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When you go out drinking with the girls, but don't remember anything that happened. Then suddenly you wake up... More

Chapter 2 - girls' night out
Chapter 3 - the morning after
Chapter 4 - explanation
Chapter 5 - feelings
Chapter 6 - The Confession
Chapter 7 - broken
Chapter 8 - making the decision
Chapter 9 - Unexpected News
Chapter 10 - The Family Meeting
Chapter 11 - today's the day

Chapter 1 - Slept in

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It was a gorgeous Sunday morning in The Swan house with the warm glowing sun peaking through the gaps of the long purple silk curtains that hung in Emma Swan's room, as she laid sharing at the window she could feel a warm manly arm creep over her waist pulling her close to their chest then suddenly feeling a pair of soft warm kisses that started from the back of her neck up to her left ear then she felt her ear being softly bitten.

Emma turns her body over facing the handsome brunette smiles and says "morning handsome how did you sleep."

The handsome brunette doesnt respond with words at first but with soft passionate kisses then pulls away and says "it was amazing Miss Swan because I knew that when I got to wake up I would be waking up to your gorgeous smile." With that being said he places more passionate kisses upon her lips then down her neck.

The blonde rolls over onto her back and props herself up on her elbows and looks at the handsome brunette in the eyes and says "as much as I love this and would love to spend the rest of my day in bed laying next to you I need to get ready for work". Emma pauses as she steps out of bed pulling on her dressing gown and turns around and continues. "Storybrooke needs me and you need to go and wake up Henry as you promised him that you would take him on your ship to teach him to sail. Whilst in my opinion I don't see why as i dont think it's important but if it helps you to build a bond then I'm happy."

Emma pauses looking down at the floor in attempt not to cry, she looks back up and finishes her sentence "Because ever since his dad died due to his bitch girlfriend, Henry hasn't had anyone to look up to or spend time with and I know for sure he doesn't want to just spend time with both me and Regina every day."

As Emma finishes speaking she sits on the edge of the bed and places her head in her hands. Starting to cry she doesn't notice that Killian had shifted his way way over to her side of the bed, wrapping his arms around her.

Emma turns around, curls up and places her head under Killians chin and slowly calms down. Killian always knew how to get Emma to calm down when she was upset and that was to sit down with her until she eventually calms down, but this time Killian looked at Emma and noticed she had fallen asleep so he lifted her up, pulled back the covers and placed her back into the bed.

After 20 minutes Emma eventually wakes up and turns around looking at the clock that sat on the brown wooden bedside table. Jumping up out of bed rushing into the master bathroom screaming in her head "REALLY KILLIAN WHY DID YOU LET ME HAVE A LIE IN, I'M MEANT TO BE IN WORK IN 5 MINUTES IF REGINA FINDS OUT IM LATE I WILL BE FIRED".

Emma finally calmed down and jumped in the shower, after her shower she walked downstairs and screamed again but out loud "KILLIAN WHY THE F**K DID YOU LET ME SLEEP IN WHEN I TOLD YOU I NEED TO GO TO WORK NOW I HAVE LESS THAN 5 MINUTES TO GET THERE BEFORE RE.." Before she could finish her sentence her phone started to vibrate in her back pocket, she pulled it out hoping it was a call from her mum and not regina. Turning her phone over she reads the name, sighs, looks at Killian and gives him an evil angry look whilst answering the phone.


Emma looks at Killian, covers the speaker and says in an angry tone "way to go dumbass you may have just lost me my job and now I need to come up with a valid reason as to why i'm not at work." Emma stands there thinking when she finally places the back back up to her ear and says "I'm really sorry Regina I lost track of time as I have been up all night with Henry who has been throwing up."

Regina sighs and screams a little calmer this time but also with a concerned tone in her voice "Miss Swan really and you never thought maybe i should get hold of Regina to let her know that Henry isn't feeling well. Considering you werent there for him when he was sick for 13 years of his life and that i might know away to help" Emma shook her head regretting that she lied to Regina about Henry being sick and replies "Im sorry Regina but Henry told me not to call you as he didnt want to worry you and said that he just had an upset stomach and to not make a huge fuss over it."

Regina sighs and in a loud whisper so that Emma would hear says "it's your cooking, it's horrible" Emma goes to reply to the comment but is cut off when Regina says "will I can't help with that now but what i can do is fire you if you don't get to the station now Miss Swan."

After saying that Regina hangs the phone up and Emma places her phone in her back pocket and walks towards the front door and throws on her red velvet leather jacket and goes to walk out the door when she is pulled back by two strong hands then spins her around to find Killian standing behind her staring her in the eyes, but before Killian could say anything Emma says in an angry tone "No Killian you could have lost me my job I will see you tomorrow i'm going to stay at my parents tonight, I will pick up Henry after work like normal and take him to Reginas."

With that being said Emma turns around, opens the door and slams it behind her leaving Killian standing in shock.

He turns around to find a disappointed Henry standing at the bottom of the stairs with his arms crossed.

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