The Traveler Between Worlds (...

By Ging-Ming

136 12 6

In which Mori Ougai is a form of a world traveler. World Travelers are given a name a world that gets given... More

Chapter 1- a short introduction
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Is dazai married!? Filler Chapter
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

20 2 1
By Ging-Ming

"He died" those words kept echoing in his head. So this was how Dazai felt when Oda died, like your father just died and you arrived too late to save him.

"He died smiling... he was always the type of person to do that near death" Mori wiped his tears. This was a world where death is more common than in his world, but he still couldn't help and regret he didn't visit this world when Ren was still alive.

Tanjiro, as if reading his mind said something "Ougai-san, please don't blame yourself. If anyone is to blame it has to be me. I was just lying there without doing anything, I watched the fight happen. I'm sorry I couldn't save him"

"It's alright, if Ren was happy even at death. There is no reason for me to grief, neither do you have a reason to grief, if Ren told you not to let his death weigh you down, live up to his words" Mori replies, "were there other people there?"

Tanjiro takes off the box on his back and lightly sets it on the floor. The door slowly opens as Nezuko slowly crawls out.

"Is she your sister?


Mori wanted to summon Elise, but that would be suspicious. It would make him look like one of those demons wouldn't it?


Mori has not come back in a week, so Chuuya's taking the spot as the Port mafia boss until he comes back.

"They're running late, where are they?" Kunikida, unsurprisingly, is counting the how many seconds the mafia are arriving from that point.

"Right here." Chuuya walks into view, he looks a bit different. Did he grow? No, he never grows. Something is different, and Dazai easily notices what's different about the short man.

"Welcome, Chuuya, it's been four years"

"I thought the boss was Ougai Mori" Kunikida says

"Little Chuuya here is just the boss until he comes back" Dazai replies

The two bosses stepped forward. 

"I'll get straight to business then. A new member of the agency proposed an alliance between our organizations." Fukuzawa pauses

"And?" -Chuuya

"I objected at first. The idea of working with criminals goes against everything we stand for, but the request came from someone who had been shot, kidnapped, and beaten by the Port Mafia. Thus, his words carry weight. I felt that I should investigate his request, at the very least."

"It would seem we are both in a rather difficult position" Chuuya replies 

"These are my thoughts; at the very least I would like to propose a temporary truce between us" Fukuzawa continues. 

"What sanctions would be imposed if the Port Mafia suddenly broke a cease-fire? or you're people for that matter" Chuuya looks over to Dazai when he said the last part "Only the party that decided to uphold the agreement would suffer. Under circumstances that reward the first to commit a betrayal, a limited ceasefire cannot be established. The only possibility is for complete cooperation."

"However, that is impossible" Dazai says

"As much as I hate to agree with you, that's correct.  The Port Mafia is an organization of face and resentment. Many of our people have been dragged through the mud." Chuuya says

"Many of my people have been brought to the brink of death as well" 

"But they didn't die. Sadly someone didn't die either" Chuuya means Dazai

"Then how about this" Fukuzawa places his hand of the hilt of his sword, "We settle our accounts here and now" Gin and Tachihaara lunge forward at the sight of this. Fukuzawa pushes them away with a single slash. Fukuzawa targets Chuuya however Chuuya dodged it by jumping up, he takes out his knife and swing it at Fukuzawa in a quick motion. The tip of blade Fukuis now pointing at Chuuya's neck and Chuuya's knife is pointing at Fukuzawa's, he says "I thought you had discarded your katana. Lone swordsman "Silver Wolf" Fukuzawa."

Snow-like particles fall, Fukuzawa disappears. Seems like Tanizaki is here. A click of a katana and sheath meeting is heard behind him. 

"That was an enjoyable meeting. let us continue on the battlefield." Chuuya turns around and starts to walk away

Fukuzawa starts to speak "The agency will be recovering Q tonight. "

"And?" Chuuya turns back around

"Don't get in our way tonight" Fukuzawa adds on

"Why?" Chuuya crosses his arms

"Because that one thing we share, our love for this city. We can't let foreign ability users to raze it." 

Chuuya nods his head "The guild is powerful, the agency doesn't have a chance. That's all from me." he was about to walk away before he remembers something "Oh right. Dazai, Left pocket" He held out his hand "I know it's there"

Dazai reached into his left pocket tossed something into Chuuya's hand, then Chuuya walked away.

What might that thing Chuuya asked from Dazai? Dazai took Chuuya's gloves after he took hem off cause' I just think it's something he would do.

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