Worse Than A Demon? (Sasori x...

Por sasori_alive

521 28 6

In the midst of the Fourth Great Ninja War, Sasori of the Red Sand met his demise in a battle against Kankurō... Más

Chapter 1 Transportation
Chapter 2 An Informative And Useful Crybaby
Chapter 3 The Scarlet Ore
Chapter 4 Mitsuri is F**king pissed
Chapter 5 Hashira Meeting
Chapter 7 New disciple
Chapter 8 First Misson
Chapter 9 A Senior Threat
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 No Breaks For Perfection
Chapter 12 The Plot Thickens
Chapter 13 Mount Natagumo
Chapter 14 We Finally Meet

Chapter 6 Puppet-making

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Por sasori_alive

Sasori soared gracefully over the rooftops, his keen senses attuned to the familiar chakra signature of Ayumi. However, amidst the usual hustle and bustle of the village, he detected a subtle disturbance in the chakra flow. It was like a discordant note in an otherwise harmonious melody.

His instincts on high alert, Sasori came to an abrupt halt atop a nearby rooftop, his piercing gaze fixated on a darkened alley below. There, obscured by shadows, two figures engaged in hushed conversation, their voices barely audible above the din of the night.

Curiosity piqued, Sasori narrowed his eyes, focusing his chakra-enhanced senses to eavesdrop on their exchange.

"What do we do now? That brat killed the boss and the others," one of the men asked the other.

Sasori used chakra on his feet to walk down the building's wall silently, blending into the shadows. He observed the two men, both wearing Hyottoko masks like the other villagers.

"Okay, let's change the original plan. I'll sneak into the Chief's house and hold him hostage. you go and find the kids while I make the villagers kill the brat for their Chief. And when the villagers kill him, I'll steal everything valuable from the Chief and split it evenly with the kids if we can find them," the other man proposed.

"Good idea. you will sneak in at the dead of night and take him to the cave we found, while I go and see if the kids are safe." the first man agreed.

"Good plan, but how will you sneak in?" Sasori interjected. "We'll just break the window to his room and kidnap him," one of the men said confidently. Both men looked at each other, it took them a moment to realize that someone was eavesdropping on their conversation.

They looked up, searching for the source of the voice. They spotted the red-haired boy, who had killed the other bandits, walking down the wall. They seemed about to scream, but Sasori swiftly incapacitated them, rendering them unconscious. 'Sorry Ayumi, it seems something more important came up,' Sasori said as he picked up the two men. He jumped over the roofs to the workshop he was given by the Chief.

-Several moments later-

Ren opened his eyes, finding himself in a dimly lit room. The feeble glow of a light bulb revealed the confines of their captivity. Riku, bound to a chair beside him, stirred as well. The air felt tense, and their hearts raced with uncertainty.

"What's going on?" Riku's voice trembled with anxiety as he scanned their surroundings, his nerves on edge. Ren opened his mouth to reply, but before he could utter a word, the floor emitted a sinister creak, signaling an impending arrival.

From the darkness emerged the red-haired figure, the very one who had single-handedly ended the lives of all their comrades. His presence cast a pall of dread over the room.

"It seems you two have woken up," the boy remarked, his voice cutting through the silence like a blade. His gaze bore into Riku and Ren, as though he could see right through their facade.

Riku, summoning all his courage, attempted to mask his fear with bravado. "What do you want? We are just innocent villagers," he declared defiantly, though his voice betrayed him.

The boy's skepticism was palpable. "Did I hit you too hard, or did you forget I was listening to your plan?" he inquired. Riku's anxiety intensified. "Now tell me where you got those Hyottoko masks from?"

Attempting to deflect suspicion, Ren jumped in, "We just bought them from a shop."

The boy stood with an unwavering demeanor, his gaze like ice piercing through the darkness, settling upon Ren with an unsettling intensity. "Don't try to lie. I can tell when someone's trying to deceive me," he stated with a chilling calmness, his voice resonating with an eerie certainty that sent a shiver down Ren's spine.

With a slow, deliberate movement, he revealed a hacksaw, its gleaming blade catching the dim light in the room, sending shivers down Ren's spine.

There was a palpable tension in the air as Ren swallowed nervously, realizing that any attempt to deceive this boy would likely be futile. The silence hung heavy, broken only by the faint sound of the hacksaw's blade as it glinted menacingly in the dim light, a silent reminder of the consequences of falsehoods in the presence of such a perceptive adversary.

"Kid, put that down. You don't want to accidentally cut yourself, do you?"Ren advised, hoping to appeal to reason. Meanwhile, Riku wrestled with haunting memories of his father's gruesome past.

"Then talk, or I'll have to skin it out of you. literally," the boy threatened. looking at Ren as the light reflected off the hacksaw. But Ren did not say anything. "Keeping your mouth shut, I see; maybe your friend is a bit more talkative," the boy said as he brought the hacksaw closer to Riku's face. But Riku flinched away as a memory of his father appeared – his hair and face stained in blood and a bloody hacksaw in his hand as a woman lay dead.

"Fine, I'll talk!" Ren said. "Good, why don't you start on how you got those masks?" the boy asked.


"Brother, winter is still far away; why do we need firewood now?" A man wearing a Hyottoko mask asked another much taller man with a Hyottoko mask. "You can never be more prepared, brother, that's why," the man said. Neither of them noticed that they were being watched.

"Okay, Takashi, go deal with them," a man wearing a yellow neckerchief said to a short-looking man. "Okay, boss," the short man, now known as Takashi, said, sneaking up on the two brothers.

*Bonk* *Bonk*

"Okay, I got them!" Takashi said. "Don't scream," the boss said. "Sorry, Kazuki," Takashi said. "I told you, call me Boss," Kazuki said. "What do we do with them now, boss?" Ren asked. "You and Riku will disguise yourselves as these two and sneak into the village," Kazuki said. "Why don't we just charge in like usual?" a burly-looking man asked.

"Because, Akihiko, those villagers carry around swords and hammers like they are some sort of accessory. If we charge in like usual, we'll probably get overwhelmed," Kazuki said. "Okay, but why do me and Riku need to sneak into the village?" Ren asked. "Well, the rest of us cause a distraction; you two will go and kidnap the chief of the village," Kazuki said. "You're a genius boss!" Akihiko said, stars in his eyes. "Of course I am," Kazuki replied arrogantly, his demeanor oozing with confidence as he basked in Akihiko's admiration, his ego swelling with each word of praise.

-Flashback end-

"That's where me and Riku got the masks," Ren said. "And why did you two fail at kidnapping the chief?" the boy demanded. Ren said nothing, which seemed to annoy the boy. He flicked his finger, and one of Ren's fingers broke. The pain made him scream. "Ren!" Riku snapped out of whatever trance he was in. "You little brat! I'm going to kill you!" Riku said, now angered.

"You can certainly try, but you will get the same result as the other bandits got," the boy said as he put the hacksaw closer to Riku's face, giving him a small cut on his cheek, which seemed to scare him again. "Okay! I'll tell you!" Ren said, recovering from the pain.

"When the others began the distraction, the chief immediately went to the gate, and we lost him," Ren said.

"What happened to the two you took the masks from?" He asked. "We killed them," Ren said a bit hastily.

The boy just gave him a small smile as he went in front of him and swiftly punched him in the face, making blood spew out and a couple of teeth fall out as well. "Ren!" Riku screamed, worried for his friend. The boy grabbed Ren's face and pulled it in front of his own.

"I told you don't lie to me. Now where are these two?" The boy demanded in a cold tone. Ren just gave him a sly smile "Oh, go fuck yourself," He said and spat blood onto the boy's face, covering him in blood.

The boy recoiled, a mixture of shock and fury contorting his features as he wiped the blood from his face with a disgusted grimace. "Brat," he seethed, his voice low and dangerous, a promise of retribution lingering in the air.

"You don't seem to want to talk, but I can make your friend talk," the boy said as he made them face each other. and then he began to beat on Ren, "Wait! Don't please!" Riku screamed as he watched his friend being beaten to a pulp.

-Several moments later-

The room reeked of desperation as Ren, a battered and bloodied figure, his head facing down at the floor. Riku's tear-streaked face mirrored the anguish of the unfolding nightmare. The boy, seemingly unfazed by the carnage he wrought, casually wiped the blood off his hands and face.

"I thought you would talk, but it seems you're cold-hearted," the boy remarked, his words devoid of empathy. "You're a monster!" Riku said, anger in his voice. The boy just smiled as he grabbed the hacksaw he dropped and went close to Riku.

"Maybe you care more about your skin than your friend," he taunted, positioning the hacksaw perilously close to Riku's arm. The threat of impending pain hung heavy in the air. The boy, relentless in his pursuit of information, issued a final ultimatum. "Last chance. Where are the villagers?"

"I'll never tell you," Riku said as the hacksaw made contact with his arm, a gut-wrenching scream escaped his lips. , his arm was being cut by the boy, who seemed to go slowly to make the pain last longer.

"Stop! I'll tell you," Ren's weakened voice interjected, "Ren, don't! I can handle-" In a cruel twist, the boy, devoid of mercy, struck Riku unconscious. The abrupt silence that followed was punctuated only by the ragged breaths of the battered captives. The boy is now revealed as a monstrous interrogator.

"Do tell me," the monster said. "They are in a cave to the south of the village," Ren said as the monster disappeared in the blink of an eye only leaving a rock in his place as Ren fainted from the pain and blood loss.

Sasori effortlessly traversed the forest, swiftly moving towards the direction of the cave. Suddenly, he sensed a distinct chakra signature emanating from the cave. Reacting quickly, Sasori changed course and extended his chakra strings, seizing the source of the chakra.

A startled voice rang out, and Sasori found himself face-to-face with a girl holding a baby. "Hey, what the...?" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise and fear.

Maintaining a calm demeanor, Sasori inquired about her presence in the forest. "Who are you? Are you with the bandits?" the girl asked, her voice tinged with anxiety.

"No, I'm not with the bandits. I'm the one who took care of them," Sasori reassured her. Despite his words, the girl's eyes remained cautious, though a hint of gratitude and worry? seemed to emerge.

"Are you from the village?" she questioned. Sasori nodded, "Yes, I am. I can take you there, but first, I need to check something in this cave." He resumed his journey towards the cave, still lifting the girl above the ground with his chakra string making sure the girl wouldn't be left behind.

"Are you going to save the two men in there?" she inquired, her concern evident as she thought of the two men trapped within the cave's depths.

Sasori regarded her with a calculating gaze. "Do you know where the cave is?" he questioned in return, his tone betraying neither warmth nor hostility.

"Yeah, those mean, bandits, captured us there," she explained, her voice tinged with a mix of fear and relief as she recounted her ordeal. "They wanted to sell me and Sota to someone, but Mister Ren and Riku said they would help me escape."

Sasori noted that she was likely the person the two bandits were referring to, most likely the reason he had to force them to tell him.

Arriving at the well-hidden cave, Sasori entered to find the two villagers tied up. The girl asked about their well-being, to which Sasori responded, "They're alive, but barely. I need to take them back to the village." Lifting the injured men, he began running back through the forest.


"So they were more bandits? What did you do to them?" The medical Kakushi asked. "I had to use some force on them to get the location of the cave. One is already dead, and the other one will be joining the rest of the bandits," Sasori said. "I kinda feel bad for those two," the medical Kakushi commented, referring to the two bandits Sasori had tortured.

"They were going to kill your chief. The only reason they wanted to help the kids was because of some morals," Sasori remarked. "Well, anyway, the villagers will be up and ready in the morning," the medical Kakushi stated. "And what do we do with the kids?" The medical Kakushi tilted his head towards the sleeping children. "That is your responsibility. Now I will be heading out," Sasori said. The Kakushi was about to say something, but Sasori just disappeared.

"I should clean up the mess in the workshop," Sasori said to himself as he traveled to the workshop and began to clean up.

-The next morning-

knock knock

Sasori slid the bamboo door open. It was Kozo at his door. "Good morning, Mister Sasori. I came to inform you that your workshop is ready for use," Kozo said. "Thank you, Kozo," Sasori said as he began to go toward the workshop. "Mister Sasori, have you eaten yet?" Kozo asked. "I don't need to eat," Sasori answered. "You really should eat; you must be—" Kozo was cut off as Sasori disappeared into a log of wood "When the hell could slayers do that?!" Kozo said to himself.


Sasori's eyes glinted with a cold determination as he prepared to make his puppets. He retrieved two scrolls from his belongings and carefully laid them on the table. The first scroll, when opened, summoned the lifeless body of a bandit he had dispatched earlier, the very one whose neck he had snapped. The air thickened with the scent of death as the macabre display unfolded.

Unfazed, Sasori delved into the folds of his Akatsuki cloak, producing a gleaming butcher's knife. With a swift, practiced motion, he severed the bandit's hand, allowing blood to spill onto the table. The second scroll, a creation of Sasori's own making, bore the ominous label 'Blood Draining Seal.' He pressed the amputated hand onto the scroll's surface, and as he infused it with his chakra, the blood started to drain away, absorbed by the mystical seal.

The efficiency of his method spoke volumes about Sasori's expertise in both puppetry and forbidden jutsu. The gruesome process would have been far messier if not for the meticulous planning and craftsmanship behind the Blood Draining Seal. Sasori continued his work with an air of silent intensity, driven by his unwavering commitment to perfecting his craft.

As Sasori continued his craft, a knock came from the one and only window. Sasori went slowly to the window and opened it.

It was the crow that had landed on Sasori's head during the final selection. "What are you doing?" the crow asked. Sasori wasn't too shocked at the fact that the crow was speaking; after all, he was in the same organization as Itachi Uchiha.

"Nothing you need to know," Sasori said. "Don't be rude. And don't be so secretive. We will be working together from now on, so come on, tell me!" the crow insisted. "If we will be working together, you will eventually see," Sasori replied as he closed the window. "Okay, fine, be secretive, but I'll still be here if you want to talk!" the crow exclaimed.

-five days later with Shinobu-

Shinobu was looking everywhere for the man whom she basically told one of her biggest secrets, who had been missing for a couple of days. "For all I know, that man's going around the village and telling everyone," Shinobu muttered to herself. "What am I saying? he was too nice just to go around telling secrets. I'm going to go find Kozo and ask him," she continued, talking to herself.

"You brat, I'm going to kill you!" The voice of Kozo could be heard only a couple of buildings away from Shinobu as she went and found Kozo at the front of the gate. He was screaming at a boy who was wearing a boar head.

"Hello, Kozo. What's the reason for you to scream at a boy with no sense of fashion?" Shinobu asked. "Anyway, I've got an important question for you," Shinobu said. "What is it, Madam Shinobu?" Kozo asked. "Do you know where that red-headed man is?" Shinobu asked.

"Oh, yes. He's in his workshop. Why?" Kozo said. "Just want to talk to him. And where is this workshop?" Shinobu asked. "It's in the woods right over there," Kozo said, pointing to the forest. "Thank you," Shinobu said. "No problem. And could you tell him the chief wants to see him?" Kozo added.

Shinobu went in the direction where Kozo pointed. As she walked into the forest, she saw a cabin that must be the workshop. She knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer.

The door slightly opened, only revealing Sasori's figure. "Is there anything I can do for you, Miss Kocho?" Sasori asked.

"I just want to talk to you about what I originally wanted to talk to you about," Shinobu said. "I'm quite busy at this moment; we can discuss this later," Sasori replied as he began to shut the door. "Also, the chief wants to see you," Shinobu added, making Sasori open the door fully.

There were several puppets lined on the walls of the workshop, and another puppet was on the work table. "So you were making puppets for five days?" Shinobu asked. "Yes, and I must be heading off to meet the chief," Sasori said, walking out of the workshop and shutting the door, locking it.

Sasori was walking back to the village, with Shinobu next to him. "So you like making puppets?" Shinobu asked, trying to make small talk.

"Yes," Sasori replied. "Are you planning on giving them to an orphanage or something like that?" Shinobu inquired. "No," Sasori said.

"Well, they are quite big. How would you carry them around?" Shinobu asked. "I'll be heading out to the chief now," Sasori said as he disappeared as a rock took his place. leaving Shinobu alone and shocked.

She didn't say anything but when she did speak she could only say "Okay what the Fuck was that? ," Shinobu said to herself.

Sasori quickly found the chakra signature of the chief and knocked on the door to the building. "Come in," the voice of the chief called out.

Sasori entered the room where the chief was seated in the middle, with two other men to his left and right. The man to the right was holding something covered in a cloth.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Sasori asked.

"I told you to call me Tecchin. And yes, I wanted to speak to you about your sword," Tecchin said.

"What about it, Mister Tecchin?" Sasori inquired.

"I have finished your sword," Tecchin replied, nodding to the man on the right. He removed the cloth, revealing a sword that left Sasori without words. It was evident that the man in front of him was the best blacksmith Sasori had ever met.

The man extended the sword towards Sasori, a gesture of gratitude and respect. "I added a bit more to your sword as a thank you for protecting the village," Tecchin said, his voice tinged with appreciation.

"Thank you," Sasori replied earnestly, his gaze meeting Tecchin's with a silent understanding.

Sasori pulled the sword out of its red sheath. The sword gleamed in the ambient light, casting an ethereal glow that hinted at both its strength and artistry. Sasori, with his usual stoic expression, observed the sword with a keen eye.

"Sasori, behold your new companion," Tecchin began, gesturing toward the Katana. "This Katana is not just a weapon; it's an embodiment of centuries of tradition, a legacy reborn in a modern era."

Starting with the blade, Tecchin explained, "Crafted from 1045 crimson steel, this blade is not just a tool for battle; it's a testament to the delicate dance between precision and power."

Its razor-sharp edge speaks of countless hours of forging and polishing, a process that marries both destructive potential and artistic finesse.

Moving to the handle, Tecchin continued, "The hardwood handle, wrapped in PU white Samegawa and adorned with a red cord, offers both durability and a touch of luxury. It's not just a grip; it's a connection between the warrior and his weapon, a tactile reminder of the balance between strength and grace."

Tecchin then pointed to the Saya, "The scabbard, crafted from robust hardwood and coated in premium natural lacquer, serves as both protector and showcase. Its vibrant red hue, matching the Sageo cord, symbolizes the fiery spirit within. These are not just accessories; they are integral parts of a harmonious design."

Finally, Tecchin focused on the Tsuba, "Forged from sturdy crimson iron and coated in deep black, the Tsuba stands as a guardian, providing protection and balance. Its subtle elegance is a reminder that a weapon is an extension of the warrior's spirit, not just a mere tool."

As Tecchin concluded, "Sasori, this Katana is more than a weapon; it's a legacy, a manifestation of honor and respect. May it serve you faithfully and become an extension of your spirit."

Sasori, despite his reserved nature, nodded in acknowledgment, appreciating not just the craftsmanship but the deeper meaning embedded in the new Katana.

"I have a request for you if I may ask," Sasori said. "What would it be, Sasori?" Tecchin replied. "It's better if I show you," Sasori said as he pulled out a storage scroll and opened it. A puff of smoke appeared, and a puppet materialized.

"Is that a puppet?" Tecchin asked, sensing familiarity with it. "Chief, that's the bandit leader," the man to Tecchin's left whispered.

Wearing the yellow neckerchief of the bandit leader, the puppet stood silently. "It is not the bandit leader," Sasori lied, unsure of how Tecchin would react. "I just took inspiration from the bandits," Sasori continued.

"Oh, I see. And does it do something?" Tecchin asked. "It can do a lot of things," Sasori replied. "In fact," Sasori said, pointing to the man on the left, "throw this kunai at me." He handed the man a kunai, who hesitated. "Are you sure, Mr. Sasori? This is very sharp; it might cut you," the man asked anxiously. "Don't worry, just do it," Sasori reassured.

The man threw the kunai, and to everyone's surprise, the puppet caught it effortlessly. "What? How is it doing that?" the man exclaimed. "It's like Yoriichi Type Zero," Tecchin mumbled to himself. "It's my technique. I can control the puppet," Sasori explained as he manipulated the puppet to cut through the air. "It's truly an amazing ability. What exactly was the request you wanted from me?" Tecchin inquired.

"I need weapons for my puppets that can kill demons," Sasori stated. "Ah, I see. I could do that, but..." Tecchin hesitated.

"But?" Sasori inquired.

"I need you to do me a favor as well," Tecchin said. "As long as it's within my capabilities, I can do it," Sasori agreed. "I want you to take on a disciple," Tecchin requested.

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