Trapped Within Mass effect!

By NeverBeSilence

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An average gamer dies in his sleep after playing mass effect for one last time. He wakes up at the beginning... More

Waking Up On Eden Prime
Political Bullshit And Family Matters
Meeting The Crew And The Family
Therum And The Gorgeous Asari
The AfterMath and Asteroid X57🍋
Drinking With Wrex ( Mini )
Noveria: Part 1
Meanwhile On The Ship ( Mini )
Noveria: Part 2
Jane's Welcome To The Family! ( Mini+Lemon🍋 )
Quick Question
Marx And Garrus's Competition (Mini )
Feros: Why The Fuck Is It So Dark In Here?!
Small Notice of Problems
A Chat With The Asari ( Mini 1/6 )
A Small Apology And Geth Incursion ( Mini 2/6 )
Solo Mission With The Mega Bitch ( Mini 3/6 )
Daddy Issues ( Mini 4/6 )
Drunk Confessions ( Mini 5/6 )
Melding With The Asari ( Mini 6/6 🍋 )
A Glimpse Of The Past And The Arrival On Virmire
Making Her MY Mega Bitch (Lemon🍋)
The Final Night Before Ilos ( Fivesome Lemon🍋)
The Final Battle Part 1: Ilos
The Final Battle Part 2: Citadel
Quick Questions For Me2
Epilogue: Data Profile 2: Black Vanguard
Epilogue End: The Attack

Epilogue: Data Profile 1: Red rain ( Epilogue 1/3)

388 19 11
By NeverBeSilence

[Y/n's Pov ]

It's been a few months since Saren's defeat, my recovery and my instatement as humanities second specter. During that time, Anderson ordered us some shore leave to relax since we needed the break.

The damaged I sustained from my biotics were severed and it was a miracle I'm alive, let alone able to move. My biotics had damaged my nerves to the point they ripped on a microscopic level and my body should be dead. Best way I can describe it... it's like every inch of your body getting hit by 50 trucks. That should paint a good picture to how my body feels. Somehow, I had recovered. They called it a miracle case

After my recovery, we took the time to introduce everyone to our parents and here's how that went

Mom loves Jane and Tali most, but Liara isn't too far behind. She loves the innocence they both have and loves the power couple vibe Jane and I have. Jackie loves both Jane and Ashley since they're the strong and independent type. My dad liked both Jane and Ashley since they're military types. Aaron was just wondering how the hell I pulled 4 "Drop dead baddies" and how I got them to share me. "Teach me the ways" he would say like I was some kind of God. That was good to laugh at

Onto Marx. Mom practically has 2 new sons with the way she took to them. She loves then as much she loved my girl. She even insists they both call her mom ( like she did my girls ) and loves how tender they are with him. Jackie likes Garrus a lot and they're absolutely adorable together when they were bonding. I swear, they looked just like siblings. For dad, he loved them since... Military... again. Aaron was throwing hands like "Am I the only one not getting a fucking harem!" And we all couldn't stop laughing

After everything, Benezia stood trial by the asari council due to her involvement in Saren's actions. Surprisingly, she didn't put up a fight. She accepted their ruling and was to be sent to confinement off world. With a tearful goodbye, she asked me to always have Liara's back. I naturally agreed and she was thankful her daughter found me.

During shore leave, we went to explore. First we headed to earth and, just like everything else, it was gorgeous. Jane brought me to Canada and introduced me to her mother who wasn't deployed. And I uh... Good lord, the glare she had when she learned I had a harem was terrifying. I'd rather fight saren again then handle momma Shepard, but that glare stoped once she explained everything and the girls and I shared a loving look. According to Hannah, the tender look Jane and I had reminded her of the look she had shared with her husband. She learned more about me and sort of approved. She threatened to castrate me if I ever hurt her daughter. So that was fun!

After that, we managed to enjoy the small moment of Peace and lived pretty domestically and... it was extremely pleasant. Like this is what paradise really was. Thinking of getting a home for all of us to live in, maybe a summer home type thing. Unfortunately, we had to return to the ship not too long after so paradise is over

I'd cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner for my girls. According to them, I'm a perfect husband. I mean I don't know about that, but it's good to hear.

Onto the datapad Anderson gave me, None of them looked through the datapad since it's personal info, but now it's time to see how my life was like. I'm currently in my room With the datapad in my hands... looking at the "Please enter password" screen.

Y/n: "Alright, Y/n.... Let's see how you were like" I say to myself and enter the password "2121311_22114721184_21213112312038" and my file pops up

"Y/n M/n L/n

Age of recruitment: 18
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 183 Lbs
Weapon proficiency: Sniper
Potential: Extreme
Biotics: Proficient

Y/n is a Canadian born male, raised within the city of Toronto Canada. Related to the Alliance officials of Commander Michael L/n and Medical officer Sonya L/n, Y/n shows great potential within the fields"

Y/n: "Mom was a medic? Huh" I say surprised and decide to cycle through to my background

My background has my school name. It also grades which were mostly Cs, Bs, and a few As sprinkled around. It also has information on my diet as a kid, which seems pretty damn healthy since I don't see much junk food listed. Why that was listed, I have no fucks of an idea to make.

Now it shows my service history

"Y/n's personality and actions had taken a drastic change during a mission within the eagle nebula. His personality prior was that of tough yet bright while afterwards it's became cold and bloodthirsty. This mission incident is recorded as "The red rain" incident. The order of the mission begins as ...." As I begin reading more and more I begin feeling as if my mind is replaying the events of the mission like a movie

The younger me, who looks maybe 21 or 22, looks down at his blue helmet that reflects the colour of the alliance uniforms and glides his thumb across the top and places his helmet on

Commander Richardson: "Listen up, brats. We've got our orders to investigate a batarian sighting within the horse head nebula" he begins to debrief as the younger me looks on. When he looks up, I begin to see the crew

The commander looks to be around his mid 40s or early 50s. Bald with brown eyes and hardened eyes that screams Veteran Soldier. He stands at roughly 6'1 and a similar build to Male Shepard.

Directly next to me is a woman, who I feel like I knew, is named Sophia Hottz. Her face is incredibly similar to that of Ingrid from the fire emblem series ( three houses ) but with brown hair instead. She stands at a rough 5'6 and build that seems the female military standard. Her info pops into my head like a file. Born in London and joining the alliance after her parents left her behind when they moved planets, she's a tough bitch. Her military specialty is in vehicles and repair

To my other side is a young male that doesn't remotely look ready for any kind of gun fight. He has a nerdy look to him, green eyes, dyed white hair, slimer build than most of the men serving here and standing at 5'8 feet tall. He kind of reminds me a bit of that dude from Re6 from Chris's campaign. The name of the nerdy guy pops into my head as Simmon Kidd. A 23 year old who's specialized in Hacking.

Another notable mention is the woman leaning on her sniper rifle by the wall. The name comes to me as Camila Burns. Age 24 and born in Brazil. She's half Brazilian and half Latina but takes more of her Brazilian heritage. She has a slim build, black hair with a few strips of reddish purplish hair, a large scar across from her eye to her lip that luckily didn't get her blind, standing at 6'0 and 156 lbs and has a mouth like a sailor. Among the ship's crew, she's our sniper specialist and a damn good one at that. Her background is that her father died due to a colony attack from batarians and holds a massive grudge against those bastards. She specializes in stealth and assassinations as well

The final note worthy to mention is the LC on this mission. With green eyes, flashy blond hair, a million dollar smile, dark skin, and a massive amount of pride, and standing at 6'2 and 190 lbs of muscle, This dude's name pops up as Douglass Armstrong. At the age of 32, he's a dude that id swear was bred for war. His background is pretty simple, being born from 2 military officer and joining the alliance at age 19 and raising up the ranks. He's the brute of the team as his specialty is up close and personal.

And then there's me. The biotic specialist and medical expert of the group. Funny since I know Jack about medicine

Young Y/n: "Are we going to simply report or terminate?" The younger me asks our commander

Commander Richardson: "Terminate. Anywhere batarian go, we need to put a stop to those bastards" he says coldly

Camila: "I hear that" she says smirking

Commander Richardson: "Y/n, you'll be paired up with Sophia and Simmon. Take out as many as you can and disable the security. Camila, you'll be responsible for entering the facility from the second entrance. Douglass, you're with the rest of us to dry their fire. Understood?"

All of us: "Sir, Yes Sir!" We all shout

Douglass: "Good luck out there. Drinks on me once we make it back. Now then, let's make it in once piece. We've all got someone waiting at home and we better not disappoint them" he says winking at us

Soon enough, the Ship lands and we suit up and split off. My small team enters from the west entrance of the supposed abandoned facility, while The commander readies the explosives for the entrance, and Camila entering through the vents.

Young Y/n: "First thing first, we need to pay attention. Batarians aren't the smartest, but their ruthlessness is unmatched. If you hear even the smallest noise, be on guard" i order them and they nod.

We stealthily enter the base and turn on the light on our fire arms and it's incredibly dark. It kind of reminds me of the visibility from doom 3

As we begin to walk in and look on, I feel myself kick something and look down. I see a dismembered arm and a pool of blood. I feel myself hardened and steel myself as does Sophia. Simmons looks like he's about to be sick. We're now constantly on edge and for 20 minutes... nothing happens. We hear no gunfire, no explosions, no sounds... just our footsteps and our gear shuffling around.

We then hear machine related sounds coming from a nearby room so we investigate. I kick the door open after seeing it was locked, and we shine our lights inside. The room is empty other than a few computers still working

Young Y/n: "Sophia and I will Guard the door. Simmons, check out computer. Maybe we can find out what's going on" I order the two and we get to work

After finding absolutely NOTHING from the computer, we venture on. As we do, we radio our team

Young Y/n: "Any updates?" I asks and get a reply

Camila: "Nothing yet, Louco" she replies as I hear her shuffling through the vent

Richardson: "All clear here too, brats" he says with heavy disappointment in this being a waste

Soon enough, we have to travel through the pipe lines, and down below, we hear some chatter. I signal my team to shut off the lights

We climb down and we hear the batarians and... there's a lot. This isn't just a squad... there's hundreds of them

Young Y/n: "Commander, we spotted the enemy. There's hundreds, sir" I spoke in whispers to not alert my position

Richardson: "About time. Sit tight, we'll be heading to your Location. Camila, Stay safe and out of sight" he orders and cuts the radio

We manage to make it to the security room and Simmons hacks the console for access

We flip through the cameras and see bodies upon bodies of Alliance officers. Not being able to hold back, Simmons hurls in the corner of the room. Seeing the feed, we see we're comply on over our head. There's a small army of batarian soldiers stationed here. Enough where we could say there was a colony being built here. It's basically 20 versus 500. The biggest issue was that a small group was heading our way from the camera

Young Y/n: "Sir... We've got company" I call out to my radio

Richardson: "We're coming! Stand your group, Brat. ETA 30 minutes! Camila, take 'em out from a safe distance" he orders and I hear his rapid footsteps on the radio as it ends

Young Y/n: For fuck sakes. Get ready, you two!" I order and scope the room just in case. I do spot a shaft above us so we do have an emergency exit "Simmons, Shut down the security. They already know our position. Let's stand our ground!" I order and we get to cover and wait for the door to bust open

After only 2 minutes, the door flies off its hinges and a group rushes in

Young Y/n: "LIGHT EM UP!" I shout and we open fire and hold our ground

I see one trying to sneak for Sophia so I grab him and flip him over and curb stomp his head infused my biotics and his head turns into paste

Sophia: "Thanks for that" she says grateful between gunshots

Young Y/n: "No problem, princess" I reply with a slight joking tone before o get serious again

After we take out a good amount, I feel like we needed to have a tactical retreat.

Young Y/n: "I'll hold em off while you two climb up the shaft. Go!" I order and shoot the latch so they can climb

They go to argue, but the firm look I had makes them think other wise. Simmons goes first and then Sophia

I charge up a biotic blast and wait... I see another batarian coming with friends so I fire my blast.

Young Y/n: "TAKE THIS!" The blast not only kills the few who entered, but created a smoke screen that I took advantage of and climb up the shaft to join the team

Young Y/n: "You two good?" I ask and they nod "All right. Let's move out" I order and we carefully make our way out

Each corridors we pass we find more batarians are we're running out of ammunition fast. We're all thinking "Where the fuck is our back up?!" And crossing a bridge... we get our answer. Most of our men's Been gunned down... including Douglass. To be honest, I didn't think much of the other guys in our team other than those listed above... But I did respect Douglass. Looking at the scene, we see a tone of batarian corpses, showing he held his ground to avenge his men. I collect his tag out of respect and we move on

Simmons: "H-Hey. I-Is it just me or is it R-really quiet?" He asks stuttering from his nerves

Sophia: "Now that you mention it...." She mumbles and they both glance at me

Young Y/n: "Yeah. Something's off" I say suspiciously

We enter a big open room while on guard until we get blinded by a huge light and after the room lights up we see a squad of heavily armed batarians.

Young Y/n: "MOVE!" I shout loudly and cover us with a biotic barrier and gunfire rapidly hits by barrier as my two comrades get to cover. Once they're safe, I send a blast from my barrier to deal severe damage to the enemy force. I get behind cover with my team and we return fire

After too much firing and covering, I hear a loud gasp from beside me

I turn to see Simmons with a sticky grenade attached to him that the batarians had stolen from a dead alliance soldier

He mouths a "I'm sorry, sir" and the next thing I know, I see Simmon blow up as I'm covered in his blood. Sophia and I are knocked into the open so I scramble to bring us to cover with a weak barrier around us

Behind cover, I look at the red spot where Simmons once was standing. The dude was so innocent... he was such a gentle soul. He didn't deserve this. I see Sophia grunting in pain and look down. I see a bullet had pierced and I have no idea how fatal it is until her armour is removed. I lay her down, much to her protest, and I let loose of my anger on losing Simmons and open fire on the batarians. In my blind rage, I didn't notice the sniper pot shots from up above, nor the additional shots aiding me. After running out of ammo and seeing the small army dead before me, I shake my head and check up on Sophia

Sophia: "I'll... I'll live" she says grunting in pain

Young Y/n: "I promise you. You won't die" I say firmly and watch her nod

I take out my med kid and go to patch her up until I hear two sets of feet. I wait and pop up with my gun drawn once they get close enough.... It's My commander and Camila

Young Y/n: "Thank god you two are alive..." I say until I see the commander's condition "For now" I conclude... knowing he'll bleed out long before we escape

Camila: "Nice to you too, Coño" She says sarcastically

Commander Richardson: "We've only got one shot left... We need to head to the entry way. It's a long road back... but it's our only option" he says panting while covered in blood and bullet wounds... it's a miracle he's even breathing

Young Y/n: "It's suicide and we've got two wounded with barely any ammunition to spare. What's there to lose?" I say sarcastically and we let out a pathetic chuckle

We pull up our map and try to find a safer route, but the safest path is just straightforward into the horde of batarians

Young Y/n: "Well... might as well go down guns blazing" I say and they nod in agreement

We begin our walk and enter each room and hallway that was safest. Thank you Simmons for giving me access to the camera system.....

We make it into a big open room just like where we had our stand Prior and it looked safe... except for the explosive they had places that send us all flying different directions. Being the unluckiest one, I fly out of the window and hit the pipes that lead down as I fall. Out of maybe... 17 pipes, I had hit 8 of them on the way to the hard surface below and I black out. The only thing that kept my alive was by instinctual biotic barrier that shattered upon impact that took the brunt of the fall on the surface. I still felt those pipes hit me

After an unknown number of time, I weakly get up with definitely a few broken ribs and something punctured as I feel the blood coming from my mouth. I stand up with a broken helmet and radio... I'm alone now and I've got no idea if they survived the explosion or not

While thinking of my dead friends and missing ones too, I Suddenly feel this bone chilling calmness washed over me and I become numb and focused. Like another person's piloting my body now. After countless corpses of batarian that i slaughtered with this calming feeling I've felt and the corpses of the Alliance officers who died before us, I managed to find something worrisome. After 3 hours, I found the omni-tool belonging to Sophia. There's no body so I can't confirm she's alive or dead...

I check up on the tool to try to find them but end up getting nowhere. I decide to check on my location. I'm only 20 minute from the exit and I begin to walk.

After 20 minutes, I didn't find any signs of the team. Camera access showed nothing, blood splatters led to nowhere which gives me some hope they managed to patch them selves up, and there were too many bodies to tell them apart. The front doors open and I see the biggest group of batarians who's number must be at least 300 who look Eager to kill me as they begin to laugh which quiets down after I let out a whistle

The lights flicker on and off, much to their terror as I look like a monster with glowing eyes that promised no mercy. Each flash shows me drastically close than I should be... like a jumped forward instead. With the glitching sound of light turning off one last time, my vision blurs and gunfire and screams of agony ring out of the room. After a completed massacre and my vision returning, the lights flicker back on and the remains of those batarians are covering every corner of the room, from the floor and walls to the celling. As if unbothered by their massacre, I let out one more whistle and walk out and and call for evacuations. Once the pilot reached us, I hop in and explain the situation as one of the people inside sees the carnage from the door I blasted open... The constantly dripping blood from the ceiling looks as if it's rain... A red rain that's constantly pouring. This mission Marked the days of the red rain... and my beginning for my new journey

I snap back in my room shaking in seeing it all play out like a movie. I decided to sleep off the nightmarish movie I saw so I had my girls with me cuddled up. Luckily, I hadn't had any bad dreams or anything. The next morning, I made some omelettes for the girls and a side of coffee for Liara and Juice for Ash and Jane since they weren't the biggest fan of "Bean soup" as Ashley calls it which is kind of silly but meh

I did make an effort to make a good meal for Tali to enjoy and she seemed to like it as always. These girls are the only thing keeping me safe right now

The day progressed without real stress or anything worth mentioning. Just cuddles and relaxation... until later that night. I look up the datapad and see entry 2

Entry 2: BlackWatch: Vanguard


Hey guys! I'm back and I'm feeling better for however long. I've been working on this and I have no idea how well you'd like this chapter, but I tried my best. Hopefully you enjoyed it

I'm making 3 epilogues for this. 1 for his service history, 1 for his work in the black vanguard, 1 for the incident before eden prime.

Thank you for reading and I'll see you all soon. BYE GUYS!

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