The Girl of Legends - Aang x...

By saltytsuki2

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There was once a legend that came from ancient book. This book was about how a very few avatar cycles. 2 bab... More

Where it Begins and Ends
Alana's Awakening + A Master?
Waterbending Master
The Siege of the North pole
The Avatar State
The Cave of Two Lovers <3
Return to Omashu
The Swamp
Avatar Day
The Chase
Bitter work
The Library

The Blind Bandit

84 1 1
By saltytsuki2

"It's pricey, but I really do like it." Sokka said as he was checking out this bag in a market.

"Then you should get it. You deserve something nice."

"I do Katara, Dont I.But no. It's too expensive. I shouldn't."

"Alright then don't."

After Katara and Sokka went on about the bag we all walked away from Sokka to check out some other places. After a few minutes of looking around a man came up to us.

"Hey,you kids like Earthbending? You like throwing rocks? Then check out Master Yu's earthbending academy." The man said handing me and Aang a flyer.

"Aang look there's a coupon on the back. The first lesson is free."

"Thats great, and who knows maybe this Master Yu could be our teacher."

Me and Aang went to the academy to check it out. They had given us uniforms to get into so we did. We went out and Master Yu started.

"Take your stances. Now strike as if you're punching through your opponent's head." He said.

The kids in front of us started to lift a rock and shot them at us. Me and Aang couldn't do anything because we didn't know how. Turns out the academy wasn't really for us.

As we were leaving we decided to go back to the market for some things. I wandered off and overheard this boy talking about some earth bending match with his friend.

"Where can I go to see this?"

"None of your business."

"Please I really want to go."

"No" He said walking away with his friend.

"Okay then" I said walking away. I went to go meet back with the gang to talk to them about the tournament when they started talking to the boy I was talking too.

"Oh hey guys, hey what are u doing?"

"We asked this guy to tell us where the earth bending tournament was going to be. Then he just walked away." Aang said.

Katara went after him and found out where it was being held.

"So Alana how did you know that guy?" Aang asked

"We met in town and I asked him about the earth bending tournament. And he was so rude about it."

"Hey whos ready to find an earth bending teacher!" Katara said running back interrupting us.

We went to the tournament and sat front row.

"I wonder why no one is sitting here." Aang said sitting down. We followed him when a man flew towards us nearly hitting us.

Suddenly a man came out of the ground earthbending. "Welcome to Earth Rumble 6. I am your host. Xin Fu." He said as the crowd went wild.

"This is just going to be a bunch of guys chucking rocks at each other, isn't it?" Katara said looking down at her nails.

"Thats what I payed for" Sokka said really excited.

"The rules are simple. Just knock the other guy out of the ring, and you win. ROUND ONE! The Boulder versus the Big Bad Hippo"

A bell rang and two men appeared.

I couldn't really hear what they were saying but you could tell they were talking smack.

After a couple of rounds of watching people get thrown out of the ring, we were about to watch the finale.

"Hey Aang, Alana. Anyone spark your interest or look like a good match to be your teacher?"

"Im not feeing it Katara. What about you Aang, anyone speak out to you?"


"Let's just watch the final match maybe this person could be the one."

"Now thw moment you have been waiting for! The Boulder versus The Blind Bandit!!" Then the crowd went nuts.

The thing is, The Blind Bandit was a little girl. Around our age too.

"Aang maybe shes the one."

"I don't know."

"She can't really be blind. It's just part of her character, right?"

"I think she is Katara."

"I think she is... GOING DOWN!"

"Who knows Sokka I mean she is the raining champ."

"The Boulder feels conflicted about fighting a young blind girl." The Boulder says.

"Sounds to me like your scared boulder."

"The boulder is over his conflicted feelings, And now he is ready to bury you in a rock-alanche."

"Whenever you're ready, The Pebble." She said pointing towards him.

Then she laughed.

I got a vision of when we were in the swamp. Hearing her voice and chasing her.

"Aang are you thinking what im thinking."

"Yes Alana. That is the girl from our vision."

"Its On!" The Boulder says.

Before he could even take a step she Earth bended to make his foot slide and make him do the splits. Like she waited and Listened. Then she easily sent him out of the ring.

"Your winner and still the champion, THE BLIND BANDIT!"

"How did she do that"

"She waited and listened" Me and Aang said at the same time. He looked over at me and blushed but I quickly brushed it off.

"To make things more interesting I am offering up this stack of gold pieces to anyone who can defeat The Blind Bandit."

"Aang go up there. Talk to her. You and me both know you have better people skills."

"You're right Alana. I will."

Aang walked up and she started talking smack.

"Do people really want to see two little girls fighting out here."

"I don't want to fight you. I want to talk to you."

He stepped forward and she attacked trying to do something similar with the boulder. He dodged her attack and airbended softly on the ground like he always does.

"Someones a little light on their feet. Whats your fighting name. The fancy dancer." She said attacking again.

He got out of the way and airbended his way behind her.

"Where did you go?"

"Please, Wait."

"There you are!" She then threw a massive rock at him. He airbended it away accidentally pushing her off the ring.

The crowd started cheering and Aang ran up to her trying to stop her from leaving.

"Please Listen. I need an earth bending teacher, And I think it's supposed to be you."

"Whoever you wre, leave me alone."

Aang came back to the ring where he got the money and Sokka took the belt. We went back to town.

"Aang if we want to find the Blind Bandit, the earth bending academy is a good place to start."

As we walked in the same guy from earlier was there with his friend. I left before I could talk to him again. I wandered the streets when I saw a house with a flying boar which was perfect timing because the rest of the group showed up.

We went over their wall and were into their garden when the blund bandit suddenly earth bended the ground and made us all fly up and land in front of he. Me and Aang caught ourselves with Air but the others not so much.

"What are you doing here, twinkle toes?"

"How did you know it was me?"

"Don't answer to Twinkle Toes, It's not manly."

"Your the one who's bag matches his belt."

"How did you find me?"

"Well a crazy king told me and my friend Alana we need to find an earth bending teacher who listens to the earth-"

"And then we had a vision in a swamp-"

"What Aang and Alana are trying to say is that they are both the Avatar. And if they don't master earth bending soon, they won't be able to defeat the fire lord."

"Not my problem. Now get out of here. Or ill call the guards."

"Look we all have to do our part to win this war. And your is to teach Alana and Aang Earthbending."

"Guards! Guards! Help!"

We all ran back outside the wall when 2 guards showed up.

"Toph, what happened?"

"I thought I heard someone I got scared."

"You know your father doesn't want you wandering the grounds."

Then they walked away. Aang then said he had an idea. We followed him as we went and knocked on their door.

They then invited us for dinner and we sat at their table.

"Blow on it. It's too hot for her."

"Allow me." Aang said Air bending the food to make it less hot.

"Avatar Aang, it is an honour to have you visit us. In you opinion how much longer do you thing the war will last?" Tophs mother asked.

"We would like to defeat the fire lord by the end of summer. But I can't do that without finding an Earth bending teacher first."

"Well Master Yu is the finest teacher in the land. He has been teaching toph since she was little."

"Then she must be a great Earth bender. Probably good enough to teach someone else."

"Toph is still learning the basics." Master Yu said.

"Yes. And sadly because of her blindness, I don't think she will ever become a true master."

Then we all looked at each other in disbelief.

"Uh, I am sure she's better than you think." Then Aangs chair moved and he got a face full of soup.

Aang then sneezed and got food everywhere.

"Whats your problem" Toph said standing up.

"Whats your problem?" Aang said back.

"Well shall we move to the living room for dessert then?"

•Time Skip•

It was getting dark and we were saying good night to Appa from the window when Toph came in.

"Look I am sorry about dinner. Lets call a truce, ok?"

•Time skip•

She took us outside.

"Even though I was born blind I never had a problem seeing. I see with Earthbending. Its like seeing with my feet. I feel the vibrations in the earth, and I can see where everything is: You, that tree, even those ants."

"That's amazing."

"My parents don't understand. They've always treated me like I was helpless."

"Is that why you became the blind bandit." Me and Aang said at the same time.


"Then why stay here where you not happy?"

"They're my parents. Where else am I supposed to go."

"You could come with us." I said.

"Yeah. You guys get to go wherever you want. No one telling you what to do. That's the life. It's just not my life."

I was about to say something when she suddenly got on the ground and said " We're being ambushed." We started running when someone earthbended and popped out of the ground. Me and Toph got into a stance and Aang just stood there. Then three cages landed on top of us. We couldn't get out.

"I think you kids owe me some money." The announcer from earth rumble 6 said.

They took us to where earth rumble 6 and started talking.

"You think your so tough. Why don't you come up here. so I can smack that grin off your face."

"Im not smiling" The announcer said.

Then they suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Sokka, Katara, master Yu and Tophs Dad.

"Here's your money now let them go." Sokka said throwing him a sack of gold coins.

They lowered Toph but kept me and Aang.

"What about Alana and Aang"

"I think the fire Nation will pay a hefty price for TWO avatars. Not get out of my ring." He said holding a paper with our faces on it.

Then all of the fighters from earth rumble 6 appeared.

"Go we will be Okay."

They started walking away. Then they came back with Toph.

"Let them Go. I beat you all before and I will do it again."

"The bolder takes issue with that comment." He said. Then the big guy threw me and Aang off to the side in the metal boxes to be able to fight.

They started running at us. Sokka and Katara were about to do something when Toph said "Wait there mine".

She created a huge smoke cloud and I couldn't really see what was happening. One by one all of them got thrown out of the ring. Sokka and Katara by then got us out of the cages but Then the smoke cleared and we could see Toph and the announcer about to fight.

He shot a 5 big boulders at her and she quickly dodged. She then shot one big rock and he dodged. Then he dug his hand into the ground about to attack when toph Moved and shot him right out of the ring.

We left.

"Dad I know it is probably hard for tou to see me this way, but the obedient little helpless blind girl that you think I am just isn't me. I love fighting. I love being an earth bender. and i'm really good at it. I know I have kept my life secret from you, but you were keeping me a secret from the whole world. You were doing it to protect me. But im 12 years old and I have never had a real friend. So now that you see who I really am I hope it doesn't change the way you feel about me."

"Of course it doesnt change the way I feel about you Toph. It made me realize something. I have let you have dar too much freedom. From now on, you will be cared for and guarded 24 hours of the day."

"But dad-"

"We are doing this for your own good Toph." Toohs mom said

"Please escort the avatars and their friends out. They are no longer welcome."

We left and were packing up all our things when Toph came running.

"Toph what are you doing here!"

"My dad changed his mind. He sajd I was free to travel the world."

"Well we better get out of here before he changes his mind again." Sokka said.

"Good Idea"

"I also wanted to show you something." She said to Aang he hopped down of Appa and Toph Earthbended him into a tree.

"Now we are even, Also I will take the belt back." She said putting her hand out.

Sokka threw it and it landed right on her.


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