Unbreakable Bonds

By Anime_Fan80

54 1 2

After the fall of the Phoenix Kingdom, the guardians of the two youngest princesses, start their brand new li... More

Jealousy Amongst Friends/Allies
Feelings of Guilt Consuming
Double Scout
Things Take a Sudden Change of Direction

Severe Consequences

6 0 0
By Anime_Fan80

A/N: Art by @RadiantRaku,training begins for the day, and things tend to get worse. A trusted friend of Miyako's  does something inexcusable  when Michiko comes on to her when she just goes to check up on her. . Warning adult and sexual themes read at your own risk. 

The bell rang for the school day to end, and Tariya looked over by Miyako's desk and sighed. Asuku tapped her as she was concerned.

"This is something we should all be used to by now. Especially, how jealous Michiko gets for no reason at all. Besides, it isn't our concern it is their relationship and we should stay out of it. "

Tariya stopped at her locker as she turned to her with an aggravated look as she was leaning against the wall shaking her head clearly annoyed.

" I am fully aware, but it has been getting worse since we started our lives here on earth after that awful tragedy we all witnessed. I am out of answers on what the hell happened with those two, none of it is making sense to me anymore! So don't you dare tell me to stay out of it when Miyako is my best friend!"

Sumiko ran over by them, coming between them with an angry, and annoyed look on her face.

"Can you two stop it now, we already have one freaking couple arguing. You know how Miyako gets when you two are like this now enough I mean it!"

Miyako walked past Michiko with no words. Akane grabbed Harumi's hand as they exited the classroom with a smart remark when she saw Michiko.

"Be prepared to lose today, since you are versing Harumi. Don't try to get out of it either. I am so looking forward to seeing this."

Miyako sighed as she walked past Akane, who grabbed her collar pulling her back.

"Don't defend her either, it's time you talk to your cousin. She has gone too far this time and you know I am right. Something is off with her and it is time you wake the hell up!!"

Miyako grabbed her hand and glared.

"She has always been like this, and exactly what will talking to my cousin do Miss Know It all! You ever touch me again you will not be standing are we clear!!"

Akane leaned against her locker, shaking her head as Harumi went into her locker to get her bag she remained silent staying out of it.

"She will tell you that you are an idiot that is blinded by loving someone like her. Maybe she has always been jealous, but not going as far as attacking one of our damn allies and threatening her like she did today when I witnessed it in the damn hall Miyako-San, she punched Makoto for no damn reason at all! See you at practice and think about what the hell I just said before things get worse than they are already!"

She smirked as she came up behind Harumi closing her locker, and pinned her to it kissing her lips deeply causing her to blush, swallowing hard as she gazed deep into Akane's mesmerizing light green eyes.

"A-Akane-San d-don't look at me like that, you know what that d-d-oes to me. W-we will be late for t-training, and Haruka will be c-cross."

Akane chuckled as she grabbed Harumi's waist, after she locked her locker. Then they walked away leaving Miyako there in her own thoughts. Miyako clenched her fist, and punched her locker. She calmed herself down, and walked out to her car, spotting Kioku and approached her quietly. Then she tapped her on the shoulder.

"Come on ride with us today my princess."

Kioku blushed slightly as she looked up, and swallowed hard.

"If you insist Miyako-San then I shall accept."

Michiko approaches her with her arms crossed clearly aggravated.

"Exactly why is she riding with us Miyako-San, babe? "

Miyako ignored her question as she opened the passenger side for Kioku, making Michiko sit in the back with Tariya.

Noelani was waiting for Akane to unlock her car door when she witnessed this and was confused. Akane snapped her from her thoughts as she opened the door for her, and smiled as she closed the door. Then she walked to the passenger side, and let Harumi in with a smile. They drove toward Haruka and Michiru's house arriving first.

Akane parked her car, and got out. Then she opened the door and let them out. Noelani turned to Akane as they approached the house, and walked to the back of the house where Michiru was watering her flowers in the garden.

"Akane-San what was that all about with Miyako and Michiko. Is it something we should be concerned about?"

Akane shrugged as she responded.

"No, that is just Michiko being jealous and suffering the consequences like always. Don't be alarmed my princess it doesn't look good on you."

Harumi knew there was something to be concerned about but didn't press the issue. She walked into the garden greeting Michiru, with a smile.

"That school is definitely a great recommendation, so how has your day been cous?"

Michiru smiled as she looked up.

"Oh same old thing chasing after Hotaru, ChibiUsa, Sapphire, and Hanako trying to prevent them from destroying my good China. Setsuna-San gave me a break she is in the kitchen helping them with their homework after they finally settled down. I am delighted that you are enjoying going to school with Usagi and the others. You are aware today myself and Haruka decided to have you spar with Michiko, and I am telling you this don't hold back. I am saying this because as you are well aware that though Noelani is the baby her scouts are much stronger than Kioku's and can easily be manipulated by evil. Something you don't want to be happening cause trust me when I tell you it is not a good feeling having to fight an ally. "

Rei arrived as Usagi was stuffing some sweets in her mouth, and was entering the garden when she overheard the conversation.

"Yes, you and Haruka-San learned that lesson the hard way didn't you both? Hello Harumi-Chan nice to see you again."

Setsuna came out to the garden looking up.

"Wait, what did I miss?"

Rei chuckled as Usagi just looked bewildered as she was handed a lemonade. ChibiUsa ran to Usagi with a smile. Then ran back to the kitchen when Hotaru called her. Usagi smiled as she saw Akane and Noelani.

"I am surprised you arrived first Akane-San, instead of Miyako-San. Might as well have some snacks until the others arrive can't exactly train without them. "

Akane chuckled.

"Yes, you are definitely right might as well have a little something before we train. "

~Thirty minutes later~

Miyako pulled up to the house, and opened the passenger door for Kioku. Tariya opened the door, and exited the back seat shaking her head. Emiko sighed as she pulled up with the others noticing the anger in Miyako's face. Asuku pulled up to the house still confused on what is going on between Miyako and Michiko all of a sudden. She shot Michiko a glare as Midore and Amaterasu just stayed silent as they approached the garden being lead by the sweet smell of sweets. Michiko was clearly annoyed as she entered the garden as Miyako continued to ignore her.

~In the garden~

Noelani was playing with her food as Akane shot her a glare.

"Are you going to eat princess, you need your strength because you have to train with your sister today."

She looked up.

"I am not hungry right now Akane-San I ate plenty for lunch. I will be fine I promise you worry too much."

Akane gets irritated as she speaks.

"Can you all excuse me for a minute."

She gets up as Harumi watches without a word as Akane grabbed Noelani and disappeared. She sips her tea and looks up.

"How is everyone? Come have some lovely treats my talented cousin Michiru made us to give us strength to train today."

Misaki almost choked on her tea.

"Umm, Harumi-Chan are you not concerned? Your partner just disappeared with our princess when she is your partner. "

Harumi looked up.

"No, of course not I trust my wonderful girlfriend."

Michiko scoffed and walked away aggravated. Haruka witnessed this and noticed Miyako's face seeing anger as she walked in with Kioku.

Haruka looks at Kioku and speaks.

"May I speak to my cousin for a minute Kioku-Chan? Just have a snack as we wait for the others to arrive and then we can start training. There are snacks on the table in the terrace, along with iced tea or lemonade."

Miyako sighed as she followed Haruka inside the house. Haruka was leaning against the counter with her arms crossed.

"What is with that face again? Don't try to lie to me we are related Miyako. Now start talking we have time since Makoto and Ami haven't arrived yet."

With an angry tone Miyako begins.

"Does it look like I am in the damn mood to talk about it to you?"

Haruka grabs her by her collar.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You better start talking or I will bring Michiko in this and you know damn well you don't want that."

Miyako scoffs.

"No, don't you dare, she is what is causing this damn shit."

Haruka let's go and Miyako explains.

"It's bad enough she has been jealous since we started to date, but now it is getting out of hand. She attacked Makoto-Chan for no damn reason at all and threatened her, I am hearing this right now and just don't know what the hell to do anymore! I just don't understand what the hell is with her all of a sudden, first she flirts with Akane of all damn people. Then she is confronted by Makoto, and she attacks her like she is the damn enemy or something!!"

Haruka stops for a minute.

"Have you bought this up to Hotaru about this at all or decided to just flirt with Kioku to get her back? Cause I am telling you this, that will not solve a damn thing!! After training today you go talk to Hotaru about all of this and I don't want no damn ifs, ands or buts are we clear!!"

Miyako sighed in defeat.

"Fine, I will talk to Hotaru just don't know how it will do any damn good."

Makoto enters the study.

"Sorry we are late, but Ami had an extra credit assignment she had to hand in to her teacher today."

Haruka looked up.

"Good, now let's go train."

Everybody made their way out to the training area, as the forcefield was put up. Michiko lunged at Harumi, and she blocked her attack, using her mirror to bounce back Michiko's power knocking her back. Michiko got back up angry as she yelled.

"Why you!! Just because your damn cousin is one of the strongest Senshi of the Silver Millenium doesn't mean a damn thing!! We both know compared to her you are just second rate!"

Harumi glared as she lunged at Michiko.

"I may be second rate, but compared to you I am much stronger and you will find out today you damn bitch! I am tired of turning my eyes the other way when you glare at me, because of your damn jealousy! Let's get one thing straight, you will not have a chance against me though you think you do in your own little fantasy world! "

Harumi lunged at her, and punched her in the face knocking her down. Michiko grabbed her and slammed her into the wall, Harumi opened her eyes just as Michiko was coming at her with pure anger. She dodged her fist, making her punch the wall, and ended up behind her, grabbing her hands and had them behind her back. She smirked as she spoke looking dead at her after she punched her into the wall.

"Whose stronger here!! Guess you lose, don't you Daichi!!"

She wiped the blood from her mouth, causing Akane to get pissed. Akane glared at her.

"That was a bit serious to be only freaking training Michiko!! What the hell is going on with you!!"

Harumi seen this and pulled Akane back.

"Calm down babe, I am fine. My cousin told both of us not to hold back and we didn't you need to chill that temper of yours before I make you."

She held her hand out, and Michiko smacked it away and detransformed as she sat down to take a breather speaking sarcastically.

"You have gotten a bit stronger since the fall of the Phoenix Kingdom, guess all that pressure from being part of the first scout team after Shinahastu's team made you train harder. Looks like Miyako and Akane are next. Wait no, it's Makoto VS Asami this oughtta be good."

They watched as Asami and Makoto went at it, witnessing how each of them were each thrown and got back up. Akane watched quietly, keeping an eye on Michiko who was sitting right next to Harumi as they watched them train. Setsuko was in a trance watching as Asami fought Makoto causing Akane to pick on her.

"Looks like someone can't keep her eyes off of her partner. Stop flirting with her Setsuko-Chan she needs to have full concentration. You can flirt all you want after the training is done."

Setsuko remained silent as she watched the fight, the final blow was Makoto defeating Asami. Makoto wiped her mouth, and helped Asami up.

"You are improving Asami-Chan looks like you have been paying attention when I train you along with Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna. That was a great spar, you almost had me until you lost focus and let your guard down."

They both detransformed, and joined the others as they all watched the remainder of the scouts being trained by Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna. Michiko sighed as she stared at Miyako who was watching Kioku and Noelani fight, in her mind she had a thought about Miyako in bed with Kioku. Noelani and Kioku finished their spar, and Michiko watched as Kioku approached Miyako. Akane saw this and scoffed.

Haruka looked up.

"Miyako and Akane you two are up next. Transform, and then you both will begin."

Akane got up and transformed, and then Miyako transformed. They faced each other. Harumi watched silently seeing the anger in Michiko's eyes and sighed. Miyako lunged at Akane, and she blocked her attack.

"Try again you are a bit too slow Miyako-San. You have to try harder then that to take me down!"

Akane lunged at Miyako, and she blocked her knocking her back. Akane regained her footing being ready for what ever Miyako was going to throw at her next. She saw as Miyako lunged for her again and grabbed her fist as Haruka watched. Miyako was pushed back, but quickly regained her footing. They threw punches at each other, each one landing a few punches. Setsuko spoke up.

"This fight is going to keep on going, we are lucky if we get out of here by dark the way those two are going on. This is interesting, to see watching them fight and not try to kill each other. Haruka-San no disrespect but they might get serious like you and Miyako-San were the last time. "

Haruka crossed her arms as she spoke.

"They need to be serious about this, there is no telling how much stronger the one that took down the Phoenix Kingdom has gotten within three years since you all came here to earth to start your new lives. You all have to be prepared, that is why we have taken over your training."

Setsuko tapped Michiko who clearly was angry about something. Michiko snapped from her thoughts.

"Oh Setsuko-Chan I am sorry, what is it? Oh yes this spar will go on quite a while we are all aware of that. Oh Haruka-San if I am excused I am going to head home, see everyone tomorrow at school."

Miyako wasn't paying attention, and went back to her spar with Akane. Michiko scoffed as she left the TenohKaioh residence clearly angry about something. Asuku noticed this and excused herself running after Michiko.

"Michiko-San wait up. At least let me drive you home."

Michiko sighed as she waited.

"What about Tariya won't she get angry? You literally just left without saying a word to her."

She looked.

"No, wait you thought me and Tariya are a thing, no of course not. We are best friends nothing more. I am extremely concerned especially the way things are between you and Miyako-San suddenly. I mean you know how she is a flirt, but would never be untrue to you and you used to understand that. It's like ever since we got here on earth you are a completely different person than the one that Miyako fell in love with."

Asuku opened the passenger side as she let Michiko in clearly hiding her blushy face. Then she got in the driver's side and headed toward Michiko's house. They pulled up and Michiko invited her in. She unlocked her door, and put her slippers on as she made her way to the kitchen. Asuku took her shoes off and entered the house looking around amazed at how beautiful it was. , and sat on the couch as Michiko made them some tea. Michiko exited the kitchen and handed Asuku the cup of tea.

"I am still the same Michiko, Asuku-Chan, just aggravated with her constant flirting. It is starting to get on my nerves. Yes I know that never happened before but it is different now she does it more often like she is trying to be just like her cousin Haruka."

Asuku put her cup down.

"Okay, I get it but you know you are the one that she will come home to. I mean this constant jealousy with you is like somebody is trying to take you over or something. You used to be so non-cholent about her flirting and just laughed about it. Now you are trying to fight girls who just look at Miyako, and flirting with a partner to someone else like you are getting her back or something. I just don't understand who you are anymore. Me saying this, you should realize something isn't right especially when I am your best friend and telling you this. "

Michiko smirked as she leaned into Asuku whose face was clearly a blushing mess. Asuku froze in place seeing how close she was to her and almost fell off the couch. She looked up seeing Michiko over her and swallowed hard.

"Michiko, this is not right what if Miyako walks in and sees us like this? Then you will see just how jealous she will get and she will be even more angry at you than she is right now. This is not the right way to get back at her when you two have been with each other for quite a while."

Michiko's fingers ran along her shirt, slowly unbuttoning it causing Asuku to freeze up even more. She gazed into her eyes and before they knew it, they were making out on the couch. Small moans escaped her lips, as the kisses became more intense. She looked up at her, and was relieved when her cell rang and it was Tariya.

She pushed her off of her, in shock what almost happened between them.

'H-hey T-Tariya, oh yea I am on my way back. Just drove Michiko home, instead of her having to walk because it started to rain. N-N-o I am fine see you in a bit Asuku out.'

Asuku got up quickly, and ran to the bathroom, buttoning up her shirt when she noticed a few marks on her neck.

'Shit, how the hell do I hide these? Miyako is going to definitely see the marks, unless I leave before she gets a chance to notice them, I am so glad I drove myself today . Why the hell did I come over here when I know she is taken by Miyako? I need to get back before people ask me questions.'

She exited the bathroom and ran out to her car not even saying goodbye to Michiko who had a big smirk on her face. She drove off toward the Tenoh Kaioh residence. When she got back Tariya looked at her suspiciously seeing the marks on her neck.

"Asuku-Chan you okay? I saw you rush off so suddenly."

Miyako entered wiping the sweat from her brow after her spar with Akane that ended up in a draw. She felt a towel thrown at her from behind, and cleared her throat.

"So, Asuku-Chan I noticed you rushed off suddenly with no words to any of us I was a bit concerned when I noticed you and Michiko were gone."

Miyako noticed the marks on her neck. Then she spoke in a demanding tone.

"Everyone leave the room right now, I mean it!"

They all looked at each other and exited the room, Asuku tried to leave when she turned to her.

"Exactly where do you think you are going Asuku-Chan, you stay the rest of you leave before I make you!!"

She responded.

"Just trying to figure out what is going on with Michiko, she has changed so much since we got here. I miss seeing you two all over each other , you were so in love and now it seems like you aren't anymore. Maybe you should talk to Hotaru-Chan since she is her cousin, she might be able to help us understand better."

Miyako crossed her arms.

"Don't go acting all innocent!"

Asuku gulped. Miyako pinned her to the wall.

"I know what happened when you left here, and how it almost got intense!"

Asuku was swallowing hard as she spoke.

"How do you know?"

Miyako wraps her hand around Asuku's neck in a seductive way.

"Let's just say the marks speak for themselves. Then the reaction to me doing this says even more. "

She let her go and walked out of the room silently, sighing as she made her way into the study where Hotaru was waiting for her. She turned around.

"Miyako-San, Papa Haruka said you need to speak to me about something. I can try to help the best I can."

Miyako leaned against the wall as she spoke.

"You see the jealousy has gotten out of hand, to the point of her attacking Makoto for no reason at all. All she did was come to the house to walk with us to school, then out of nowhere I am told that she was fighting with Makoto in the hall at school because she won't stop looking at what is 'hers.' I mean, I still love her and that will never change but I just can't seem to understand what is with her all of a sudden."

~In the spare room~

Harumi changed into her red dress and sat on the bed, waiting for Akane to get out of the shower. She looked up hearing Miyako talking to Hotaru and just sighed since the spare room was next door to the study. Akane exited the bathroom with a purple shirt that was wide open and she had no bra on Harumi swallowed hard.

"Akane-San what are you doing? I just wanted to relax after that intense training session we had today. I don't want to stay here tonight."

Akane smirked as she got on the bed and rested her head on Harumi's lap with her eyes closed.

"My little Rumi you are still in trouble from earlier, so enjoy relaxing for now. That will definitely change when we get home tonight so if I was you I wouldn't push my luck. I am exhausted, and am taking a nap so you are safe for now. "

What will the outcome when Miyako speaks to Hotaru? Will the situation get worse or better read the next chapter and you will see.

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