The Black Wolf of Death (HIgh...

By secret_nine10

16.1K 364 68

"I Malikath am the protector of death I am the Kannushi of Izanami-sama..... .......yet I am alone in this sh... More

The Wolf of the Moutains
Exile To Hell
New Acquittance
Meeting Between Gods
The Right Hand of Death
A new Tale

first Official fight

838 42 3
By secret_nine10

///In the Most boring Meeting///

Maliketh had been bored in his life many times, but this had topped all his expectations. The gods had talked about the most mundane things, some minor gods complained that others took some aspects of their domains as their own and some just had a metaphorical dick measuring contest on who had a superior diving beast.

What surprised me the most is that Susano-sama very childish was and that he always looked for an opportunity to prove his superiority. Once time he even challenged ever single divine beast to fight his, to prove that his was the strongest.

His diving beast was an ocean blue haired man with sharp facial features with a slightly tanned complexion. Atop his head were a pair of horns. He did not wear a shirt or anything that covered his upper body, he did wear a golden neckless with emeralds imbedded alongside it. He did wear a pair of teal blue shorts with a seaweed pattern that snaked its way up the sides of his shorts. His skin seemed to be constantly wet, maybe he could not exist outside of the water and had to use some kind of spell to keep his body wet.

At first Maliketh did not pay any attention to the pair of God and beast as they flexed their power and how much better they were, but they were slowly getting on his nerves as they were very loud, and he had VERY sensitive ears. He could not be happier when Amaterasu shut the two up and continued with the boring meeting.

After two hours of nonsense, she finally started talking to the Godskin Noble. "What does Izanami have to do that she sends a representative, a Shinigami no less." Her eyes, now glaring at him, priced the form of the Noble rendering him petrified. "She is currently in a meeting with different lords of death and is trying to establish more trades to further their realms." Answered Maliketh jumping in for the Noble who looked relieved.

Amaterasu's eyes seemed to harden when Maliketh spoke up without her consent as she did not ask him the question, but she let it slide. For now.

"And who would those death gods be?" She asked wanting a bit more information than just a broad term. As she spoke, her whole body leaning forward seemingly being more invested into this then she first assumed. It was a connection to a different pantheon after all that she did not know about, as a leader she had to know about this.

"I only know of Lord Hades, Lady Amaterasu-sama." Maliketh said quickly to stop the questioning. He really did not know more that he could think of right now.

"The Incest Family is connecting to different pantheons?" She questioned him with a raised eyebrow, not believing that those 'People' could have a civil conversation about politics with anyone.

"It seems that lord Hades is forging his own alliances without his family." Maliketh answered her. His face not portraying any Emotion. His eyes never lingered on Amaterasu for long, they always swerved to the love of his life and future mother of his child.

This did go unnoticed by Amaterasu, but the seaweed noticed it. He seemed livid.

After satisfying Amaterasu curiosity she sat down more relaxedly sighing in relief. "Good that its only Hades he is the least insufferable out of the bunch. I am surprised though, I thought he hatted all other denizens of the Underworld that he must share it with?" She asked curiosity practically edged onto her face.

"Well, it may be that Cerberus has found a friend in the spirit of my sword. As meetings continued Hades and Izanami have developed a sort of acquaintanceship. So, they both produced an idea that could benefit their two realms." Maliketh explained to her.

"Most intriguing." Amaterasu said while striking a thinking pose. Contamplating what he had just said. "If any news of this alliance of the dead is know I want to be informed." She stated looking directly into Maliketh's eyes.

"I will do so Amaterasu-Sama." He said while bowing slightly.

With that she again continued the meeting talking about boring things again. At least boring things from Maliketh's perspective.

///After the meeting///

After it was finally over, he tried making his way towards his love. He was surprised when he saw Susano talking with her and Amaterasu. As he made his way closer towards them, he overheard what nonsense the god was spewing.

"How about it Amaterasu? Yasaka marrying my champion over here." He gestured towards his divine beast next to him, who was grinning the whole time. He went to grab her hand to kiss as a sign of good will, but a hand grabbed him stopping him.

"Keep your hands of my woman, Seaweed." Maliketh spat, glaring at him releasing a lot of pressure onto him. Black flames sparking around him.

"Dear, please stop." Said Yasaka, placing her hand onto his shoulder reassuring him. She gave a look at Amaterasu sending a look. Amaterasu in turn just nodded and stood to the sides watching them.

She may not really like Maliketh but over the years her resentment towards him, for what he had done, diminished. Yasaka was very persuasive when she wanted to.

"Get your hands of me weakling, and Yasaka will be mine, whether you like it or not." The now dubbed Seaweed said.

With that comment the air around Maliketh erupted in black flames, burning seaweeds wrist. Who in turn snapped away slightly jumping back, to the side of Susano, who had been watching.

"Love. Please calm down, you are melting the ground beneath us. Relax, please, for me." Yasaka said soothingly, placing a small peck onto his check.

The ground was indeed melting.

"I Sorag, the great sea serpent, challenge you to 'Tatakau no Kemono'". He proclaimed pointing at Maliketh. Having a smug smile on his face.

"What are the stakes?" Asked Maliketh, standing protectively in front of Yasaka. His tails swaying dangerously behind him, on of his tails wrapped around her slim waist.

"The hand of Yasaka in marriage." He proclaimed with a cocky smile.

"You dare compare my Yasaka, to a mere price that could be won?!" Maliketh growled. The ground beneath him now being absolute melted mush, due to the heat his flames were emitting as they flowed freely around him.

"I will accept. As my price, since you ask for my woman's hand, when I win, I will receive your divine weapon and you shall be stripped of you title of divine beast." With these words a magical seal appeared below them sealing the stakes of the fight under divine law.

"I will relish in the sight of your defeat." Sorag said and teleported to the arena.

"Those are some interesting stakes, are they not sister." Susano said before he too left.

When they left Maliketh turned around towards Yasaka, who still had a stunned expression on her face.

"Why did you accept such a fight?" Asked Amaterasu the wolf. She really could not understand why he would accept.

"It is to stomp out a nuisance and protect Yasaka from future advances that think they could take what's mine." Maliketh said still having Yasaka wrapped up in his tails behind him.

"Acceptable." Amaterasu said before she left the two beasts, with a golden light of her magic circle she disappeared.

The two were now completely alone in the meeting room, the previously loud room was now dead quiet.

Maliketh turned around towards her letting go of her with his tails. He finally took a good long look at her.

Her blond hair hand grown longer, now It reached her hips. Her face had somehow gotten even more beautiful. The eyes that had caught his attention so long ago were now looking at him with the same loving glint in them as all that time ago, but they also held a sense of seriousness, undoubtably due to her standing as Amaterasu's divine beast. Her beautiful round and plump lips that firmly screamed at him to envelop her with his arms and claim them once again. Her nose was still as pointy and cute as he remembered.

She still wore her traditional Kimono that was red and white with golden accents. It still did not try to hide her very large bust, as it exposed her shoulders and gave way to peer down her large cleavage. She did not wear anything on her feet besides some socks since she was used to float in the divine realms and on earth. Her golden blond tails were waving behind them.

"Good to see that you have not changed to much, my love." He said as he closed the distance between the two, hugging her tenderly.

"The same can not be said about you, love. The extra tail and the flaming crown are new. Not that I do not like the changes." Yasaka leaned into the hug.

Their tails intertwining, giving a stunning mix of gold and black. Maliketh's extra tail wrapped around her waist.

Losing each other in their respective eyes the two leaned in and had their first kiss in over a couple centennial years.

Their kiss lasted a while only being broken for the need of air. "How I've missed this." She said now resting her head on his shoulder. "By the way. You really were not subtle when sending me letters. A wolf in Japan, really?" She looked at him with a deadpanned expression.

"Hey, at least you knew it was me who sent you those letters." Maliketh defended his means of communication. "And Amaterasu-sama dose not seem to resent me too much now?" He asked her.

"She came to terms that we do in fact love each other and that we will not be denied our love. I have talked to her. It seems I got through to her, at least to some degree. She is still against the prospect of her chosen Miko marrying anyone, but I assume that after the declaration of Sorag she will cave since this is a very official matter. I hope I can officially marry you once you win." She told him striking a thinking pose in his arms.

Casting a magic circle below them Yasaka looked into his eyes, giving him a final kiss. "We should go, we cannot keep the gods waiting, can we? I am sure that word spread that someone wants to marry me and that a fight will be held to determine who will be allowed to." She spoke in a calm manner, not bothered that her marriage to the love of her life was on the line. She was confident that he would win. I mean he defeated Hiryuu the former strongest of them.

"I will defeat him, love. For us." Maliketh spoke before giving her forehead a peck as she activated the magic circle.

The two appeared next to a golden throne with a sun engraved into it, that overlooked a large arena where the fight would be held. On it sat Amaterasu. She slightly glanced at the two, seeing the two being very close she averted her eyes again looking back to the front.

The arena was filled with a massive crowd that seemed to be very exited for the upcoming fight.

"Many people have come to watch your fight." She said calmly. "As much as I am against Yasaka taking a husband. I cannot keep her from doing so for all eternity. So, I hereby declare that if you win, you are allowed back into her life and Japan. Not as a husband, that I will not allow." She said with a hint of resentment in her voice. "Now go and beat that idiot my brother has chosen." She said, commanding him.

"See you in a bit." Maliketh told Yasaka, giving her a small kiss on her check. With that he jumped down into the arena.

The arena itself resembled a roman colosseum, with some modifications to suit the Japanese gods. For example, there were extra platforms above the crowd for the gods and divine beast. They were seated on smaller thrones, unsurprisingly they were not as grand as Amaterasu's.

But what really surprised him was that Izanami was there. She sat directly across the colosseum ,facing Amaterasu.

A magical circle appeared next to his ear, broadcasting her voice. "So, you finally have your first official fight with a divine beast." She said with a hint of interest. The circle downed out the noise of the crowd.

"Yes, but this should not be a challenge since I have beaten Hiryuu already. The former strongest divine beast." Maliketh said with boredom. "This will barely suffice as a warmup." He said, still with the same bored expression.

"But what are you doing here Izanami?" He asked her with genuine curiosity, as he thought that she was still in a meeting abroad.

"The meeting was fruitful." She simply stated with no hint to what could have had been disclosed. The only indicator that it went according to her plans was the sly smirk that could be found on her immaculate face. Giving her already incredible alure, a hint of mischief.

Maliketh chose not to say anything, since he will be given the entire story later regardless. So, he turned back to his opponent who appearing, approximately twenty meters from him, in an ocean green magic circle that leaked water everywhere.

With the emergence of Sorag the crowd cheered loudly. Some where even chanting to support their fellow divine beast none really cared about Maliketh as he was too new.

"Good luck, but I doubt you will need it, my strong wolf." She said and the magic circle next to his ear disappeared.

"Ready to lose and have your woman taken from you? If I am generous, I might let you watch as I have my way with her. She will make a good cum dump." Sorag said, with a disgusting smirk on his face. He spoke in a tone that reeked of pride and overconfidence, trying to get Maliketh angry.

An angry fighter is a sloppy fighter after all.

Maliketh did not react to his pitiful attempt at a taunt. Instead, he drew his sword in its katana form. And began taking steps towards Sorag, who in turn, confused to why his taunt had failed, summoned his Bident and took a defensive stance.

Before Maliketh could walk ten steps, Sorag had appeared in a burst of speed in front of him, thrusting his Bident forth aiming for his head.

The crowd roaring in excitement as the fight truly started.

Maliketh just side stepped the attack retaliating with a horizontal swing of his sword, which aimed to cleave in half. It would have hit if Sorag had not used his weapon to block it.

As Sorag was winding up another stab, a small ball of compressed black and red flames appeared directly in front of Maliketh's chest. "Cero." He said with a neutral face.

The Cero exploded in a beam of black and red destruction, it carved through the ground like it was butter, only being stopped by a barrier to protect the bystanders. Even though the barrier was made by minor gods, cracks littered the barrier as if it were glass.

The contact of barrier and cero caused an explosion that hurled dust and chunks of the arena into the air.

As the explosion went off, the crowd went silent, befuddled to how the new divine beast could pack that much of a punch. None really believing Hiryuu when he said that Maliketh beat him.

As the dust settled and the bruised and scorched form of Sorag was seen standing in a crater that the explosion caused. His attire had almost completely been obliterated and his skin was steaming, with some major burns on his forearms. The bident imbedded into the ground next to him, haven taken the most damage by the cero.

The arena was now deathly silent.

Maliketh calmly walked up to him, with each step he took he left a fiery footprint in the ground beneath him. His tails swaying dangerously behind him, each one igniting with his signature black flame, the crown above his head roared with rage.

When he reached Sorag, the latter already had taken a knee due to the pain. Standing in front of him Maliketh pointed his right pointer finger at the kneeling divine beast, as a cero began charging at the tip.

As it grew, he got ready to fire it, but he held back since Yasaka would not be happy if he already took a life after being known to the Pantheon for less than a day. A sigh of relief left the crowd.

His gaze fell on the Bident that was stabbed into the ground. As he reached for it, he could feel that it was retaliating and sending out magic to stop his advances. This however seemed to only halt him for but a moment as he pushed though it.

When his hand reached the Bident it was engulfed in a giant inferno of black flames. The spirit of a giant green sea serpent with yellow eyes was seen flying out of the Bident. It circled in the sky for a while snarling at Maliketh, before diving towards him with its mouth completely open, revealing rows and rows of razor-sharp teeth.

When it reached Maliketh, the wolf transformed into his Wolf form. With that a burst of magical energy, an ungodly amount of pressure befell the entire arena, forcing many beasts to their knees.

Maliketh stuck his hand out and stopped the spirit in its tracks slamming to the ground. "Obey." He said with out any emotion, as he pushed his magic into the spirit burning the connection to Sorag out of its body. Doing this the spirits body caught fire.

As the sprit burned it lost all its color. The previous green now turned to an almost black like color, resembling charcoal. Its eyes had been burned away in the flames, in its place now where the same roaring red and black flames that caused its drastic change.

Throwing the now Spiritless Bident away, Maliketh summoned a hand fan into his hand. The fan was red and white in color with some golden accessories.

As he held it in front of him the Now black sea serpent flew towards it. As it collided with the fan, the fan began absorbing the spirit into itself.

Once the merging was complete the fan glowed a deep red color, signaling that the binding was complete.

With that Maliketh pocketed the fan and left the arena in a magical circle, leaving the crowed stunned to what had just happened.

The winner of this anticipated fight was Maliketh. Even though it was called a fight everyone present knew that this was no fight, merely a display of power to signify his ranking as the strongest.

(I use google translate for the Japanese, do not come for me ;-; ).

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