𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦...

By -laheyswifey

183K 4.9K 995

"ᴬᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵉⁿᵈ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵒᵗʰ ᵒᶠ ᵘˢ ʷᵉʳᵉ ˢᵗⁱˡˡ ᶜᵘʳˢᵉᵈ" Oc x Elijah Mikaelson More

𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚝𝚠𝚘.


654 30 2
By -laheyswifey

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Saying Stefan was freaking out was an understatement since he found out Aurora was gone. He had called her phone more than a hundred times hoping that eventually she would answer but she didn't. Stefan was scared of what Ada would do when she got home or if she would call Aurora and freak out when she didn't answer. That would only make her call Stefan and he knew better than to lie to her.

Whenever she showed up she would find out anyways there was no reason to make her even more upset. He was upset at Aurora for just leaving but at the same time he didn't blame her he knew he would do the same to go look for someone he loved but now he was worried about her safety and what Ada would do.

"I told my mom and she made some of her deputies look but still no word on her" Caroline said to Stefan. After they had found out the girl was missing he started calling everyone just in case she went to them.

Anything helped at this point he was just desperate to find her but he knew it would be impossible after all the time that passed it was clear she was long gone.

"Haven't heard from her either man none of us have" Tyler added and Stefan just sighed.

"It's clear she's gone and I mean can I blame her?! Ada has been having her locked up ever since they got back she's terrified of her so she found no option but to run away. I just wish she would've told me at least to make sure she's safe" Stefan ranted very worried about Aurora.

"But Aurora is brave; she can be ok by herself" Matt commented.

"In other cases yes but she's no longer a vampire and she barely knows how to work her magic. She's out there trying to find Elijah out of all people, it's dangerous "Aurora no longer being a vampire worried Stefan a lot. He knew the girl could handle herself but that was before.

Now her being none other than a witch that had no idea how her magic worked was making him more worried. He just wished the girl answered him. He wasn't going to be like Ada and try to get her back all he wanted to know was that she was safe.

"What are you going to do now?" Caroline asked, she wasn't sure there was much to do now anymore. It wasn't like they would go after her; that was the thing she wanted least.

"I've done all I could now I'll just have to wait to get yelled at by Ada and she'll handle it probably in the worst way possible..." Stefan replied back.

"I don't understand. I mean Aurora probably knows how to handle herself better than her and it's not like she's a little kid anymore so why does she care so much" Tyler spoke, not understanding why Ada was being so strict about Aurora leaving the house.

"And Ada doesn't understand that to her Aurora is just the little two year old she left behind after she died. Part of me understands that she wants that time back with her daughter but the other part just believes Ada should take a step back" Stefan got up from his seat pacing around. "Aurora isn't dumb which is why I didn't have a problem with her leaving but I am worried about her"

Another part of Stefan that understood Ada was the fact that Aurora was still in love with Elijah and there was a big possibility the man was too. It wasn't like Ada wanted to keep Aurora away from Elijah forever but until she found a way to keep her safe from the curse.

Both of them were supposed to be dead. The witches finding out they were alive was bad enough but Aurora having her love again with Elijah was even worse.

"What will you do with her?" Caroline asked, looking how Luna was on the couch next to her staying away from Tyler.

"Don't really mind her, it's like she knows this Auroras thing to just leave" Stefan shrugged looking at the cat. Aurora couldn't go long without Luna when he and her were together with Klaus everyday she went insane without the cat.

"Well we can help with her but what about Ada? Want us to be here?" Elena questioned Stefan knowing it must be hard for him. Damon wasn't around and that just made him step up immediately when in reality it wasn't his responsibility at all.

"It's best if not Ada is still warming up to you guys. She'll say a bunch of things she won't mean. She'll say even more to me" the man reassured as everyone got the hint to start excusing themselves out.

Caroline, Matt and Tyler were the first ones out the house. Elena stayed behind since she was planning on doing it anyway before she headed back to school.

"I don't think it's fair of her to be like this with you" Elena finally admitted. She had been feeling bad for thinking so many bad things about Ada but it was the truth she just didn't like her.

"She's like that, she's just like Rory with the same attitude and the same smart mouth. But Ada holds back a bit more which makes her mad and tense and honestly...she is upset about Damon" he explained to her and Elena instantly regretted what she said.

She didn't even think about taking in mind the fact that Ada was grieving too and not just anyone but Damon. She was so happy to see him again and it was just taken from her once again so easily.

"And I could just walk away it's Damon's wife I'm just his brother but Aurora...no matter how much we used to fight at the end I love her I can't leave her behind and I can't leave Ada either because of Damon" he continued to speak his mind to Elena who frowned placing her hand on his arm.

"I get it you're in a tuff situation I'm sorry. I wish everything could go back to normal. I miss Bonnie and...I even miss Damon" Elena scoffed causing Stefan to smile.

"I do too" he sighed taking the girl into his hold leaving a kiss on her head holding her tightly.

He wanted everything back to normal too, not having Damon or Bonnie around had made everything feel weird. Every day it tore them apart even more. He wasn't sure how much any of them could take it.

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Aurora had finally confirmed she hated not being a vampire. She hated not being able to compel herself anything or having everyone do things for her. She hated it. She had gotten by barely all the way to New Orleans.

She didn't have her vampire abilities anymore but she was still good at her tricks and her charm. She had not dressed up in a while ever since she was back from the dead. It felt good to her like she was finally back except without her being a vampire.

She used her magic here and there but she barely knew how to do anything. The good thing was that she had made it safely to New Orleans.

She still had no idea where to go but she was sure eventually she would find someone that would lead her to Elijah. Aurora knew that she should start right in the heart of the city, that's definitely where they would be settled.

She wasn't sure if she should ask around but if she was looking around for originals they would definitely think she was up to no good so instead she just walked around for a while until she got tired.

Another thing she was starting to hate. Being tired of her shoes that she loved so much. She stopped by in a bar hoping there was something to eat there as well and she could definitely use a drink as well.

The girl walked in heading right up to the bar where she was approached by the bartender.

"I'll start off with tequila. I definitely need it..." Aurora said, setting her bag down.

"Okay I'll just need an ID" the girl asked Aurora something she was used to but then she paused. She never really had one; she didn't need it if someone asked, she just compelled whoever was asking.

"I don't have it with me...I promise you I'm way over twenty one" Aurora tried to convince the girl but she knew there was no way the girl would believe her. "You know I'll take it as a compliment could I just have your menu"

The bartender just nodded, handing her the paper then walked away leaving the girl to look through it. Aurora just read through when she felt someone next to her. She just ignored knowing it was normal for someone to sit wherever, especially with how packed the bar was.

"Underage girl in a bar...it's not even Mardi Gra" the man spoke, causing Aurora to look over to the man sitting next to her.

"Not underage...just don't own an ID" Aurora said looking back at the menu.

"Then how do you think to get through here?" He was actually curious on how someone would show up to New Orleans without an ID.

"I have no idea actually but I'm sure I'll come up with something" Aurora finally put down her menu to give her attention to the man. "Now why were you listening to my conversation?"

"Oh I'm sorry about that. I have a very sensitive ear" he replied, causing her to look down to his hand to see what she expected to see a daylight ring.

"Right..." she just smiled and looked back at him waiting for him to say something else.

"Sorry where are my manners! I'm Marcel" he put his hand out. The girl hesitated for a moment. He was a vampire, an older one from the looks of his ring it was almost similar to Elijah's. If he was older there were high chances he knew the girl and now she had to lie about her name.

"Luna" was the first name that came to her mind. She did miss Luna very much. She was thinking about her constantly which is what made her think of it quickly.

Aurora took his hand shaking it then let go after.

"What brings you to New Orleans?" Marcel asked, in all honesty he was attracted to her she was very pretty and the whole ID thing caught his attention too.

"Trying to find something..."

"Like what?"

"Anything. Been a tough year too many things have happened" she shrugged not knowing if she could just tell him exactly what happened without telling him the involvement of who her dad was or Elijah. "Kinda ran away"

"That bad? Hey I get it but like I said won't get far without an ID..." Marcel chuckled. "But what was that bad that made you run away? I mean if I may ask"

"Oh there's not enough liquor in the world to get through the whole thing so I am begging you to get me some" Aurora as usual used her pleading eyes which made Marcel want the girl even more.

"I could but she knows it'll be for you..."

"Just compel her" the girl said not caring about her forwardness the guy looked harmless.

"You know..." his face dropped. He knew the girl was not a vampire that was for sure or she would have compelled the bartender herself.

"I'm not underage, quite the opposite I was a vampire but I'm not anymore...long story that I can tell after you get me some tequila" Aurora pleaded again.

Marcel wasn't skeptical about the girl at all; she seemed harmless as well. She seemed troubled too which only drove him to want to help her more which he did.

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Back in mystic falls Stefan sat in the living room. Elena had headed back to her dorm after hanging out with Stefan for a while. It was night time and he knew Ada and Enzo were going to be there eventually after she called him earlier he knew they would be home by tonight.

He wasn't sure what he was going to tell Ada at all but he knew he was not going to let her blame this on him. Aurora was her own person and old enough to do what she wanted. He did blame himself for a moment but then he thought if this was before and it was Damon the one there he wouldn't even think about the girl being gone he would've just thought it was normal.

Eventually Ada walked in with Enzo making Stefan look up and Luna sat up from the couch.

"How was it?" Stefan asked before getting into the other problem at hand.

"It was fine, got a big lead but only for something in return..." Ada replied, looking around wondering where Aurora was. "Where's Rory?"

Stefan sighed and looked over to Enzo. "Mind giving us a sec?"

Enzo just nodded and walked out the room. This only caused Ada to worry more for Aurora. Luna was in the room but Aurora wasn't and that was not good. Luna never left Aurora's side.

"Where's Aurora?!" Ada raised her voice.

"I have no idea, best guess she left to find Elijah. I caught her yesterday going through my phone trying to find his number. When I confronted her about it she broke down. She really wanted to see him and I told her to just wait until you were back and we would talk but after a few hours I went to check on her and she was long gone and left this" Stefan handed Ada the note that she quickly took to read.

Hi mom. You're probably so angry right now and I get it. I know this is wrong of me but I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to see him. I would've asked just like Stefan told me to but I knew your answer would've been no. I'm sorry but I can live like this. I know it's dangerous but I don't care. I rather live a life in danger than one where I'm kept in a glass box. So please don't look for me, don't try to go after me. I don't want to be found, I just want time alone and I'll be back when I'm ready. I am so sorry. I love you. -Aurora

Ada just crumbled the page up, throwing it away feeling anger and worry for the girl. She was trying to remain calm but she wasn't sure she could.

"Why didn't you keep a closer eye on her?! I left her under your watch!" Ada began to shout just as Stefan predicted.

"Aurora is not my responsibility, yes I care for her but in all honesty this is just normal for her to do! She always does this, it's normal. It was going to happen sooner or later Ada! You don't know how she is! And you didn't let her be herself! She told me she was so worried about upsetting you!"

"So it's my fault?!"

"It's no one's fault! If Damon was here he wouldn't even blame himself he knows who Aurora is and quite frankly she wouldn't have needed to run away she would've just asked! I'm sorry that it's been hard I get it but Aurora doesn't care she hasn't for a while she has chosen to just make of her life the best while she can she has lost all hope that's just who she is someone so eager to live"

Stefan paused watching how Ada broke down going to sit on the couch causing him to sigh. Maybe he was too harsh on the girl and he didn't realize it. After his talk with Elena he realized Ada was hurting too but trying to stay strong for Aurora.

"Ada..." he sat down trying to comfort her.

"No you're right I don't know my daughter. To her I barely existed. The only reason she remembered me was because of Damon but I was never there her whole life. I just wanted her safe but now I see I was suffocating her and she...she really loves him doesn't she?" Ada looked over to Stefan.

"She does and trust me she is safe as ever with him besides the whole curse" Stefan reassured. "She won't answer her phone but I can call Elijah see if he has seen her"

"Okay and Stefan I'm sorry for being bossy and harsh I just...I'm trying to adapt this is all new and I just wish Damon was here I feel so lost. Like I shouldn't be here..." Ada apologized knowing she had been really mean to Stefan ever since she got back.

"It's okay I get it I feel that too but we'll have him back hopefully soon?" He asked, going back to the topic of the lead she had gotten.

"Yeah, I definitely just have to find something. Do you know where Damon kept all my stuff?" She questioned wiping off her tears.

"Yeah I'll bring them down and Ada Aurora will come back when she's ready but I'll make sure she's safe" Stefan assured again before leaving to her what Ada needed.

Ada was definitely upset at Aurora but she was even more upset at herself because she didn't listen to her. She didn't try to listen to how Aurora wasn't happy at all and how much she was struggling and Aurora never made it known because she was scared of her and Ada hated it.

She didn't want to be the mom her daughter hated because she didn't trust her. She wished Aurora trusted her enough to go to her about Elijah and asked if she could go find him.

She knew what it felt to be in love if it was her in the situation she would've left in a heartbeat to see Damon the only difference was that Ada just wanted to protect Aurora not keep her from loving.

That would only make her like the witches.

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Aurora had spent most of the evening with Marcel as the sun was starting to set as they walked around the city. Aurora had told Marcel mostly everything just keeping out a bit of details. He was surprised when she told him how she was once a vampire and now she was nothing but a witch.

The girl was right; she had been through a lot. She went into detail telling him about all the things the witches did to her and about her curse. So far Marcel was not skeptical about Aurora at all; to him she was just another girl that was wronged; she didn't seem like a threat at all.

If he was being honest by the way she had been talking he actually felt compassion towards her. She was definitely a kind soul he felt attracted to which is why he decided to hang out with her for the rest of the day.

Aurora didn't mind at all at first she was sticking by him thinking she probably could get a few answers but eventually that went away when she was having a fun time with him, something she hadn't done in a while.

Eventually Marcel had offered to take the girl for dinner knowing she probably didn't know where to go. He could tell the girl felt a little lost without not being a vampire; he could never imagine what it would be like to not be a vampire after so long of being one.

"This was lovely, thank you honestly for being kind when I was nothing but a stranger" Aurora thanked the man just as he was paying for the dinner.

"Of course I had a good time too. How long do you plan on staying?" He asked as he got up from his seat leading her out the restaurant out the street again to walk.

"I don't know until I decide to leave again I guess..." she shrugged, continuing to walk then she stopped feeling uncomfortable. "Oh I forgot what feeling cold felt like"

"Do you have a place to stay? We could go to my place. I don't mind at all" the man offered and she paused for a while to think.

"I don't know I don't want to be too much of an inconvenience..."

"No not at all I don't mind" he persisted and she finally gave in nodding. "Okay let me find us a cab so we can get going"

Marcel did as he said quickly knowing the girl was cold. He would give the girl a jacket if he was wearing one but just as Aurora said they didn't feel cold but now she did.

Eventually he got one that took them all the way to his place. Aurora looked around impressed. It wasn't luxurious but it was nice she didn't mind at all.

"Nice place" she complimented looking back at him as she got a good look around the place.

"Thank you I'm sure you're used to luxury by the way you told me you used to live" he chuckled. "Are you still cold?"

"Not really and maybe that's true but I don't mind thank you really for helping me out I honestly don't know how I would've gotten by without my vampire abilities" Aurora thanked the man once again.

"I'm so sorry about that, about everything that has happened to you" Marcel approached her, seeing how the girl just smiled at him. He couldn't help but look at the girl and her beauty. There was no doubt she was beautiful and with a beautiful soul as well.

With all that was going on in the city with the Mikaelson's he never thought he could've had a good day or get his mind off it but the girl was able to distract him from that.

Aurora caught onto it, making her take a step back.

"I think...look I enjoyed today but I was kinda in a relationship before I died and I'm trying to find the right moment to go to him again. I can't just show up again out of nowhere and then again there's always that fear but I don't want you to get the wrong idea. You are great honestly but I just..."

"No I get it I'm sorry I just...I'm sorry" Marcel snapped out of it feeling disappointed but also understanding the girl.

"Maybe I should find a place to stay somewhere else..."

"No it's fine I can't leave you out there in the city alone, maybe tomorrow I can find you another place but for tonight you can stay here" he was obviously not going to let the girl go alone in the city especially at night even if he got turned down he was not that type of person.

"Thank you, I should probably turn on my phone to see all of my missed calls. I wasn't going to call my family and let them know I was okay but you helped me realize that I should probably call..." Aurora said and the man nodded.

"I have to go do something but I'll leave you to that and I'll leave my phone number too just in case you need anything" he said and the girl nodded letting him go.

She then walked over to her bag turning her phone back on only to see so many missed calls from her mother and Stefan. This made her second guess her decision but it was only right to call. She knew both of them must've been worried about her and she also knew her mother was probably blaming Stefan.

She took a breath and called her mom first who picked up immediately.

"Aurora are you okay?!" Ada sounded concerned which made Aurora regret her decision of running away but after the day she had she knew she really needed it.

"I'm fine, I just wanted to call to tell you. I'm sorry please don't blame Stefan he tried to stop me but I just couldn't and I'm sorry I didn't say anything I just didn't want to upset you"

"Oh Rory...I know and I'm sorry I was harsh but he helped me understand you needed this I understand just please make sure you still call me and tell you you're fine"

"I will, I promise. I want to ask about how was your trip but I don't want to know I want to stay away from that for a while if that's okay"

"Of course I understand I'll still be here though call me for anything though"

"Okay well I'm going to go I am tired but I love you"

"I love you too my ladybug"

A/n- hi! I love this already I love writing for the originals!
Let me know of anything you guys might want to see open for any suggestions

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