His Listening Ear [A HuskerDu...

By Plushjimia

18.2K 534 444

Husk , The Known Alcoholic At The Hazbin Hotel Has been struggling With his liquor intake. Charlie can't he... More

Hypocritical Husk
Hopeful Hotel Host
Late Night Comforts
I Understand You
A Lil Chat
Heart to Heart
Studio Beats
Tender Touch
A Gamblers "Gift"
Backstory on The Tower
His Protector
Piglet Party
A little 'Chat'
Words Are Hard
Suite Surprise
The Hoodie
Volume Control
Basket full of surprise
First time Fun
Noise complaint
Losers , Baby
Bullet in my Valentine
The truth
Couple A Dorks

Bedroom Fun

623 17 27
By Plushjimia

[husks pov]

Opening the door to my room , I stepped in , the air having a rose tint to it , letting me know Angel was still here.
I knelt down and took off Fat Nuggets sweater , letting him free to roam about my room. Turning my attention to the bathroom door I could hear the shower going.

There's a naked pornstar in my bathroom..
My boyfriend , My Antony is nude in my bathroom..
I would love to be in that shower wit-

I blinked rapidly , stunned by my thoughts , my face burning with blush. The hell was I thinking?
I'm no where near ready to even think about something that intimate with Angel,yet alone ever actually do it.

Sighing softly I lay on my bed , covering my face with my hands. I'd never watched any of angels adult films , not only did I feel weird watching anything of the sort , once I knew him personally it just felt wrong , disrespectful even.
The fact Valentino forced him to do these videos was just more of a reason not to watch them.

I know I'll see his body eventually, when we're both ready and wanting it.

Blushing harder I groaned gently. What's with all these sudden thoughts? Why can't I just be happy with the kiss we shared? Was I no better than the creeps he's forced to interact with at work?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the shower turning off , a familiar voice humming from behind the bathroom door.

"Hey Antony, letting you know I'm out here so you don't come out nude." I call out , keeping my eyes covered.

I hear a hearty laugh before Angel replies. "Baby , we both know that wouldn't stop me~" hearing his voice made my heart flutter. He sounds so happy.

[Angels Pov]

Checking myself in the mirror I fluffed my hair. I always wanted to look my best for husk, though I was aware he really didn't care.

I'd put the hoodie on , the familiar scent of husk & me mixed together caused me to sniff it , smiling giddily as I nuzzled into it. A gentle blush covering my cheeks I breathed deeply before opening the door.

"Heya Whiskers~" the cat demon was lay on his bed , his arm covering his eyes , I didn't know if he'd fallen asleep or not. Walking over quietly I bent over him , studying his face.

Holy fuck he's cute , how'd I manage to score such a man.

"You know my name..my Names. Use them" his eyes snap open , startling me , causing me to move back and nearly fall. Within an instant husk had pulled me onto him , his hand on my
Lower back.

"Nice catch , Kit- husk!" I laugh awkwardly, him glaring at me when I went to call him kitten. With a soft sigh I then moved off him and sat next to him , my back against the wall.

"You okay?" Husk questioned , sitting up himself and watching me. I gingerly put my arm passed him and picked up the wrist cuff and bow tie deciding that now was the best time to confront him about it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I stared him down , showing him the blood on the cuffs. His face went from content and happy to distressed in a matter of seconds . His ears pinned back and his eyes looking anywhere but at mine.

He said nothing .

"Husk... You deal with my injuries all the time, why the hell did you not tell me." I asked again , using a sterner tone of voice. This time he just sighed heavily.

"I've already dealt with it , so what's to tell?"
His long red eyebrows furrowed as he spoke , rubbing his wrist with his other hand he turned away.

"That's not the point , Hector" I sigh heavily , gently placing my hand on his check I turn him back to look at me. "You're not alone now. I should have been told. Promise me if that bastard hurts you again you tell me."

"Antony you can't go up against Al , he'll only-"

"Promise , me." I spoke firmly , rubbing my thumb against his fur gently as I spoke.

He gently lifted his hand up and took hold of my wrist , turning his head and kissed my palm.

"I promise , Antony. I'm sorry" his eyes rose to meet mine , his pupils huge as he looked at me.

I gently pulled him closer , placing my forehead on his. "We're a team now. Me and you against this hellscape, yeh?"

"Yeah.." he whispered softly.

Closing my eyes , I moved my head a little and connected our lips , kissing him softly. I felt a slight jolt of surprise from husk ,and his cheeks grow hot with blush.

After a few moments he kissed back, the kiss deepening as we held onto each other , his hands
On my back and my cheek , my own arms around his neck and holding his waist , pulling him as close to me as physics would allow.

I gingerly used my tongue to slide into his mouth , exploring and battling with his , he accepted all of this happily.

After what felt like hours husk broke the kiss , both of us panting. I went to speak , but in an instant husk had laid me down , positioning himself on top of me. He then pushed his lips
Onto mine once more.

I let out a gentle moan , surprised but excited , wrapping my arms around husk again and allowing him entry into my mouth with his tongue.

Before long it had turned into a make out session , our hands exploring each other , only breaking apart to take breaths before returning to each others lips, I unintentionally began grinding against husk , my body moving without thinking.

I heard a satisfied growl come from within husks throat , and I soon felt the familiar feeling of an erection begun to form against my own erect penis. My hand moved towards his trousers , about to unbutton them when a loud knock came from the door, startling us both,

"Husk, you in there?" Charlie called from behind it , the door handle jiggling.

"Yeh I'm in here, don't come in , im uh....I'm changing!"
husk called back hurriedly , panting heavily and covering my mouth.

"Oh! Well I was just letting you know we're going to head out , you'll be the only one here! Could you go and man the desk once you're done changing please??"

"Y-yeh , yeh whatever, have fun , princess" he stuttered , my hand softly rubbing his bulge teasingly , he glared down at me when I did.

"Ok! Tell Angel I said hi when he gets back" with that the sound of shoes tapping against the marble floor got distant, letting us know she had left.

We both lay there in silence , husks hand still over my mouth , his eyes watching the door anxiously. After a few minutes I grew bored, and licked his hand.

"Ew , what the fuck is wrong with you?" He growled , moving his hand away before moving from on top of me , wiping his hand on his trousers.

"You don't need ta tell me that Charlie said hi , don't worry~" I smirked , sitting up and crossing my legs. He rolled his eyes and crossed his own legs , using a pillow to hide his erection , his look was that of utter embarrassment and shame.

"I didn't mean to go that far , I'm sorry" he spoke quietly , his ears pinned. I stared at him confused for a moment before realising.

Is he ashamed to do anything sexual with me..?

"Hey.. I'm clean , no std's or nuffin. Don't worry about that. And I'm really good at pleasin a man!" I spoke , trying to reassure him that I wasn't just some street whore.

"What? No. I don't care about that. I mean- no stds would be nice- I'm sorry for pushing my own depraved desires on you. I need to control myself. You just wanted to kiss and I turned it into more than that and ...I want you to do things when YOU are ready, I want you to have say over what you do with your own damn body. I'm no better than val"

He rambled , tears forming in his eyes. I stared at him , astonished that he felt that he was Anything like that bastard.

"Hector. You are nothing like Valentino. I would have pulled away if I didn't want this with you. I would have made a whole ass scene about it and stormed out, you know I would have.
But I didn't. I want this with you. I want you to enjoy my body. I want to enjoy YOUR body. "

I took his hand gently in mine , smiling at him softly.

"Val has never cared about anything but himself. You however. Whenever I've needed you you've been right there , coming to get me even if it's the middle of the night , fixing me up if I come home injured , been my ear to talk to , always standing up for me. Hell even before we properly knew each other you were there for me! Giving me a night of rest after seeing how vile val was treating me."

He looked at me confused for a moment before he properly examined what I was wearing.

"Thanks for letting me borrow some clothes ...again" I laughed gently, showing him the lipstick stained cuffs of the hoodie.

He smiled awkwardly and sighed. "I didn't think you remembered.." with a gentle laugh I shrugged.

"I didn't... until I found this. You look hot as hell in a suit by the way." I winked , to which he rolled his eyes and pulled me close , hugging me tightly.

"Shut up, loser"

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