it. The pants are also black and are made of a material that is both tight and stretchy. In a brief description, it is the most comfortable clothing I had ever worn.

I pull my hair into a tight ponytail and examine my face in the mirror. My face has bruises in different places and I have a black eye. I let out a breath and shrug in the mirror. If this is what it took to see Melody, Peter and the others and get a chance to convince Jack to change his mind then I would just suffer through it.

I leave the room soon after and head down the hallway that is still dim. It is the first time I haven't seen the hallway bright and alive with activity. I absorb the silence and continue down the hall.

A figure is walking towards me and it takes until they are a few feet away for me to realize that it is Mason. I stop and do a fake curtsy "My prince" I say in a posh accent.

He smiles at my action. "My Supreme Overlord will work just fine" he says back. I smile as he stops in front of me. "Is there a reason you are up so early?" he asks me. I shrug and say "what can I say, I have a hobby of roaming castles in the dark early morning".

He raises an eyebrow. "Creepy hobby you have there but tell me if you find a pink tie with blue penguins on it. I seem to have lost it" he says. I let out a laugh. "You do not have a tie like that" I say, not believing him.

"What do you want to bet?" he asks. "I have pictures wearing it". I laugh again "if I had pictures with a tie that sounds that ridiculous I would destroy the evidence".

He smiles at me, showing a dimple in his right cheek that I had not noticed before. "Well since you're up as well, would you like to accompany me to breakfast?" he asks.

I open my mouth but before I can say anything a voice answers for me. "I'm sorry to disappoint you your highness but Bridget has training in 5 minutes".

I turn around to see Kane walking towards us in a uniform just like mine except the stripes at the sides of his top are red. The sign of the general.

"Training?" Mason asks, brows furrowed. I step back from him and motion to my uniform. His eyes widen. "Bridget, why on earth are you a guard?". I tilt my head back in thought. "Well, I suck at cleaning so I couldn't be a servant so I thought why not be a guard" I say, not exactly lying but not telling the real reason.

"Who said you needed to get a job?" Mason asks. I shake my head. "Mason I am many things but I refuse to be a freeloader" I answer.

"And if you want to still be a guard I suggest you start walking" Kane speaks out. I send him a mocking salute and turn to say bye to Mason when he suddenly grabs my arm.

"Wait, Bridget what the heck is wrong with your face?" he asks, eyes raking over my bruises and black eye. I shrug "training?" I say but it comes out as more of a question.

Mason turns to Kane with raised eyebrows. "What kind of training exactly are you making your guards do general?" he asks. Kane moves his gaze to the ground in a move I guess was supposed to be a sign of respect. "In my defense, Ms. Morgan is an awful fighter".

"That's true, I suck" I add, not wanting Kane to get in trouble because of me. Mason turns towards me and then back to Kane with a clenched jaw. "Well I will check in sometime today to see what type of.... training you are practicing" Mason says. With a simple nod towards Kane and I, he continues walking down the hall.

Kane shakes his head at me. "I am already regretting making you a guard" he says to me as we walk down the hall. I scoff at him "you're welcome for saving your ass by the way. I could have said you used me as a punching bag and we'd see where you stood then" I say, only halfway kidding.

He scowls and shakes his head again but doesn't say anything. We arrive in the center right at 6:30 to find all of the guards already present.

"Soldiers! Line up on the left side of the room!" Kane's voice echoes through the room. I quickly join the others on the left side of the room. Kane continues speaking.

"You will be in partners. The goal of this exercise is to put out the fire. Work together and use your hose to put out the fire in your region of the floor. Get to the other side of the room with no fire on your region. Pick your partners now".

All around me, guys group up with others. All of the sudden, an arm loops around mine. I look up to find Reeves grinning at me. "I'll save you Thumbelina" he states.

I snort. "Please, I'm going to have to haul your ass the whole way" we walk over to a part of the room where no one is standing. The regions on the floor are divided by straight cracks in the floor. All of the sudden, the floor rises from the ground to elevate us. The rest of the guards that are not on a region of the mat watch as we are handed a hose.

Kane walks to the other side of the elevated floor. "Begin" he states and at his words, the floor erupts in flames.

Reeves acts immediately and turns the notch on the hose up. A stream of powerful water shoots out of it and I have to help him to keep it steady. We spray ahead of us and slowly walk forward, making sure the fire is out behind us before advancing.

All of the sudden I hear a shriek. I whip my head towards the sound as the screaming continues. Someone was caught in the fire and was burning.

I don't pause before springing into action, sprinting towards the noise. "Bridget!" Reeves calls out but I ignore him as I run towards the huge mass of fire.

I am able to jump over the fire as I run further into the orange flames but soon I am surrounded by fire. I try to look around but I can't see anything through the fire. The screaming continues.

Suddenly I shot of water is sprayed from behind me. I whip around to see two guards with the hose behind me, seeming completely unfazed by the screaming.

I yank the hose out of their hands and shoot it towards the wails of agony. The fire parts and I see a body lying on the floor. I run towards it and kneel down to check if they are alive.

All of the sudden, the fire all around me ceases and I am standing on a wet floor. I whip around to see Kane marching towards me. "What the hell do you think you are doing!" he shouts.

I open my mouth in shock. "What the hell does it look like? I heard screaming. He was in..." I stop as I turn back to the figure below me to see that it wasn't a person at all, but a dummy with a recorder taped around his chest.

I suddenly become angry. "Why the fuck is there a dummy laying on the floor with a recorder of someone screaming attached to it?" I scream.

"Why do you think Bridget?" Kane shouts back. "It's part of the challenge. You are supposed to ignore it and put out the fire. It is to train you to do your job and block out any outside distractions".

"Outside distractions!?!" I ask in disbelief. "It sounded like a person was burning to death!" I shout. Kane runs a hand through his hair in frustration "and you're supposed to ignore it!" he shouts.

I take a step back from shock. "You're training us to ignore when someone is in danger?"


"Guards aren't supposed to ignore when people are hurt"

"It's our job to-"

"IT'S SICK" I scream at the top of my lungs. "I won't ignore it! I refuse to turn my back on someone who needs my help!".

Kane steps closer and speaks in a low voice. "I know things were different where you come from but here we have a certain job to do and that is to protect the royal family, not commoners".

"Don't do that" I say with gritted teeth, stepping closer to him. "Don't you dare act like you and I didn't come from the same place and don't you fucking dare try to tell me to turn my back on people just like me".

Kane steps closer so our faces are only inches away and speaks in a voice so low that only I can hear him. "You think I like it? My gut twists every time I hear that scream but I have a job to do and that job is to protect certain people. We can't save everyone".

"So saving people who barely glance at you is higher up on your list than saving people who come from the same place you did?" I ask, disgust filling my voice. He scowls and says "I don't expect you to understand-"

"Oh, I couldn't possibly understand. It's not like we're in the same position"

"Believe me, we are not in the same position"

"Keep telling yourself that but at the end of the day, you can't run away from the blood on your hands" I say, motioning towards his back where his rebel tattoo is hidden.

He grits his teeth hard. "200 push ups now. And afterwards you can stay at the punching bags. I don't want to see your face for the rest of practice".

"Believe me, your face is making me sick too" I snarl before walking to the corner to start with my push ups. For the rest of the practice I stay at the punching bags, hitting the bag punch after punch, putting all of my anger towards Kane into fuel.

I don't notice practice is over for the day until Reeves places a hand on my shoulder. I whip around, fist loaded for my next punch I meant for the punching bag. Reeves ducks. "Jeez Thumbelina, practice is over. It's 4".

I hadn't realized until then that I had not eaten at all that day. I head out of the room with Reeves, refusing to make eye contact with Kane.

As I reach my room, I find a note on my bed. I lift it and read it.


You have been assigned guard duty outside the dining room tonight as the royal family eats. Show up in uniform.

General Kane

I scowl at the note before crumbling it up and falling on the bed. I fall asleep but am awoken at 6:30 by Annabelle who tells me that dinner for Mason and his parents is in ten minutes. I keep my hair in a ponytail and head out the door.

I arrive at the doors to see Reeves already there. I groan in fake annoyance "No. How many times do I have to see you today Ginger?" I tease.

"Oh don't deny your passionate feelings for me Thumbelina" he says back. "I know you have erotic fantasies about me daily and I can't deny that I have that affect on women".

I raise my eyebrows at him. "The only thing women fantasize about you is shutting you up for good" I say. Reeves shrugs "you can deny it now but soon you're going to have to face the inevitable truth that you are hopelessly in love with me".

"And when I do you can be sure I'm on drugs" I say back. He smiles as I take my place beside him. Mason's figure suddenly turns the corner and walks towards us.

"Bridget" he exclaims in what sounds like pleasant surprise. I fake a salute towards him. "Reporting for duty sir" I exclaim. He beams at me. "Will now you can't turn me down to inviting you to dinner" he says.

"Ah but I can" I say. "You see I am on duty now and if I don't stand here and watch these bare walls while you eat, I'm afraid you will most likely be murdered in a bloody and gory fashion".

"You have a way with words" Mason compliments. "But seriously, I'm not leaving here until you agree to come in with me. And if you don't I'm afraid I'll have to order you to".

I turn towards Reeves. "Will you be able to guard these doors all on your own?" I ask. He nods. "I'll be sure to shout if a sniper is coming to give you a head start on an escape".

"That would be very much appreciated" I say and turn towards Mason. "I'm all yours" I state. He grins. "Excellent" he says, opening the double doors.

I walk inside with him to find everyone already seated. Dakota is also seated and I have to stop myself from scowling. Kane is standing next to the tables and stares at me intensely. I stare back just as hard, daring him to say something. He doesn't.

I sit down across from Dakota. Mason speaks up. "I invited Bridget to join us" he explains. "Oh joy" Dakota squeals in a tone dripping with sarcasm. Mason shoots her a look but I smile sweetly at her. The food is served and I quickly dig into the pasta and bread.

"Why are you in a guard uniform?" the king asks, getting right down to what he is thinking. Kane speaks out. "She is part of my force now my king" he explains. Damian stares at me as he asks his next question "is she promising?".

"Not very sir" Kane explains and I stop myself from giving him the finger. "But she did retrieve the weight slate yesterday".

"The weight slate?" Mason asks, sitting up a little. "God, you didn't tell me that Bridget" he says, staring at me in impressment. I shrug. "No one likes a bragger" I say.

"No one likes an unfortunate either" Dakota mutters. I stiffen as Mason hisses her name sharply. "That's okay" I state. "I didn't expect much better from a gold digger".

She shoots me daggers from her sharp green eyes. "And what exactly are you doing here? You know, aside from trying to get into Mason's bed" she hisses. "Dakota, enough" Mason says.

"That's rich coming from you" I spit back. She smirks "I'm surprised you even know what the word rich means" she says.

"I'm surprised no one turns to stone when they look you in the eyes" I hiss.

"A girl with a mouth as big as yours should watch herself" Dakota's eyes are flaming. "She may say the wrong thing to the wrong person and find her little unfortunate friends with more whipping scars than they had when she last saw them".

I can't stop myself from standing up. I hear the chair fall behind me but all I can hear is the blood rushing to my ears. "Is that a threat?" I practically whisper.

She smirks and shrugs. "You really underestimate what money can buy. Too bad you couldn't buy Teresa and Ryan back their lives".

At that I snap. I fly across the table towards her. My momentum sends both of us to the ground. "SAY THAT AGAIN YOU BITCH!" I scream as my hand goes down on her face. She raises her hand and claws a long scratch down my cheek.

All of the sudden, I am lifted off of her by a force but I don't stop struggling to reach her. I honestly feel like I can kill her right here and now.

"Bridget!" a voice says in my ear. It is Mason but I don't stop trying to escape his arms. Kane picks Dakota up and holds her back as well. "Did you see her lunge at me? She's crazy!" Dakota shrieks.

"Don't you dare say a word about Teresa and Ryan you bitch!" I scream. Kane lets go of Dakota and grabs my arm. "Outside. Now" he growls but if he honestly thinks I am going to listen he is mistaken.

"Banish her from the castle! She tried to kill me!" Dakota screams and to my surprise Mason speaks up. "Dakota shut up!" he snaps. "You started it by bringing up that sick joke so don't you dare try to play the good guy!".

Kane leans to my ear. "If you don't go outside now I will force you outside" he growls. I finally stop fighting and storm out of the room. I walk as fast as I can until I get outside to the back of the castle. It is a huge field that is half a mile all the way around.

I turn around as Kane closes the door behind him. He turns towards me and I wait for him to explode and shout at me for all of the trouble I have caused. Instead he folds his arms and simply says "start running".

I don't bother to argue. I take off in a run around the field and pick it up into a sprint, not slowing down as I run around the field. "Again" Kane states as I make it around once.

I continue to run. I run and run and run, desperately trying to get my emotions in check because I still feel like I am going to kill Dakota the next time I see her.

I lose track of how many times I run around the field but at some point I stop looking at Kane. I keep running and keep running and keep running, not allowing myself to stop.

At some point as I reach where Kane is standing I find him standing in my way. I slow to a stop. "Move" I state through gritted teeth. I still had anger and energy left.

"You should have passed out 6 laps ago" Kane states. I say nothing as I catch my breath. He continues. "What exactly did you used to do before you came here?" he asks.

I shrug at him. "You have your secret past and I have mine" I state. He stares at me for a long time before speaking. "Why are you here?".

"I saved the prince's life and-"

"No, I mean why do you want to be a guard?" Kane interrupts me. I look away as I answer him. "I can't clean-"

"I've already heard your bullshit excuse you told Mason. Now I want the real one" Kane says.

I look into his eyes as I answer honestly. "I have a family I have to protect".

"And being a guard helps?" he asks. I don't know why, but I decide to speak honestly with Kane.

"Melody and Ryan were friends of mine and they were killed" I choke out. "And I can't help.. I can't help feeling like if I was there I could have stopped it from happening. I became a guard so no one else I love is killed without me going down first".

Kane speaks up. "So you don't care about the royal family-"

"Don't put words in my mouth Kane. It's true that I won't care if the king drops dead but the queen doesn't seem half bad" I say.

"And the prince?" Kane pushes.

I sigh. "Mason will be a great king. I can tell. And if I can help get him to his 18th birthday safely and alive, that might just be enough for me to be able to go back to my old life".

"You don't see a future as a guard?" Kane asks. I let out a humorless laugh. "My past will catch up with me some day and with all of the monsters in there I want to be as far away from Mason as possible" I answer.

"My past still hasn't caught up with me" Kane says. I look over at him. "I don't suppose I'm going to hear about your past, am I?" I say.

"Absolutely not" Kane answers. "You keep your secrets and I'll keep mine". I nod before heading towards the door. "Where do you think you're going?" Kane calls out.

I turn back towards him with a smile. "To my bedroom. I smell awful and there is a bath with my name on it".

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