By serene_fictionist

109K 12.5K 4.1K

Raelynn Baker A woman who escaped the viciously blinding nights of forced prostitution. Snatched from the emb... More

Author's Note
Meet the leads!!!
Prologue - HIM
Prologue - HER
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 22

2.3K 240 83
By serene_fictionist

170+ Votes!


Hey,  readers!

So, as per schedule, I should give the next update on Friday.

But, since the vote target is done and I had a little free time, I completed editing this chapter.

However, since I'm updating today, I'm not sure if there'll be any update on Friday or not. The next update might come directly on Monday.

Until then, enjoy reading!!!!!!!

-----NOTE ENDS----


"Ms. Baker, this sudden withdrawal of Marino Corp. from this project has made our brand take a sudden blow in the share price. Everything had been going well until recently. So, what has gone wrong that led to this situation?", George Cello, Milan's father and one of the most important investors of my brand, questioned sternly.

"The decision and the email came out too suddenly, Mr. Cello, we are still trying to negotiate with them over this.", I answered firmly.

I am now sitting in the boardroom with a couple of directors assembled today to discuss the current problem.

"Rumors have already started in the office that you might get sacked.", one of the directors commented rudely.

"So I've heard.", I accepted stoically.

"Those rumors might not be far from reality, Ms. Baker.", another director said, his tone a warning.

I stayed stoic, not letting any expression or reaction slip.

"I have worked from the day this brand was established, sir, I would like to be given some credit for three years of my dedication towards the growth of this brand from the scratch.", I said firmly, looking them in the eyes.

"The credit can be given, Ms. Baker, but we cannot risk the downfall of this company.", one of them replied.

"It is being said that the current situation has arisen due to something personal between you and Vincent Marino. We do not know what you have done to displease him, but we cannot let it cost our shares.", another one pointed out angrily.

"There's nothing personal between me and Mr. Marino, sir. I request you not to give an ear to such rumors.", I said sternly, giving him a pointed gaze.

Before anyone else could say anything, George cut them off.

"This is not the time to just ponder on why it has happened. We also need to work on how to resolve this. We have set our finances, schedules and plan for the construction of the new high scale factory. If it halts at this point, there'll be even bigger loss.", George contemplated.

"We need to find a new construction company to pick this project up.", I added, nodding.

"Who would accept to work with us when the best of the best had pulled out of it. No one would be willing to take a chance.", one of them argued.

"Not everyone will go by the rumors. We need to find someone who will accept our proposal. If we can, it will resolve the rumors about any false play and eventually bring up the stock price.", I explained.

"But who would accept it?", another one stressed.

"I request for some time to look into other firms and contact them.", I requested them earnestly.

"We could hire a new CEO-", someone was saying, but I cut him off.

"This brand has been started by me and has seen a steady growth in the upper limit and lower limit of share prices under my tenure, never once falling or going downhill. I say it confidently that no one knows this company's nooks and corners of every department better than me. And at such a time you need a person who can move forward with the knowledge of all the assets and liabilities stored in their head. I assure you that I will resolve this quickly and request to be given a chance.", I said firmly, my tone earnest and assuring, looking everyone in the eyes.

There was slight murmuring among them and after a long time spent in discussions and voting, they finally decided to give me a chance and continue my tenure as the CEO.

As the meeting came to an end, I greeted everyone and was going to walk out of the room, but was stopped by George Cello.

"My wife's been eager to meet you after that disturbed dinner incident, Ms. Baker, could you make some time to visit her?", he asked politely.

My days are already going too fast and tiring and then I'm being asked to meet a woman who wants me to marry her son.

How bothersome!

"I'll surely come visit her in the near future, Mr. Cello.", I replied politely, smiling courteously.

He shook hands with me and walked away.

Milan's mother, Emily, is so keen on getting my acceptance to this alliance that it's starting to infuriate me.

The woman doesn't even a percent of me and wants to hook me up with her son.


If she gets to know that I once worked in a brot**l, the eyes that are now holding admiration would fill up with disgust.

It's not just her though, everyone would react the same way.

I'm doing her a favor by staying away and she's being desperate to pull someone like me into her family.


I'm too busy with work to be thinking about her.

The day went by with me trying to reach out to other construction firms with no success at all.

While I was having my dinner hastily in my cabin to resume my work as soon as possible, I paused when his words came to my mind.

"You still need to pay me back for the disrespect, Ms. Baker."


He's doing all this because I disrespected him?

That's ...... insane.

It means he's pushing me to a corner to force an apology out of me.

I took a deep breath to calm my bubbling anger.

He's in the mafia after all, what am I expecting!

I let out a disdainful scoff at the reminder.

Well, screw him.

I am not going to apologize.

Fixing that in my mind, I quickly completed my dinner and continued with the work and calls.

The time passed by quickly and now, at a little past 11, I drove out of my office.

With too many thoughts occupying my mind, I could not go to my house as I knew sleep wouldn't even knock at my brain.

Driving to Liam's garage, I parked the car and walked in.

He was done for the day and was cleaning up the tools silently.

He doesn't mind me visiting him at any odd hour. He's used to my unusual timings at this point I guess.

I sat on a chair and stared into the air, leaning back, exhausted.

"You look troubled.", he commented calmly, still cleaning his tools.

"I am.", I confessed, sighing.

He didn't ask why.

Maybe because he knows I'll tell anyway.

Except for my past, I tell him almost about everything whether he asks or not.

"You were right.", I commented.

"About what?", he asked.

"Vincent Marino.", I replied.

He stiffened visibly, but didn't say anything.

"He feels that I owe him an apology of some kind. And guess what he's doing to force me to apologize.", I scoffed.

He turned to me, looking at me intently, waiting for me to continue.

"He pulled out of the factory project suddenly and I'm now taking the entire brunt for it. If things go astray, I might get sacked from the position of CEO.", I laughed dryly, irritated at the mere thought.

"He's angry at you?", Liam asked, frowning.

"Probably.", I shrugged.

"What did you do, Raelynn?", he asked suspiciously.

"I just argued with him about how he endangered my employees.", I answered, agitated.

"You argued with him? Have you lost your rationale?", Liam asked, agitated himself.

"What else do you want me to do? My employees were so close to getting terribly injured or worse, dead, and you expect me to shut my mouth?", I asked, exasperated.

"Yes. I expect you to stay quiet. Especially when the man in front of you is the most dangerous one out there.", he replied, his voice disappointed and reprimanding.

"I am responsible for the safety of my employees.", I stressed out.

"Be responsible for your safety first.", he chastised.

"I-", he cut me off.

"If an apology is all he wants, then go and apologize.", he said sternly.

I looked at him, shocked.

"I will not. I was not wrong.", I argued.

"It doesn't matter, Raelynn. Just go and apologize.", he said firmly, looking me in the eyes angrily.

"I will not.", I stood up, stubborn.

"You have to.", he stood up too, glaring at me.

"Why should I -", he cut me off yet again.

"He can destroy your whole life! One apology will cost you your entire career.", he raised his voice slightly, agitated.

"I will not.", I stood, determined.

"Why not?", he asked angrily.

"Because he's a ma-", I paused abruptly.

I cannot let Liam know Mr. Marino is a mafia boss.

It might put him in danger.

No, I cannot let that happen.

"You want to throw away 7 years of your hard work over one petty apology?", he asked, breaking my chain of thoughts.

"It's not a petty apology, Liam.", I replied, breathing out in distress.

"Then what else is it, huh?", he questioned.

I cannot apologize to a mafia bast**d ever again in my life.

The mere thought reminds me of a set of dead eyes staring at me lifelessly, the screams, the pleadings, the blood, the death .......

To apologize to him is to deceive my own pain, to betray my own past, and I won't do it no matter what.

"Raelynn", Liam called out, grabbing my attention.

"You have to apologize to him.", he said firmly, his tone calm yet sharp.

I pursed my lips, shaking my head slowly.

"Stop being stubborn. Just think of it as a favor and throw an apology at him.", he tried to persuade.

"I cannot.", I confessed.

"So, are you willing to throw your career and company away over a petty apology?", he raised his voice in anger.

"YES.", I raised my voice, anxious and angry.

"You used to sit beside that huge trunk and study under the dim light from my garage. You worked multiple odd jobs, studied through the entire night, slept outside in the cold having no house and no courage to step into mine. Even in college, you worked all kinds of odd jobs, worked hard for grades, gambled everything on setting up your own confectionery and working overtime for the past three years to grow it from its birth. That company, that position is the product of 7 years of your struggle, kid. I cannot watch you sabotage it with your own hands.", he said, worried, his voice going gentle at the end.

I stood there, speechless, having no words to say.

"It's not just about your career, it's also risking your safety.", he tried to persuade.

I couldn't respond.

How can I tell him that the apology meant much more to me than my life itself?

"I know that the relationship we share is that of a trainer and a trainee, but still, I am taking the liberty to advise you.", he said calmly, turning away.

I felt a huge pang in my chest at his words.

A trainer and a trainee?

Technically, that's all we are to each other.

Why does it hurt to hear it though?

"I've lost people before and I don't want to lose any further because the pain of loss is much more terrible than death itself.", he said in an expressionless tone.

He then wordlessly walked in through the door leading to his penthouse and closed the door behind him with a loud thud.

I sat on the chair, dejected.

I could hear the concern and worry in his tone.

I feel terrible for causing him unnecessary tension, but I am helpless in my own state.

Glancing at his door one last time, I walked away.

The next few days I tried with many other firms, but none of them were accepting, owing to the talk circulating around that we were indulged in some false play.

I visited Liam too, but both of us just sat in silence without speaking.

Feeling the pressure build inside me exponentially, I decided to give my brain a little break.

Leaving my office early, I drove aimlessly on the road, until I subconsciously ended up in front of the small unit of our confectionery, the place where I first started it - CLAY.

Standing in front of it and staring at the now sophisticated store, a soft smile curved my lips.

It reminded me of the days when I started it and struggled to gain customers. My humble beginnings.

I used to eat my own failed baked items in order to save money for the spent ingredients by having them in place of daily meals.

It's funny how I came this far from that starving teenager and struggling college student.

For everyone else, this brand is just three years old, but for me, its as old as each hour of every day of the past three years. This is a product I raised on my own shoulders.

It's worth much more to me than a mere money making firm. This is the result of ten years of my relentless fighting.

Even if I get sacked, I'll still have my shares in this company and many others to fund all the charities I'm supporting, but to be kicked out of it is feeling somewhat similar to a parent being kicked out of their child's life.

I -

Suddenly an idea struck me.


Why didn't I think of it beforehand!

Until now I've been contacting only the renowned firms, but I can try with the rising ones too.

Rushing to my car, I drove back to the office.

Researching about the rising construction firms all night, I listed a few suitable ones.

After consulting and negotiating with a few of them, I still couldn't succeed.

But, fortunately, one of the newly rising construction firms accepted our proposal.

They were apprehensive at first, but I convinced them by offering to be an angel investor in their firm. They were in need of huge funds and I proposed to invest if they would take up our factory project which in turn would be a good breaking point for them and resolve our problem and gradually our reputation.

My company's board of directors weren't exactly happy about it, raised questions about me investing the company funds in the new firm, but I clarified that it would be my own money that I'd be investing and the only thing the company needs to focus on is resuming the final modeling of the factory and the capacity of the machines.

It took a few days to carry out all the formalities for the new deal and the board meetings.

And, in the past few days, I've noticed some people stalking me near my house yet again, but this time, I did not contact Mr. Marino.

If things go out of hand, I'll rather call the cops than contact that man.

Adding to the mystery and irritation, Mr. Marino sent me a personal text asking me to lift the calls he's making to me which I ignored on purpose.

After everything he did, he wants me to answer his calls. Hypocrite.

As usual, I was driving to my house almost at midnight with all the extra effort needed to be put in to compensate for the ongoing hitch at the company.

Just as I reached my house, I noticed a man wandering at the edge of the lane leisurely.

He could be a stalker.

I need to be careful.

As soon as I reached the porch, I was going to open the door of my house, but all of a sudden, I felt someone press their palm over my mouth tightly, twisting both my hands behind my back in a tight grip.

My heart leapt out of my body at the abrupt fright.

"Don't shout.", a deep voice came as a whisper close to my ear.

Mr. Marino!

He shoved my body a little and slammed my back against the wall adjacent to my door, still pressing his palm against my mouth, the high gate and my car shielding us from the street view.

As he momentarily released my hands, I was going to swing them over his jaw, but he immediately held both my wrists tightly with his left hand, pressing his calloused right palm over my mouth.

How is this man so unbelievably strong?

I tried making tiny noises from my throat, but froze when he leaned his head down to the side of my face, his lips close to my ear, his cheek just a few centimeters away from mine, his cologne disturbing my nostrils, hitching my breath in my throat.

"Quiet.", he muttered in a low tone, my whole body shuddering at the proximity of his deep voice.

What the hell is he doing?

Moving his head back a little, he looked down into my glaring orbs, the darkness casting a shadow over his face.

"I don't have much time, so I'll keep it short.", he started in a very low tone, almost a whisper.

A faint sound from the street stiffened him and he stood a little erect, moving slightly closer, his face turned to the street, his eyes focused.

Too close.

He was now so close that I could see his collar bone through his unbuttoned upper part of the shirt and his Adam's apple that moved up and down as he gulped. If not for my wrists that he held tightly in front of my abdomen, his chest would have been touching me at this point.

Before I could comprehend anything, he leaned down a little, his head a little above my own.

"Buy or rent a new house on someone else's name and stay there discreetly for a while. Do it immediately. Don't tell anyone about it.", he said firmly.

I glared into his eyes, slightly shaking my head, infuriated.

"It's for your own safety. You better do it.", he said sternly, his tone laced with a warning.

I shook my head yet again.

As if I can trust him and his words.


"If you don't do it in the next two days, I will take things into my hand and believe me, I will not be so liberal.", he said firmly, his eyes shining slightly under the dim illumination from the street.

I didn't say anything.

"I'm going to let go now. Don't say anything and walk into your house. There are people outside this gate, stalking you. One move out of place and you'll be in even deeper danger.", he warned calmly.

As said, he let go of me.

I didn't know why, but I silently just walked into my house through the door and locked it securely from the inside.

Kneeling on the floor, I breathed in huge chunks of air after holding the breath in for a long time, clutching my chest harshly.

He broke into my gate?

That easily?

The realization hit me so hard that my nerves trembled in terror.

Hurrying up and checking through the security camera, I found him gone already.

He used all the blind spots perfectly to get in.

I banged my fist on the table harshly as anger and anxiety took me over.

My own house is not safe anymore.

But even if I move to some other place, what's the guarantee that it will be safe?

Moreover, it could be a trap for all I know.

At least some people know I live here. What if it gets easier to mess with me when I go to a new place without informing anyone?


I should be careful.

I need to install more cameras and maybe surf for better security locks.

Hurrying through the house and checking all the doors and ensuring they are properly locked, I settled on my bed to calm my racing heart.

What have I gotten myself into!

The whole night, I was awake, unable to sleep from the extreme unease.

The next day I went to the office as usual and indulged in my work, but the whole fiasco kept running in the back of my brain.

Much to my apprehension, Mr. Marino called me in the evening, but I cut the call.

What should I do?

Should I tell someone?



No, they might get entangled in this mess too. It's dangerous.

I should go to the cops.

Even if I don't have any proof that Mr. Marino broke into my compound, I can at least file a complaint about the stalkers.

I need to think this through properly before taking a step.

The day went by as usual with me going through another sleepless night.

The next day went the same too.

And on the third day after the incident, I was roped into a late evening video conference with the construction firm we're working with and by the time I started back to my house, it was a little past 10.

Little did I know of the guest awaiting me.

I did not know how and when it happened, but the moment I stepped into my house and turned around to lock the door, I felt a cloth pressed against my nose.

As I breathed in instinctively, I realized the cloth was drugged.


I tried to turn around, struggling a little, but my body was pushed to the door firmly.

"I warned you, Ms. Baker. You should've heeded my advice when I was being nice.", his words rang in my ears as my body was slowly slipping into darkness.

I struggled in vain as my body lost against the intoxication of the drug and went limp.

But as I was sure I was going to fall, I felt a pair of strong hands lifting me up by placing one hand under my knees and one behind my back, my head softly hitting a hard chest.

"You force me to do weird things.", I heard his muffled mutter.

My whole body was limp and my eyes closed, but I could still remotely hear muffled sounds.

I could feel him carrying me somewhere.

"No one's around, sir, they're gone.", I heard another voice before completely slipping out.


It was completely dark around and I was walking in a wobbling way, my body and brain high on alcohol.

I tripped on the stone on the way and fell to the ground with a yelp, twisting my ankle in a painfully weird angle.

That caught the attention of the men standing a little distance away.

I struggled to stand, but my body and consciousness were already forcing me to give up in exhaustion, mentally and physically.

A moment later, I felt myself being forced to my knees and someone harshly held my chin and lifted my face up.

Those men had walked to me and were now staring at my sweaty face.

"Not bad. We can get a good price on this one.", one of the men said thoughtfully.

"Who would've thought we would get a free one here.", another man chuckled.

Though my mind was completely hazy, I could subconsciously understand that I was in danger and my defensive instincts were triggered.

"L-Leave.", I mumbled with the left out energy in my body from the alcohol still traveling up my nerves.

Before I could comprehend anything, a cloth was placed on my nose. One of the men kicked me in the stomach while the others were holding me on the knees firmly.

The sudden kick forced me to take in a sharp breath in pain and that led me to sniff the cloth.

My already dizzy form was completely lulled into darkness due to the effect of the new drug.

When I opened my eyes next, I was being violated -


My eyelids broke open abruptly as my heart hammered in my chest loudly, sweating profusely in dread.

The sudden bright light blinded my vision, forcing my eyes shut.

Enduring the sudden brightness, I opened my eyes and sat up in a hurry.

Where the hell am I?

I looked around and found myself sitting on a large bed in a luxuriously big room, the walls white with a few elegant paintings hung on the wall, a sofa and a table placed neatly with three doors shut close.

Feeling something trickling down my nose, I wiped it with my finger and when I looked down, I found my finger stained with blood, still trembling slightly.

This always happens when I have that dream.

Wiping the blood off my skin, I got off the bed.

The events from the previous night played in my mind and my body shook in raw rage.

Picking up the vase placed on the bedside table, I walked to the window.

Sliding the curtain slightly aside, I peeked out through the window and found a huge garden spanning over limitlessly.

What is this place?

I frowned, shutting the curtain.

I'm too high up to jump through the window.

Walking cautiously to one of the doors, I opened it and found it to be the washroom.

Clicking my tongue, I opened the next door. A closet.

Clenching my jaw, I very cautiously opened the last door and when I stepped out, I was in a corridor with a huge staircase a considerable distance to my left.

Just what is this place?

Where did he bring me?

Is this some kind of ......... I don't seem to wrap my mind around what's happening.

With the vase still in hand, I slowly climbed down the stairs.

Thankfully, my clothes and shoes are still intact.

As I climbed down the last step, I was startled, coming face to face with a middle aged woman.

She looked at me, shocked, dropping the clothes in her hand to the ground.

"Wha ... who ...", she fumbled, utterly shocked.

Who is she?

Does she not know I'm here?

Before either of us could say anything, we were interrupted.

"Sofia, I know her.", we heard a male voice and turned to my side on alert.


I know this guy.

He's the one always accompanying Mr. Marino.

Umm ...... Cavin?

"I was scared to death.", the middle aged lady sighed in relief.

"Uh, mam, you can put the vase down.", he suggested awkwardly.

I realized I was still holding the vase on alert.

I did not let it go though.

Who knows what these people are going to do?

"Where's your boss?", I asked sharply.

"Pardon?", he looked surprised.

"WHERE IS YOUR BOSS?", I asked coldly, stressing on each word, my tone hard.

The middle aged woman flinched, moving back and the guy stiffened visibly.

"He's in the dining room now. He'll-", I cut him off.

"Where's the dining room?", I asked the woman sternly.

She flinched, pointing her finger in a particular direction.

Ignoring both of them, I turned to that direction and started walking.

"Mam, wait. Sir will speak to you, but now-", Cavin was saying, but I ignored him, still being cautious that he's not too near to me.

"Should I call the guards?", the woman asked, worried.

"NO.", Cavin answered firmly.

As I heard light chatter coming from a door, I opened it with a loud thud.

"Mam, please-"

I walked in angrily and when I looked to my left, my eyes met with those gray ones I'm searching for.

Not hesitating for a moment, I walked to him in brisk steps and the moment I was near to him, I raised the vase high in the air and brought it down with a huge force.

Before it could touch him, he stood, pushing the chair to the ground, holding my wrist mid air, preventing the vase from touching him.

My whole conscience was livid, my hands itching to inflict pain on him.

I pressed my hand holding the vase hard towards him, but he didn't twitch, his gaze piercing mine.

I stared right back, matching his gaze, my amber eyes and his gray ones compelling the other to submit.

"Leave it.", he said calmly, referring to the vase.

I clenched my jaw and pressed the vase harder towards his neck.

"LEAVE IT.", his calm voice dangerously cold.

His tone sent a chilling shiver down my spine and my hold involuntarily lightened around the vase.

However, the fury was still running high in my veins.

He snatched the vase with his free hand and placed it on the table, his right hand still clutching my wrist firmly.

"V-Vince, what's going on?"

I heard someone ask.

He broke our eye contact and looked to the left and so did I.

There were a total of two young girls and four boys besides the woman who followed me and Cavin.

They all were looking at us in utter shock.

Mr. Marino looked back at me.

"Let's talk outside.", he said sternly.

"No. Talk right here, right now.", I replied, equally stern, looking at him intensely.

"What is happening here? Who's she and why's she here?"

One of them asked.

"That's exactly what I want to know. Why am I here?", I questioned in a hard tone, suppressing my anger at the base of my throat.

Staring into my eyes stoically, he ignored my question.

"Everyone, OUT.", he ordered firmly, his tone preventing any argument.

Not paying heed to the others, I glared into his eyes.

"You drugged me in the middle of the night and kidnapped me without consent.", I gritted out angrily.

I flinched slightly, startled, when all of them exclaimed loudly in unison,



Phew! That was a very long chapter!

How was the chapter?

Liam is genuinely concerned about Rae. 🤧

Things escalated suddenly. 😳

Rae is livid. 😬

So seems Vince. 🥶

Note : Hey, readers, just to remind you, none of them are perfect. They have their own flaws and need to work through it. I know what Vince did in this chapter is far from commendable, but let's see what the next chapter brings!

The story is going to get high on emotions from here on. You're going to defend, curse, cry, laugh, sympathize and fall in love with them.

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow.

Do follow me on Insta with the same ID.

Yours lovingly,


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