Wings of Fire: Dragons, Steel...

By SasquatchTheGreat

31.8K 710 1.4K

The humans of Pyrrhia have been barely hanging on in their fight for survival for millennia. They have lived... More

Human Map of Pyrrhia
Part 1 Cover Art*
I - Pilot
II - Sea Monsters?
III - Three Moons
IV - First Contact
V - General Quarters
VI - Aftermath and Lingua
VII - Pufferfish and Handshake Diplomacy
VIII - Scavengers and Wasserdrachen
IX - Foreigners and Cuttlefish-Dragon
X - Homesickness and Paperwork
XI - Alarm!
XII - For Science!
XIII - Foreign Bolters
XIV - Can't Stop Progress
XV - A City of Houses
XVI - A Risk Taken
XVII - An Inglorious Skirmish
XVIII - A House of Engineers
XIX - Pioneer or Madness?
XX - Scavenger Hunt
XXI - Tintenfische Things (i)
XXII - Tintenfische Things (ii)

Archer Guard's Guide to The Dragons of Pyrrhia

1.4K 24 67
By SasquatchTheGreat

>(Translated to English)_

*Note to Commoners:
May peace be with you! This document you have acquired is normally issued to new Archer Guard units for instruction and reference purposes.
Following a decree from the Mayoral Office and a contract with the House of Records, it was made so: This document should be made available to the common citizen, so that what has been learned of the dragons we survive against should be more standardized.

The Archer Guard of Safe Harbor's guide to the dragons of Pyrrhia:

Many imagine in passing standing against a dragon and fighting back. Few actually want to. Fewer know how. Fewer again succeed. As a member of the Archer Guard, it is your explicit duty- which you swore to- to stand and fight against a dragon should it be necessary.

It is your duty to fight, your duty to know how, your duty to succeed, or Safe Harbor burns.

Fortunately, succeeding doesn't exclusively mean slaying a dragon. If you were a Dragonslayer, in which case slaying a dragon would be your mission, it would. But you are an Archer Guard. The safety of Safe Harbor and her people are your mission.

Dragons are tempermental creatures. Thus, adequate for preserving the longevity of Safe Harbor and the lives of citizens can measures to merely dissuade them from attacking be. Such as baiting and leading them away, or making the hunt of fellow humans as difficult as possible.

Known dragon threats (in order of threat level):

Swamp Dragons:

Habitat: Great Swamps, The Gauntlet.

Coloration: Colors found in mud and soil recorded, mostly shades of brown, some shades of dark green.

Appearance: Bulkier in stature compared to other dragon types. Large. Four legs, two wings, long tail, shorter neck than most dragons. Broad snout.

Abilities: Dangerously strong, scales can take more damage, can breathe fire, but seemingly less effectively than other dragons. Blend into bog environments with relative ease.

Description: By far the biggest problem dragon you will face as a member of the Archer Guard. The main reason we lose so many farmers, hunters, and herders each year, and probably the most hated dragon type amongst Safe Harbor natives.

They dwell within the Great Swamps; a massive, stinking, waterlogged bog of river runoff and decay. Filled in excess with mud, stagnant water, filth, horrible insects, and disease. A veritable death trap on its own, made yet worse by its dragon inhabitants.

None in his right mind would ever venture into those Swamps on his own will. Those that do anyway are highly-trained Adept Scouts, an Archer Guard regiment you are no doubt familiar with, sent to gather information. We have them to thank for much of the knowledge in this pamphlet.

Fortunately, Swamp Dragons are observed to prefer spending most of their existence sleeping semi-submerged in mud pools (One can imagine their bodies are infested by worms). Keeping their snouts exposed just above the surface of the nasty water in a manner similar to alligators.

Unfortunately, similar to alligators, they are rather difficult to spot when doing this. Most of their bulk being under water, and what scales are exposed blending in with the other muck.

Also unfortunately, one of the only times these dragons bother to leave their holes are when they're hunting. They are also willing to leave the confines of their swamp to hunt for prey when pickings within it become scarce. That is when they become a threat to Safe Harbor, and our problem.

Unlike other dragon types, Swamp Dragons hunt in packs. And they're absolutely ravenous. The Swamp Dragon's insatiable hunger for flesh has spawned many a horrifying folk tale and campfire story, and no doubt countless nightmares.

The idea of being dragged screaming out of the temperate forests that surround the city into the murky depths of the death swamps to be eaten alive by a group of filthy dragons of varying size induces a hanging dread on much of Safe Harbor's populace, especially on children.

Their pack tactics are unusual among dragons, and a major danger multiplier. Swamp Dragons are slow, in multiple senses. Their extra armor and bulk makes them physically sluggish, slow to maneuver. Any physically fit individual with even basic evasion training every Archer Guard is drilled on and undertaken by many common citizens can evade and outrun lone Swamp Dragons on the ground (where it'll be if it's trying to eat you).

However, since these dragons are rarely seen alone and hunt in groups, your chances of being able to successfully stay out of their clutches are diminished severely. It is also for this reason that retaliatory kills are so rare, as flanking maneuvers are trying even for elite Adept Scout units.

On the positive side, these dragons are also slow from a mental sense as well. They habitually fall for all but the most obvious of bait traps and tactics, and they respond to changes in combat situations with great delay. They also seem to have terrible memories, with some reports of one single Swamp Dragon falling for the same booby trap multiple times within the span of a phase cycle.

As an Archer Guard, particularly a Guard Scout, your primary mission regarding these dragons are keeping various farmers, hunters, herders, and surveyors safe as they perform their vital duties to the city far outside of its limits. It is your job to dissuade Swamp dragons that leave their marsh from hunting these people through any means you have at your disposal.

As you should be aware, Common Procedure is to have patrols of Guard Scouts sweep the woods, searching for signs of recent Swamp Dragon activity. If identified, your first priority is to locate any humans in the area and evacuate them back to the city and to report the sign and approximate location to your unit Commander or Regimenter. If available, an Adept Scout unit can be dispatched to locate and hopefully ward off the danger.

But as you also should be aware, this is not always how circumstances present themselves. You are no doubt certain of the importance placed upon quick-thinking, problem-solving, and adapting to situations for Guard Scouts when the fires start burning. As a member, you will of course be trained on what to do in certain variations of the base circumstance.
(i.e. what to do when no Adept Scout units are available and you have to lead or chase the dragons away yourselves; what to do when the sign of dragon activity is the dragon itself; what to do when dragons have already begun attacking your protective charge; what to do when you must attempt to intercept a pack of Swamp Dragons dragging people back to their lair, many more.)

Most importantly, you as an Archer Guard must remember that you cannot save everyone. There is too much land to cover, too many civilians to protect, too many dragons trying to kill them, and too few of you to protect all. Always remember: Every life you save counts, even if some slip away. That is simply the lot mankind has lived with for all remembered history. It is not your fault if some people can never come home, so long as you do your job to the best of your ability. That is all any of us can do.

Note on The Gauntlet:
One of the most notorious regions on the whole continent, taker of many lives, and why Safe Harbor is so isolated from other human settlements on the continent. The Gauntlet is the dark, sick region of wetland in between the foul marsh of the Great Swamps and the ominous Southern Jungle. Bordering two already deeply inhospitable biomes, the dark, wet wood crushed between them is only marginally easier to navigate.
All humans trying to reach Safe Harbor from farther inland must pass through it, including the original founders of Safe Harbor coming down from the Indestructible City. Following the destruction of our boat fleets, it is also the only way to reach our home from inland of the peninsula.

The Gauntlet in of itself is probably why Swamp Dragons in particular are the most hated dragon type amongst Safe Harbor residents. Travelers going through it can be expected to be hunted by Swamp Dragons without relent. Casualty rates for caravans of people big and courageous enough to even brave it without being completely wiped out are staggering.

The unofficial beginning of The Gauntlet is the Gate River, and it serves a border you as an Archer Guard are not allowed to cross under any circumstance sans a direct order from the Lord-Mayor himself. It is here that travelers leaving the city can be escorted no further and must be left to their own skill and fortune.

If you are in a Guard Scout unit and contact a caravan coming from the Gauntlet across the Gate River, you are to immediately dispatch a runner back to the city to bring back more Guards along with medical assistance, and evacuate the survivors back to the city as fast as they can manage.

Mountain Dragons:

Habitat: Middle Mountains, Greater East Peninsula.

Coloration: Shades of Red and Orange, colors of woodflame in general recorded.

Appearance: Large and tall. Four legs, two huge wings, long narrow tail. Long neck. Sharp claws.

Abilities: Dangerously fast. Capable of higher flight speeds or endurances than other dragons. Vicious fighters, brutal hunters. Seemingly superior fire-breathing ability compared to other dragons.

Description: While Swamp dragons may take the award for most hated dragon type amongst Safe Harbor natives, ask anyone born and raised in any other settlement, and they'll say Mountain Dragons are deserving of that honor in a heartbeat. The unfortunate reality is, they're most likely correct.

Mountain Dragons normally dwell and hunt in and around the general area of the Middle Mountains; the huge mountain range of steep elevations and freakish terrain that is a nightmare to traverse, that cuts all the way through the southern to the northern end of the continent. As well as the Greater East Peninsula; The massive landmass covered in relatively dark, cold forests and foothills that is the northern counterpart to the Lesser East Peninsula, in which Safe Harbor is positioned. But they can travel swiftly, and can appear in many places all over the continent quickly, including here.

We are fortunate to not have to deal with these dragons on a regular basis, for the few times Safe Harbor has been nearly burned to destruction, it is these affronts to all that is good and just in the world that are responsible.

Unlike Swamp Dragons, Mountain Dragons are normally seen hunting alone, but have been seen in pairs on occasion. Their high speed, propensity for fire attacks, and high aggression even by dragon standards lend to them being brutally effective hunters.
However, unlike some accounts of other dragon type behaviors we have recorded, Mountain dragons do not seem to hunt exclusively for food.

Tales shared by survivors or witnesses of them on the hunt have led to rumors of these dragons being outright sadistic.
Stories recounted by survivors about what these dragons do to the poor people they catch are not for children.

Nonetheless, for your information, and for the sake of honest disclosure on our parts; here are but a few examples of what could reasonably happen to you should you be caught in the line of duty:~

[Segment has been redacted for civilian publication, in order to conform with Citizen Immaterial Health Regulations as decreed by The Mayoral Office. Us scribes of the House of Records apologize for any inconvenience.]

~As you may expect, keeping these dragons away from Safe Harbor is the absolute top priority for you as an Archer Guard. Beyond even keeping other dragons away. If even one of these dragons is spotted nearby the city, General Evacuation is to be initiated, and all humans in and nearby the city are to be rushed into the Safehold. If it approaches the city, it is your duty to ward it off by any means.

And by the final day; keep these [explicative redacted] things away from children at all costs.

Note: It is rumored that these dragons seem to enjoy violence, and killing in particular. Mountain dragons are frequently observed fighting each other and other dragon types, and are by far the most likely to attack a human settlement. They don't normally venture as far away from their lurking grounds as Safe Harbor, but when they do; everyone is forced to remember it for a long time.

Sea Dragons:

Habitat: The Sea.

Coloration: Shades of blue and green recorded.

Appearance: Apparently shorter, stockier, and more narrow than other dragons. Four legs, two wings, shorter neck, long tail. Shorter legs, certain scales capable of emitting light.

Abilities: Very strong. Can breathe underwater and on land. Can both swim and fly. Can glow and supposedly see in the dark. (Cannot breathe fire.)

Description: Sea Dragons are, in many ways, enigma. One would be inclined to think they'd be higher on the list, given we live by the sea. While they certainly are a massive threat to those who make their livelihoods on boats, they rarely venture out of the waters they live in, and seemingly never to hunt. We'd like to keep it that way.

Not much is known about the Sea Dragon's typical behavior, given they spend most of their time underwater. We assume they mostly hunt fish. When they do come out on land, they're pretty swift to get into fights with other dragon types. Why exactly, we don't know. Probably, it's as simple as dragons, in general, just like fighting.

As an Archer Guard, your duties regarding Sea Dragons are limited, so long as they stay in their ocean. Guard Scout units of course patrol near shorelines, ensuring no signs of Sea Dragons recently clambering out of the water are present; and that no civilians are wandering along the beach, as Sea Dragons have been known to launch out of the water at opportunistic prey.

Sea Dragons can perhaps be characterized by a seeming indifference to human affairs. The majority of people living farther inland will never see one for their entire lives. That indifference seems to hinge on how far inland we are, however. For those who make their living sailing the waves, Sea Dragons are a massive problem. Hardly anything you as an Archer Guard, and we in general, can do about that, though. Unless you are plotting to become the first man in history to slay a dragon by blindly shooting arrows into the water.

Certain strategies are employed by sailors to evade Sea Dragons by leveraging the Ocean's huge size, as well as special, adaptive routes. We leave discussion of that to the professionals in that field. You signed up for the Archer Guard, not the House of Mariners.

It should also be noted that we've lost just as many boats to Swamp and Mountain Dragons flying out over the water as we have to Sea Dragons, despite common perception. Whether this is due to the Sea Dragon's usual aloof to man, due to the relentless brutality of the other dragon types, or due to the Swamp and Mountain dragons simply getting to them first, is obviously not known for certain.

In all of Safe Harbor's reliably recorded history, there has only been one case of Sea Dragons emerging from the waves to attack the city directly. That occasion is also the only time a large-scale dragon attack had been beaten back by the Guard without large-scale devastation of the city. Their lack of fire-breathing, pack tactics, and slower flying renders them far less dangerous against non-civilians, who are actually trained and equipped to stand against them. Remember that.

Desert Dragons:

Habitat: The massive West Deserts beyond the Middle Mountains.

Coloration: Pale yellow and golden scales, colors matching sand recorded.

Appearance: Tall and large stature. Four legs, two wings, long neck, long tail with giant stinger. Weird frill thing along the spine. Black tongue. Dead black eyes.

Abilities: Can survive in desert conditions for long periods of time. Can fly, breathe fire, use their stinger tails as a stabbing weapon, as well as a blunt weapon. Acute hearing and smelling.

Description: Almost as bad as Mountain Dragons, in terms of brutality. All dragons are naturally without mercy or remorse, but Desert Dragons take to this trope to a yet greater extent. You had better be grateful these things live on the other side of the continent, and that they almost never cross the Middle Mountain ranges to come over here.

Desert Dragons live within and are well-suited for the hot and barren West Deserts that covers much of Pyrrhia's western regions. A massive stretch of sun-blasted endless sand dunes and desolation, broken only by the occasional oasis of water seeping up from the ground.

We have little personal experience with these dragons. Most of our own knowledge is conjectured from knowledge shared by those born and raised in other settlements closer to the desert.

From what we know, Desert Dragons are similar to Swamp Dragons in that they usually prefer to remain within their usual territory. Though, they also don't use pack tactics. They conglomerate around oasis within the desert, creating large dragon dens that are some of the most infamous places in human folklore. What is fact and what is fiction about what is in and what happens in those dens is impossible for us to determine, but we are certain nobody wants to find out. Only those among the Dead have.

As an Archer Guard, your duty regarding these dragons resembles those regarding Swamp Dragons. Guard Scout units patrol the woods in between Safe Harbor and the Gate River, searching for signs of Desert Dragon activity. If any are identified, all humans in the area are to be evacuated back to the city, and an Adept Scout unit dispatched to locate, lead away, or drive off the encroacher.

Note that these dragons are usually taller and step lighter than Swamp Dragons, and often leave gashes in trees from their tail stingers as they blunder through them. (Judging from what few examples we have confirmed to be Desert Dragon trails in the woods, we have determined that they are unused to hunting in non-desert environments and tend to make a mess)

Note: Patrolling units would bear in mind that Desert Dragons are highly attracted to precious metals, even by dragon standards. Exposed shiny objects on the ground can attract their attention. So you would do well to ensure any potentially reflective materials (such as a well-polished knife) are concealed under your overgarments.

Common knowledge for any human, but the Safehold had better burn before we lose a Guard Scout unit to that oversight.

Night Dragons:

Habitat: Undetermined.

Coration: Black scales.

Appearance: Large and stocky in stature. Four relatively short legs, two wings, long neck and tail. Black tongue. Shiny scales on underside of wings.

Abilities: Capable of stealth at night, effective night hunters (presumably). Can breathe fire. Little else known.

Description: One of the dragons we are most worried about. What bothers us most about these dragons is how little is known about them. Where they dwell is known not. In very old records, speculation about Night Dragons originating from some land beyond the West Deserts. Whether they still live there, or in some other region on the continent, is known not. This is considered a problem by the Archer Guard.

At least with the filthy Swamp Dragons, Desert Dragons, and Mountain Dragons, we know where they live, and therefore where to avoid. Night Dragons are known to appear all over the continent seemingly at random, and we don't know where from.

Barely anything is known about these dragon's behavior habits, so there is little advice that can be given in terms of what to do if these dragons are encountered. Although they are, of course, known to attack and kill any people they come across. How exactly they usually go about attacking (alone, in packs, directly against the city, otherwise) is not determined.

Unfortunately, the best advice regarding these dragons that can be given without appealing to unreliable sources is to simply be ready for anything, and to treat them like other dragon types unless a good reason to do otherwise is identified.

Note: One of the most threatening aspects of these dragons is that they are probably nocturnal. As you know, all other dragon types are not, which is why many activities outside the city are usually conducted at night if possible. If these dragons normally hunt at night, they threaten night-working commoners.

Ice Dragons:

Habitat: North Tundras and Ice Wastes

Coloration: White and pale blue, colors of snow and frozen water recorded.

Appearance: Large and covered in dozens of additional elongated spikes all over. Four legs, two wings, long, thin tail, hook-like serrated claws. Dead black or dark blue eyes.

Abilities: Survive and dwell exclusively in dangerously cold environments. Ghastly hunters. Can exhale a form of 'ice-breath' to literally flash-freeze victims.

Description: The number of stories that surround these beasts is staggering. They are a fantastic source of scary campfire stories by people all over the continent. Also, it is a source of much annoyance for those of us trying to sort through the tall tales trying to seek out reliable information. As common legend has it, ancient people tried to venture out from the Greater East Peninsula and Middle Mountains for the Great Tundras in hopes that the dragons they already contended with would be unable to handle the frigid climate due to their reptilian nature. One could imagine their dismay when they ran into these things instead.

Whether or not these tales are true, it is known that there are small tribes of very hardened people who live in the Ice Wastes. Because some of them sometimes venture southwards, and tales shared by what Ice Dragons are known to do to people they meet make everyone else who lives in more habitable climates very glad that Ice Dragons only live up there.

As an Archer Guard, your chances of facing and having to deal with these dragons are almost none. We have never seen one of these dragons for ourselves, only going off conjecture gleaned from people who have.

Since we know next to nothing about these dragons beyond speculation, including usual behavior and hunting habits, Common Procedure for counteracting dragon threats apply.

Rainforest Dragons:

Habitat: Southern Jungle.

Coloration: Capable of shifting colors.

Appearance: Lanky in stature. Narrow body, smaller than other dragons. Four legs, two wings. Scales seemingly capable of appearing any color at will. Long thin tail, usually coiled.

Abilities: Obviously can survive in the dangerous Southern Jungle. Agile, can maneuver around trees and dense foliage far easier than all other dragons. Scales can change colors to blend in with surroundings. Several existing accounts of a ranged venom spit attack. (Cannot breathe fire.)

Description: Past records suggest these dragons at some point being almost as big a problem for us as the Swamp and Mountain Dragons. Venturing out of their territory to hunt and slaughter our farmers and shepherds semi-regularly.

However, all modern experience points to these dragons isolating themselves within their rainforest turf as much or more than Ice and Sea Dragons normally stick to their own territories.
Whatever the reason for this change in behavior, we are not keen on sending even Adept Scout units into the Southern Jungle of all places to investigate.

The Rainforest Dragons lurk within the Southern Jungle, also known as the Wooded Deep; a hot, wet region of frequent rainfall, soggy soil, and huge trees that perpetually blot out the sun. Casting the jungle floor and all the horrible plants and animals that live within it in near darkness. It contends heavily with the Great Swamps for the official title of: "Absolute worst place for humans to try and live on the continent." It is also the other half of the reason why The Gauntlet even exists.

Why people with sense, and why your job is to make sure people without it, stay out of the Wooded Deep are numerous. Most of them cornerstone around the idea that the term "jungle" in our language is closely associated with "literally everything in nature aggressively trying to kill each other and you at all times" for a reason.

The Rainforest Dragons themselves are one of these dangers. Although many may joke that they are probably not even in the top five most dangerous things you'll encounter in that place. (In fairness to them, you are probably more likely to be bitten by a venomous bug or snake before you encounter a Rainforest Dragon.)

Nonetheless, these dragons and the threat they pose should be taken seriously. Even if we see about as many of them around here as we do Ice Dragons. They are capable of surviving in that awful jungle, and therefore must be dangerous.

Since we know so little about these dragon's behavior and their hunting patterns, all that can be said is that Common Procedure applies if signs of these dragons are detected near the city.

Note: Since these dragons possess camouflage abilities far beyond other dragon types, it is reasonable to suspect that their hunting habits could more closely resemble Adept Scout reconnaissance tactics rather than the effective but unstealthy brute-force habits seen in other, bigger dragon types. If one of these things is identified, prepare to actually put the counter-tracking strategies many among you boast for training on to use.

Also, remember to keep a sharp eye out for talon prints on the ground, scratches on trees, and other giveaways of their presence in the area. Watch out for out-of-place mounds on the ground or deformations in the foliage. It could be one of these dragons trying to hide. Not to render you paranoid, or anything of the sort.


*For English readers, it should be noted that instances where text was translated to mean phrases like 'at all costs' or 'by any means necessary,' original wording in local language more strongly implies suicide attacks in local culture.


>Author's Note_

For those of you who've read Dragonslayer or seen the bit at the beginning, you may be aware of 'The Wingwatchers Guide to the Dragons of Pyrrhia.' Functionally, it serves the same purpose as all the other "guides to dragons of..." In all the other books.
But I hate how... vague and unprofessional it is.

Like it was made by young teenagers rather than the closest thing they have to career Rangers. (If you've seen it, your aware of what I'm referring to.)

So here's my version of it. Made from the perspective of the Archer Guard of Safe Harbor. Or at least, from the perspective of a slightly old instructional manual normally handed out to new Guard recruits, issued to the general public, and then translated to English as part of the language-learning efforts. Obviously, I couldn't help but throw some more world-building and foreshadowing in.

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