FGO/Void's Wrath a Jeanne D'A...

By BlackHydrex

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Y/N L/N, enraged by the death of his servant, Jalter in the Third Holy Grail war, corrupts the grail. He mak... More

Chapter 1:The Beast Summons
Chapter 2: A Step to Darkness
Chapter 3: The Nightlife
Chapter 4: Revenge Closer
Chapter 5: Paradise
Chapter 6: Blood Ties


974 14 3
By BlackHydrex

Disclaimer: Some of the characters used here do NOT belong to me, all rights go to the respective owners.

A/N: If you haven't read Fate/Void Wars, I recommend you check it out. This is the alternate ending and sequel. A timeline where Y/N chooses revenge over anything.


August 9th, Nagasaki, Japan 1945

It was a hot day. A breeze could be felt throughout the city. Scratch that—a normal day. The lesser grail was on a hill. It could be seen from the other side of the city. It glowed like no other fire or lamp in the city.

We arrived at the city around 10:30 am. In about twenty-five minutes, we climbed to see the hill. The breeze that was felt halted at a point. More like it circled the grail. It was a bounded field. Uncle did this. I touched the invisible force and took it down.

"This is it, huh, Jeanne?"

"Yeah. I guess, you get your wish granted." Jeanne looked down and dreary.

"This pure amount of mana. It connects it to the root. Could the connection grant my wish? How does it work?" I went to touch the frail chalice.

"Wait!" she grabbed my hand before I touched it.

"What is it?"

"I disappear when you touch the grail."



"Say that again?"

"I said that I disappeared...back to the throne of heroes." she had tears in her eyes.

"There is something I want to tell you before I go."

Suddenly, I felt all my senses go to full awakening. They all went to life. Like they were going to explode. My eyes were flickering. I collapsed onto the ground.

"Y/N!" she went to my side. "wait...!"

What is this?! Y/N this energy! I can't predict...Y/N you're going to die!

Jeanne summoned her flag. Did she notice the thing as well? It was so potent I couldn't even predict a way out with clairvoyance.

"Jeanne what- are you doing"

"I'm doing what, I want." She planted her flag in front of the grail.

"No this thing... it won't work. Jeanne stop."

-I'm empowering her with all your command spells. All seven. The dragon seemed scared. It was the first time I heard shivering bones.

"No don't." I grabbed her by the waist. She did nothing.

"The grail will survive."

Then I heard it. An explosion.

"la grondement du haine!" she tried to take on the blunt force of the explosion. It worked. Her noble Phantasm causes magic to be reflected. In this instance, she was left unscathed. I won't describe what I saw.

"Jeanne!" I held her hand.

"Me–ma—-mast—" she could barely speak. Half of her body was turning into golden dust.

"Yes, it's me." I felt water in my eyes.

She touched my face with her only hand. It was unbearable to see her like this.

"I —lo–ve— you." these was the words she spoke to me. Then she disappeared from this world.

I looked at the city across me. It was more than enough to label this place as hell itself.

I slammed my fist against the only untouched part of the city. "Thrakos can you undo this?"

No...this is beyond me. I have no connection to the throne.

"Why did they all die? Their all dead."

It begins to rain. This rain. It was poison and I knew it. These clouds were of a toxic substance.

"Y/N. rise you still have a purpose."

"No, I don't there isn't anything left."

"No, but you can bring them back."

I felt a warm, and cold wind behind me. I saw a light in this world of pure shadow and death.

I turned to the Grail and saw what needed to be seen. Lilith. She wore a white and gold dress. It had a gold and white crown with a red cloth.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the dress of heaven. Lilith has told me your name. Y/N L/N. capable of taking down an army." Lilith clapped her hands together.

"You say I can bring them back? What would be the point?!" I drew the void sword. I stabbed the dress of heaven.

"I wish for a weapon so great it can destroy the root."

What are you doing?! This will affect the grail!

"Good. let this world burn."

Black lines began to run along the stab wound. Now I knew what he meant. I was imbuing the void into it. Darkness will consume it.

"You have won," the grail coughed. They covered their wound with their hand. Their hand was covered in a black liquid, like the one in the void. "I shall grant your wish. Wrath of the Void."

She snapped her fingers. When she did that, she disappeared. Now all that was left of the grail in this hellscape was gold dust. It blew down the wind. As if it was never there.

A blinding light crashed from the heavens. It was enough to break through the poisonous clouds and rain. Now I know what I must do.

In front of me was what I wished for. It was a weapon of death. This will be the instrument for my revenge.

A Spear. It sparked with life. Each crackle from the handle drew rain and thunder to it. It had a simple point. Yet it was deep and rich with life. Like staring into the night sky. The shaft was made of metal. I didn't know what type since it was light as a feather. I did a test run to see if it was the real deal. If it could pierce the ground.

I readied my stance, wait...my arm, why is it back? That doesn't matter. Anyway, I used both my arms to hold the spear. Then, I hesitated.

I put the spear down. "Sigh, I won't cause these people any more suffering."

I held the void dagger and the void sword in my hands. These will be enough for now. I need to find the ones who want to kill me. After all, they did try to drop this on me.


Immediately, my head hurt. I felt a chill down my spine. Goosebumps everywhere. Then I went cold. My body. I couldn't move it. What is happening? Then went my senses. I couldn't hear, or smell. Not like I wanted to. My taste and vision were next. Finally, I couldn't feel anything. I was completely numb.


Darkness. A deep pressure. That is what you could call it. I have seen it before. The void. My lungs could breathe the pure night water. Soon enough, I laid a top of the water's surface.

Bones large enough to be larger than a building stood. They assembled piece by piece. Slowly. Like I was meant to watch this time. It assembled into a colossal skeleton dragon. Its eyes ignited with pure blue fire. Dripping from its gaping jaw was the black liquid.

I knew this time was different, I was usually a guest in this void. Now it seemed like a forced link.

Y/N L/N, you wasted a wish

"I think it was enough. I need power."

Power? Have you learned nothing from the folly of Phaloes? This isn't the path.

"I'm taking on forces that can blow up servants. These forces can nullify magic. I need this."

No! The dragon slammed its skeletal tail on my back. You don't.

You might not understand but this leads to peace.

"Peace?" I laughed. "You're kidding, releasing hell on a city is what you call peace?"

...., the dragon stood silent.

"I see if this is what the world calls peace..."


The spear crashed through the void. It hummed and chirped like a fly. It flew right into my palm.

"Then, I'll make a new one. One with her in it."

I'll call this spear, Beelzebub. For a demon is what wields it now.

In, an instant, I got all my senses back. quickly getting to my feet. I threw the spear with ease. I activated my mystic eyes to see his points of death. Wait...?

He grabbed the spear with his bony claws. The dragon jumped back in recoil. It was slammed into the deep abyss.

'Now, to find the people who did this.'

Curse Of Thrakos.


I curse you. Your eyes and weapons will no longer be connected to this void. They will be weakened

"Wait... I need-"

Your eyes can only see other realities now. Not the future. You will no longer grasp the future. For I decree, your eyes are clouded. You will no longer see death, for I decree, you are a deathless. No longer will you see mana, for you cannot see life.

"You can't do this. I need this. My friends would have died for nothing."

I can and will. You are no longer worthy. A jaw arose from the depths of the abyss. It swallowed me whole.


Early November Chaldea 20XX

I awoke to a white room. I shivered and was sweating. It was dark. I was covered in blankets. Where am I? I noticed the soldier sleeping on the floor. Now I remembered

His name was WIll. He was an artificial servant. A dual class, Assassin and Gunner. He tried to assassinate me for looking into why I was targeted. He was a part of a war of some nation that fell. I took his dog tag and went onward.

I looked at the clock on the bedstand. It was midnight. I laid back down on my bed.

"Even though you're here with me...." I thought about the last words of Jalter. And her current presence in Chaldea "I'm not the person you knew. Thanks to the order."

"If humanity is willing to use destruction to quell the dark. Then I will become that darkness, for you...Jeanne....And end them" I took hold of a shard of her flagpole. That was all that remained of her.


A/N: how did you like the chapter? This might be weekly. What do you think the gunner class does? Anyway, have a good day/afternoon/night wherever you are. See you later. 

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