Crestwood Murders

By DovePublishing

146 60 0

On the campus of Crestwood University, a long time friend group loses one of their own to a mysterious murder... More

Character Arts
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Tangled Emotions
Chapter 3: Fractured Bonds
Chapter 4: Unveiling Secrets
Chapter 5: Mystery Decision
Chapter 6: Reveal Mystery?
Chapter 7: The Truth & Storm
Chapter 8: Surprise Surprise!
Chapter 9: Missing Brick in a Brick Wall
Chapter 10: Notes & Files
Chapter 11: Bloody Mess
Chapter 12: Red & Blue
Chapter 13: Whispers On Campus
Chapter 14: Highly Suspicious
Chapter 16: Bonding
Chapter 17: 9 Suspects
Chapter 18: Track Star
Chapter 19: Home run
Chapter 20: Blues & Sorrows
Chapter 21: Extra Extra Read All About It
Chapter 22: Karma & Fury
Chapter 23: Finish the List
Chapter 24: Only a Transfer
Chapter 25: Simple Beginnings
Chapter 26: What is Love
Chapter 27: Baby Don't Hurt Me
Chapter 28: This Changes Everything
Chapter 29: Double Trouble
Chapter 30: What Matters Most
Chapter 31: A Deeper Look
Chapter 32: Lies Lead To Demise
Chapter 33: Code Blue
Chapter 34: Tied Up
Chapter 35: Tackling The Situation
Chapter 36: The Long Wait
Chapter 37: A Night To Remember
Chapter 38: Can You Fix The Broken
Chapter 39: Where Fate Takes Us

Chapter 15: Secrets Open

4 2 0
By DovePublishing

The next day.
the friend group decides to approach Edward for more answers in the library again.

They gather by Edward's usual spot in the library where they find him engrossed in his studies per usual.

Emma takes the lead once again
"Edward we need to talk so we thought this guy named Randy might be the murderer when we saw him running away during the baseball game the other night when the school had the break in alarm go off, so Randy mentioned a guy named Hector and he claims Hector told him to run during the baseball game break-in. Do you know Hector, and what's your connection with him?"

Edward looks up clearly surprised
"Hector? Yeah I know him but we're not close. I can't vouch for his actions and I don't like him nor does he like me, but I'm not involved in anything shady. I've already told you about my meeting with Jessica it was just for notes and I was nowhere near her the time she had her tragic accident."

Joshua trying to make sense of it all adds "Sounds like Hector is trying to pin blame on you He suggested we question you."

Hannah, with a hint of frustration interrupts "Why don't we just arrest both of them? Randy and Hector they seem involved and we can end this all and would know once the murders stop while they're locked up!"

Emma speaks in
"We can't jump to conclusions without evidence We need to investigate thoroughly Hannah I don't know how many times we have to argue this week."

Hannah scoffs and sighs
"Yeah it's easy for you she wasn't your best friend like she was mine. Those murderers are free and on the run!"

Michael and Tyler both also insist on the importance of concrete evidence They believe they are closer to the truth than ever.

Hannah visibly annoyed receives reassurance from Joshua
"It will work out, Hannah, we just need to be patient babe okay?"

Emma thanks Edward for his time as they leave but he offers his help if needed mentioning he knows where Hector stays.

The group mid-leaving pauses.
Emma turns back "Can we get Hector's address from you, Edward? It might help us find some clues."

Edward agrees to help provide the group with Hector's address. With this new lead they prepare to investigate Hector's place hoping it will bring them closer to solving the case.

An hour later
the group arrives at Hector's apartment
Tyler examines the entrance and realizes it cannot be hacked into because it is just a padlock and not a code.  Joshua comes up and gives it a try With a few powerful punches Joshua manages to break the lock open allowing them access.

Hannah comments during it
"You're so hot when you show off your strength babe"

Once Inside the group proceeds cautiously discussing the potential risks and the importance of being careful.
Emma starts looking around and discovers bags of illegal drugs stacked money indicating that Hector is likely involved in dealing and a suspicious person.

Tyler focuses on Hector's laptop managing to unlock it As he digs into the contents he uncovers email exchanges between Hector and Randy.
The emails reveal a history of collaboration with Randy assisting Hector in obtaining a fake ID and performing other tasks for monetary gain. It becomes evident that Randy was actively involved in Hector's illegal activities.

Beyond that Tyler stumbles upon a surprising revelation on Hector's laptop he has a one-year-old daughter with another college student at Crestwood named Ashley that nobody knew about.
Perhaps he was dealing to support his child Tyler thought and told the others about his discoveries on his laptop.

Armed with this newfound knowledge the group now understands the connection between Hector and Randy and the extent of their involvement in illegal dealings but does that mean they are also involved in the murders?

The group knowing this new revelation of Hector's involvement in illegal activities and Randy's cooperation. felt the need to revisit Randy for further clarification.
Since Joshua and Hannah's presence might hinder Randy from speaking openly, and Joshua's legal issues with Randy.
Michael, Tyler and Emma decide to approach him without them.

They find Randy in the hall grabbing a snack from a vending machine. Emma takes the lead asking him about Hector's illegal dealings and the fake ID. Randy panics, urging Emma to speak quietly and questioning how she obtained that information.

Randy (whispering) How did you find out about that? You need to keep it down what if people hear that?"

Emma Whispers back
"We have our ways Randy we need the truth. What's your connection to Hector's activities and why did he pay you to run during the break-in?"

Randy nervously gulps and replies
"Look I helped him get a fake ID okay? He paid me and I knew he needed it for work and I don't know what else, and that's all I know I don't get involved in the drug stuff I didn't think it was at a bad point."

Emma " okay that answers the ID question but why did he pay you to run during the baseball game and break-in?

Randy sighs
"It was a distraction Hector was breaking into the school to steal money to support his family and move them to the states I swear It had nothing to do with any of those murders"

Randy confesses his eyes betraying a mix of fear, guilt, and an unexpected vulnerability.
He opens up about his feelings for Hector catching the group off guard.
" I... I really like Hector I mean I love him I want to be with him I think if I help him enough and can find a way for him to move his family here he will be happy and like me too."

Emma, Michael, and Tyler exchange glances realizing that Randy Really is overhead for Hector. Michael seizes the opportunity to delve into Randy's emotions.

Michael speaks
"Randy do you know about Hector's relationship with Ashley and their child?

Randy's face changes from confusion to distress as the weight of this revelation hits him.

Randy visibly upset
"No I didn't know. Why didn't he tell me there is a child and a secret relationship?"

The emotions in the air become palpable as Randy grapples with the unexpected news. Fear creeps into his voice as he pleads with them not to reveal his feelings for Hector or his sexual orientation.

Randy Distressed
"Please don't tell Hector about this I... I can't lose him And please don't tell anyone I'm gay I could lose everything."

Michael reassures Randy that his secret is safe.
"Don't worry and we won't be telling anyone about the fake ID or hectors dealings either it isn't our business we are simply after the murderer, thanks for being honest with us and clearing a lot up."

The group now burdened with the complexities of Hector and Randy's relationship and both their secrets have to navigate forward knowing they must continue their pursuit of justice for the murders before it's too late.

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