Veiled Hearts

By SnehaSharma876

229 22 6

Aarya Sharma She is 19 year old, quiet and introverted, and in her first year of college. She works at a res... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

65 4 3
By SnehaSharma876

A/n: Jai Shree Ram friends. Here is my new story. I hope you like it. Please vote, comment and share

Aarya POV:

As the alarm rang loudly through the silence of my room, I groggily opened my eyes, barely making out the numbers on the clock. With a soft groan, I reached out, fumbling to turn off the alarm, whispering a promise to myself, "Just 10 more minutes, then I'll get up." Sinking back into the warmth of my bed, I allowed sleep to envelop me once more, the urgency of the day momentarily forgotten.

The next thing I heard was the shrill sound of my alarm, piercing through my dreams for the second time. This time, as my eyes snapped open and darted to the clock, a surge of adrenaline kicked in. Realizing I was now running late, panic replaced my previous grogginess. Today was not just any day; it was my first day of college, a new chapter I had been eagerly awaiting. The thought of making a bad impression by arriving late on my very first day propelled me out of bed. With no time to waste, I hurried to get ready, determined not to let my initial laziness tarnish the start of my college journey.

In a rush, I quickly brushed my teeth, changed into the first clothes I found, and grabbed my bag. I didn't even have time for breakfast. I ran out of the house, hoping I could still make it on time. The streets were busy, and I felt nervous and excited at the same time. Today was important, and I didn't want to start it off by being late.

Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself My name is Aarya and  I am shy and introvert. Today is my first day at college and I am studying Computer Science and Engineering. I landed a spot in a prestigious college where most students come from well-off backgrounds. The twist? I'm not a wealthy student—I earned a scholarship to be here. Currently, I'm living solo in a small apartment and working at a restaurant to cover my basic expenses and rent. As you already see I am not a morning person but I love night I can be awake all night but wake up early in the morning is very difficult.

I'm the girl who seems like she can handle anything, and in many ways, I do, but beneath that strong exterior, I'm fighting my own battles every day. You'll often see me with a smile, trying to spread joy among those around me, even though I seldom share my own troubles because I don't want to burden anyone else.

As I hurried towards the college, my heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and worry. Thoughts of walking into a classroom late, with everyone's eyes on me, made me quicken my pace. I reached the college gates just in time, taking a moment to catch my breath and calm my racing heart. With a quick glance at my watch, I realized I had just a few minutes to spare. Relieved, I walked through the campus, my eyes wide with curiosity and excitement, ready to embrace the new experiences that awaited me on my first day of college.

Stepping into the college building, I navigated through the corridors, searching for my first class. The hallways were bustling with students, some looking as lost as I felt. I finally found the right classroom and, to my relief, managed to slip before the lecturer. Finding an empty seat at the back, I quietly settled down, my heart still beating fast from the rush. As I took out my notebook and pen.

While I was pulling out my notebook and pen, getting ready for the class to start, a girl approached me. She seemed friendly and a bit hesitant as she asked, "Can I sit here, please?" I couldn't help but smile at her politeness, and I quickly said, "Sure," to welcome her. She smiled back and settled into the seat next to me, also taking out her notebook and pen to prepare for the lecture. After a brief moment, she turned to me , "Sorry, I completely forgot to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Pari," she said with a warm smile. I felt a connection instantly, glad to meet someone so open and friendly on my first day. "Nice to meet you, Pari. My name is Aarya," I replied. Our simple exchange felt like the beginning of a new friendship, making the new environment seem a bit more familiar and less daunting.

As the lecture began, Pari and I shared a few whispered comments about the topic, finding common ground in our interest and excitement for the subject. It was comforting to have someone to share this new experience with, especially someone who seemed as eager to learn as I was.

"Let's go to the café," Pari suggested after our class, and I agreed to go with her. When we arrived at the café, Pari looked at me and asked, "What do you want to eat?" Trying to hide my financial situation, I quickly responded, "Just a coffee for me. I had a heavy breakfast," even though that wasn't true. The truth was, I didn't have much money to spend on eating out. Since I had just started working at the restaurant, I hadn't received my first paycheck yet. Most of the money I had was set aside for rent, and because I woke up late this morning, I missed breakfast and didn't have time to pack a lunch either. I felt a bit awkward about my situation, but I didn't want to burden Pari or make her feel like she had to pay for me, so I decided it was easier to just say I wasn't hungry.

As Pari and I were enjoying our coffee and conversation, the atmosphere in the café suddenly changed. A group of boys walked in, and you could feel the vibe shift. I found myself looking over at them, picking up on the air of wealth and confidence they carried. Among them, one boy stood out to me. He had deep black eyes, a muscular build, and a sharp jawline that screamed 'handsome'. I couldn't help but keep glancing his way, intrigued by his presence, until Pari's voice brought me back to the moment.

"Do you know them?" she asked, noticing my distraction. She then filled me in on who they were. "These four boys have been friends since school. The one in the middle is Rudransh. He's the son of the college owner and heir to their family's multi-national companies. Very rich and quite famous." She pointed out each of his friends by name – Krish, Abhimanyu, and Veer – and shared a bit about their personalities. According to Pari, Rudransh had a reputation for being rude and arrogant, a trait somewhat shared by his friends, though to a lesser extent. However, she noted that Veer was the exception, known for being more approachable and lively compared to the rest.

Hearing about them, I was intrigued but also a bit wary, especially about Rudransh. His background and demeanor seemed worlds apart from mine, and while part of me was curious, another part was cautious, mindful of the differences in our worlds.

Despite the initial intrigue, I reminded myself to focus on my reasons for being at college: to learn and build a future for myself. Pari seemed to sense my shift in focus and steered our conversation back to topics related to our studies, our goals, and the various clubs and activities offered by the college. As we talked, I appreciated her ability to bring the conversation to where it mattered, grounding me in the reality of our shared purpose there.

The boys eventually left the café, and with their departure, the atmosphere relaxed back to its usual buzz of student chatter and laughter. Pari and I finished our coffee, and as we stood to leave, I felt a renewed sense of determination. Meeting someone like Pari on the first day had already made college life seem less daunting, and I was reminded that amidst the new faces and unexpected encounters, finding genuine connections could make all the difference.

Our steps took us back towards the heart of the campus, weaving through buildings filled with the energy of students embarking on their own journeys. Pari and I discussed our schedules, realizing we shared a few more classes together, which only added to my comfort. This unexpected companionship felt like a beacon of light in the overwhelming newness of college life.

As the day unfolded, we attended more lectures together, each class reinforcing our budding friendship. By the time the sun began to set. As Pari and I parted ways for the day, promising to meet up again tomorrow.

Entering the restaurant, I greeted the owner, a warm and lovely elderly lady. After exchanging pleasantries, I changed into my uniform, ready for my shift. While going about my tasks, I bumped into my friend Akshara. "Hey, Aaru, how was your first day?" she asked. With a smile, I replied, "Amazing," and we chatted while serving customers.

As the clock struck 10, our shift ended. Akshara and I bid farewell to the restaurant and its lingering aroma of food. With no autos available at this late hour, I embarked on the half-hour journey back to my apartment. Walking through the quiet streets, I reflected on the day, feeling a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. The night air was cool, and by the time I reached my small apartment.

Inside my apartment, I kicked off my shoes and sank into the modest comfort of my living space. The day's events played in my mind like a film reel, from the early morning rush to the camaraderie with Pari in the café, and finally, the busy but fulfilling hours at the restaurant.

Feeling the pangs of hunger, I hurriedly made my way into the kitchen. Since I hadn't eaten anything since morning, I decided on a simple dinner. I prepared roti and aloo ki sabzi, a quick and satisfying meal. As I sat down to eat, the warmth of the food filled not only my stomach but also my senses, providing a much-needed moment of relaxation after a day filled with new experiences and responsibilities.After finishing the meal, I washed the dishes.

The small apartment, with its simple furnishings, felt like a haven where I could unwind and reflect. I checked my phone and saw a message from Pari, expressing her excitement about the next day's classes. It brought a smile to my face, realizing that these newfound connections were becoming an essential part of my college experience.

As I prepared for bed, thoughts of the handsome yet enigmatic Rudransh from the cafe briefly crossed my mind. However, I quickly dismissed them, focusing instead on the tangible joys of the day – the laughter with Akshara, the satisfaction of earning my keep at the restaurant, and the anticipation of what the next chapter of college life held for me. With a grateful heart and a sense of accomplishment, I settled into a night's rest.

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