The perfect timing (In Editin...

By JustmeN

58.4K 3K 558

I'm not like wonder woman, supergirl or catwoman. The only similarity we share is that we all have an extraor... More

Chapter 1-
Chapter 2-
Chapter 3-
Chapter 4-
Chapter 6-
Chapter 7-
Chapter 8-
Chapter 9-
Chapter 10-
Chapter 11-
Chapter 12-
Chapter 13-
Chapter 14-
Chapter 15-
Chapter 16-
Chapter 17-
Chapter 18-
Chapter 19-
Chapter 20-
Chapter 21-
Chapter 22-
Chapter 23-
Chapter 24-
Chapter 25-
Chapter 26-
Chapter 27-
Chapter 28-
Chapter 29-
Chapter 30-
Chapter 31-
Chapter 32-
Book 2 and help!
The second book is out!

Chapter 5-

2.1K 124 12
By JustmeN

The next day starts with me oversleeping and then rushing out of my apartment in a hurry towards school. I have to walk or more run because my aunt is already at work and isn't able to drive me. Aiden has a free period and is probably still sleeping. It really sucks that I don't have my driving license yet.

So when I reach my class out of breath, my sides are hurting and all I want to do is to collapse right there on the ground. But thankfully I make it in time and let myself fall down into my seat.

"Are you alright?" Liam whispers. The teacher is already there and begins with his lesson.

"Yeah, I just overslept and had to run towards school," I tell him in a whisper as well. Neither of us want to be caught and get detention.

"Your sleeping pattern is messed up," Liam comments with a head-shake and then goes back to taking notes. Another way to tell me that our conversation is over.

"True," I mumble, but more to myself, because he isn't listening anymore.

Liam always knows, how to make you feel loved, I think sarcastically and try to hold back a yawn. But he is right my sleeping pattern is a mess, and it is hard to stay awake through the day.

So when the bell rings and the last period of today is over, I sigh in relief. I'm more than ready to go home and lie down for a while, maybe even take a nap. But in the end everything comes different.

When I'm standing at my locker, putting the books away, I don't need until tomorrow, someone suddenly speaks and startles me with her high pitched voice.

"Hey Celia," the voice says in an overly excited and happy tone and I look to my left to see Kitty Matthews standing right next to me. She is smiling brightly at me and I can't remember seeing her at my school before.

"Kitty," I say, but it comes out as a question. "What are you doing here?"

"Going to school." She answers laughing at my confused state. Her eyes are twinkling and she watches me with amusement.

"You are going to this school?" I ask, pointing around. I can't hide the astonishment in my voice.

"Unfortunately." Another persons voice interferes and Kitty and I turn around to look at Reece Matthews. He is looking mockingly at his sister and she is annoyed by his presence.

"Funny." Kitty replies sarcastically and crosses her arms in front of her chest, a gesture I notice her doing often around her brother.

"Funny is my second name," Reece says casually, mimicking his sister, by crossing his arms in front of him, not losing the smile on his handsome face.

"Really?" Kitty asks him and adds before he can reply. "I thought it was the moron."

I snicker at her comeback and while Kitty gives me a smile, her brother looks at my directon unimpressed. But I don't care, the girl has a point.

"Well, if the two of you are so close, why don't you keep Kitty company during my training," Reece announces and waits for my answer.

"What?" Kitty and I ask simultaneously, and I scrunch my nose in confusion.

"What are you talking about Reece?" his sister questions again, looking confused as well.

He sighs before he talks again. "Dad has an important meeting today, so he can't pick you up and you have to drive with me. But I have practice now, so you have to wait."

Kitty mumbles something under her breath, but I can't make out what she is saying. So my gaze falls back to Reece, who is still looking at me, waiting for my answer.

"What is now? Will you keep her company or not?" he asks impatiently. "You probably don't have anything better to do, so hurry up with your answer."

I ignore his last sentence and snap. "You know, being polite isn't a crime."

"And you should know, that green isn't your color," he states mentioning at the shirt I'm wearing. I gasp and my eyes widened. He didn't just say that.

"Reece," the girl next to me gasps and glare at her big brother. What is his freaking problem, I think angrily. 

"No comeback?" Reece challenges me, raising one of his eyebrows. I don't  think about my next words and blur out the first thing that comes out of my mind.

"Your personality is as ugly as your face."

After the sentence is out, I want to bury myself deep beneath the earth. This is the lamest attempt of a comeback ever and Reece knows it too.

But instead of commenting it, he laughs hysterically. He doesn't stop laughing for a whole minute and his sister and I glance at each other and exchange words silent.

"Did he forget to take his medicine?" I mouth at her silently and she mouths a "probably" in return.

After Reece calms down and whips imaginary tears away, he asks again, but this time in a gentler voice, "What is your answer?" For a second I glance at Kitty, who is giving me her version of puppy dog eyes and a pleading look.

I close my eyes for a second and when I open them again I answer, "Okay, fine."

"Yeah." Kitty jumps out of joy and gives me an unexpected hug. I pat her back awkwardly. I'm not a fan of too much affection and normally I don't embrace people I just met. But there is a first time for everything.

"Good, then let's go. I'm already late, because of you," Reece announces like the lovely person he is and walks away, not even making sure if we are following him.

After that we both make our way towards the sport field and I whisper towards Kitty. "Your brother can be such a diva." She snickers at my comment and I smile at her.

"I heard that," Reece says, turning around slightly and pointing his index finger at me warningly. But we laugh and I ignore him.

"I just transferred to this school a week ago." Kitty tells me as we sit on the grass at our schools sport field, watching Reece and his teammates playing soccer.

"It makes sense now, why I didn't see you around and thought you didn't go to our school." I tell her and she nods in understanding.

"Where did you go to school before?" I ask her curious after I take a big gulp of my water bottle. It is just too hot outside, and I already put my hair into a ponytail in order to cool down.

"I went to a girl's school, but hated it so much, that I bugged my parents to get me out of this school and after a while they gave in and let me go to your school," she laughs, taking a sip of her bottle as well.

"What about you?" she asks after a comfortable silence. "Did you always go to this school and what is your life like?" she asks me bluntly, but in a curious way. I want to laugh out loud and tell her, that I have the crazy life, with me being able to freeze time, but instead answer." I always went to this hell of school and I would say that I just live a normal life like everybody else here."

"Boring." Kitty tells me, but in a playful manner and she even nudges me into my side. I start to like this girl, she is unlike her brother a nice and funny person to be around. Maybe the first girl I consider being friends with.

"Watch out!" somebody suddenly shouts, and we look both up to see a soccer ball flying straight towards us. Immediately the two of us jump out of the way. The ball just lands a few feet behind us and shortly after, a boy with blonde hair rushes towards us and asks concerned, "Are you two okay?"

The boy has freckles on his face and I can't get the feeling away that I know him from somewhere. He looks familiar.

"Don't sweat about it, we are fine," Kitty answers, and the boy sighs in relief.

"Good, because I don't want to be the reason, why two beautiful girls got hurt," he tells us with a wink. But before one of us answer him, someone calls him by his surname and he says, "That is my clue to leave, ladies." The one who actually screams his name is Reece, who is now looking at our direction in annoyance.

"What was that about?" I question Kitty with a frown after the guy left and we are alone again.
She shrugs and steals another glance at him, before she answers, "No idea, but he is kind of cute."
I laugh at her comment, but stop when I take another glance at the boy, who is looking far too familiar.

It is like my brain suddenly solves the last piece of a puzzle. It is Eric. The guy who was a bully as a kid, brought Aiden and me together and is now going to my school.

Hey to everyone, who is reading this author note and not skipping past it. I hope you liked the chapter. What do you think about Eric and his appearance? Like it or not? Have a nice day!

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