Bitter tension

Da Theoslover0

3.2K 64 7

Thalia Stark or walker she goes by either was five years old when her mother died and she was forced to live... Altro

Act one
act two


189 4 1
Da Theoslover0

"Why do I need to leave" Asked Thalia "Because I said so go call Pepper or something but we don't really need three people here" Said Tony making Thalia sigh he only doesn't want her in there because she made him mad because she dropped something which wasn't on purpose and it's also the fact that they are always around each other to sure she graduated but she couldn't be like other people and move out of her parents house because she was only thirteen then and so she spent the last four years always with Tony.

Maybe it was time they needed some space, Thalia's like 99% sure that her father is waiting for her to move out which is why she was looking for apartments but she didn't tell Tony or Pepper that mostly because Pepper wouldn't let her leave she's so stuck on always having Thalia around while tony is ready for her to leave and live her own life.

Thalia then geo leaped out of the lab to the room she was in earlier only now forgetting she left her grapes in the lab so she geo leaped back only to see her dad zap bruce"Ow" said Bruce "Hey!" Said Steve making Thalia turn around and look at him "Are you nuts?" Asked Steve "Ouu I can answer that one" Said Thalia "Jury's out and didn't I tell you out" Said Tony "Yeap but I forgot my grapes and my phone" Said Thalia grabbing both "You have got a lid on it, haven't you what's your secret Mellow jazz, bongo drums, huge bag if weed?" Asked Tony.

Thalia raised her eyebrow at the weed part shes had it before but she swore it off after she found herself asleep on a flamingo floaty in the pool she made a face at the memory "Is everything a joke to you?" Asked steve "Funny things are" Said Thalia and Tony making Steve look at her forgetting she was there until now.

"Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship including your own daughter isn't funny, no offense, doc" Said Steve  "It's all right I wouldn't have come aboard if I couldn't answer pointy things"and technically he's not threatening my safety I could geo leap out of here while you guys go bye bye" Said Thalia Steve just sighs at her.

"You're tip-toeing, big man you need to strut" Said tony "And you need to focus on the problem Mr. Stark" Said Steve "For once dad I think you need to leave this one alone, I don't need to be writing on your grave stone 'Good dad but stupid'" Said Thalia making gestures with her hands "Do you think I'm not, why did furry call us in, why now, why not before, what isn't he telling us" Tony questions "I can't do the equation unless I have all the variables" Said Tony again "You think furry's hiding something?" Asked Steve "He's a spy , Rogers he's 'the' spy, his secrets have secrets" Said Thalia agreeing with Tony.

"It's bugging him to isn't it ?" Tony asked Bruce "uh... I just wanna finish my work here, and-" Bruce starts "Doctor?" Asked Steve "A warm light for all mankind, Loki's jab at furry about the cube" Said Bruce "I heard it" Said Steve "Well I think that was meant for you" Bruce said to Tony who reaches out his hand to give him a blueberry "Even if Bartin didn't tell Loki about the tower, it was still all over the news" Said Bruce "The stark tower? That big, ugly... building in new york" Said Steve who hesitated a bit after Tony and Thalia both raised an eyebrow at him.

"it's powered by an arc reactor, a self-sustaining energy source" Said Bruce Looking at tony "That building will run itself for, what, a year?" Asked Bruce "It's just a prototype" Said Thalia "I'm kinda the only name in clean energy right now, that's what he's getting at" Said Tony "So why didn't S.H.I.E.L.D bring him or Thalia in on the tesseract project, what are they doing in the energy business in the first place?" Asked Bruce "I should probably look into that once me and Thalia's decryption program finishes breaking into all of S.H.I.E.L.D's secure files" Said Tony .

" i'm sorry did you say..." Steve Started until Tony said "Jarvis has been running it since me and thalia hit the bridge, in a few hours i'll know every dirty secret S.H.I.E.L.D has ever tried to hide" said Tony "Blueberry?" Asked Tony "Yet you're confused about why they didn't want you both around" Said steve " damn that kinda hurt" Thalia thought.

"An intelligence organization that fears intelligence?" Said Tony "Historically, not awesome" said Thalia "I think Loki's trying to wind us up, this is man who means to start a war,and if we don't stay focused, he'll succeed we have orders we should follow them" Said Steve "Following's not really our style" Said Tony talking about him and Thalia "And you're both all about style aren't you?" Asked steve "Watch it Rogers" Said Thalia.

"Of the people in this room , which one ois, A, wearing a spangly outfit, and, B, not of use" Said Tony "Steve tell me none of this smells a little funky to you" Said Bruce"Just find the cube" Said Steve before walking out of the room but Thalia wasn't finished with him just yet so she followed him.

"Rogers!" Thalia called out making him stop and turn to look down at her "I don't know who you think you are but all i'm gonna say is back off" Said Thalia making steve raise an eyebrow and just walk away from her making her more furious and follow after him "hey don't just walk away from me I was talking to you" Said thalia

"You pretty stuck up you know" Said Thalia walking beside him " Excuse me how am I stuck up" Said Steve stopping and looking down at her " Oh i don't know maybe the fact that this whole time all you've said was that we should follow the rules or maybe it's the fact that your still stuck in the forties mentally" Said Thalia with a shrug " Says the rich daddy's girl" Said  Steve " First off I'm not a daddy's girl and second off I wasn't always rich" Said Thalia "Before the age of five doesn't count" Said steve "How do you know that?" Asked Thalia "Read you file I know more about you them you think" Said Steve "Spoken words of a true stalker" Said Thalia.

Thalai and Steve continue walking until they get to a metal door "You really gonna try to open that" Said Thalia "It's the only way in" Said steve "For you maybe" Said Thalia before geo leaping inside as Steve opens the door from the outside, Steve and Thalia start to look around the room until thalia comes across something once she geo leaps on the second level "Hey Rogers" said Thalia "Yeah" Asked Steve in his kind voice "You might wanna check this out" Said Thalia.

"Is that?" Steve Starts "Heydra stuff yea" Said Thalia "You know about hydra?" He questions "Yeah I did a whole essay in college about you and hydra, so I think i know it when I see it" Said Thalia "You did an essay on me?" Steve asked with a smirk looking at her "Don't get cocky rogers it was about the 40's and your the main thing that pops up old man" Said Thalia walking away from Steve with the hydra weapon in her hand, Steve just stands there for a second chuckling before going to catch up with her.

But as they are walking Thalia trips over something but before she could hit the ground something or Someone caught her, when she opened her eyes she saw blue one's looking at her staring into her brown ones Steve pulls her up by her waist " You need to stop doing that" Said Thalia "Doing what?" Steve Asked "Saving me and catching me" Said Thalia "I wouldn't have to if you weren't always getting into trouble" Said Steve.

Steve and Thalia barge into the lab, Thalia slams the weapon onto the metal table "Phase 2 is S.H.I.E.L.D uses the cube to make weapons sorry, computer was moving a little slow for me" Said Steve "Roger, we gathered everything related to the tesseract, this does not mean that we're making-" Furry starts to say until Tony cut him off saying "I'm sorry, Nick what were lying?" Said Tony.

Thalia crosses her arms looking at furry with a raised eyebrow "I was wrong, Director the world hasn't changed a bit" said Steve "Did you know about this?" Asked Bruce to Natasha "I wouldn't be surprised if she did, she's a spy they are known for keeping secrets" Said Thalia glaring at Natasha "You wanna think about removing yourselves from this environment Doctor, Thal" Said Natasha to Bruce and Thalia "I was calcutta, I was pretty well removed" Said Bruce "I wasn't even gonna come here I was forced last time I checked" Said Thalia walking closer to Natasha "Loki is manipulating both of you" Said Natasha.

"And you've been doing what, exactly?" Asked Thalia walking even closer to Natasha feeling anger wash over her out of nowhere "You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you and Thalia didn't come here cause I asked her to" Said Natasha "Yes, and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy, I'd like to know why S.H.I.E.L.D is using the tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction" Said Bruce "Because of him" Said Furry pointing at Thor

"Me?" Asked Thor "Lat year earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge that leveled a small town, we learned that not only are we not alone but we are hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned" Said Furry "My people want nothing but peace with your planet" Said Thor "But your not the only people out there, Are you? and your not the only threat, the world's filling up with people who can't be matched, that can't be controlled" said Furry looking at Thalia.

Steve noticed that he looked at Thalia and spoke up Asking "Like you controlled the cube?" "Your work with the tesseract is what drew Loki to it and all his allies it is a signal to all the realms that the earth is ready for a higher form of war" Said Thor "A higher form" Asked Steve and Thalia who look at each other after they say it "you forced our hand we had to come up with something" Said Furry "A nuclear deterrent because that always calm everything right down" Said thalia "Remind me how you and your father made your fortune, Ms.stark" Said Furry "I'm sure if her father still made weapons stark would be neck deep" Said Steve "Wait, wait, hold on how is this now about me and my daughter?" Asked Tony "I'm sorry isn't everything" Said Steve.

Thalia was just starting to get more upset as this conversation went on, She felt as if she was about to blow she could feel her powers becoming more uncontrollable as everything started to get more heated she was breathing hardly "I thought human were more evolved than this" Said Thor soon Furry and Thor now started arguing as Steve and Tony continued there argument which made Thalia only more upset NAtasha noticed she also saw Thalia's hands start to glow "Maybe you should step out Thal" Said Natasha "Will you stop trying to tell me what to do" Said Thalia "I really think you should go Thalia, I'm telling you as a friend" Said Natasha again.

which only made Thalia more angry she didn't know why though she normally wouldn't get angry from something this little she normally would throw a comment or two back but not this time, this time she's ready to explode "My friend yeah like you were my friend a whole year ago but in reality you were just meant to spy on me and my dad" said Thalia now in Natashas face the other were too busy arguing to notice that thalia's hands were full on glowing purple.

But Steve noticed when he took a little sideways glance towards her and saw her hands which made his eyes go wide and walks away from Tony mid argument grabbing Thalia by her arm softly that she couldn't even feel the touch and pull her to him "You need to calm down" He whispered in her ear not trying to drag attention to her.

"I can't" Thalia said truthfully "Then just listen to the sound of my voice and try" Whispered Steve even softer than before in her ear he slowly brought his hand down to her glowing one and when they touched the glowing stopped until Tony grabbed Steve shoulder pulling him away from Thalia going right back into the argument but yet Steves hand was still holding Thalia's neither of them even noticing it being busy in other thing like Steve arguing with Tony and Thalia trying to keep her powers in check.

but she started seeing something glowing in the corner of her eye glowing blue so she turned her head noticing that it was Loki's staff something came over her making it wanna grab it but when she tried to go to it something held her in place and that something was Steve rogers hand holding her still a thought came over her to pull her hand away from his and that it was disgusting but an overpowering thought made her keep her hand there because she felt safe, calm even but Thalia was pulled out of her thought by her father saying "why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?".

"you know damn well why back off!" Said Steve slapping Tony hand off his shoulder but yet still kept hold of Thalia's hand "Oh i'm starting to want you to make me" Said Tony "Yea big man in a suit of armor take that off what are?" Asked Steve walking around Tony still with Thalia's hand in his not even noticing Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist" Said Tony now taking notice in His daughter and Steve holding hand and so does everyone else in the room "I know guys with none of that worth ten of you, I've seen the footage, the only thing you really fight for is yourself" Said Steve.

Thalia felt the need to object because she knows Tony fights for her safe as well but steve was already talking again "You're not the guy to make the sacrifice playto lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you" Said Steve "I think I would just cut the wire" Said Tony "Always a way out , you may not be a threat,but you better stop pretending to be a hero" Said Steve.

"Ahero like you?, you're a laboratory experiment, Rogers everything special about you came out of a bottle" Said Tony getting into Steves face, now Thalia was really trying to backup but still Steve would not let go of her hand so she couldn't go anywhere "Put on the suit let's go a few round" Said Steve "Oh yea cause that would be fun to watch" Said Thalia but Steve and Tony just ignored her.

Thor starts to laugh "You people are so petty and tiny" said Thor which only riled Thalia up again "Who are calling tiny bob the handyman i'll have you know I am 5"5 and that pretty much bigger than tiny" Said Thalia "yea, this is a team" said Bruce "Agent romanoff would you escort Dr.banner and Ms. Stark back to their" Furry started to say "Where you rented our room" Said Bruce "the cell was just incase" Furry started.

"Incase you needed to kill me or lock Thalia up but you can't I know, I tried" Said Bruce "I got low I didn't see an end so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out, so I moved on I focused on helping other people and I was good until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk, you wanna know my secret, Agent romanoff, you wanna know how I stay calm?" Said/Asked Bruce grabbing the Staff.

Steve pulls Thalia by her hand and puts her behind him while Natasha and furry put a hand on their guns "Dr.Banner, put down the scepter" Said Steve they all stand there quiet as Bruce hold the scepter but then the scanner goes off making bruce walk towards it "Sorry kids , you don't get to see my party trick after all" Said Bruce.

"you located the tesseract?" Asked Thor then everyone starts to speak over each other again making Thalai irritated and gaining a headache "Can you all shut up" said Thalia but yet no one heard her she was about to speak up again until a explosion went off making everyone fly back but in the process Steve rapps his arms around Thalia covering her from the glass and shielding her from the hard hit she would have taken from the ground.

A/n: Another Steve and Thalia moment they make me feel warm inside tell me how you guys liked this chapter but until next time byeeeeee

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