Let's Recelebrate - Book 2 (a...

By InthenameofJoshDun

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Now that Josh reconnected with Tyler again, and he was finally allowing Josh to become his friend, Josh final... More

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176 31 26
By InthenameofJoshDun

Hi friends don't forget to read the previous chapter first if you haven't already ♥️ got a lot less likes and reads on it than usual so just wanna make sure you don't miss that one! Especially since tomorrow there'll be an extra chapter! 🫶🏻

We're back with a new chapter yay! And I think you're gonna enjoy this one 👀👀👀 I know I enjoyed this one lol

Really hope you'll enjoy it!! Please don't forget to leave a like so I know you've been able to read it and I can publish the extra chapter tomorrow. Thank you so so much for being here, makes me so happy and grateful, please enjoy! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on this one ♥️

Word count: 3464


"...so- so we can try? I- I mean, I can try? Right now, with- with you?" Josh asked.

"...wait you really want to? Right now?" Tyler asked. "Wh- I mean- n-no, not if you don't", Josh said. "But I... if you do, then... yes?" He said. "Wh- are you sure you're okay with that? I mean, are you sure you're ready for that?" Tyler asked. Josh shrugged softly. "Don't know if I'll ever feel fully ready but... I really wanna try, I'm really curious", Josh blushed.

"...shit, J", Tyler said. "I... yeah, let's do it", he said. "Uhm... I'll go get it, Steve should still have some... you take a moment to think it through okay? I'll ask you again when I get back", he said. Josh nodded. "Okay", he said.

"...okay, yeah... Okay", Tyler said. "Uhm... not what I expected from tonight but, I'll roll with it", he chuckled. "S-sorry, you- you don't wanna do it? We won't do it, we won't", Josh said as he watched Tyler get up. "No no baby, if you wanna do it, I'm absolutely down for it. It's your choice 'kay? Here, let me grab the stuff and you think about it for a few moments", he said as he pressed a kiss on Josh's curls.

He went inside and upstairs to Steve's home studio area - much smaller than the one in his actual home right outside of Detroit, but still enough to brainstorm and express his ideas and make simple demos. He used the key he'd gotten from Steve to unlock the specific cabinet and he found some pre-rolled joints, which he took one from, before he closed it back up. He made his way back downstairs and on to the balcony, where Josh was petting Snickers.

"So, did you make a decision?" Tyler asked as he plopped down nex to Josh. "Mhm, still the same", Josh blushed. Tyler smiled softly. "Alright, if you're sure, we'll do it", he said. "Uhm... when you inhale, do so very carefully okay", he said. "It might feel warm or burn slightly. Just... a little bit goes a long way when you've never done it before, so take it easy", Tyler said. "I'll hold you to that. Uhm... We got water here, we got drinks, so if you need it let me know, I'll hand it to you. If you feel like something is off, something is wrong, you're not feeling well or you're starting to have negative thoughts or feelings... let me know. Don't expect that to happen as that's not common, but it can happen, so just... let me know and I'll take care of you. I promise you that", he said. It made Josh blush. "And... don't overdo it, but I'll keep an eye on that. I'll make sure you won't go overboard this first time", he said.

Josh nodded. "Sounds... sounds good", he said. "Still sure about this?" Tyler asked. Josh nodded. "Alright, let me prepare it", he said. He put it between his lips and he lit it, taking short drags to actually get it to be lit properly, and Josh couldn't help but stare at how Tyler was doing it. He noticed how the paper around it caught fire for a moment but died down within a second, then smoke followed as Tyler took those short, small drags to really get it going, the he followed it up with a big, long drag, before he removed it from his lips. After about five seconds of inhaling, he blew the smoke out.

"Been a while", Tyler said as he looked over at Josh, who blushed. He hoped Tyler hadn't noticed him staring hardcore at him the entire time he was lighting it, and somehow this made Tyler look even sexier to Josh.

Tyler took another drag, and a third one, before he let Josh try. "Careful... just a small drag", Tyler explained to him how to do it, and Josh tried. The first one didn't go great; it burned and he was coughing, so Tyler handed him the drink. The second time, went better. Josh was careful, which was good, and he didn't immediately have to cough and get it out. It went better.

Tyler took two drags, before it went back to Josh, who took another one. "Oh- jeez", Josh muttered. "Is- is it possible to already notice it or- or am I being an idiot?" He asked. "Oh no you're not, it's definitely possible when you're doing this for the first time", Tyler said. "That's why I have you be careful. You can have one more after this, then we'll wait for a while to see if it has kicked in enough by then, okay?" He asked. Josh nodded.

Again, Tyler took two drags, then Josh took another one. Tyler took another one, then he put it aside for now.

"Gosh, I- I feel like I can't stop smiling", Josh said. "I look like an idiot." "No you don't", Tyler smiled. "That's weed for you, baby. I'm always grinning too when I'm high", he chuckled. "Don't worry, you're good. We can look like idiots together."

"This is... weird", Josh said. "It- it kicked in so damn fast, what he heck", he giggled. "I don't think I ever felt like this." "Oh I'm sure you didn't", Tyler chuckled. "You already look adorable, but this makes you even cuter." "Oh hush", Josh blushed with a smile. "Fuck, I feel so stupid for smiling like this", he said as he covered his face with his hands. "Don't, please don't baby", Tyler said. "Your smile's gorgeous, please show it off to me", he said as he gently grabbed Josh's hands and he lowered them. "You're perfect the way you are, you don't need to hide that."

Josh was a blushing mess, but Tyler adored it. He gave Josh some time to get used to it and feel a bit more comfortable with being under influence like this around Tyler. He let Josh have one more drag, then had two himself, before he extinguished it for now.

They talked a little bit, they laughed about the dumbest stuff that wasn't even funny, and Josh was so glad that Tyler was the first one he was doing this with. He felt so safe, so comfortable, and he appreciated it so so much. Tyler got up and went inside to change his jeans to sweatpants, but when he came back outside Tyler was getting closer to Josh as he sat back down; his arm found his way around Josh's neck, his other hand found its way on to Josh's thigh, and Josh was very much enjoying it - actually, extremely.

His head rested on Tyler's arm as he grinned up at the man, who was smiling as he looked down into Josh's eyes, their faces much closer to each other than what would be considered comfortable if they weren't high. Josh felt this urge for physical touch, to hug and cuddle and be held and be touched and dang, this weed was doing things to him he wasn't prepared for, but he wasn't mad at. Whenever Tyler would laugh, or he'd grin at him, when he'd lick his lips or bite them, when he moved his fingers against Josh's scalp through his hair or he gently squeezed his thigh... Tyler was doing things to Josh. Lots of things. He was pretty much driving him crazy, or in other words... Josh was getting real fucking turned on again.

"Can I ask you something?" Tyler said after a while, licking his lips again to moisturize them a little bit, but it made Josh die inside. "Mhm?" Josh hummed, staring at the way Tyler's tongue ran over his own lips, and Tyler noticed, but he let it happen. He knew Josh wasn't even realizing he was so obviously staring at him. And while other people would probably make Tyler feel kind of uncomfortable in that situation, Josh doing so was definitely boosting Tyler's ego.

Before Tyler asked the question, he felt hesitation in his chest, but he removed his hand from Josh's thigh and he brought it up to Josh's face. He gently held his jaw, then his thumb ran over Josh's bottom lip, before he pulled that back and instead he moved his index- and middle finger to Josh's lips, then he gently pushed his fingers between Josh's lips which immediately parted without any hesitation, as Tyler shoved his fingers back further into Josh's mouth, then he gently felt Josh suck on them again as his tongue pressed against his fingers. And it all seemed like Josh was doing it without thinking twice, as if he was on auto pilot, as if he hadn't realized what he'd just done.

This was killing Tyler. He had been thinking of last night since they had started smoking the weed - which he probably should not have done - and as it made Tyler seek physical touch more, he also definitely realized he was getting turned on just by getting high again - Josh so easily and effortlessly accepting his fingers into his mouth before he started sucking on them, was on a whole other level and Tyler could feel all the blood rush to his cock.

"Last night, you were pretty... kinky", Tyler said. Josh blushed. "Mhm", he hummed around Tyler's fingers softly. "And you said you didn't know until yesterday... so... what were you like with your exes?" Tyler asked. Josh thought about it for a moment, before he grabbed Tyler's hand and he pulled the fingers out of his mouth.

"I uh, I don't know... it wasn't anything like that at least", he blushed. "With my ex before Fred, that uh... that sucked anyways, but with Jon and Fred... I don't know, I always just wanted to kind of keep it vanilla", he blushed. "Wanted to keep it... safe? Didn't- didn't wanna depend too much emotionally on them during those vulnerable moments I guess... So... we would switch or- or just go down on each other or whatever but... it was just sex. I mean, not just sex, but... it was just regular sex, and like, a whole lot of love too, but I mean... there was nothing else added to that regular sex to make it more... adventurous", he blushed. "Nothing kinky." He then opened his mouth and he put Tyler's fingers back in - again, without truly even realizing what he was doing as it felt so normal, and Tyler didn't have to do anything for it this time. Josh just did it on his own.

"And you really didn't realize you were into that until last night?" Tyler asked. Josh blushed. "Mhm", he hummed. "Either just never- never realized or... or n-never found the right p-person to figure that out with yet I guess", he blushed. "...until last night." Tyler's fingers went back into Josh's mouth when he was done talking, and Tyler watched Josh mindlessly suck on them as he held Tyler's hand with both of his own.

"Can't believe your previous boyfriends never got to enjoy that submissive side of yours", Tyler spoke, and it made Josh die a little inside. "Or I'm lucky that I got to experience those first moments of you realizing that you're into that", he added, and Josh let out a soft giggle.

"Can- can I ask you something too?" Josh asked. "Of course baby", Tyler replied. Josh nodded. "Uhm... wh- what did you and uh, and Steve and Lucas do during the... the threesomes?" He asked. Tyler grinned. "Well, Joshua", he said as he turned more to look at Josh closer and better. He used his hand to move some of Josh's curls away, then his thumb trailed down the side of his face.

"We did a lot during those threesomes", he said. "Thought... I never had the lead. That was either Steve, or Lucas, or both of them, never me", he said. "...which I definitely enjoyed", he hummed. "Sucked their cocks a lot", he grinned. Hearing Tyler say that so bluntly, made Josh blush, but it made him grin softly too. "Few times they'd tie my hands up and they'd have their way with me when I couldn't do anything so I'd just let them... those nights were fun", he smiled softly. "But my favorite was whenever one of them would fuck me and I'd suck the other off... at the same time", he said. "That was usually my favorite thing I think... having both of them have fun with me at the same time", he said with a chuckle. "Usually on hands and knees but sometimes on my back... when I'd look up they'd make out and that still turns me on so much, just thinking of how they'd make out while they were both enjoying themselves by using me like that", he said, as he looked into Josh's eyes.

Josh's heart was beating in his throat, and he had no idea how he was still alive, but he was sure he was gonna pass sooner rather than later. "And also... one time Steve and Lucas did that same thing to me, but a while after Steve and I broke up, on my birthday... on my old apartment's balcony", Tyler said. Josh's eyes widened, and Tyler hummed with a nod. "Oh yeah", he chuckled. "They did. That was my favorite threesome, knowing people could catch us or hear us. That risk, that turned me on to no fucking end, I don't know how I survived that night", he laughed softly.

"It's still turning me the fuck on", he added as he used one hand to adjust his pants, then Josh noticed Tyler using his hand to gently squeeze his own, obviously hard cock for some relief.

Josh's eyes were glued to Tyler's hand as he did so, and he had no idea how to look away. Judging by how prominent it was too, Josh wondered if Tyler was even still wearing boxers under his sweatpants. When the thought of him not doing so crossed his mind, he felt like he was about to faint.

"So... I was always pretty dang submissive with these threesomes", he said. "But fuck, were they fun. I loved doing these with them", he chuckled. "That always felt the best when I was with them... Not necessarily when it was just me and Luke or just me and Stevie, but... with the three of us, I never wanted to be in charge. I always wanted to be the submissive one", he said.

"S-so how come that last- last night you were... not?" Josh asked, then he went back to sucking on Tyler's fingers again. It was turning Tyler on even more than he already was. "I don't know... I was never that dominant, usually it was in-between or a bit more equal, or more on the submissive side. But, I don't know... I guess it's because of you", Tyler said. "Makes me feel so much more fucking dominant when you're sucking on my fingers like this J, when I can just... push them into your mouth and you just accept it and enjoy it and keep doing it without you even truly realizing... just mindlessly doing so... that's driving me fucking nuts", he said.

"And it makes me wanna be anything but submissive", he said with a soft laugh. "Really switches the whole situation around for me."

Josh only then truly realized what he'd been doing, and he blushed deeply as he pulled Tyler's fingers out of his mouth. "Oh- oh god I- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-", he started to apologize. "Oh no baby, no don't", Tyler hummed. "Don't be. I'm loving it", he grinned softly. "I'm enjoying this more than you can imagine. I'm sorry for putting them in your mouth without asking, but... you seemed pretty willing", he said. "...just need to know I'm not doing something you don't want", he said. "Need to know you're okay with that."

Josh nodded right away. "Yeah- yes, I- yeah, uhu", he said. "I- I am, I mean... you're right", he blushed. "I guess I... was willing", he said as he rolled his eyes with a soft smile. "But are you sure it- you're okay with- with it too?" Josh asked. "'Course baby, I'm the one who got you to do that", he said. "Just need to know, for sure, that you are not doing this just for me and not for yourself", he said.

"Don't ask", Josh softly said. "But-", Tyler started. "I- I'll say it, I'll say Ohio", Josh said. "If- if it's ssomething I don't want... then I- I'll say it", he said. "But... don't ask anymore o-okay? Just- just... just do whatever", Josh blushed. "Whatever?" Tyler asked, surprised. "W-whatever you want", Josh's blush deepened. Tyler's grin just widened. "You sure about that, J?" He asked. Josh nodded. "Yeah, I am", he replied.

Tyler licked his lips as he looked into Josh's eyes for a moment, then he closed the gap between them and their lips met. Josh felt so many things go through his body - panic somewhere far away, but also relief, or relaxation, comfort somehow - probably because of the weed. He melted into the kiss immediately and he so desperately wanted to kiss Tyler forever.

Tyler pulled back, and Josh let out a soft whine at the loss of contact. "Oh baby, you're desperate", Tyler softly said. "I- I am", Josh softly admitted with a nod, and he couldn't believe that he did. The weed was fucking him up, he was being way too honest and straight forward, and he was worrying about it too but whenever he looked at Tyler he knew the worries were for no reason and that he didn't have to.

"We shouldn't do this J", Tyler said softly, his fingers moving back into Josh's mouth. "Shouldn't be kissing you, shouldn't let you do this... shouldn't let you turn me on, shouldn't touch you, shouldn't get this close to you... we said we wouldn't", he continued, voice low. "...we'd take steps back, would let this behind us... but you're so fucking irresistible like this J", he whispered. "How am I supposed to resist when you're so fucking willing", he muttered.

"I can't keep doing this with you", he then said. "Can't let this ruin us... can't let this make me lose you, influence you, change us... I'm making a mistake here J", he said softly.

"One- one more time", Josh softly said then. "One m-more night, that- that's it, no- no more after, I- I promise", Josh softly pleaded. He was basically begging, but he didn't wanna admit that. It was making Tyler feel all kinds of things.

"Promise?" Tyler asked as he held his pinky up. Josh hooked his pinky around it. "P-promise", he said softly. A soft grin appeared on his lips. "Might make this one last time one to remember then", he said, and Tyler connected their lips again. Josh felt as if all the air had left his lungs and he was suffocating; this was happening, again, he was making out with Tyler, he was actually kissing him, he was so close to him he could literally taste him.





How's everyone doing

I'm not fully alive anymore but it's fine. Lot of tension between our bbies 👀👀👀 can't wait for you to read next chapter. So excited to show you what I've written next ♥️ I was not planning this ok but I had to bc I love them and I love writing these things I'm sorry 😭 I know y'all are turned on mfs too so it's fineeee lol 😌

Would really really loooove to hear your thoughts on this one, I really hope you enjoyed it, please don't forget to leave a like so I know who's been able to read this chapter before the extra one tomorrow!!

Thank you so so much for being here, love you all sooo much, see you tomorrow ♥️

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