LOVER - love island all stars

By yourlocalthot_

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"You're my, my, my, my... lover" IN WHICH Past contestants Callum Jones and Nellie Thompson find a beautiful... More



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By yourlocalthot_

Immediately after the recoupling, the girls got up and walked away to process the situation. Molly, Georgia H, and Nellie followed Arabella who was in tears

"I just feel like it's always me," she said between tears once the group had sat down upstairs on the beds, "I'm always the one who gets hurt,"

The girls made sure they comforted the girl to the best that they could

"It ain't just you, trust me, it ain't just you," Georgia told Arabella whilst rubbing her shoulder comfortingly

The other girls walked in, Georgia S also in tears

"I just want to say, I had no idea," she said

"We know," Georgia H responded

"I had no idea and I don't want you to hate me," Georgia S cried

Arabella then said something that Nellie could not decipher, as she was sobbing so hard.

"I feel awful!" Georgia S said as she cried, "I'm baffled and so confused!"

Arabella kept crying and Nellie gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, before leaving to give her some space.

She went down and found Toby sat at the fire pit with Kaz and Chris, so she went and sat with them,

"Is she ok?" Chris asked

"No. You've done a number on her, Tobes." Nellie admitted

"Yeah, but like, I just had to do what I thought was best for me yanno. Like in that moment." He tried to explain

"Yeah, and that's fine, but you should have spoken to her. I won't meddle, it's not my battle to fight, but you've screwed up a bit, I won't lie,"

"But you can't be mad at him for following his heart," Kaz defended the boy,

"No, absolutely not, but this whole situation could have been avoided if he had spoken to Arabella, that's all I'll say though," she held her hands up truthfully

"I think you need to speak to Cal, too," Chris told Toby, which caused the boy to roll his eyes in annoyance

"Yeah go pull him now," Kaz ushered as Toby got up and walked to find Cal

"Bloody hell. What a night," Chris spoke, airing out Nellie's exact thoughts

She left Chris and Kaz at the fire pit and went and joined Casey and Tom who were on the daybeds, watching Toby and Callum's conversation

"What a knob," Casey said, talking about Toby

"Facts," Nellie said in agreement

"Nell, do you think, like, had Toby not picked G before Cal went, he still would've chosen ya?" Tom asked her curiously

"Well, he actually said to me earlier today that he would pick me in a recoupling, but I suppose it would be nice to have seen him actually make the decision," she admitted

"Do ya believe him?" Tom pressed

"Course. Do you not?" She asked Tom skeptically

"Nah, I do. Like, we don't talk much about it with each other but you can tell the lad likes ya," he said looking at Cal and Toby as they got up

"Yeah right. That's nice to hear," she smiled, "So, Kaz?" She turned to ask Casey, changing the subject

"Yeah, we have like mad banter and chemistry. She's wicked." He said smiling

"She is. I think she proper likes you too. She was gushing about how well the pair of ya's get on," Nellie admitted whilst she watched Cal pull Georgia

They spoke more, whilst Nellie watched G and Cal chat, the two eventually sharing a hug before they broke away.

Nellie also saw Arabella storm away from the fire pit, where she had been talking to Toby.

She bid farewell to the two roommates and went to go and find Cal. He was sat on the couches inside all alone, with his eyes closed.

She went and sat next to him, sitting in silence before he spoke,

"You right?"

"Yeah, are you? Was a hectic one," she said turning her head to look at him

"Yeah I'm fine. I just feel terrible for Arabella. Like, she must've been so embarrassed," He said whilst turning his body towards her

"She was. He was just so inconsiderate of her feelings, but she's strong and she'll persevere," she said truthfully whilst leaning into the boy

A moment of comfortable silence waved over the pair as they spent a minute soaking up each other's presence

"I thought your speech was sweet," she smiled up at him

"You reckon? I was nervous," he admitted with a grin

"Bless! It was cute,"

"Now we get to have a cheeky cuddle at night," he laughed, as Nellie shook her head at him whilst also laughing

"How are you feeling with G? I saw you having a chat," she asked

"Yeah, uh, I'm not really sure. Like she didn't really know that Toby was gonna pick her or anything, so I think she's still keen on getting to know us, but like, I am really happy to be sharing a bed with you," he said looking into her eyes

"Yeah, and that's fine. Bless her," Nellie said understandingly, "Do you reckon she'll like actually crack on with Toby?"

"Yeah, I think she will. Like, I said to her that she would be silly not to and that, especially because of how close we are, but I don't know if I'll wait around for her,"

"Yeah, I could see her head turning. You know what she's like with her history and that," she joked

"I do feel there's something she's not telling me, but it's fine. Anyways, we on for a cuddle tonight?" He asked cheekily

"Perhaps," she laughed back

They sat on the couch cuddling for the rest of the evening, until it was time for the islanders to get ready for bed

Nellie got ready quickly, sitting in Arabella and Jack's bed with the girl until Cal had walked into the room

She gave the girl one final hug, before jumping over to her and Cal's shared bed and slipping in on the right-hand side of the bed

Callum almost immediately pulled her into him for a cuddle

"Are you like, a rowdy sleeper?" He asked curiously

"Sorta. I, like, toss around a lot,"

"This'll be fun then," he joked

The islanders eventually piled into their respective beds, and the lights went off. Nellie and Callum shared a few minutes of pillow talk before they fell asleep in each other's embrace.


"How was your night?" Someone called out as the lights came on, Nellie turned her head into Cal's chest, to blind herself from the lights.

The islanders were slow to get up that morning, but when they did, Nellie joined Molly, Arabella, Georgia H, and Joanna on the terrace.

Arabella spoke about how she felt blindsided by Toby's actions, which everyone agreed with.

"It's made me question his intentions with me in the first place," she said, which everyone could understand

Literally, everyone in the villa was talking about Toby's decision, understandably so. Somehow, everyone seemed to be individually linked to the ordeal.

The girls went and got ready for the day, when shortly after, Georgia H received a text,

"Girls, It's time for an afternoon of cocktails and convos. Please get ready to leave The Villa," she read excitedly, "#GirlTime #SipAndShake,"

All the girls got up and squealed and jumped around out of excitement, as Casey flipped them off as a joke.


The girls went and got dressed and put their make-up on before leaving the Villa.

The girls were led to this gorgeous table set up beside a creek, it was honestly so nice.

They cheersed their cocktails to a day without the boys.

Arabella and Georgia spoke, once again, about the recoupling and how Arabella felt.

"As awful as it is, and as much he has jeopardised other people in here," Georgia S said when asked about how she felt, "I feel like being upfront and saying it how it is, I do rate it because you never know how long you're in here for, you never know what can happen next," she said, in defense of Toby's actions.

The topic of conversation never failed to build tension in the villa as everyone had mixed opinions. As a way to change the topic, Nellie asked Jo how she had been going in the villa.

"Yeah, it's been nice, thank you. I'm getting to know the boys and, yeah, everyone's just been so kind," she said smiling,

"That's so cute," the girls cooed

"So Chrissy boy, hey?" Nellie teased

"He's so sweet! Like I think he's a gentleman. He's funny, he's kind, thoughtful. He's honestly amazing, Yanno, it's only early days, but I'm really enjoying it," Joanna listed off, which made the girls swoon for her.

They then spoke to Sophie about her recoupling with Josh,

"I thought what he said was so nice! Like, he said that he was really Interested in getting to know me, and thought we would get on well on the outside and that," Sophie said as the girls gushed over her.

They spoke some more before it was time for them to return to the villa.

They greeted the boys as they made their way to the firepit to talk.

Chris and Toby walked over after everyone, Chris clad in a face mask.

"What the fuck is on your face?" Nellie asked him in a tone mixed with disgust and confusion whilst pointing to his face

"It's called a facial treatment, Nellie. Relax!" Chris replied matter-of-factly, making the islanders laugh

"Us girls had some nice bonding today didn't we," Georgia H said whilst panning to all the girls

"Yeah, it was nice," Arabella agreed

"We're much closer now, I think," Georgia H continued, "Yanno, we got a few things out,"

"You know what it was, obviously nice for me and G to have a chat, because it's like whatever happens it's like no animosity between Georgia and I, now that she's obviously not got anything to do with the situation and the decision that was made last night. Even though she's in the middle of it. So there's never, like, we've not fallen out, we never will fall out, whatever happens. We've obviously cleared that up, like just have a nice chat about everything,"

(A:N this was a genuine transcription of what she said and it honestly makes no sense)

"I feel like every time Arabella speaks, she says so much, but so little. I love her, but she could definitely save her voice by using far fewer words,"

"That's nice to see," Callum said

"What have you boys been doing?" Arabella asked after a moment of awkward silence,

"We had an air out of the situation last night between the boys," Chris told the group

"Right," Arabella encouraged

"We chatted about it," Chris finished

"The only thing we can all do on this, so there's no awkwardness on this, is agree to disagree. We're all adults at the end of the day and we can all be civil." Jack leveled

"Cool," Georgia H said


The girls got re-ready for the evening, Georgia S blabbing on about the 'hard conversations' she was ought to have that night.

"Do you think Georgia will go back there with Toby?" Molly asked Nellie and Arabella as they were the only ones left in the beauty room

"I bloody hope so!" Nellie laughed

"I don't think Callum will stand for it," Arabella inputted

The trio left for downstairs when Nellie saw Callum waiting at the end for her,

"You right?" she asked him as she stepped off the bottom stair, and he pulled her in for a hug, the other two girls walking on to leave them alone

"Yeah, just missed ya today," he said into her hair

"You're a sop," Nellie joked as they pulled away from their hug. Cal grabbed her hand, and they walked out of the villa together

Josh led the cheers, cheersing to good vibes or something.

Nellie sat with Cal, Sophie, Tom, Josh, and Molly on the bean bags, speaking on random topics and about random things.

"If someone had to play you in a movie about your life, who would you choose?" Josh asked.

"Nellie could play Molly, and Molly could play Nellie!" Sophie joked

"The only thing we have in common is that we're blonde! That's it!" Nellie laughed

"And I'm a fake blonde!" Molly added

"You're like, proper the same height and stuff too," Tom agreed with Sophie

"You got a type or something, Cal!" Josh bantered

The group were laughing at the remark when Georgia S came over and pulled Cal for a chat.

The group continued talking when they could hear the conversation between G and Cal starting to get heated.

Moments later Cal got up and walked away whilst Georgia was sat at the fire pit. Nellie looked between the two, wondering who she should follow when she saw Georgia laughing.

That can't be good.


Episode 19 is done!

PDA's are next!!

It will be a big chapter to write so it may be late, I really don't know.

anyways, thank you for your love and support on my previous chapters, it means the world x


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