TBATE; My Written Destiny

By Casperfghuut

1.9K 126 36

In this "The Beginning After The End" fanfiction, we delve into an alternate reality where Arthur Leywin arri... More

The Opening Ceremony
Chapter 3: Reunion
Chapter 4; a 'Nightmare'?
Chapter 5; Not my own.
Chapter 6; a Dream.

Proficiency Test

314 19 2
By Casperfghuut

"Arthur, wake up!" Elijah's voice pierced through my slumber as he tugged at my arm. "Mmm, what is it, Mom? Just five more minutes," I mumbled, half-asleep and disoriented. My plea was met with an unyielding tug from Elijah, resulting in an ungraceful tumble from my bed onto the cool wooden floor. The jolt was a clear message: no more sleep.

"I've been trying to get you up for the last twenty minutes! If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were dead! Hurry up, our first lesson starts in fifteen minutes! I swear, if you make me late on my first day of school, I'll kill you," he warned, his frustration evident.

As I picked myself up, I couldn't help but smirk at his irate expression. "I'd like to see you try," I retorted with a light chuckle, the tension between us dissolving into the morning air. We quickly got dressed, racing against the clock, and dashed off to our first lesson.

As we stepped into the classroom, we were immediately met by a woman with short black hair, who appeared to be in her forties. Without sparing us a glance, she gestured toward the front left seats. "If you plan on succeeding in this academy, arriving a mere half-minute before the bell does not bode well," she remarked, her voice flat and cold. We exchanged a look before nodding in acknowledgment and heading to our designated seats, trying to ignore the laughter coming from a group of boys to our right.

Settling into our seats, we turned our attention back to the front, where the woman stood with an air of authority that demanded respect, despite her lack of formal introduction. "Today's first lesson will begin with a magic proficiency test," she announced, her tone matter-of-fact. "This is designed to assess your current level and potential in magic." Her words hung in the air, underscoring the seriousness of the academy's curriculum and the expectations placed upon us.

The room buzzed with a mixture of excitement and nervous energy as students shifted in their seats, whispering among themselves. I glanced at Elijah, noting the determined set of his jaw. It was evident that, like me, he understood the importance of this test—not just for our academic standing, but for our future prospects within the academy.

The woman, who still hadn't offered her name, began to distribute materials for the test. "Your initial challenge today will be a dual casting test. Please pair up and don the mana-enhanced garments I've distributed. Once you're ready, stand together to indicate your partnership." Following her instructions, we awkwardly slipped into the mana-enhanced attire over our uniforms. The garments were snug, trapping warmth yet allowing enough flexibility for swift movements.

After a brief moment of shuffling and whispered discussions among classmates, the room settled into pairs, each duo standing side by side in a silent declaration of readiness. The woman's gaze swept across the room, finally pausing on a pair positioned a few rows behind us.

"You two, state your names," she commanded, her voice calm yet carrying an undeniable chill. Her eyes fixed on a boy and a girl who seemed to brace themselves under her scrutiny.

"My name is Rodo, Ms.," the boy responded, his voice steady. His hair was notably longer than the girl next to him', giving him a distinct appearance.

"Z-aya," the girl beside him mumbled almost inaudibly, her nervousness palpable even from a distance.

"Speak with confidence, Zaya. In magic, as in life, your voice is your strength," she advised, her tone softening ever so slightly, betraying a hint of warmth previously unseen, to the surprise of quite a lot of students in the room.

The woman's gaze shifted to two boys who had been part of the earlier laughter, now standing a row in front of us to our right. "You two, state your names," she commanded, her voice cutting through the murmurs of the classroom.

"Nicolas, Nicolas Dreyl," one of them responded, his voice dripping with confidence and a hint of arrogance. His emphasis on the surname 'Dreyl' suggested its significance, likely belonging to a notable or highborn family, a fact he seemed keen to broadcast. "And my friend here is called Rolph," he continued, slinging an arm around his companion, who merely scowled at the floor, radiating annoyance.

"Rolo and Zaya, Nicolas and Rolph, come forward and prepare for your duel," the woman instructed, unphased by the dynamics within the group.

"Here? Is this spot really suitable for a duel?" Rolo challenged, his tone laced with skepticism.

Without answering, the woman concentrated mana in her palms, executing a series of intricate hand movements. To everyone's astonishment, her actions unveiled a small battle arena that had been hidden in plain sight, eliciting wide-eyed reactions from the class.

"Illusion magic," she explained, her voice steady as she turned back to face the class. "The arena has always been here. Now, get into positions and wait for my signal to begin."

"Already? But we haven't had time to discuss any tactics or learn the rules. We barely know each other!" Rolo protested, his confusion evident.

The woman disregarded his protests, signaling the start of the duel with a swift gesture. "Begin!" she announced, her voice echoing authoritatively through the room.

As the duel commenced, the disparity in team synergy and combat experience quickly became apparent. Rodo and Zaya, still strangers to one another, struggled to find their rhythm. Their defensive strategy, while commendable in effort, was marred by their unfamiliarity. Rodo, attempting to harness his earth magic, erected barriers from the arena floor, but they were hastily constructed and lacked coordination with Zaya's water magic, which she wielded in an attempt to douse and deflect any incoming attacks.

Nicolas, on the other hand, showcased his fire magic with a flamboyant flair, each spell cast with a precision that spoke of his confidence and training. His arrogance was palpable, a smirk playing on his lips as he launched a barrage of fiery projectiles at their opponents. Rolph, despite his evident annoyance with Nicolas's showboating, complemented his partner's aggression with earth magic that was both strategic and forceful. He manipulated the ground beneath Rodo and Zaya, disrupting their footing and forcing them into vulnerable positions.

The arena echoed with the clash of elements, but the battle's outcome seemed predetermined. Nicolas and Rolph's attacks were relentless, their synergy, born of a clear understanding of each other's strengths and tactics, overwhelming Rodo and Zaya's defensive efforts. Zaya's attempts to counter with water magic were quickly evaporated by Nicolas's intense flames, while Rolo's earth barriers crumbled under the combined assault of fire and earth.

The one-sided battle lasted scarcely a minute before Rodo and Zaya found themselves cornered, unable to mount any effective offense. Their final defenses shattered under a particularly powerful spell from Nicolas, coupled with Rolph's earth magic that got interrupted by the teacher's wind magic.The duel ended with Rodo and Zaya defeated, their expressions a mix of frustration and resignation.

The initial battle left me bewildered. With no guidance and a stark gap in experience between the pairings, I couldn't help but question the fairness of such a test in assessing our abilities. Beside me, Elijah's face mirrored anxiety.

"The battle has concluded. Congratulations, Nicolas and Rolph," the instructor announced, her voice devoid of warmth. "Rolo and Zaya, don't take the loss too hard. I am well aware of your lack of experience fighting alongside each other. You will all receive your rankings and detailed critiques tomorrow. However, I've already made my decisions on your ranking for this class, so I see no point in making you wait."

"Zaya, D-Rank." The girl's gaze dropped to the floor, her disappointment palpable yet unsurprising.

"Rolo, C-Rank." The boy's expression remained stoic, betraying no emotion.

"Rolph, C-Rank." "What?!" His voice was tinged with frustration. "We've dominated them. How can you place me in the same ra—"

"Nicolas, B-Tier," she interjected, cutting him off. Nicolas's frustration was visible, yet he maintained his composure, unlike Rolph.

"Miss, it seems you've unfairly judged our abilities. We demand another duel, as those nobodies didn't allow us to fully showcase our skills," Nicolas stated, his tone calm yet manipulative.

The professor's annoyance at his audacity was evident, yet, to my surprise, she acquiesced. Her gaze swept the room, not randomly, but in search of a specific pair. Finally, her eyes settled on us. "You two, get ready."

"Excuse me, miss, but to truly demonstrate our capabilities, we require a real challenge. I'm afraid another set of nobodies won't suffice," Nicolas arrogantly remarked.

The professor sent a glare towards Nicolas, while releasing an intimidating intent, swiftly erasing Nicolas's smug expression. "How about we gently silence those two?" I whispered to Elijah.

"Just make sure to leave some fun for me as well," he replied, a grin spreading across his face.

As we faced Nicolas and Rolph in the makeshift arena, the tension was palpable. Elijah and I exchanged a quick glare with our opponents, witnessing an overconfident look on their faces. Despite the anticipation building within me, I decided to hold back initially, allowing Elijah to lead our offensive.

Elijah wasted no time. His connection to the earth was profound, and in an instant, he manipulated the ground beneath our opponents' feet. With a swift motion, he conjured a series of jagged earth spikes aimed directly at Nicolas and Rolph. It was a startling display of power, one that demanded immediate reaction.

Nicolas, with his affinity for fire magic, reacted almost instinctively. He unleashed a burst of flame, aiming to incinerate the spikes before they could reach him. His focus was entirely on the imminent threat, leaving him oblivious to my next move.

I limited myself to wind magic, not wanting to showcase my true abilities yet. My affinity for the element allowed me to sense the flow of the air around us, and with precise control, I channeled a gust of concentrated wind. The force was not meant to attack but to disarm, catching Nicolas and Rolph off guard.

The wind, amplified by my focus, swept under Nicolas's flames, redirecting them back towards him and Rolph. The sudden reversal left no time for evasion. The flames, once their weapon, became their undoing, engulfing them in a brief, intense firestorm. Rolph attempted to counter with his earth magic, trying to create a barrier, but the combined force of redirected fire and the relentless wind was too much, too fast.

The duel lasted barely ten seconds. Nicolas and Rolph, overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of their own offensive, conceded a rather embarrassing defeat. The abrupt end to the battle left the onlookers in stunned silence, quickly followed by an eruption of cheers and applause.

After our swift victory, I caught the professor's gaze. For the first time, she offered a nod accompanied by a small, warm smile—a stark contrast to her usual demeanor. "Congratulations, Arthur and Elijah," she said, her voice carrying an unexpected warmth that faded as she turned her attention to Nicolas and Rolph. "I hope this duel has provided us a clearer understanding of your abilities," she continued, her tone cooling once more, eliciting laughter from the class.

Nicolas, visibly embarrassed by the outcome and the class's reaction, attempted to muster an intimidating glare towards his peers. However, his effort only fueled the laughter, further deepening his embarrassment.

"Arthur, A-Tier. Elijah, B-Tier," announced Professor Divina, giving our efforts a tangible value. "Like the others, you will receive your advice and critique tomorrow."

"Thank you, Miss—" I began.

"Divina," she interjected.

"Thank you, Mrs. Divina," I replied, a small grin breaking across my face in acknowledgment of her finally sharing her name.

As the class concluded, we underwent two additional tests, with outcomes not straying far from our initial performance. With the day's challenges behind us, Elijah and I traversed the academy's hallways, the anticipation of returning to our lodge mingling with the day's accomplishments.

"Hey, Arthur, do you know what these rankings actually mean?" Elijah's question caught me off guard, his tone betraying genuine curiosity.

I stared at him, perplexed. "You don't know? Tess explained everything during the opening ceremony. Weren't you listening?"

The confusion on his face deepened, far bigger than my own surprise. "Did you just call the council—" His words trailed off as I quickly realized my slip, hastily diving into an explanation to cover my gaffe.

"The rankings," I began, steering the conversation back on track, "determine our classes and the level of instruction we receive. They're designed to match us with peers and challenges that correspond to our abilities, ensuring that everyone progresses at a pace suited to their current skills."

Elijah didn't question my slip about Tess's nickname again, as we walked back towards our lodge.

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