My Evil Stepmom

By Fatimaxzac

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Sneak peek
C 1 : Its My Birthday
C 2 : Chicago
C 3 : True colors
C 4 : Uneasy
C 5 : The unexpected
C 6 : Dahlia POV
C 7 : Truth
C 8 : Secrets
C 10 : Ariana
C 11 : Hidden Secrets
C 12 : Dior
C 13 : The folder
C 14 : She's Alive
C 15 : In the dark
C 16 : On my way
C 17 : Seen a ghost
C 18 : In front of me
C 19 : New stories
C 20 : A woman with no soul
C 21 : To protect
C 22 : Wrong Target
C 23 : Sacrifices
C 24 : Mommy duties
C 25 : Backstory
C 26 : Backstory pt2
C 27 : Live stream
C 28 : Bad decisions
C 29 : Happy Mother's Day 💐❤
C 30 : Zac Pov
Warning ⚠⚠
C 31 : Caught in the Act
C 32 : Skeletons in the closet
C 33 : I miss you
C 34 : Surgery day pt1
C 35 : Surgery day pt2

C 9 : Trail

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By Fatimaxzac

The next morning Chicago.......

Joy woke up from the ringtone of her phone .

Unknown : I emailed you the information

* She stepped out the room

Joy : So the child is alive ?

Unknown : Yes she is but she's dying

Joy : What does that mean ?

Unknown : She needs a heart transplant i emailed you the information with a few pictures

Joy : Okay ill check it out an get me in contact with her doctor

Unknown : Okay

Joy : Did you find out where he lives ?

Unknown : Yes the boys is ready to move on your orders

Joy : Make it look like an accident an make sure she's with him

Unknown : Are you sure ? she's only a child

Joy : Do i pay you to ask questions or do has i say ?

Unknown : Sorry ma'am

Joy : Make sure you are following his every move an wait for my call ....the line cut

Tyrell : Who was that ?

Joy : Damn hun you scared me

Tyrell : Who was that?

Joy : My friend she needs her abusive boyfriend to be handle

Tyrell : Okay , have you talked to fatima since last night?

Joy : Why would i ?

Tyrell : She's our daughter an she didnt look happy last night

Joy : Is she .....she mumbles under her breathe

Tyrell : Wtf is that supposed to mean?

Joy : Nothing!

Tyrell : Is there something i need to know?

Joy : No baby

Tyrell : Okay i gotta go ill see you tonight

Joy : Okay .....she leaves out there bedroom an tyrell made a call

Keith : Yes boss!!

Tyrell : I think my wife is up to something i need you to keep an eye on her an report back to me.

Keith : You know she can smell a trail from far?

Tyrell : Ill admit she learn from the best thats why i pick you for the job

Keith : I got you boss

•••• The Johnson's Household

Jacobi : Where tf are you going?

Fatima : Work

Jacobi : We need to talk

Fatima : About what?

Jacobi : Last night you said something about a baby

Fatima : I dont have time to talk about this

Jacobi : Yes tf you will because the last time i checked you wasn't ready to have a baby

Fatima : I said i don't wanna talk about it

Jacobi : Yes tf you will fatima

*** Fatima ignore him an contiuned getting ready she was drain an had nothing left to argue with him her main focused was getting answers she couldn't sleep last night because her baby has been on her mind she try to close her eyes to get a picture of her/his face but she came up blank so her mission today was to find the doctor she already did some research an had an address for the doctor so that's where she's heading .She was about to walked out the room when Jacob grab her hands

Fatima : If your going to hit me just do it already

Jacobi : So you think am just some abusive nigga ?

Fatima : Lets see since we've been together i got two broken ribs ,a sprain ankle ,bruises all over my body that the make up couldn't even hide , two black eyes an a busted lip,  so by all means if thats not abusive then tell me what that is ?

Jacobi : I said i was sorry fatima you know i never meant to hurt you

Fatima : That's what you keep saying but yet here we are with you grabbing my arms which am sure gonna be bruise by the time you let go " teary eyes "

Jacobi : Am sorry baby i didn't mean to do that " he released her hands an just like she predicted it has a bruise " I feel like am loosing my wife i love you please talk to me

Fatima : I gotta go jacobi

Jacobi : So am jacobi now, what happen to baby ,babe or honey ?

Fatima : " tears falling " You don't deserve any of those title

* Fatima saw him bald his fist up an she fletch a bit an he released his hands while trying to calm down

Jacobi : Do you love me fatima ?

* Silent

Jacobi : Answer me ....he yelled causing her to jump

Fatima : Yes i love you ....she said in a low tone as the tears fall uncontrollably

Jacobi : Am sorry for yelling baby .....he said wiping her tears

Fatima : How can you say you love me but treats me this way ?

Jacobi : You think i like treating you this way i promise ill do better

Fatima : Okay ....was all she said

* Jacboi try to kiss her but she turn her head an the kiss land on her neck he continue kissing her necking biting down on her weak spots an fatima felt nauseous right away she wanted to push him away but that would only end baldy for her so she stand there an allow it while the tears fall .....He move his hands up her body an nothing about his touch was turning her on , he try to raise her dress an she stop him

Fatima : Babe wait am going to be late for work 

Jacobi : Did you just call me babe ? Smiling

Fatima : " trying not to show how disgust she was " she responded " Yes " Babe

Jacobi : Why do i feel like you only said that so i can stop ?

Fatima : Really Jacboi

Jacobi : Point proven .....he got more aggressive in forcing her to kiss him an she did but her stomach was doing the back flips as she try not to throw up on him

Fatima : Stop Jacboi am on my period

Jacobi : What ? Its been six months fatima

Fatima : Well maybe if you stop treating me like am some radom bitch on the fucking street we won't be here ...she snapped

* It took everything in him not to slap her

Jacobi : Be ready at 7 tonight

Fatima : For what?

*He left the room !!

                               ••••• Atlanta •••••

Patricia : Good morning baby ,how are you feeling ?

Dahlia : Am okay nanny

Patricia : You wanna tell nanny what's bothering you ?

Dahlia : Why ? Nobody has been listening to me

Patricia : Am sorry baby but nanny dont know what's going on , the last time you told me you was uncomfortable in the house with karen an i talk to your dad an he said he took care of it

Dahlia : He's not my dad , a father is supposed to protect his child he said he love me but he let her hurt me " crying " I try to tell him but he always has to work i want my Mommy

Patricia : " voice cracking " Am sorry baby but your mommy is not here

Dahlia : Then i want to go with her not happy nanny nobody ever listens to me " voice cracking " Why did she left me in this world to suffer ?

* Patricia didn't know what to say her heart was breaking for her grand baby , she also made a promise to protect her from any harm an she fail that promise too

Patricia : Am sorry baby nanny should have pay more attention to you but you know i live far an i make sure to called you everyday ,so why didn't you tell me ?

Dahlia : So you can ignore me like your son ?

Patricia : I know your upset but i wont allow the disrespect

Dahlia : Am sorry nanny can i just be alone please?

Patricia : Sure baby i love you ...she kiss her forehead

Dahlia : I love you too nanny , i need something from the house can we go get it please ?

Patricia : Sure baby when ever your ready

* Her nanny leaves out an dahlia took off her chain an look at the picture of her mom an broke down crying

Dahlia : Please come save me mama i won't survive here any longer without you !!

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