Family Secrets

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Eagerly awake at dawn, I couldn't wait to catch up with my brother before he headed to work. The house still echoed with the void left since his visit for my graduation two months ago. Alone with the servants, I sat at my study table, turning on the laptop moments before the call was initiated. A grin crept onto my face as he beat me to it, his messy blonde hair resembling my disheveled state.

"Hey Zack," I greeted, flashing a toothy grin.

"Hey baby sis," he yawned without bothering to cover his mouth, "Why the call?"

Ignoring his question, I observed the papers on his desk and a mug. "How are you holding up?"

"A lot of work, barely any rest," he confessed, a surprising hint of stubble breaking his usual clean-shaven routine.

"Serves you right," I laughed, settling into my seat, "When am I coming? It's boring here."

"Who are you talking to?" a voice interrupted from the background, and a handsome face appeared on the screen, silver strands dotting his beard.

"Daddy!!" I wanted to convey my frustration, pushing myself closer to the screen.

"You've changed," he sighed, prompting Zack to vacate his seat. "When are you coming over?"

"Whenever you're ready. It's dull here, and you missed my graduation," I folded my arms, unable to shake off the disappointment.

"That was two months ago, A, get over it," Zack yelled from behind.

"Dad showed me everything," he said, signaling seriousness, his eyes revealing sincerity.

"That doesn't make me feel better, Dad. You still weren't there," I retorted, folding my arms with a hint of a spoiled kid attitude.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise," he assured, but I rolled my eyes in response, "How are you, though?" Dad's sharp grey eyes sought answers.

"I'm fine, Dad," I replied, my voice dropping as I blinked away tears.

"Yeah, do you need anything?"

"She wants to come, Dad. Why not arrange that?" Zack suggested, leaning over the screen with a bowl of yogurt, "And clothes as well,"

"I don't look that bad, Zack," I retorted, flipping my hair, "I'm not the one who's failed to get in a relationship." The moment those words left my mouth, Zack dropped his bowl of yogurt, pointing at me with his spoon.

"You didn't just say that?"

"Well, I did. Come get me if you can." He glared through the screen for a second before an evil smirk settled on his face. I wondered what this clown could be thinking.

"Dad, remember that joint we found at the smoked joint by the pool..." He kept his eyes on me.

"Zack!" I slammed my hands onto my desk, but he just smiled.

"Yeah, that's like how many..."

"Adeline was 15, and it was her," he had his eyes on me, taunting me that my secret was out.

"Adeline? You did what?!" my dad's voice echoed loudly over the speaker.

"That's like 9 years ago! It was him who gave it to me, Dad, his friend Marcel brought it with him," I pointed at the screen, toward Zack.

"What?! Zack?" Dad turned to Zack, judging every part of our lives.

"What? She was curious," fear swirled in Zack's eyes as he confessed to giving his baby sister a joint.

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