Meeting Him

By Tylersversion13

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So I wrote a draft of this back in 8th grade and it was kinda awful but here's basically a rebooted version o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

5 0 0
By Tylersversion13

This is Declan y'alllll

Declan's P. O. V

I woke up the next morning to a bunch of text messages from Victoria about her wanting me to pick her and Nicholas up and take them to school.

I walked down the stairs to see my dad making some breakfast. "Hey son! Did you have fun with that girl last night?" He asked but I just nodded my head and smiled.

"Yeah, I did.. We had to take care of her friend cause he was having a rough day at school yesterday." I replied with honesty. It was true but I just didn't go into too much detail because it wasn't really my dad's business and I just know how he felt about gay people. "We all still had some fun though. We drove down the beach afterwards and I brought them home." I say with a smile on my face. I didn't feel like waiting any longer for breakfast to be done so I just grabbed an apple and ran out of the door to my car.

Victoria was already at Nicholas's house which made trips a lot easier so that I didn't have to make multiple trips. "Alright you two.. get in already!" I call out with a smile on my face.

Victoria hops into the passenger seat and Nicholas sits in the back. "Hey babe!" Victoria says with a smile on her face, kissing me on the cheek. I looked over at Nicholas since he looked kinda upset for some reason. "Hey, you okay?" I asked, reaching over and nudging his leg but he quickly pulled back.

It kinda hurt my feelings because I have no idea what I did. What is it because of last night at the beach? I didn't really care if his dick was hard. Was he really embarrassed?

I just shrugged it off and dropped them off before heading off to my own school. When I pulled up to my school, I immediately saw my friend Taylor walk up to my car. "Dude, you never told me you weren't gonna do basketball this year." He says with a shocked expression.

"Yeah, I just have my own life and it also takes time away from seeing Victoria and my other friends." I shrug my shoulders and let out a sigh.

"You could do all of that and still have time to be with your friends and do whatever the fuck you want at anytime." Taylor replied and laughed a little at me. I don't think he realizes that I genuinely do not want to be on the team anymore but I guess he will just have to realize it sooner or later.

Taylor and I walk into the school and head off into our first class of the day. Throughout the whole period, Taylor was trying to throw notes at me and wanting to talk to me but I just ignored him and kept on doing my work. It was a very long day and all I wanted to do was go home since Taylor kept aggravating me but I'm just glad it's our senior year so that I can leave and get away from him.

After a long day, I ran out of the school in a successful attempt to avoid Taylor. I immediately ran out to my car to go pick Victoria and Nicholas up. I let out a huge sigh of relief as I made it to Archerton without being followed around by Taylor. I then pulled into the school and there they were waiting for me outside of the school in our usual meet up spot.

"Hey babe!" Victoria says with a happy smile on her face, buckling herself up as Nicholas also gets into the car with what seemed to be a lot of homework. He was in the front seat for once which was weird since he was always in the back. I glance over at his work to see that he had some of the answers wrong. "I can actually help you with that if you want." I say, slightly pointing over at Nicholas's homework.

"That would be great! Tori told me you're really good at this subject so she told me to ask you but I guess since you suggested it, I don't really have to ask." Nick shrugs and smiles at me.

"Great! We can just go to your house after we head over to Chick Fil A for some food." I say as I start driving off to where Chick Fil A is.

"So what have you guys been up to?" I ask, trying to start up some conversation while we wait in line for it to be our turn to order some food.

"Not much, just boring calculus work and stupid teachers." Nicholas shrugs and laughs. I think this was the first time I've seen him laugh ever and it was kinda nice. He looked kinda cute today I'll admit. Oh right... I never said this. I'm pretty closeted, Victoria is the only one that knows that I'm a full on fruit bowl.

"Yeah same... Nothing too eventful." She smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

A few minutes later, we left Chick Fil A and I dropped Victoria at her house. "Alright, since I'm droppping you off anyways, we can just do your homework at your house." I say, pulling into Nicholas's driveway.

"Yeah, that's perfectly fine." He replied with a smile on his face as he got out of the car with his stuff in his hands.

I'm just gonna save everyone the time since I know absolutely nothing about math

Suddenly, when Nicholas and I were doing his homework he leaned in and kissed me. I guess we were just extremely close and it was just in the moment but it really shocked me. I didn't even stop it either.

"Nick.." I say when I realize I should stop him

"You're right... I think we should just not do it." He replied, nodding his head and backing away from me immediately after I said something to him. "This was a mistake... You're with Victoria too and I just.. Yeah.." He says, getting up out of his seat. "You should probably go, Declan" He sighed as he walked over to the front door.

"Wait... I can't stop, Nicky.." I tell him and pull him in for another kiss. "Nobody can know about this... My dad will not take it well if this gets out to him.."

"You should at least tell Tori.. She deserves to know at least since she's my friend and your girlfriend.."

"I'll think about it... But for now, this stays between us. Alright Nicky?"

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