Welfare and Warfare

بواسطة BlairDarnell

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(Book four of the Harm and Harmony series) It has been years since Henry was imprisoned in a hell dimension c... المزيد

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 23

46 7 0
بواسطة BlairDarnell

Day: 3187

Days Left: 2293

Lives Saved: 17

Despite having never slept on anything as comfy for as far as Henry could remember, having to sleep in tents and the ground during his entire prison sentence in the Abyss, Henry struggled to get a full rest that night in his new bed. The anticipation that had been building for years, the tension and fear had physically manifested in his body as fatigue and ache and staggered breathing. They had both known that Nia would eventually leave the Abyss, her sentence long since finished and yet all that time was not quite enough mental preparation for when the promise became a reality. Nia had done so much for Henry, choosing to remain in the Abyss and help him find Corinna, to thank him in return for saving her from her kidnappers. During that journey of survival and peril, they had fallen for each other, Henry hesitant to act on his feelings knowing that Nia would be leaving years before he could, that it would just create more pain on their eventual separation. But he did not regret falling in love with her, even if they were not to be together for the rest of their days, even if they would never see each other on the other side again. By the time Henry was released, Nia would have lived over a decade of freedom, and Henry would never ask her to give that up, to ask her to remain even longer with him until he was free too.

Their time together was neither a waste, regret, or mistake and after the initial grief, Henry hoped to look back on their time together in fondness and with a smile.

They were both woken up by a ringing bell that signalled it was the Abyss' equivalent of 7 am. Neither Henry nor Nia got a full rest but they got up anyway. After half an hour, Kai knocked on their door and escorted them around the city, showing where the public shower stalls were and then to the food hall for breakfast.

It seemed word had already gotten around that Nia was leaving and that Henry was the new citizen of The Warren. People approached them non-stop, giving their congratulations and introductions. It was overwhelming all the new names and faces and the continuous 'thank you's and 'nice to meet you's that Henry and Nia had to return. Kai had to order everyone to leave them alone so they could finally finish their breakfast.

After food, Kai offered some suggestions to spend the hour or so until Nia would be released, however Henry and Nia were content to find a quiet spot in one of the city's parks. They did not talk much, nor of much substance; it was a meaningless conversation if you were an outsider overhearing and yet it meant so much to Henry and Nia. Such a plain and boring conversation whilst in a tranquil park; it was something that they could have had if they weren't in the Abyss, if they had met in the human realm, a snippet of what their life together could have been. It was a short moment of that dream before they had to return to reality and they were called by Kai to head towards the Land of the Lost.

Following Kai and a few other Warren guards, they descended the stairs to the pit of the Land of the Lost. There awaited Corinna and Lili, who had managed to find some time away from work to send Nia off too. Nia thanked them both for last night, and thanked Kai too for all of his help, and then spent her last moments in the Abyss simply holding Henry's hand.

The sky above opened up, a beam of light shining down as a bodiless voice boomed out, "Nia Maddock, congratulations, you have served your sentence and are free from The Eternal Abyss'.

Nia Maddock, that was her full name. Henry could see the well of tears in Nia's eyes after hearing that after years of only knowing her first name and nothing else.

From the light above, a metal platform on a pulley system descended down. Once it reached the ground, Nia stared at it for a moment, perhaps in disbelief that this was really happening, before giving Henry one last final hug. It was a short one, which was perhaps a good thing because neither would have let go if it was any longer. And then Nia stepped onto the platform, forcing a smile though her eyes could settle on anyone but the gaps between.

Henry watched as the platform ascended up, and Nia's silhouette grew further and further away until it vanished into the light above. And then the sky closed with Nia on the other side, finally free of the Eternal Abyss.

Roughly 19 Years Ago

It was another training session that included all three siblings. After practising with the wooden dummies, they took turns in showcasing their improvements by sparring against their mother. Being the oldest, Osmond was first, and then followed by Alfreda. However when it came to Cori's turn, Alfreda was surprised that she was to be her sister's opponent and not their mother. Was this because of how dreadful Cori was? thought Alfreda, that their mother could not even bother to raise her spear against her? 

After a bit of reluctance, Alfreda stepped down to the centre when ordered by Queen Consort Henrietta and readied herself.

"Do try this time, little Cori," Alfreda cooed to her younger sister. "I want to actually learn something from this fight. It was barely a warm-up last time."

Cori nodded. "I will try."

Alfreda cocked her head, noticing a new and strange sense of confidence and resolve in her younger sister instead of the usual shaking and trembling fear. She tuttered. "Don't be arrogant now. Realise your own level of skill before you be so cocky."

"Okay!" said Cori, which only annoyed Alfreda all the more. She took in a deep breath, and concentrated her mind on the task at hand, just like Corinna advised, and not instead on the prediction of pain that she would soon endure.

"Begin!" Queen Henrietta called.

Cori lunged forwards as soon as she heard those words and her sword slashed at Alfreda's armoured chest.

Alfreda stumbled back, almost shrieking from the sudden and unexpected attack. Her sister had never struck first, never.

With a newfound confidence, the little princess continued the attack even when Alfreda tried to recuperate. Her sword hacked at the armour, and then hit Alfreda's mask with the blunt end of the hilt, the force knocking Alfreda to the floor.

She did it. Cori let out a shaking breath. She beat someone, or at least knocked them down. She had never done that before. Her fear always controlled her, but here she was standing victorious and with no tears in her eyes.

Corinna was right, all she had to do was focus and ignore everything else. It was like no pain, no fear, no emotion existed as if she was a mindless creature swinging her sword. She looked to Queen Henrietta, wondering if perhaps she had finally made her mother proud, but no one could tell what that woman was thinking with that golden mask covering her face.

From on the floor, Alfreda glanced over to her mother also and saw that Osmond appeared to be whispering something to her, but the queen remained silent. They're laughing at me, aren't they? Getting beaten by a twelve year old.

"I told you not to be so arrogant!" Alfreda spat. She stood up, her body shaking, either from adrenaline or maybe even fear, Cori thought.

Princess Cori prepared herself to defend but she was too slow as Alfreda rushed forwards raising her sword, and slashing it down, leaving a sizable scratch on Cori's armour.

Cori stepped back, steadying herself. She used to fall and collapse into tears from such a minor attack, but not anymore. No, she won't be so weak and pathetic again. The pain and the fear was pushed far back from her mind and she blocked the next oncoming attack, and the next one, and the-

Alfreda screamed like a wild beast as she kicked Cori in the chest and dropped her sword, the sparring match moving to an all-out fist brawl instead. Alfreda scratched at her and pulled at her hair, punching her mask and kicking her.

All of the focus drained from Cori's mind, the fear and pain overtaking her. Despite her struggle she could not get back up, her sister pinning her down and battering her with her fists.

Cori closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face.

"How pathetic!" cried Alfreda, continuing to lash out.

No, stop, please stop, I can't take this. I don't want to do this!

She raised her arms to defend her face. "I said stop!" Cori screamed.

And then there was silence.

The attacks ended.

Cori opened her eyes and saw that Alfreda was frozen, her body stuck mid-swing.

Did Alfreda just spare her?


Alfreda's body seemed to actually be frozen and unable to move.

Cori shuffled away and stood up, staring at her unmoving sister.

After a moment of waiting, Alfreda was still frozen.

Queen Henrietta stepped down to the sparring ring with more urgency than Cori had ever seen her use before, with Osmond quickly following behind. The queen examined Alfreda, then turned to her youngest daughter.

"You did this without any training?" she asked quickly, a slight sense of shakiness in her voice.

"Did what?" mumbled Cori. "Did I do that?"

"She's like him..." Queen Henrietta murmured to herself, then raised her head and barked, "release her!"

"I... I don't understand? Did I do that?"

"I said release her! Alfreda is not breathing!"

"I don't know how! I don't know what I did!"

The queen snatched Cori's hand then raised it in the direction of the frozen Alfreda. "Now just think! Think about freeing her!"

Cori focused on her sister, imagining her to be able to move again and in that instant a blue light shone from fingertips, then glimmered around Alfreda for a second.

Alfreda collapsed onto the floor, wheezing and coughing for breath. Osmond went to her side, reassuring her then calling over the medic.

Princess Cori gazed down at her hands. Though the flicker of blue light had vanished, she could still feel something tingling and coursing through her.

"Magic..." She realised, grinning. "I finally have magic!"

Queen Henrietta, Osmond, and Alfreda all looked at her in silence.

Why weren't they happy or celebrating? Everyone did when Osmond and Alfreda got their magic.

"Why are you all-"

"I am no longer going to teach you," said Queen Henrietta. "You will not be attending any of these training sessions from this moment forwards."

"But why! I can fight now! I didn't cry, not even once!"

"What I said is final!" snapped Queen Henrietta. She motioned to Jane who stood by the sides. "Take her back to her room."

"No, wait!" Cori yelled as she struggled against Jane's strong grip on her arm. "I want to fight! I don't understand! What did I do wrong!"

Queen Henrietta ignored her as the princess was dragged away and saw Alfreda trembling and curled up on the floor.

Present Day

It was going to happen one day, when her son was old enough to understand and ask questions. Prince Freddy already knew that he would never be capable of casting magic as Queen Corinna had explained it to him when he was younger and he had cried for a while before forgetting the whole ordeal and was distracted by something else. But now he was old enough to realise the implications, to feel the difference and his lack of ability as both of his parents possessed magic, and his relatives on his father's side, though a few did not, and then there were the other princes, and princesses and nobles he would meet at parties and political gatherings that were only a few years older and had developed their magic.

After being shown a display of illusion magic from a teen prince from another nation, Prince Freddy rushed over to his mother, asking and demanding when he would get his magic.

Cori hesitated in her answer, though she had prepared for this moment since he was born. "Freddy..." she said softly, crouching down to meet his eye level. "We've told you before, unfortunately you weren't born with magic."

Even with a mask on his face, it was obvious to tell that the young prince was pouting and scowling underneath. "Well, I would have remembered that if I had magic like you. Why don't I have it? I need it to be a prince."

"You do not need magic, there are plenty of nobles and royalty that do not have magic, like some of your cousins and-"

"I'll be laughed at if I don't get magic soon."

Cori paused. "You do not need magic-"

"Yes I do!" Freddy huffed.

"What for? Magic won't make you any happier, Freddy. It can be dangerous. Magic can hurt people and-"

"No, it isn't. I could do what you can do and control minds and get people to not hurt each other."

Cori froze, hearing those words. She recalled back to a year or so ago, when a group of assassins had attempted to target a few royals at a peace summit. Freddy had been brought along and was witness to his mother's powers of mind manipulation, controlling the assassins just in time from hurting anyone. To ease the tension afterwards, Cori had made the assassins make funny gestures and movements before they were arrested and now the prince wanted to be able to do the same, to be able to control people to do whatever he desired.

"I could do what you can do!" Freddy continued.

"You won't want to do what I can do," said Cori sternly, rising to her full height. "No one should be able to do what I can."

"But it's so cool-"

"It is not 'cool', Freddy," Cori snapped, then composed herself. "This magic I have is dangerous and should not exist. I am glad that I did not pass it onto you-"

Freddy was not pleased with this response and broke down into tears, starting a tantrum and ran over to his father, Elis.

Cori let out a frustrated sigh. Perhaps when her son was older he would understand and this phase would fizzle out eventually. Magic often corrupted the wielder, much like any level of power and Cori was fortunate to turn out the way she did having been born with such a gift. It was a hope of her that her children would be raised with high levels of rectitude and not become narcissistic, selfish, and controlling as many royals did because of magic.

No, it was best not to pass on her gift. It would die with her. It needed to.

Roughly 19 Years Ago

Princess Cori curled up on the windowsill, her book in her lap as always but the words seemed all blurred and just splots of ink on the pages instead of the sweet solace they would normally give her. She rubbed her shoulder, wincing from the bruises from the fight earlier.

There was a knock on the door, and Jane went to answer it, meanwhile, Cori remained looking forlorn out of the window, wondering what she had done wrong. It was supposed to be a joyous occasion for her to finally get magic powers but this was not how she had pictured it to be.

"Her Highness is resting," Cori heard Jane hush, then someone said something back, but it was muffled from how far away it was.

"I suggest leaving her until another time," Jane continued.

Cori turned her head, wondering who it could be. Perhaps it was Corinna. If it was, then Cori did not want her to see her in such a state, but then again she knew that it would make everything better to have a friend, or to have Rhea to console her.

There were more muffled mumblings, almost sounding sharp and their voices raising until there was a moment of silence, as if Jane had given up.

There were footsteps sounding across the library, approaching and when they finally stopped, Cori turned away from the window to see her father, King Casimir, standing before her.

"There's my little girl," he said softly.

Cori slipped off the windowsill and bowed her head silently, knowing that is she tried to speak, her throat would seize up and she would start crying again. Focus on the task at hand, she told herself, remembering Corinna's advise.

Casimir got down on his knees so that he was at her level, then extended his gloved hand.

She took it and he squeezed it gently.

"I know what had happened earlier today," he said.

"I'm sorry," Cori whimpered.

"What are you apologizing for, sweetie?" Casimir chuckled slightly. "It is a cause for celebration is it not?" He tapped where her nose would be underneath her mask. "You have magic now."

Cori shook her head. "I think I- I hurt Alfreda. I did something and she couldn't breathe." The tears were no longer able to be contained and streamed down her face. "I did something terrible," she blubbered, then fell into a fit of stagnant breaths as she cried.

Casimir pulled her close into a hug, hushing her. "No, it's okay, Cori. You did not do it on purpose did you?"

Princess Cori shook her head.

"Which means it was an accident and we shouldn't let accidents weigh on our mind so much. I am sure if you apologise to Alfreda, she will forgive you."

"Will she?" Cori squeaked, her tears residing.

"So long as you talk about it with her, I am certain." He squeezed her hand again.

Cori nodded. "I will promise her that I will never use magic again."

Casimir laughed. "You do not have to make such a promise. It was not magic that was dangerous, just your inexperience. But we should be celebrating your magic. When you accidentally cast that spell, Cori, I could feel from across the other side of the castle, that was how powerful it was."

"It was?"

"Yes, Cori, for you see you were born quite special, with a rare gift, just like I was."

"I'm like you?" Cori perked up, happy to have something similar to her family.

"Now, I am sure in your studies that you have learnt that there are different schools of magic.

Cori nodded.

"And jus like how some people are just naturally good at certain things, like sports or maths or art, it is also the same for magic. Some mages learn certain spells quite quickly, as if it is second nature whilst others it may take years of studying." He paused. "You and I seem to be naturally talented in spells that control minds."

Cori frowned. "Control minds?" She lowered her head. "But that sounds rather... I don't want to control anyone."

Casimir shook his head. "You never have to do that, Cori, even if you are capable of it. But there is so much more to it than that. Whilst yes we can control other's actions if we so pleased, which is wrong, I must state. Only ever do so if you are protecting yourself or others, Cori, you understand?"

"Yes! I understand."

"But we can also control our own minds."

Cori frowned in confusion. Did she not already control her own mind?

"We can make it so that we can never forget anything."

"Ooh I like the sound of that! Studying would be so much easier!"

Casimir laughed. "Yes, in time you will perhaps reach that level as I have. Not only can we enhance our memories and others, we can see people's pasts and their thoughts if we so desire."

"I always struggle to understand people sometimes," Cori mumbled. "Maybe I could understand people better if I knew what they were thinking."

"You can also detect someone's emotions from a mere touch." Casimir tapped his daughter playfully on the forehead. "And change them to something else."

Change them to something else? Cori wondered if she could take away all the bad feelings, then she would never be so pathetic and cry all the time.

"Would that mean," Cori hesitated. "That you could make everything bad, all the feelings and memories, go away?"

Casimir shifted then said quietly, "yes, you could." He paused. "Is that what you would want to do, Cori?"

Cori fidgeted with her gloved hands for a moment. "I think," she began, her voice quiet. "That everyone would be happier if they weren't able to cry or if they couldn't remember anything to be sad about. The world would be happier without any bad memories."

"I agree." King Casimir clutched his daughter's hands. "I want to make this world a happier place and I am glad that you share my wish."

"You have made the world a better place, father," said Cori. "Everyone loves you and says you're the best king in the world!"

Casimir laughed, then stared at Cori for a moment. "I am going to teach you magic, Corinna. Would you like that?"

Princess Cori nodded, smiling.

"Perfect, your lessons will begin tomorrow."

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