Violet the blood princess

By shameapplication

88 1 1

This book is about a girl called violet who sents out in the world to find her mate and to find out the truth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 The future
The summoning circle chapter 25

Growing up, chapter 24

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By shameapplication

"It's been 5 years since the incident and kiriri and Sakura are nearly two because they grow so much due to being blood eaters now I am a very happy mother of two and hopefully in the future i will have another child,i still have yet to ask Cameron what he thinks about my fathers' kindness on bringing his parents back, however i believe it is a good idea, but it could affect his mental state i mean father could erase his memory and just take out the sad times to as if they never died but that will be after Cameron gives his consent to that, i was going to ask him but i think i will let him bring it up before i do since i don't want things to get awkward, Hi dear, violet shoots up,ohh sorry did not mean to scare you my love,h how long have you been here Cameron, hun i have been here the whole time listening to you be all cute also i think i will take your dads offer however i do not wish to have my memories wiped and i dont think i will have an issue with my mental state either as you are here to guide me,yes and i forever will be my love,do you want me to tell him or you,No violet as much as i love you i think it is best i tell him as will save the shock on his face also we can have another child as i know its your dream,h how,i told you love i was there the whole time not to forget ivan can feel what you wolf is feeling and thinking,cameron smirks at violet,ahh so cute ouch dont hit me,sorry i couldnt help it my hand slipped,goodness okay off you go to tell him,violet looks down and sees her son next to her,mother,yes kiriri,i want a toy clown,no way there horrible and demonic why would you want one,mama no sakura screams,sorry bud but sakura is scared of them,but mother i would look after it ,no son dear let him have one,no that is a bad idea,why father in law,well you know in horror films where they kill and come to life,yes,well they will here this is hell,thats a definate no,sigh okay so what am i suppose to do for the rest of the time we are here,i forgott to mention we have been here for years so its alot diffrent now you see the pack has been connected here so alpha cameron my husband and andy his beta share the alpha role there is now an elevator for everyone to go in,also i forgot to mention trisha and alex well alex died of a heart attack trisha became a full demon as my father could not decide on what to do with her she will now morn at the pits of hell for her long gone husband while i rejoice in the happyness we have now even with war coming people will die and people will live thats just how the world works i hope i can protect my babies soon they will be going to school i wonder what we should do as there birthday are coming up soon there still growing but within a year they will be in there 12-13 or less years and i need to start showing them the way of there life father is starting power traning on them sakuras ice and kiriris fire flames are getting good although i dont like them playing along with there powers but cameron told me to leave it as they only live once well that is where he is wrong we will live forever after all i am a hybrid and half of us are demons in hell time does not move the same as the demon world,no it does not hun lets go eat,yeah then i want to eat with you yeah dito mum we are hungry,we got ya babys lets go.

a few moments later
"The feast well time to eat violet says as she brings out the raw pigs and blanket for dinner with eyeball casarole and salads with various sauces and random food items with drinks and more turned up bit by bit,kiriri asks his father, can I please cook the pig, well personaly I like it raw if anyone here wants a raw pig get it before he cooks the rest, grab,kiriri then cook's the pig after everyone has taken what they wanted, they then clap as he lights his fire cooking the pig then sakura get her ice magic and creates ice cubes, thanks my to darlings as violet adds lights to the room with her magic most of the drinks are blood as the children are blood eaters and fizzy drinks, well this is a very good feast also cameron have you decided yet if you want to see you your parents again, yes I would love to see them please, ok after the feast I will summon them would you like your memory, no I dont want it wiped just bring them back,okay.
5hrs later
"What a lovely feast now as promised we shall summon your mother and father.

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