My Poppy

By SamieKai

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Adeline's charmed existence unfolded seamlessly: prestigious schools, loving parents, an exceptional brother... More

Family Secrets
The Unknown
Bound by Duty
Marcus's Heart
Hidden Agendas

Dinner Discussions

2 0 0
By SamieKai

"Trevor and Tyler stood at a distance from the bustling crowd, observing the scene. Tyler's gaze was fixed on his nephew and soon-to-be sister-in-law. Marcus wore a wide grin, occasionally laughing at something Miss Thorne said. They had sampled several cakes, mostly indulging in the icing. Tyler couldn't help but notice her hearty appetite, confirming Theo's earlier remarks.

As a passing waiter carried a tray, Miss Thorne swiftly selected a flute of champagne and a glass of water. She offered the water to Marcus while she herself sipped the champagne.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Tyler whispered, both brothers watching her intently.

"She's quite adept at it," Trevor replied, impressed.

Their attention was soon diverted as Marcus pointed in their direction, pulling Miss Thorne along with him. As she drew closer, her features became clearer, and Trevor couldn't help but be struck by her beauty. Theo was indeed a lucky man.

"Hey, you must be Trevor," she said, reaching out to plant a kiss on his cheek, causing Trevor's eyebrows to shoot up in surprise. He knew Theo wouldn't be thrilled about that.

"Yeah, um... Theo's been searching everywhere for you," Trevor replied awkwardly.

"Has he now?" Miss Thorne scanned the room, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. Unaware that her tiara shimmered each time she moved, Trevor couldn't help but wonder if she would be able to handle Theo's quirks.

"Well, you guys are opening the dance," Tyler interjected, changing the subject.

Her head snapped towards him, eyebrows arching, while he scrutinized her every move. She nervously smoothed her hands over her dress.

"Lead the way," she said, reaching for Marcus's hand. As they walked, the crowd parted for them, revealing a scowling Theo. His attention was fixed on how tightly his son clutched Adeline's fingers. When his gaze shifted to Adeline herself, he noticed the faint blush on her cheeks, making her look charming.

"Will I see you again?" Marcus asked, looking up at her.

"Of course," she replied with a wide grin, pinching his cheeks playfully. "I won't rest until I see your cute face again."

The two brothers exchanged glances before Theo cleared his throat, and Marcus went over to Trevor.

"Shall we?" Theo asked, extending his hand towards Adeline.

"It's just a dance, nothing more," Adeline repeated to herself as she placed her small fingers in his large hand. "Loosen up, I don't bite," he reassured her as they took their place at the center of the dance floor.

A shiver ran down her spine as she looked past him, focusing on a point over his shoulder. The spotlight focused on them, the music began, and they swayed slowly to its rhythm. His arm was firm around her waist, his touch gentle. Despite his gaze fixed on her, she tried to maintain her composure.

He swallowed nervously, his hand moving further around her waist. He watched as she sucked in a breath and held it, her lips slightly parted. His smile hinted at a desire to kiss her, but he restrained himself for the moment, wondering how he could hold such a thought.

He may have done some research on her, surprised by how such a stunning woman had managed to avoid any gossip about her romantic life. Adeline was a mystery, shielded by her protective brother and friends. Theo was the first to break through that barrier, thanks to circumstances orchestrated by forces beyond his control.

"Do we really have to go through with all of this?" she asked, her voice quivering slightly. She quickly cleared her throat, attempting to mask her nerves.

"You don't want to dance with me?" Theo countered, his gaze piercing hers until she looked away, unable to meet his intense stare.

"I... well, that's not the point. What I'm trying to say is, everyone in the room knows this is a fake wedding, so why go through all this effort?" Her anger blazed in her eyes, momentarily stunning him. He hadn't expected such defiance from her.

"They don't know," Theo replied evenly.

"Oh..." Adeline's voice trailed off, her mind racing with questions and suspicions.

He couldn't reveal the true reason behind their charade. It ran much deeper than a mere pretense, almost as if he had been manipulated into this situation. Unconsciously, his grip on her had tightened until she lightly tapped his shoulder, bringing him back to reality. He noticed her flushed cheeks and realized that other guests had joined them on the dance floor.

Without a second thought, Theo released her and walked away, leaving Adeline standing alone, her eyes wide with shock as she watched his retreating figure. She knew there was more to his abrupt departure, and a surge of anger flushed her cheeks as she trudged after him, determined to confront him and uncover the truth, even if it meant following him through the labyrinthine halls of the venue.

As she watched Theo vanish behind the pillar, Adeline's heart raced with anticipation. Before she could act, a firm grip seized her elbow, pulling her forcefully into a nearby room. Panic surged through her veins as a hand clamped over her mouth, stifling any protest. She instinctively struggled, her mind racing with questions, wondering why Theo was acting so mysteriously.

"Don't. Make. A single sound," the voice commanded in a low, menacing tone. Adeline's eyes widened with fear as she nodded vigorously, her body trembling with adrenaline.

When the hand finally released her, she gasped for air, her pulse pounding in her ears. "Theo?" she whispered, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "What's going on?"

But instead of Theo, she found herself face to face with Dante, her brother's enigmatic friend. Confusion and fear mingled in her mind as she tried to make sense of the situation. "Dante?" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Why are you doing this?"

Dante's back remained turned to her as he rubbed his eyes wearily, his silence adding to the tension thickening the air. Adeline's heart hammered against her chest, a sense of dread creeping over her.

Before she could comprehend the situation fully, another voice echoed from the shadows, sending a chill down her spine. An old man emerged from the darkness, his presence commanding and unsettling. Adeline's breath caught in her throat as she realized it was her grandfather, a figure she had long hoped to never encounter.

"There's a lot we need to discuss," he said cryptically, his gaze piercing through her like a dagger. Adeline's mind raced with fear and suspicion, every instinct urging her to flee from the room. But Dante stood between her and the door, blocking any chance of escape.

As she stared at Theo's grandfather's cold eyes, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had stumbled into something far more dangerous than she could have ever imagined. Desperate and terrified, she silently prayed for a way out of this nightmare.


I pleaded with Zack to take me home, feigning illness as an excuse. My makeup was smudged, my face blotchy from tears I couldn't hold back. I lied, telling him I had been sick in the restroom. With every step, the weight of the facade I was forced to maintain grew heavier. I managed to endure the cake-cutting ceremony and the endless stream of well-wishers, plastering on a tight smile to mask my inner turmoil. But beneath the veneer of composure, my heart was gripped by fear and anxiety.

As we finally left the event, relief flooded through me, but it was short-lived. The facade had been exhausting, especially knowing the truth behind the smiles of those who celebrated with us. The betrayal burned like a searing flame in my chest, threatening to consume me.

Once home, I rushed to my room, seeking solace in the familiar confines. I changed into my hoodie and shorts, seeking comfort in the soft fabric. I locked the door, desperate to shut out the world and the lies that threatened to spill from my lips. I couldn't trust myself to keep silent, especially when it concerned the safety of my family.

Sinking onto my bed, I couldn't help but empathize with Mr. Ferro and his brothers, knowing the burden of harboring such a deceitful person in their family. The thought sent a shudder through me, but I pushed it aside, focusing instead on the task at hand. I would comply with his demands, sacrificing my own peace of mind to protect those I loved. It couldn't be that hard, could it? But deep down, I knew the weight of my decision would only grow heavier with each passing day.

Three days had passed, and the initial shock had started to subside, replaced by a newfound determination. As I stepped into reality, I felt a surge of energy coursing through my veins, as if I could conquer the world. Today was the perfect day to spend time with my girlfriends, to bask in their support and camaraderie.

With my arm linked with Lanie's on one side and Sheila on the other, we embarked on a mission to find the perfect wedding dress. Mr. Ferro had assured me that everything else would be taken care of, needing only my favorite colors and cake flavor. It sounded too good to be true, and indeed, it was Tyler Ferro who had made the arrangements.

Our destination was a bridal shop recommended by Trevor, which immediately set off alarm bells in my mind. The mischievous giggles exchanged between Lanie and Trevor only added to my suspicion.

The bridal shop was a vision in white, adorned with rows of elegant wedding dresses fit for princesses. I knew I would have a tough time choosing the perfect gown amidst such beauty. As I ran my fingers over the soft fabrics, a saleswoman approached, eager to assist.

I described my preferences: something soft, lightweight, and breathable, as I dreaded the thought of feeling hot and uncomfortable on my wedding day. The saleswoman nodded in understanding, and the fitting session began.

Dress after dress, I tried on various styles, from mermaid to open backs, but each one seemed to fall short of what I envisioned. The saleswoman's selections were indeed beautiful and comfortable, but they lacked that special spark, turning the fitting into more of a playful dress-up session than a serious search for the perfect wedding attire.

"Maybe you should try the color pink?" Lanie's voice echoed through the changing room walls, causing me to roll my eyes. Pink? Seriously? I had outgrown that color ages ago, back when Barbie dolls were still a thing.

Just then, three ladies burst into the room, each carrying a massive, puffy pink dress. My heart sank. It was like a nightmare come to life. But Lanie, ever the visionary, ignored the gaudy displays and headed straight for a solitary dress tucked away in a corner. Sheila and I followed her lead, suppressing our laughter. Lanie had a knack for finding hidden gems, even in the most unlikely places.

"I guess we just found the perfect dress," Sheila declared with a smile as we admired the elegant gown.

With my measurements taken, I led the group out to my car, affectionately named Dianna. I cherished every moment behind the wheel, the rich leather steering wheel a comforting presence in my hands. The car smelled of luxury and newness, with a hint of vanilla sponge that I had added for extra comfort. Vanilla was my weakness.

Lost in my thoughts, I was jolted back to reality by a knock on my window. Startled, I turned to see Trevor standing outside, a bemused expression on his face.

"Trevor?" I exclaimed, rolling down the window. "What are you doing here?"

"I can't visit my sister anytime I want?" he replied with a raised eyebrow.

I bit my lip, caught off guard by his unexpected appearance. "Well, when you put it like that... We were just about to grab lunch. Care to join us?"

"I would love to," he said with a grin, grabbing a helmet from his nearby sports bike.

The sleek black sports bike Trevor rode was a sight to behold, its powerful engine purring beneath him as he revved it up. With a swift twist of the throttle, he shot ahead of us, effortlessly weaving through traffic with the grace of a seasoned rider.

In just fifteen minutes, we arrived at our destination and settled into our seats, anticipation building as we awaited our feast. Trevor's quick wit and infectious laughter filled the air, easing any lingering tension and setting the stage for a lively meal.

"As much as I love the thrill of riding, I'm definitely ready for some food," Trevor declared with a grin as we perused the menu.

"Food," I exclaimed eagerly once I saw the three waiters approaching our table, signaling the start of our indulgent meal. We had ordered quite a spread-lots of chicken wings, drumsticks, fries, ice cream, and pizza.

Trevor laughed at my enthusiasm, while Lanie wasted no time diving into her ice cream, and Sheila savored her spicy chicken.

"You guys ever go clubbing?" Trevor suddenly asked, breaking the conversation.

The three of us shared a glance before I replied, "Not often, but we've been known to hit the dance floor from time to time," I said.

"You're a good fighter by the way,"

A flush of embarrassment at the mention of the infamous fight video.

"I don't know what you speak of," I but into the chicken wing, avoiding his gaze.

"Oh, no problem. The clip made quite the impression on me," Trevor replied with a smirk.

"What clip?" Sheila asked, looking puzzled.

"Remember the fight?" I said, as the two nodded in recognition. "Someone posted it online."

They laughed, and I felt a twinge of embarrassment at the memory of the heated exchange. But to my relief, they didn't dwell on it, allowing us to enjoy our meal in peace.

Once we had cleared our plates, Trevor caught my eye and asked, "Could you guys excuse us for a second?"

I glanced up as Lanie and Sheila walked away, offering me encouraging smiles. We sat in silence for a moment, my curiosity piqued as I watched the two figures through the glass window, wondering what Trevor had in store.

"How are you feeling now?" Trevor's voice broke through the din of the bustling restaurant, his gaze probing as he studied me intently.

"Do I look like I'm on death's door or something?" I quipped, attempting to mask the turmoil brewing within me as I reached for my smoothie.

"No, but you weren't quite yourself at the party," he observed, his eyes locking with mine in a silent exchange that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Seems like you've become an expert on reading me now," I retorted, keeping my gaze firm and unyielding despite the storm of emotions raging inside me.

"Well, since you're soon to be part of the family, I thought it might be prudent to share some insights with you," Trevor continued, his words sending my heart into a frenzied dance within my chest.

I folded my arms defensively, a sense of weariness settling over me as I braced myself for whatever bombshell he was about to drop.

"Firstly, don't believe everything you read online," Trevor began, his tone grave yet earnest.

"Heard that one before," I muttered under my breath, my skepticism evident even as I feigned indifference.

"My brother isn't the man the tabloids paint him to be," Trevor insisted, his eyes burning with conviction. "And there's someone you need to steer clear of-our grandfather, Felix."

I arched an eyebrow in surprise, my mind racing to process this unexpected revelation. "Why? What's his deal?"

"He's been gunning for control of the family business ever since my father took the reins," Trevor explained, his words heavy with the weight of years of family strife. "He'll stop at nothing to achieve his ambitions, even if it means manipulating his own kin. You need to be cautious around him."

"And why are you telling me all this?" I demanded, my voice tinged with a mixture of suspicion and defiance.

"I don't need to justify myself to you," Trevor replied coolly, reclining back in his chair. "Consider it a friendly warning."

"Thanks for the heads up," I muttered sarcastically, but deep down, I knew it was already too late to heed his advice.


"Everything okay?" Lanie's voice broke through the tension, her hands gently settling on my shoulders as she peered at me with concern. "You guys looked pretty tense through the window."

"Yeah, we're good," I replied, forcing a smile despite the turmoil swirling inside me.

But deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling that things were far from fine.

🌼 Thank you for reading "My Poppy"! Your support means the world. Don't forget to vote and add it to your library for updates on Adeline's journey and her blossoming relationship with Theodore. Stay tuned for more chapters and surprises! 📖✨ #MyPoppy #Wattpad #NewChapter

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