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When you go out drinking with the girls, but don't remember anything that happened. Then suddenly you wake up... More

Chapter 1 - Slept in
Chapter 2 - girls' night out
Chapter 3 - the morning after
Chapter 4 - explanation
Chapter 5 - feelings
Chapter 6 - The Confession
Chapter 7 - broken
Chapter 8 - making the decision
Chapter 10 - The Family Meeting
Chapter 11 - today's the day

Chapter 9 - Unexpected News

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It's been a week since Emma and Killian had the huge breakup and since then Emma has gone through loads of emotions from sad, guilty and to locking her feelings up and not talking.

But one sunny and warm Thursday morning Regina is woken up by the sounds of someone vomiting, she rolls over to find the other side is empty so she sits up and calls out for Emma.

When there's no answer she hops out of bed and wakes over to the master bathroom which is propped open just a tiny amount. She props her head in and sees Emma leaning over the toilet, she pushes the door open further and walks over to her and picks up her hair then with a worried and concerned tone "Emma is everything ok, you have been throwing up all we I think we need to take up to the doctors".

Emma sits up, looks into Regina's eyes and responds "I'm fine, I'm probably just coming down with something or it's my period"Regina nods and sighs.

After Emma has finally stopped throwing up she walks over to the bed and sits on the edge, Regina joins her still looking concerned and says "How about we both take the day off work and I take care of you".

Emma nods in response rolls back into bed and falls asleep Regina grabs hold of the blankets and throws them over her then heads downstairs.

Regina gets downstairs and walks into the kitchen to make her and Emma some breakfast for them to both eat in bed. After she has finished she looks at the tray and says to herself 'Pancakes, two coffees, chocolate spread, strawberry jam, lemon juice, sugar and a glass of orange juice. Right, that's everything, let's go upstairs and surprise her.

Regina gets to her bedroom and before she can say anything, she notices the bed is empty and can hear Emma throwing up again, propping the tray of food on the nightstand next to the bed.

She runs into the bathroom picks Emma's hair up and says "I'm sorry Emma I know you said no to going to the doctor but I'm booking you an emergency appointment because this isn't you". Emma nods and Regina pulls her phone out of her pocket and calls the doctors.

D= doctor

R= Regina

R: Hello I'm calling to book an emergency appointment for Emma Swan.

D: Hello, yes I can book you in for today. Can you tell me about her symptoms?

R;: yes for about a week she has been throwing up and hasn't been eating much and I'm worried there is some worry as this isn't normal for her as she is a very human person.

D: ok that is booked in if you tell her to pop in at 12:35, I will see her.

R: thank you doctor I will let her know.

The call ends and Emma sits back and rests against the bath. Regina copies her wraps her arms around her waist and says "The doctor's appointment is booked for 12:35 I will try my best to come with you but I might be called into the office".

Emma wipes her mouth with some tissue and responds "ok if you have a meeting I completely understand I can tell you the results later when you get home".

It's time for Emma's appointment and Regina isn't home and isn't answering any of her calls, With worry painted on her face. She gets up and leaves for her appointment.

Emma finally makes it to the doctor and is waiting in the baby blue waiting room, with butterflies spiralling in her stomach she hears her name being called.

She walks into the room sitting down and telling the doctor everything leaving no detail out.

The doctor walks over to the bed and props Emma to come and lay on it, as she lays down and gets comfy the doctor says "ok Emma I'm going to have an ultrasound".

Emma nods fear shooting throughout her body then lifts her shirt. This doctor places the ultrasound wand on her stomach with the ice-cold gel looks at the monitor and smiles.

Emma looks at the screen and with worry lingering in her voice says "Is everything ok".

The doctor then turns and points at the screen and says "Congratulations your three months".

Emma's Jaw drops and she responds in a scared and worried tone "Three and a half months what"

The doctor is confused and circles the small blob and says "Emma, that little dark patch there is your baby, you're pregnant".

Emma places her head on the bed and places both her hands on her face as tears start to stream down her face without thinking says "No, no this can't be happening why now. I have so much on my plate how am I going to deal with a baby now too". Emma pauses then swears "f*ck how the hell am I going to tell Regina, heck how am I going to tell Killian he hates me".

The doctor places a hand on Emma's shoulder gives it a soft stroke and replies with a little sarcasm "It's fine you have 6 months until the baby is here but for now, I suggest you don't stress and don't and I mean don't do any heavy lifting".

Emma nods and is told she can go home. Emma decides that going home will be the last option and Regina might already be home so she goes to her parents.

After a long drive, she finally makes it to her parents knocking on the door, she is greeted by her mum whose face turns from happy to worried when she notices that Emma has been crying.

Emma walks in and is quickly pulled into a hug by her mum who whilst hugging her says "Oh Emma is everything ok have you and Regina gotten in a fight. Do I need to go over there and talk to her? '' Emma cuts her off and replies with more tries streaming down her face "no mum we haven't had a fight but there is something else and I'm scared and don't know what to do".

Snow pulls away from Emma looks her in the face and says "Emma please talk to me I can help you".

Emma walks over to the chair that is propped under the window and sits down, Snow still standing talks again "Emma please!".

Emma looks down and without saying anything places both her hands under her belly as if to cradle it. Snow's face grows from concerned to happy and rushes to Emma's side places a hand on top of her stomach and says "Oh my god Emma that great news, but why are you sad about it".

Emma turns to face her mum and says "Mum I love Regina and I have no idea how I'm going to tell her and how she would react". Snow with her hand still propped on Emma's stomach with a smile on her face responds "Oh Emma it's going to be ok I will help you through this, and I know that Regina will be delighted by the news".

Emma smiles and rubs her belly and says "You're right she loves me back and if I tell her the truth she might love this, yeah we might not have had the chat about our future or told Henry about us but I think it's about time we sit down just the three of us and talk".

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