I won't sleep

By scapulaslammie

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Your encounter with Jeff the killer. It will be focusing mainly on him, may include other creepy pastas. (I h... More

Chapter 1, Hot night
Chapter 2, Better to sleep
Chapter 4, Giving it all you got

Chapter 3, 8 o'clock

4 0 0
By scapulaslammie

"Good-morning, I'm Melinda Trueman and this is..."

You sat on the couch with your legs up, leaning against the armrest. Holding your bowl of cereal, you ate slowly as you watched the news. 'People always say it's important to be well informed with the news.' Or your local news that is.

Reporter Melinda: "Right here on the 8 o'clock news."

"Seems there have been a spree of murders recently..." You mutter under your breath eating your coco pops.

"What did you say you little creep?"

Cassandra leans over the back of the couch from behind you.

Y/n: "Oh uh..."

You point at the news.

Y/n: "The news..."

Cassandra glances at the TV nonchalantly.

Cassandra: "Jeez, you must be really bored if you're watching the news..."

Cassandra remarks, tilting her head to the side.

Cassandra: "Hey, about yesterday..."

Racheal: "Oh, I hope you two still aren't going on about yesterday!"

Racheal enters the room in a bubbly manner, Cassandra turns to Racheal, furrowing one eyebrow.

Cassandra: "Of course not! Something or someone has got you all prettied up~ Now spill."

You turn back to the TV noticing the time, right now you'd be at school. You're slipping out of schedule, does that mean the rest of the week will be the same? You haven't slept well after your heat stroke moment, but you feel drowsy. You get up and head to the kitchen to wash your bowl and spoon. Your movement causes your older step sister, Cassandra to start gathering their bags for school.

Racheal: "So yeah, he's totally going to ask me to the dance at the end of the year!"

Cassandra: "Mhm! Yup, definitely, so let's actually get to school so he doesn't forget!"

Racheal: "Uh-huh!" Racheal nods, then pauses. "What do you mean forget~?"

You grab your toothbrush from the kitchen sink and brush your teeth quickly. Cassandra and Racheal both think it's gross, but what can you do when you're running late, it's more convenient this way, at least you think so.

You catch up to them, grabbing your no-brand school bag, and get into Cassandra's car. You wonder why your step-sisters had to be so Barbie like. You glance at them with half-lidded eyes.

Both of them singing to Taylor swift.

You sigh and look to the side, the wind blowing in your face, your hair smacks against your skin, getting in your eyes and mouth.

Y/n: "Ngh!" *c-cough spit* "Ye-ouch!" You hair whips your face again.

(A/N: i don't like using the authors notes much, it seems unprofessional to me. But that's not the point, just pretend if you are from America, that you aren't. Or you can pretend y/n isn't in America. Whatever floats your boat. Also i don't know American terms, so i don't know how accurate my story is. I should research but i have no wifi. Suck mi koc. Also f u if u get offended by my distaste for Taylor swift, don't care fag)

The car stops in the school parking lot, you get out, you frown down as you see slippers on your feet. Not shoes. You grab your backpack, your two step sisters step out, with the same perfect hair they had when they left. "That's not humanly possible..." you stare at them weirded out, and head to the entrance. Your older step sisters go to different classes from you, now you're alone in class.

It's the second term of the school year, you got there in the last days of the first term. You're a Junior at the school, whilst your step-sisters are seniors. Your previous region didn't have the terms American schools use, that being said, your are new to the school, and Philadelphia.

Break time is always an awkward time, and before any period. You walk to your step-sisters classrooms and wait for them.

You see your sister's are already in a group, you only had to wait for them to be alone so you could talk. Today seems like one of those days you might not be able to get the chance. You walk to the dumpsters behind the school, and eat lunch. You packed a sandwich. The cafeteria isn't worth the fuss.
Straight after school, you walk downtown searching for part time jobs. You check your checklist...

* be polite
* Smile
* Brush teeth
* What else is there?

Store after store, cafe after cafe, fast food joint after... You get denied, rejected. You get back home after 8pm. You get out of your school shoes and travel upwards to your room. Dropping your bag on your bed. Slouching forward, you complain in an exhausted voice.

Y/n: "Uhhh.... Why is getting a job so hard..?"

You talk to your Darth Vader figurine, and let out a sigh. You sit down on the floor, tearing up.

Y/n: "I spent all evening looking for a job... Nobody wanted me... What will i do to pay back my sisters? And fix the window... My feet hurt too..."

Rubbing your eyes, you lean against your bedside table. Your hand touches your sleeping pills, you grab the bottle, clenching your fist, you throw the bottle behind you, away from your window.


Y/n: "o-oh... sorry..."

Racheal rubs her head, picks up the bottle, entering your room, and places the bottle down on your bedside table. She glances around your room.

Racheal: "So..."


Racheal: "Yeah, I overheard a bit. You can talk to me, ya know?"

Y/n: "...mm."


Racheal: "Well... I know somebody, who knows somebody, who's looking for a new employee. Which reminds me, i should totally apply for a summer job there~!"

Y/n: "That's great..! What is it?"

Racheal: "Oh you're gonna love it! It's this totally hot joint, great service!"


You take a shower the morning you're off to your new part time job. You've brushed your teeth, packed a bag with snacks, charger, and phone. You place on your black Adidas hoodie, blue denim baggy jeans, and trainers. You pause at your wardrobe choice.

"Is the service, fancy? Otherwise I'd have to wear cleaner looking clothes. I imagine Racheal probably is talking about average fast food service..." You brush off any second thoughts, there is a uniform, so it might not matter at all.

Upon arriving at the location, you enter the establishment. Finding a manager to help guide you through your first day. The manager smiles at you and leads you to the back area, where staff get changed.

Manager POV:

I smile and lead you to the staff changing rooms, going over simple rules, regulations, policies and giving you a booklet to read off in your own time.
"This girl looks like a hobo... Doesn't she know what kind of establishment this is? How can I put her out there to serve?"

"I've got it!"I smile to you widely.

"Actually... We have a new opening for you... I think you'd do great! It's much easier for a girl like your to understand anyways!"

"I'm a genius!" I laugh to myself, as you look at the different uniform I hand you. I give you simple instructions.

Y/n's POV:

*I smile and nod, putting on the new uniform. I tie my hair up and put on the final piece.*

You walk out to the front of the establishment, and start to wave your arms up and around. Dancing to draw attention, you'd normally be embarrassed and dying, but the mascot uniform makes it durable. If it weren't for the heat...

Y/n: "Ahh.... Ha..."

You pant heavily and continue to do your best as a mascot. "This isn't humane... working out here in the heat..."

You stagger into the staff room, and take off the headpiece. Gasping as you do so, breathing heavily. You wipe your forehead and take your arm out the arm piece to drink water. You're on your first break, you think tomorrow might be cooler, and more bearable. You splash your face with cold water, and get back out there.

As the hours go by, your shift ends. You look around for the manager, who seems to have gone home. You head for the staff room to get changed. You sit down on the bench, and reflect. "It's easier to be outside when I'm dressed up... i wonder if i can wear this mascot uniform home..?" The weather is cooler now it's night fall.

Before you exit, you ask another employee is it's okay for you to wear the mascot uniform home.

Random employee: "Yeah, sure whatever... Maybe get people on the streets to visit us, or don't, i don't really care..."

With confirmation, you exit happily, and start walking home. Your vision gets more blurry at night, and with the headpiece on, it's difficult to clear your glasses. You frown slightly with the limited visibility, you move your hands upwards to the headpiece, when you bump into someone. You fall backwards, but the mascot makes a soft landing.

Worry fills your mind, "Is this a bad example of the establishment?! Will I taint my workplaces honor?! No, I have time to redeem myself and the establishment!"

You quickly get you your hands and bow you head. When you open your eyes, you can see the faint outlines of shoes, you get up slowly. Panting slightly, you do a little mascot dance, and spin around. Smiling nervously underneath the headpiece, you hope you haven't upset someone, enough for them to make a review based on you.


I watch as the mascot dances around like an idiot, it's tempting to stab it right here and now. I tighten my grip on the knife in my pocket. The longer I watch it, the madder I get, how dare it think it can dance off the insult of bumping into me?! I should be seen from a mile away!

My bottom eye twitches, I tilt my head and lean closer... "Why isn't it running away? No screaming either... I hear the heavy breathing... Seeing the slight tremors from the body, is it fear? Ugh, it smells too..."

Y/n's POV:

Unable to see more, the heat and blurriness, causes your tear ducts to leak. You roll your eyes up, if this couldn't get any worse... The sweat, and tears, at least your face isn't visible...


Jeff the killers POV:

I look around before taking my knife out, I reach out for the mascots head to grab. Until I hear a phone ring from the suit, I pause momentarily.

Y/n's POV:

Your phone rings, you slip your arms inside the suit to reach into your pocket, looking down instinctively. You feel a pressure from your head, knocking you down onto the pavement. You wince as you hit the ground. "Did that stranger just push me down?! I guess I might have deserved that..."

From the ground you grab your phone and answer. You glance up and down, not seeing any shoes or figure nearby.

Y/n: "..."

Racheal over the phone: "Hello~?!"

Y/n: "Uh... hello, what do you need?"

Racheal: "Oh nothing~ I just called to ask how your first day was~ I know it might be a bit of a change of pace, but I think it's a good change! You'll get used to it, I swear!"

Y/n: "Uh, yes it was... challenging, but it'll get easier with time I suppose..."

Racheal: "You sound out of breath, everything else okay?"

Y/n: "Yep, I'm just still in uniform."

Racheal: "You are, are you..? I guess the uniform is pretty cute! Can't wait till I start working in that uniform!"

Y/n: "... I didn't know you like these sort of uniforms..."


Jeff T.K's POV:

I left after pushing the mascot down, the phone call was a good distraction. I didn't feel like killing someone that had no face.

Takes the fun out of it... plus they didn't seem too scared, I wonder what loser wears that suit outside of work... Pretty sure that industry of work, is a lot like hooters. Thought the mascots 'were' the waiters though...

Maybe I'll let this normal interaction be the last I have... I know I have none of those anymore...

This town isn't completely rid of interesting things, yet... I might stick around, maybe I'll meet that mascot again, only next time, it'll be their last meeting...

I laugh and prepare to stalk the next house.

Y/n's POV:

For now, my only option of income is the mascot gig, hopefully it'll be enough to earn money to pay for the window repair, and Cassandra.

After struggling to get up, you went on your way back home. When you heard people nearby you would go into mascot mode.

Once home, you take a cold and long shower. You do your school work, and make mashed potatoes, green beans, other vegetables and tofu for dinner. You've been neglecting healthy lifestyle choice, so you want to balance it out again. After school work, you play horror games, and you'll think of more ways to earn cash.


Tom Gullighan: "8 o'clock news, brought to you by Tom Gullighan."

Tom G: "The murders continue to build up, one of our cast members, and host has fallen victim to the terrible killings in recent times in our town..."

Tom G: "Much like a few years ago, when our town had a killer loose. Police believed to have caught the suspect, only to be wrong. Will the killer be caught, and brought to justice? We sure hope so."

Tom G: "We urge our viewers, to keep doors and windows locked, alarms on, and stay safe during these times. Until a suspect is detained, we have no further details. Though the sheriff has information to share..."


Random reporter: "Sheriff Brahms!"

Sheriff: "Like in the past... we've dealt with things like this before, only this time we're more informed... and prepared, we've been preparing for quite some time in the event something like this happens again. Nearby towns have also experienced the night slasher... We will be prepared and take the measures needed..."

Reporter: "What else do you have to say? How many more people will get killed before you catch the culprit?"

Sheriff: "As I stated, we are prepared... It's for us policemen to know, so please remain calm, as the opposite can lead to impulsivity and irrationality... We do have a description, the killer wears a white hood, black long hair, and a scarred face."

Sheriff: "For now, all we have to share to the public, is to keep an eye and ear out, make sure doors and windows are locked and checked. The killer often cuts off the power to the house, so stock up on flashlights. And do not try to fight him off, he's might not seem like it, but he is experienced."

*indistinct chattering and shouting from TV.*

Tom G: "Welp that's it for tonight's broadcast, you heard it here first! One of our own got killed! May you rest peacefully Melinda... T-Trueman... AHA! Or at least try to! Ha!"


Two and a half weeks have gone by, as more murders happen. You're more focused on earning money to repay your debt and fix the window. But less and less customers come in, most people are scared to go out, you don't know why... Some colleagues even stop coming into work, or end up on the news. You stop watching the news as you focused on work, even at night you had work to do.

You get a call from your father, it's strange, the first call you've gotten from him since your father and step-mother went on their honeymoon.

Y/n: "Yes, hello? Father?"

Dad: "Have you been sleeping?"

Y/n: "Yes... of course... is that why you called?"

Dad: "No, of course not... You better not lie to me, you sound tired. Are you worried, stressed?"

Y/n: "A good amount..." You replied nonchalantly, trying not to sound so. The money was your pressing issue at the moment, other little things built up too. A phone call from your father was unexpected, you had to lie to him now.

Dad: "You don't need to for long, you step-mom and I are coming back early."

Y/n: "What... did you say..?"

Dad: "Oh listen up, don't make me repeat... We are coming back at the end of the week, with what's going on the news we have to get back to you three. I shouldn't have left to begin with."

Y/n: "Oh no... You don't need to come back worrying about us... Those two are big and ugly enough to look after themselves and fugget about me...! Relax, enjoy your-"

Dad: "Are you not hearing me?! Do you not understand how serious the situation is?! When you're older you will understand, for now, stop arguing, unless you want me to take away those movies of yours."

Y/n: "Y-yes..! Of course, sorry father... have safe travels... g...goodbye..."

Dad: "hm, goodbye... Don't do anything reckless, y/n..."

Your father hangs up, and you stare at the wall stunned. You needed more time to get money, maybe you had just enough to repair the window. You bite the skin on your fingertips.

"Just enough... end of the week... money..." You mumble.

You stare up at the ceiling. "Maybe I can get the money... in time..." your breaths pick up.

"Haven't... played... video games... in a while..."

Your hand twitches for the console, you pull your hand away. You have limited time to make the rest of the money, or your father finds out. Then he won't get you a motorcycle when you turn sixteen... You scratch your head, and try meditate.

"Om, om... om..."

You burn incense, play background waterfall noises, candles, and sit on the floor.

"Yes, I feel it coming..."

All the thoughts in your head narrow down to the most obvious, easiest, and quickest way to earn money. After many thoughts, infinite ideas, so many things to do...

"An idea!" You rejoice.

What could you be thinking now? Could it be a proper solution and fix to your mess?

(A/n: is this a proper ending of chapter 3? I encourage you to use your imagination when you want to, if your confused about something. I don't state things obviously, just make up the right answer in your head. Maybe i'll get better at this in the future, but i wont hand feed you everything. Also, i never said it was a jeff x reader, so if u expected more, too bad. Womp womp, just stay in tune. [i hope this is entertaining, if not let me know. Oh wait you can't! Since i will be uploading once the book is finished or nearly finished! I do have an editor, or rather just someone who cringe proofs my writing.])

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