Hate me - Walker Scobell

By Slut4Dr4C0

97 3 0

First impressions are important. One wrong move and you'll wish you could start over. ( this is not anywhere... More

One - audition
Three - dinner
Four - vancouver
Five - nostalgia

Two - bittersweet

16 0 0
By Slut4Dr4C0

A few months have passed and Moms condition is getting much worse. She's been put on a ventilator majority of the time only taking it off to speak and I've been trying to visit as much as possible but with school and auditions I haven't had as much time as i wish i could have. I'm on my way to see her, sitting in the back of another uber this time coming straight from school. When the uber pulls into the carpark I thank the driver and let myself out turning to face the massive hospital building. I move quickly through the lobby trying not to catch the eye of any familiar doctors not needing to hear how sorry they are about my mothers condition and beeline it to the elevators. I press the up arrow and wait for an elevator to arrive, as I'm waiting I can hear gentle music playing over the speakers in the waiting room. The kind of music that's made to be calming but is actually one of the most infuriating sounds you'll ever hear. The elevator dings at its arrival and the door slides open, I step to one side allowing a young lady in a wheelchair out before stepping inside and selecting level four. The elevator jolts as it settles on the fourth floor, the doors opening to let me out. I step out onto the shiny white hospital floors, the beaming lights on the ceiling reflecting off it blindingly. I move my eyes to check each number on the doors I pass until I reach my Moms, slowly I turn the handle opening the door. I peek through to check if she's asleep and notice she's been propped up against a pillow, it's been very unusual for mom to be awake when I arrived let alone sitting up. I start to smile at the hope that she might hold out a bit longer and step into the room. "Hi momma," I speak tentatively as I walk towards her bedside and take hold of one of her hands. She smiles inside the oxygen mask and brings my hand up in hers to lean it against her face, cuddling into it with her cheek. I smile sadly at the state of her, it makes me anxious seeing the amount of wires and machines that are needed to keep her alive. I turn my body pulling a visitor's armchair closer to her bedside and take a seat leaning forwards to rest my head on the hospital bed next to her. Removing her hand from mine, mom lifts her palm to gently stroke my hair just enjoying bathing in each other's company. We stay positioned like this for a while as I talk to her without response, telling her how school and acting has been going and how Edwin's  finding his job. It's as my conversation dies down that my phone goes off in my bag. I sit up off mum's lap and check if it's Edwin but it's an unsaved number so I stand up, "I'll be one sec sorry." and quickly step outside to take the call. I answer it, "Hi, this is Vega speaking." "Hello Vega this is Rick, I believe you auditioned for my show a few months ago." "Oh yes I remember I met with your casting director Denise." I respond, nerves flooding my body in anticipation, "Yes well I wanted to let you know personally that you've got the role!" I almost screech in excitement but then remember where i am and somehow manage to contain myself, "Oh my goodness thank you so much. This means so much to me," I hear Rick chuckle on the other end of the line. "You are very welcome, well I best let you go and tell your family but we will be in touch about when the shooting starts. See you then." "Thank you, see you." I hear the call end and jump up and down in excitement, I've just got a role in a huge production with Disney plus. Even though it's a small one, every second of screen time counts. I turn and excitedly enter moms hospital room practically bouncing off the walls in joy, "Mom you'll never believe who just called me! Rick Riordan just offered me a role in his new series!!" I squeal running over to her bed and folding over her bed in a massive hug. I can feel her chest moving rapidly beneath me and stand up quickly worrying I've constricted her chest but when I meet her eyes I see tears sparkling as they trail down her cheeks. A frail hand reaches up to remove her oxygen mask and her voice is raspy from not being used, "I'm beyond proud of you Vega, I just pray I'll be alive to see it." After hearing the harsh reality I begin to feel tears brimming at the corner of my eyes and my vision blurs at the tears threatening to spill over. "You will be momma, I know you will be. You have to," I don't dare pull her into another hug in fear that I'll only make her feel worse. Instead I turn my face away from her as the tears start to fall and I get my bag together. Wiping my tears I put on a smile and say goodbye telling her that Edwin is here to pick me up. I exit the hospital in record time and fall against the outside of the building finally letting the tears stream down my face as reality settles in. Time must pass but I'm too caught up in my own head to notice Edwins car pull up and park or to hear him race around the car to be at my side. I feel his arms wrap around my shoulders as he slowly rocks my body bringing me out of my head, "Hey, hey, Vega what's wrong. Did something happen with Mom? I'm sure she'll be alright, she always pushes through you know that." I shake my head leaning into his neck as I start to cry harder, my whole body shaking as I wail into his shirt. Eventually I begin to tire and my cries reduce to quiet sobs, Edwin hooks an arm under me and hoists me up carrying my limp body over to his car. Somehow he manages to pull open the passenger side door and sets me down clipping me into my seatbelt. My brain feels numb as I watch the blur of city streets speed past the window, I feel stupid for getting that worked up and for letting Edwin see me that way. I hate him seeing me break down. I'm fourteen. I should be able to deal with stuff on my own by now, but no, I just had to go and cry into his shoulder like a baby. We get home and I go straight to my room stripping down to my underwear and slipping into bed. I wrap my blankets around myself like a cocoon and  soon I've fallen into a deep sleep exhausted from crying.

A couple of days after the incident at the hospital I receive an email about a meet up for the cast to come together and get to know each other before set is ready to start shooting. It's scheduled for this saturday which took me by surprise at the late notice considering it's a friday afternoon. I get out of bed and head down stairs, my bare feet padding against the carpet. I've just had a shower since I went on a run after school and my wet hair has soaked through the back of my pajama t-shirt. In the kitchen Edwin is cooking something in a pan on the stove for dinner and I take a deep breath through my nose, smells yum. "Hey Eddy, I have a thing tomorrow for the Percy series. Would you mind dropping me down?" Edwin turns his attention away from the pan and nods "yea sure thing what time?" I look down at my phone reading the email, "It says to meet around 5:50 for reservations at 6." Edwin nods again, "cool. Oh and dinner is almost done, can you get plates out?" He then turns back to the pan and continues to mix whatever's in the pan. I get out two plates and realize he's making meat for nachos spotting the chips he's gotten out on the bench so I open the bag and spread a layer of chips over each plate. "Thanks Veg" he says, spooning a dollop of meat onto each plate then adding guacamole and sour cream. "No. thank you, this looks scrummy." I take my plate and sit at one of the stools placing my plate in front of me on the kitchen island. Using a fork I load up nachos shoveling them into my mouth hungrily, I hum happily. "These are so good," "I know right, almost as good as moms." I smile remembering nacho nights with mom and how deliciously seasoned her food was. "We'll have to bring her some one time so she can compare it to her old one." I suggest finishing my plate and getting up to rinse it. I move around the kitchen, rinsing my plate and placing it into the dishwasher then saying thanks one last time before leaving the room and going back upstairs. I get into bed rereading the email checking over all the information one last time before I go to bed. I brush my teeth in the bathroom next door to my bedroom and blow dry my hair then tuck myself into bed and attempt to doze off. For some reason I can't get to sleep. My head is spinning with thoughts and anxiety about the dinner tomorrow so i open my phone and check the email for the other actors linked in. I read off each name searching them on instagram and having a quick stalk, Aryan seems so sweet and Leah is stunning. Walker seems a bit full of himself but maybe that's just how his humor is. Dior and Charlie seem fun but it's hard to tell from what actors post online considering most of it is monitored closely by a manager. I follow some of them and within minutes majority of them have followed me back. Maybe we're all anxiously doing the same thing to get a feel for what tomorrow is going to be like. With that thought in mind I let myself finally relax enough to fall asleep.

The next morning I woke up crazily energetic and mildly nervous despite having a whole day to kill before the dinner reservation. I open my phone and realize I slept in until 9:14 which is unusual for me except maybe it's because I stayed up so late worrying. I decided to go to the hospital to visit mom since I haven't been in a few days and she starts to get lonely if i don't visit often. I get out of bed and get dressed into low waisted wide leg jeans and a white lacy tank top that sits about an inch above the top of the jeans. I throw on a plain black zip up and grab my converse from next to my bedroom door, I make my way down the stairs and Edwin is nowhere to be seen but his car's still in the driveway so I just assume he's got the day off and is sleeping in. I pull my phone out of my back pocket and order an uber instead of waking him up and I grab an apple from the fruit bowl in the middle of the kitchen island taking a bite. It's a bit mushy but I eat the majority of it anyway trying to ignore the off putting texture. When I'm done I tie up my converse and yell up the stairs, "Ed I'm going to see mom. I'll be back after lunch-ish," then I walk towards the front door, retrieving my keys from the bowl on the table and swinging my handbag over my shoulder on the way out. I lock the door behind me and walk down the path to wait on the sidewalk. My phone pings and it's a text from Edwin "Have fun and lmk how much the uber costs i'll pay you back," I don't respond because a white car pulls into the street and stops next to the curb. The front window rolls down, "Did you order an uber?" "yep thanks," I open the rear door and sit down buckling myself in. The driver was a decently chatty lady, asking about school and why I'm headed to the hospital alone, mentioning how I look too young to be by myself. I explain the situation with my mum and how my dad was never really in the picture, then tell her about what subjects I take in school and how hard it's been juggling seeing mum and doing homework and just everything. We arrive at the hospital cutting our conversation short, "Tell your mom hi for me." the uber driver says as i open the back door, "will do. Thanks for the ride," I walk into the hospital, guiltily hoping mom isnt awake when i get there. Sometimes it's so hard to see her when she's awake, the amount of emotion on her face and her sorrowful eyes. I can tell she feels guilty for what she's putting me through.I try to tell her it's not her fault but she won't listen despite how many times i reassure her. The hospital feels especially empty today, so much so the ER receptionist has time to wave hello as I walk past into the elevator. I press the button for level four and step into the elevator.

It's always nice seeing mum after a long time, the nurses update me on her health and all the drama going on amongst their care unit. It's just fun getting to spend time with my mom even if she can't talk all that much. It makes me happy seeing her have a social life listening to the nurse's stories. I leave the hospital just before 12 and Edwin picks me up and takes me home for lunch, he doesn't like to linger at the hospital too long, only coming and going to pick me up or drop me off. He said he doesn't want to remember her as a dying frail little lady who's slowly sinking into a hospital bed. He wants to remember only the happy and healthy version of her even if it looks like he's an awful son. I get it. It's hard for me to see her like this too but I have to go and see her. It wouldn't be fair to just disappear on her after she's been there for me my whole life. When we arrive home Edwin cooks us each a grilled cheese for a light lunch since I have an expensive dinner out later and I don't want to ruin my appetite. I sit patiently at the kitchen island just chatting to Edwin as he cooks, "how's work been? Is Karl still being a pain?" Edwin chuckles lightly, his back facing me as he responds. "It's fine, nothing I want you worrying about anyway. Are you excited for dinner tonight?" I almost shiver with nerves just thinking about it, "excited and nervous. I don't know what to expect, like everyone there has had a proper main role in a movie before. They all know how this works already," "Veg i'm sure you'll be fine. They're just kids like you, just treat them the same as anyone else." I sigh knowing he's right although the fluttering in my stomach has yet to settle, "yeah you're right." Edwin sends me a cheeky grin over his shoulder, "I'm always right." Edwin takes the grilled cheeses off the heat and places them on two plates he cuts mine diagonally into two triangles and slides it across the bench to me. "Thanks," I pick up half and take a bite immediately regretting it as molten hot  cheese burns my tongue. I yelp, fanning my mouth and breathing in deeply to cool it down, Edwin laughs "what were you expecting its straight off the grill." I scowl at him then lift the grilled cheese back up to my mouth exaggerating blowing on it before taking a second bite, "its fine i don't know what you're talking about." I can barely taste the second bite after burning my tongue but I try to enjoy the meal anyway. When i finished Edwin took my plate for me and put it in the dishwasher with his, "when did you need to go to your dinner?" Edwin asks, leaning on one elbow against the island, "Uhm lemme check." I open my phone scrolling through my recent emails, I see a new one from Rick Riordan's team but ignore it for now, opening the older email. "5:50 but the reservation's at 6," "Cool. I think I'm gonna go over to Mark's place for a bit, will you be fine on your own for a bit?" I nod, "yep i'll be good." Edwin nods along now invested in his phone, probably letting Mark know he can come over. I hop down from the bar stool I was sitting on and slowly potter up the stairs whilst checking the most recent email from Rick's team.

Hey all,
Just wanted to confirm after some of you have asked. Yes! Parents are invited to accompany us to dinner tonight. However, this is not mandatory so don't feel any pressure to cancel plans to attend. This is all very last minute so I hope it has not caused any problems with your weekends and any prior commitments.
See you soon
Rick Riordan

Now this could be a problem. I stop in my tracks on the stairs to process what I've just read, he said 'after some of you asked' so multiple people want their parents there. What if I'm the only one without any parents there and then people will ask and I'll have to make an excuse as to why my parents aren't there. But I shouldn't have to lie that my mums in hospital but then what if they think less of me or pity me because my mum's dying or because my dad is out of the picture. I could take Edwin but he doesn't really like meeting new people, plus bringing my brother would also raise questions. He looks way too young to be my dad even though technically he could be a teen dad. I sigh as thoughts whirl around my head and continue to carry myself up the stairs to my room, I slouch into bed rereading the email. What am I supposed to do, surely not everyone will bring their parents.

I sit in bed doing admin, Evelyn has sent me tons of things to look into before the percy jackson shoot cuts me off from any other production for a decent amount of time. I'm trying to get my mind off the email but I can't stop thinking about it. I check my phone one final time and it's four thirty by now. I suppose I could start getting ready now, I get up and head to my closet looking through the dresses hung up but everything looks way too formal. I settled on a form fitted white mini dress with an oversized black bow at the back that's ribbons hang until around midcalf. Then I tossed some sheer black tights underneath and decided to wear my converse to dress it down a bit. I sit at my vanity and tightly coil my hair with my curling iron then carefully do it up into a messy bun type updo, checking with my phone camera that the back looks alright then move onto makeup. I do a full face considering it is a formal event but I don't go hard on eyeshadow trying to keep it generally natural besides a slightly unnatural rosy lip. Around twenty past five I'm finished getting ready and Edwin has been home for about half an hour so I pop downstairs to give him a heads up that we should be leaving soon then remember to grab a small sleek black purse and move all my essentials into it. I tie my converse at the bottom of the stairs and Edwin comes down pushing past me to slip on some random air forces. We head out to the car and I shiver slightly in the breeze, "are you sure you've got enough clothes on? You look freezing," I shake my head. "I'm fine, it'll be heated inside the restaurant." "Alright then but don't complain to me when you freeze your butt off," I scoff and open the passenger door climbing into the car next to Edwin. "Right where to?" I tell him the name of the restaurant and he starts the engine, reversing out of the driveway.

//author note//
Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes I wrote these first two in one day so I've literally just been writing all my ideas without spell checking too hard

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