_Aishwarya_A द्वारा

707 122 33

A Fantasy Romantic Story It's all about a stone, a stone that is believed to possess extraordinary powers. L... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 6

35 9 0
_Aishwarya_A द्वारा

Hariprasad POV

"Are you sure he visits his warehouse today?" I asked Josh as we waited for him outside of the warehouse, hiding behind some crates.

"Let's see," Josh replied, peeking out cautiously to see if anyone was approaching.

I glanced at my watch, feeling anxious about the possibility of being caught snooping around. "Let's just keep a close eye on the entrance and see if he shows up," I suggested, trying to keep our mission as discreet as possible.

We heard the sound of the shutter opening, and we both held our breath as we waited to see who would emerge from the warehouse. It was him the one who caused Leela's accident.

"Surrender " I shouted from his back, pointing the gun towards him. Josh quickly moved to restrain the man. The guy looked surprised and defeated as he realized he had been caught.

 "You're not getting away this time," I said firmly, as we prepared to take him into custody. I put on handcuffs while he was kneeling.

"Sir, why are you arresting me?" The man's eyes darted around nervously as he tried to come up with an explanation.

"Because you attempted to murder a girl by causing an accident with your van, and it's all recorded in the CCTV. You cannot escape!" My stern voice made his face pale.

As we escorted him to the police car, he remained silent, knowing he had been caught red-handed. "Good job, Josh."  I patted Josh's back once we put him in the police car because, without Josh's source, we can't able to nab him.

We bring him to the station for further questioning and processing. His van was seized as evidence. Before starting the interrogation, I wanted to check his van for any additional evidence that could be useful in the investigation. I instructed one of the officers to thoroughly search the van while I began preparing my questions for the interrogation.

"Hari, sir, I have found a phone, nothing other than that ." I heard the officer's voice from the van. He handed me a red smartphone which was dead.

It might be his phone, The phone could potentially hold valuable information that could help us crack the case wide open. I gave the smartphone to Josh and asked him to analyze the data and see if he could retrieve any deleted messages or call logs that could provide us with more leads. Additionally, I instructed him to check for any recent activity or suspicious contacts that may be relevant to our investigation.

I made my way to the room where the suspect was being held and sat down to begin the interrogation.

"You better tell me the truth. I've seen the CCTV footage, you purposefully hit that car with your van. Why do you do that?".

"And you also killed a man at his house,  I added

"Sir, I did not kill anyone; I just followed someone's orders that's it, they asked me to hit the girl's car, " The suspect hesitated before finally admitting, "I was paid to do it. I didn't know anything about it " I leaned back in my chair, processing this new information as I prepared to delve deeper into the investigation.

" Who hired you to hit the girl's car?" I asked, determined to uncover the truth.

"Rakesh" The suspect's revelation added a new layer of complexity to the case, leading me to wonder about Rakesh's motives. As I continued my questioning, I made a mental note to look into Rakesh's background and connections.

"Who is that Rakesh, and what's the bond between you two?" I asked him to help me get a better understanding of him.

He owns a barber shop. I asked him for a job, but he said he would pay me more if I followed whatever he said ." The suspect replied

"Sir, please don't file a case against me; I did it due to my poor life," he begged.

" Let me meet you later after verifying about Rakesh, if I find out that you lie, nobody can save you from me." I left the interrogation room.

I decided to dig deeper into Rakesh's and see whether there were any links between him and the suspect.

Josh was waiting outside the interrogation room, eager to hear any updates.

"Hari, as you said, I checked the phone. Guess what? It's Mr. Tilak's phone. I gave it to our tech expert to retrieve any deleted messages or calls that could be relevant to the case." I am not surprised because I knew there was a connection between Leela's accident and his death.

"Good. I hope we can solve it as soon as possible. Now we have to find out about Rakesh because he is the one who hired him." I said, eager to piece together the puzzle of how Mr. Tilak's phone ended up in the suspect's van. Let's focus on connecting the dots between Rakesh, Mr. Tilak, and Leela's accident.

After a few hours, I looked at the case details given by Leela and did some research about the individuals mentioned in the case.

"Hey Hari, What are you doing, man?" Josh asked me as he sat in front of me 

"I am searching for clues that relate to Mr. Tilak's death, we have to find out who visited his house that night " I said, looking at the laptop screen. Josh nodded in agreement and looked at me keenly.

"Why are you staring at me? I am not a beautiful girl " I joked, raising my eyebrows.

"What's so special about this case, Hari? You are so occupied with it that sometimes you forget to have your meals. You wanted to be assigned to this case from the beginning, and you managed to persuade our higher officials of this." Josh's observation caught me off guard, making me realize how consumed I had become with the case. I shrugged, unable to explain my reasons.

"Because it's interesting," I replied, trying to brush off his concern. but only I knew it wasn't the real reason.

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