Dusk till Dawn|황혼에서 새벽까지

By b-ubbleberry

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In life, we are all bound by the strings of fate. From the moment we are born, our destinies are woven into a... More



26 2 0
By b-ubbleberry

As I exited Mira's car in front of my house, she squeezed my hand and offered some reassuring words. "Don't worry too much about it, I know you can tend to overthink things, so just try to relax and get some sleep tonight," she said before pulling away.

A sense of relief washed over me as my front gate closed behind me. My grandparents and mother had long since gotten used to the fact that I often spent time out with Mira, so now they were sound asleep. I took a deep breath and walked toward my bedroom.

Gently closing the door behind me, I couldn't help but feel somewhat more at ease now that I was finally in the privacy of my own house.

Taking a deep breath, I climbed the stairs to my room, ready to unwind after a long and busy day. As I passed by the bathroom, the thought of taking a warm shower made me feel instantly calmer. Taking off all my clothes, I slid into the tub and let the water wash over me, feeling each individual droplet flow across my skin. The warmth was just what I needed after a long and tiring day. It made all my worries fade away, and I felt like I could finally breathe again.

But even as I stood there in the peace of my bathroom, my mind couldn't help but wander back to Heeseung. His presence was constantly looming in the background, even in moments of solitude. It felt like I couldn't understand him, no matter how hard I tried. Sometimes he made me feel like I was the most important person in the world, while other times it felt like I was nothing more than a burden. The dichotomy of his personality was what made me feel so overwhelmed with emotion, and I couldn't even understand my own feelings.

It was hard to wrap my head around Heeseung's behavior. He seemed to enjoy spending time with Lia, while at the same time getting frustrated whenever Wonbin got too close to me. I couldn't understand why he would act that way or what his motivations were. And the fact that he had lied about drinking my blood made me feel disappointed and confused. I wasn't sure if I could trust him or not, and that feeling of uncertainty was starting to weigh on me.

Walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body, I was in my own world, thinking about everything that had happened that day. It wasn't until I stepped out of the bathroom that I noticed Heeseung sitting on my bed. I almost screamed in surprise, but managed to keep myself together. I grabbed my towel firmly around my body, making sure it was secure and wouldn't slip. He was wearing a baggy t-shirt and gray sweatpants, with wet hair indicating that he had just taken a shower.

"Willing to tell me the reason that made you think of barging into my room at midnight?" I said, glaring at him and clutching my towel tightly. "Everyone was asleep, and if I got caught with you here, I wouldn't be too pleased."

My skin flushed with embarrassment as Heeseung's eyes wandered over my body. I was just too comfy under this towel, and it was all I could do to keep it up. I couldn't help but notice the scar on my neck. I hoped Heeseung didn't notice it, but he did, and I could see it in his eyes. He smirked at me and said, "your bed is so comfortable. I think I got used to it." I looked up at him, a little annoyed, and said, "At least try to focus on my face instead of piercing me with your gazes you idiot." He smiled, a little playful. Then he spoke, "You already gave me a nickname." with a wide smile, teasing me.

Annoyed, I walked over to my closet and started rummaging through it. I was done with Heeseung's antics. Without turning around, I replied, "You deserve it." Turning my back to him, I continued to sort through my pajamas, selecting a comfortable and modest set. But Heeseung had other plans. As I tried to push him away, he grabbed one of my most intimate undergarments, a dental bra, and held it up teasingly. I was furious. Without missing a beat, I swatted his hand away and snapped, "Get out of this closet and stay away from my underwear!" I was sick of this game. I had to put my foot down and set some boundaries with him before things got even more out of hand.

As I stepped out of the bathroom and started to pick up my clothes, I saw Heeseung still sitting on my bed, staring at me. I felt my heart sink and tried not to let him see my discomfort. I finished picking up my clothes and put them in the basket, avoiding his gaze. The tension in the air was palpable, and I could feel his eyes following my every move. I wished he would leave so I could have some alone time to sort out my feelings.

Frustrated, I stood in front of him and asked, "So what made you lie earlier when they asked you about 'drinking my blood'?" Not waiting for a response, I sighed and started to dry my hair with the towel around my neck. After a few moments, Heeseung finally spoke up. "I didn't lie. I'm just not willing to tell them for the time being." he said, his tone confident. I couldn't believe how easy it was for him to lie like this, especially when it came to something as important as my blood. I crossed my arms and tried not to let my emotions show, but it was becoming more difficult by the second.

I sat on the wooden chair in front of my mirror, beginning my nightly skincare routine. First, I applied a hydrating mask on my face, letting it sit for a few minutes before proceeding with the rest of my routine. As I moved in circular motions, I asked, "Did you think that a part of your supernatural powers got transferred to me?" He looked a little annoyed and replied with a sigh, "I honestly don't know." It was obvious that he hadn't given too much thought to the matter. I couldn't help but wonder if there was anything else going on that I didn't know about. I continued my routine, trying to shake the feeling of unease that had settled in.

As I continued with my skincare routine, I couldn't help but notice a shift in Heeseung's demeanor. He seemed nervous, almost agitated, as if he was grappling with something more pressing than the k guy matter. I could see it in his eyes, the fear and worry that seemed to consume him.

"Why are you zoning out?" He asked me, his voice snapping me back to reality.

"Aren't you reading my mind already?" I replied, a little miffed.

The tension between us was palpable. It was clear that we had more to figure out than just K and his gang's situation.

As I applied my night skincare routine, I noticed a lingering stare from Heeseung, making me feel a little uncomfortable. He then spoke up, "No, I'm not." His words seemed to ring with truth, as he admitted, "I can't listen to your thoughts, there's something banning me from doing so, and it's making me confused." I was surprised to hear that he couldn't access my thoughts anymore.

"Can't you really listen to my thoughts?" I asked, a little worried.

"I haven't been able to, for several hours." Heeseung confirmed, shaking his head.

"I have a feeling this has something to do with my blood and our bond thing..." I uttered out loud, feeling like I was onto something big. I was relieved that he couldn't read my thoughts, as it gave me some time to process my emotions in peace.

"I don't really know," Heeseung murmured under his breath. "It's the first time something like this has happened." He denied my accusation of drinking another girl's blood and I couldn't decide what to feel. Was I pleased that he didn't, or concerned that I didn't know the truth? All I knew was that I needed to find out more.

As I finished up my skincare routine, we sat in companionable silence, locked in a long eye contact. To my surprise, the stare wasn't an uncomfortable one, but rather a comforting one that made me feel at ease. Breaking the silence, I asked, "There's something else that's confusing me... Mira mentioned that I coud have drank your blood. Is that even possible?" He seemed to struggle with how to answer, mumbling, "It won't happen..." before shifting his eyes away from mine, breaking the eye contact.

As I heard him say my name for the first time, a wave of emotion washed over me. The sound of my name uttered from his lips felt like the most special thing in the world. His voice echoed in my mind for a moment, making me wish I could stay in his arms forever. I knew this would be a memory that I'd treasure forever, a golden moment that would remain in my heart for years to come. Knowing that asking him questions would only lead to more confusion, I turned around and started to dry my hair, applying coconut oil before brushing it. Heeseung was watching my movements intently, but the silence was comfortable and I felt at ease.

As I sat there with the towel on my head and the hairbrush in hand, Heeseung suddenly stood up and walked behind me. Before I could react, he'd already taken the brush from me and started to brush my hair slowly and gently, his touch making me feel warm and comfortable. As he worked, his hands gently patted my tall locks, making me feel cherished and cared for.

When he finally finished and put the brush down with a proud smile, I couldn't help but giggle at his cuteness. "I like your hair," he said, his voice soft and sincere. "You told me the same thing before," I giggled again, seeing the bashfulness on his face. "Tada!" he said, his smile growing wider and brighter.

As we sat on the bed, I suggested, "Why don't we try to use telepathy again? Think of something and I'll try to read your mind." Heeseung sighed and rolled his eyes, but agreed to try it anyway. We both sat in front of each other, trying to focus. After a few minutes, he grinned and joked, "Did you hear it?" But I quickly shot him a side eye and he shut up. I focused on my breath, trying to tune into his thoughts. He sighed and stared at me deeply, my heart fluttering at the intense gaze. I pouted and hugged my feet when he admitted failure, but his gentle demeanor and kind voice made me feel warm and at ease even in defeat.

third person pov⁚

As they spent the next hour chatting and laughing together, enjoying the moment without worrying about what would come next. Their eyes sparkled with each shared joke and smile, making the time fly by without them even noticing. She couldn't help but drift off to sleep, feeling safe and content in his presence. He stood by the window, looking out at the shining moon and taking a deep breath. He was exhausted, but he couldn't bring himself to tell her the truth - that he came here to protect her because he didn't feel like she truly was. Despite the strange feelings that stirred within him as he stared at her sleeping figure, he took a few steps forward and bent down, kissing her forehead gently. Suddenly, his legs moved of their own accord, as if guided by some inexplicable force, urging him to do so. His eyes lingering on her face for one last moment, he turned and jumped out of the window and disappeared into the darkness of the forest....

The next morning:

I woke up earlier than usual to find that the boy was not beside me, which was his usual. I quickly got dressed and decided to prepare breakfast for my mother and grandparents, who were still sleeping when I woke up. I had my pancakes and then washed the dishes before rushing out of the house to make my way to the vampires' mansion.

When I arrived, I greeted Wonbin, who was lazily sitting on the couch, and he smiled at me, his teeth gleaming.

"Morning person?" he said, and I corrected him, "I woke up earlier and couldn't continue sleeping. Are the others still asleep?" He chuckled and replied, "Well, vampires don't actually need to sleep." I giggled with him, realizing I had forgotten about this fact. It was a perfect opportunity to ask him a question, so I asked, "By the way, are you a vampire? Your hands felt warm."

As I was asking him the question, Mira interrupted our conversation, coming downstairs in a half-worn t-shirt. She pulled it down her body and adjusted her hair before demanding, "I want some of your energy, girl," with a playful pout. I walked towards her to check on her, since she had been drunk the last time and I hadn't been able to keep an eye on her.

As I sat down on the chair next to the kitchen island, Mira slowly prepared her breakfast. "Mira, do you remember the time someone attacked me in the forest, and Heeseung brought me here?" I asked, rubbing my head to try and jog my memory. "When a stranger attacked you? Of course," she said, giving me a puzzled look. I wanted to cut to the chase and ask her directly what Heeseung had said to them the night he brought me here.

As I started to drop the subject, Mira gave me a questioning glance before sighing and dropping it too. "Forget it" I mumbled, relieved that she didn't push the issue any further. "So, we're going to set up a camp in three days. Care to join us?" she prompted, offering me a cup of coffee. We made our way to the living room and sat on the couch with Wonbin as she grabbed her plate of food.

"You guys are camping?" I muttered, looking a bit skeptical. Mira nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, we're going to enjoy the natural scenery while setting up tents in the mountain," she exclaimed with a big grin. I hesitantly replied, "I'll have to ask my mom... I'm not sure if she'll let me go. I can't promise anything," and I gave her a small smile.

I observed Heeseung's absence and decided to take the opportunity to check his room. I quietly ascended the upstairs and knocked on his door. When I didn't receive a response, I entered the room. It was perfectly tidied and empty, with no sign of his presence. As I left, Liá suddenly appeared in my vision, dressed in a revealing outfit that I didn't care to take note of. I chose to disregard her and continued walking towards the stairs.

"You're looking for someone?" Mira asked in her typical irritating voice, drawing my attention towards her. I turned around and raised an eyebrow at her, trying to suppress the urge to roll my eyes. "You're talking to me?" I asked rhetorically, knowing that she was probably baiting me into responding. She smirked, revealing her wicked intentions. "You probably don't know, he went to take a shower since we spent a very beautiful and hot night yesterday." she grinned mischievously, trying to get a reaction out of me.

My chest felt tight and tears formed in the corners of my eyes. I took a deep, steadying breath to prevent the tears from falling down my cheeks.

"I hope you enjoyed the attention you were seeking, no wonder you're such a fuck girl." I shot back at her, a death glare on my face. Without another word, I turned on my heels and walked downstairs, leaving her speechless.

I felt a small sense of satisfaction as the words left my lips, though I couldn't shake the feeling of bitterness and resentment. Despite this, I maintained composure and continued on my way, my eyes threatening to leak at any moment but remaining dry for now.

I quietly poured myself a cup of water and sighed, feeling exhausted. Closing my eyes, I became keenly aware of my surroundings, almost as if I had developed some sort of sixth sense. The soft scent of his presence and the unwanted odor of someone else invaded my nose, and I knew exactly who it was...

He entered the kitchen with wet, half-dried hair and a towel draped around his neck. Ignoring him, I placed my cup in the sink and headed for the door. As I turned the knob, he stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing my troubled expression.

"Don't ask me that when I'm the one who should be asking you. And don't you dare touch me." I snapped, pulling my hand away and maintaining my distance.

"What on earth happened to you?" He pressed, his brows furrowing in concern.

"How am I supposed to know when it's you that should be telling me? One minute you treat me like I'm someone special and the next thing I know, you're spending nights with her. It's gross." I erupted, my anger and frustration spilling out in a stream.

He paused for a moment, clearly taken aback by my words. "Hold on, what's preventing me from sleeping with her?" he asked, making me struggle to articulate the chaos going on inside me.

"Do you not have any feelings for me?" I asked, my voice devoid of emotion.

"Feelings? No, I don't and I won't develop any feelings for anyone. I'm enjoying myself, Don't be so dramatic." he snapped, his laughter landing like a painful thud in my chest. It was my heart that had taken the hit.

"Fine, I won't be dramatic." I responded, managing to fake a smile. "Whatever. Anyway, I hope she provided a good time for you." I forced out the last word, struggling to keep my voice from cracking as I spoke.

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