Diagnosing Attraction

By Phoenix-54

35.5K 1.4K 181

Amelia Phillips has had a tough few years, since the death of her parents and it isn’t getting easier when he... More

Diagnosing Attraction. Part 1
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 2
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 3
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 4
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 5
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 6
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 7
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 8
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 9
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 10
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 11
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 12
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 13
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 14
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 15
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 17
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 18
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 19
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 20
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 21
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 22
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 23
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 24
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 25
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 26
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 27
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 28
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 29
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 30
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 31
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 32
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 33
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 34
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 35
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 36
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 37
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 38
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 39
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 40
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 41
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 42
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 43
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 44
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 45
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 46
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 47
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 48
Diagnosing Attraction. Part 49

Diagnosing Attraction. Part 16

728 33 3
By Phoenix-54

Hey guys!

So I got my exam results on Monday & I can now say that I am now a 3rd year Uni student! :D I'm so relieved to have passed everything & I actually did better than I thought I would! So I went into town & treated myself with a new hoodie & t-shirt :P Which I shouldn't have because my new Batman game on the Tuesday as well :D
And can I just say, I've never had so many issues with a game before! I could only play it for about half an hour before I couldn't play anymore, so I had to leave my Playstation on overnight to download their fix for the game, which said it would take 10 hours! But it's all good now & the game is incredible :P

Please Vote, Comment, Become a Fan, Like my FB Page & Follow me on Twitter! :D

I hope you enjoy!


"Where's Dani? I thought you said you'd both be over," Maddie glanced back at me, as we walked down the hall and into the kitchen.

"She was coming, but one of her friends asked her over to her house, because she was having a last minute party for Halloween." I know Dani will have more fun at her friend's house than here, because they're will only be a few kids here and she'll not really know them.

"Is my company really that bad?" She laughed and we walked into the kitchen, before she made her way over to the refrigerator.

"Well I'm only here because I've nothing else to do," I glanced up at her and smirked, as I set my bag on the worktop.

"I'm surprised you aren't out with your boyfriend," she took out a bottle of water from the fridge and walked over to me.

"He's not my boyfriend and it's not like I see him every day anymore," I laughed and shook my head, while taking out the groceries from the bag.

"You must be by now, it's been long enough," she looked quite surprised.

"It's hasn't really, we've only been out three times and his sister was with us the last time," I explained to her. "I'm not even sure what I would call our relationship or how to describe it," I don't want to put a label on it, because I don't know what he thinks it is.

"I would say you're basically a couple, but he's probably too nervous to ask you because he probably wants to see what you call it first."

"I'm just going with whatever happens right now, so if that means we're just 'seeing each other' for now, then I'm happy with that." I looked up at her and smiled slightly, as she handed me a glass of water.

"I'm sure he'll ask you soon, by what you've told me, it sounds like he likes you just as much as you like him. He probably just wants to have a few more dates first, I know that's what Dan did," she told me about her fiancé.

"I guess we'll see how things go," I raised my eyebrows and sat down on one of the breakfast stools.

"Have you guys even had your first kiss with each other," she really did like to know everything about the dates.

"Not yet, we haven't even hugged yet, I still think we're trying to move away from him being the doctor of my sister and get used to being Harrison and Amy."

"Yeah I guess that makes sense," she pursed her bottom lip out and nodded. "You should've invited him over tonight," she walked around the island and sat down opposite me.

"He's just hanging out with his sister tonight, he's been working ever since she got here and hasn't had the chance to properly catch up with her." I did ask him earlier if he wanted to come, when I was talking to him over the phone while he was on his break, but he told me why he couldn't.

"What's his sister like?" She asked with raised eyebrows, whilst leaning forward and folding her arms on the counter.

"She seems really nice, I only got chatting to her for an hour while we were at lunch and it was more about them two catching up. But she seems nice enough," I really would like to get to know more about her, before she goes back to Uni next week.

"Are you going to see each other again before she leaves?"

"Probably, I'm not seeing Harrison until Tuesday, so it'll be Wednesday or Thursday if I do. Harrison wants us to get to know each other a bit more," I told Harrison that I'd like to meet her again.

"What are you doing on Tuesday?" She really was far too nosy for her own good, but I know I did the same when she first started dating Dan.

"I'm going over to his house for dinner," I'm still pretty nervous to go to his place for dinner. Part of me just sees it as having dinner with him like I've done before, but another part reminds me that this is his house.

"That'll be fun," she smirked and nodded at me slightly, telling me she knew that I was nervous about it.

"I'm sure it will be," I know I'll have fun with him, I'll just need to get over my nerves pretty soon. "Anyway, do you need a hand with anything?" I didn't really want to worry about it any more and the reason I came over early was to help her get ready for tonight.


When I parked up outside Harrison's house, I wasn't entirely confident that I had the right house and I was outside some stranger's house. I don't know what I was expecting, but what was in front of me, certainly wasn't what I imagine. It was on the outskirts of the town and about half an hour from the city centre, in a cul-de-sac with five other houses, which weren't right beside each other and were well spaced out. Dani and I live pretty close to the city centre, about fifteen minutes away, so I was used to having lots of houses around mine and I found it strange there were only six houses within this cul-de-sac. And from the looks from the front, it looks like there is nothing behind his house either.

I took a deep breath and turned the car off, before picking up my back and getting out. I live in an area where all the houses are quite small and attached to other houses, so it was slightly daunting to walk up to a house that pretty big and standing on its own. It was a two storey red brick house, but you could easily fit two of my house inside. I admired it as I made my way to the front door, in awe in how beautiful the house was and I wasn't even inside yet.

As I stopped at the front door and raised my hand to ring the doorbell, the front door opened. "Oh," Amber looked up at me startled, before smiling at me. "Hey Amy, I was just on my way out, so you don't have to worry about me. Come on in," she laughed and stepped back into the house. "Amy is here Harry," she shouted out through the house to her brother.

"Are you going anywhere nice tonight?" I asked her as I walked into the house, quickly realising the inside of the house was just as beautiful as the outside.

"I'm just going out to dinner with some friends I haven't seen since we all went to Uni," she said with a smile. "Well I'll let you guys enjoy your dinner, I might catch you before you go home," she said as Harrison walked into the hall.

"Have fun with your friends," I smiled at her, before she left the house and shut the door behind her.

I turned to Harrison and smiled, "hey," I really did feel like I haven't seen him in a while. It was nearly a week, but that's hardly a long time, but we did use to see each other every day a couple of weeks ago.

"Are you alright?" He asked and gestured for me to follow me, which I did and tried to take in as much as the house as I could.

"Yeah I'm good," I nodded to myself and we walked down the hallway. "You?" I asked him and we turned the corner, which he appeared from, before we were inside the kitchen.

"I can't complain," he turned to face me and smiled, "Do you want something to drink?"

"Just some water thanks," I took my bag off of my shoulder and hung it over the back of a stool, at the breakfast bar.

"So how was work today? Are you still glad to be back?" He took a bottle of water out of the fridge, before getting two glasses and walking over to me.

"Yeah I still love it," I laughed and sat down on the stool, as he poured two glasses of water. "As nice as it was two have a few weeks to relax after the hospital, it's so good to get back to work. I can finally get to know the kids a bit better," I never had the time to get to know the kids I'd help throughout the year. So that's what this week is all about, getting to know the kids and how to best help them with their work.

"I'd imagine staying at home that long would get boring," he smiled and handed me a glass.

"Thanks, but yeah it started to get pretty boring," I couldn't stay staying at home for much longer.

"Is Dani coping okay with being back?" He sat down opposite me and folded his arms on the counter, as I took a sip of water.

"Yeah she loves being back," I haven't seen Dani get as excited as she did yesterday, in a long time, even when we left the hospital. "She was pretty tired today when she got home and her back is still pretty sore, so she's still getting over the radiotherapy."

"It'll take her a while to get back to full fitness, I wouldn't worry about it too much," he reassured me.

"How was work for you?" I know he was pretty stressed from work yesterday, because he was in meetings all day and he had a lot of check-up appointments.

"Better than yesterday," he laughed and leant back in his chair, "no it was a good day today. I'm doing a lot of consulting work right now, so I'm just waiting for my own full patient right now." He hasn't had his own patient since he took on Dani's case, he's just been a consultant to other doctor's cases.

"So where's your dog – Saxon right?" I was half expecting to be pestered by a dog, the second I walked in the door.

"I wasn't sure whether you like dogs or not, so he's out in the back garden," he nodded to the garden behind me.

"No I love dogs," I laughed and shook my head, turning around to see if I could see his dog.

"I guess I'll go and let him in then," he set down his glass and stood up. "Keep in mind, he's a big dog and he can get pretty excited with new people," he warned me.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," I stood up and followed him over to the sliding glass doors, which led to the back garden.

"You'll be surprised," he glanced back at me, as he opened the door and we walked onto the patio. "Saxon," he called out and a large dog came out of the dog house, which was at the side of the garden. He walked across the garden, before running up the porch and straight over to me.

"Hey Saxon," I smiled and crouched down, to stroke the excited dog. "You weren't lying," I laughed and looked up at Harrison, as Saxon lay down on the floor at my feet.

"He's still a big puppy at heart," Harrison smiled down at us and leant against the porch.

"How old is he?" I remember Amber saying he mum got him a few years before she died, but I can't remember when they got him.

"He's around five years old now, my mum wanted to have a dog around the house and Amber really wanted a dog. When she died, I moved back here to home and I was never a dog person, but I was stuck with him because he was Amber's dog."

"Why would you want to get rid of this gorgeous guy?" I looked back down at Saxon and rubbed his belly, I know Dani would love a dog like Saxon.

"I may have grown fond of him the past three years, because it is just the two of us while Amber is at Uni."

"I'm sure you appreciate the company and enjoy having him greet you when you get home," I said and stood up.

"I should go check on dinner, because I'm sure you don't want to end up having takeaway," he smiled and pushed himself off of the porch.

"Well, depending on how good you can cook, I may have to pick some up on the way home," I teased him.

"Don't worry, I can cook," he smirked as he walked past me, before walking into the kitchen. "Amber definitely couldn't cook when I moved back home, so someone had to," he said and I followed him into the kitchen.

"I look forward to it then," I closed the door to the garden, when Saxon was inside.

"It'll only be another ten minutes," he check on something on the stove, before turning to face me.


"Okay I admit it, you're not a bad cook," I said to him as we finished our dinner. "I should come here for dinner more often," I laughed and sat back in my seat.

"I don't usually cook stuff like this," he nodded down at his plate and smiled at me. I was really impressed when he set a seafood risotto in front of me and even more impressed when I tried it. "But you and Dani are welcome any time, it'll be nice to have some company," he stood up and started to clear the table.

"You might regret that if we turn up every week," I stood up and helped him clear the table.

"Don't worry I've got it," he tried to stop me and gestured for me to sit back down.

"Its fine," I smiled and walked over to the kitchen, setting the glasses down by the sink. "It's the least I could do since you made me dinner," I said and he appeared beside me.

"Can I get you a tea or coffee?" He looked down at me and smiled, while setting the plates on the counter.

"Tea please," I answered and he nodded, before walking over to the kettle.

"What time are you picking Dani up from her friends?"

I quickly glanced at the clock to see what time it was, "not for another hour or so." It was only half eight and I told Dani I'd pick her up about ten, because I didn't want her out for too long since she has school tomorrow.

"I was going to ask, since Amber is leaving again on Friday, if you were free on Thursday night? Amber and I were going out to dinner, so if you're free, you and Dani are more than welcome." He turned around and smiled at me, as I walked over to one of the stool and sat down.

"That would be nice, I'll mention it to Dani," I'm sure Dani would love to go out with them. When I was talking to Dani about meeting Amber, she said she sounded like a nice person and she'd love to meet her.

"Amber already knows who she is, because she asked how you and I met, but I didn't go into any detail. I just told her that I was treating Dani," he reassured me that he didn't go into anything specific.

"No it's fine, don't worry about it," I don't want him to think I was annoyed with him. I told Amber that my sister was in hospital the day I met her, so I'm sure she would've worked it out herself.

"Here you go," he turned around with two cups and walked over to me, before holding one out to me.

"Thanks," I smiled and took the cup from him and set it down on the counter in front of me.

"Listen, I was wondering, since we've been on a few-" he began to say, but my phone interrupted him.

"Sorry, I thought I put it on silent," I gave him an apologetic smile and lifted my bag onto the counter.

"Don't worry about it," he shook his head and waved his hand dismissively. I took my phone out of my bag and looked at the screen.

"Sorry it's the mother of Dani's friend, do you mind?" I wouldn't have wanted to answer it if it was someone else, but I was worried something might be wrong.

"No go ahead," he smiled and gestured for me to answer the phone, while sitting back in his chair.

"Hi Karen," I greeted her apprehensively, growing more nervous as to why she was calling.

"Listen Amy, Dani really isn't in a good place right now, she crying with really bad back pain and she can't move very well." She said in a panic, making my heart drop before she had even finished telling me what was wrong.

"I'll be right over," I hung up and stood up my seat, throwing my phone into my bag.

"What's wrong?" Harrison looked at me worriedly, as I got my keys out of my bag and threw it over my shoulder.

"Something's wrong with Dani," I told him in a panic and I picked up my jacket.

"I'll come with you," he stood up and followed me out of the kitchen, picking up his jacket and keys, before we left the house.

Can we seriously not get a break? I just hope it's a side effect from the radiotherapy and not anything more serious.

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