You'll Miss Me When I'm Gone...

Par LinsIrisH

5.1K 167 66

17 year old Lindsey Torelli was a normal girl who lived in Los Angeles, California. She led a pretty normal l... Plus

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

You'll Miss Me When I'm Gone

1.6K 19 9
Par LinsIrisH


My alarm clock went off. 

I mumbled some death threats to the clock as I slapped the 'snooze' button. But I lost my balance and fell off the bed with a load THUMP. Blowng my hair out of my face, I looked around my new bedroom, hating everything about it.

"I want my old room back." I said out loud, "This place sucks."

My mom knocked on the door "Are you up?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, I'm still sleeping."

I heard my mom sigh, and than say "Breakfast will be ready in half an hour"

I didn't bother to reply as I grabbed my clothes and headed towards my personal bathroom. I went in and slammed the door. I looked at myself in the mirror. 

Long brown hair, brown eyes, skinny. I was wearing my superman shirt and my gray sweatpants. And my necklace.

My necklace with my name on it.

How long ago was it, 4 months? 4 months ago since dad left us. I remember it as if it were yesterday.

~4 months ago~


I was finally 17! This would be the best year of my life. My dad got a raise, we moved into a bigger house, my brother Adam and I finally stopped arguing and we got a dog! I would be so happy! If only......My dad hadn't gotten home yet. It was around 9 o'clock at night when mom decided that we wouldn't wait any longer to open my presents. So I opened them. I had just opened my first present, a necklace, when we got the call. THE call. The one that changed our lives forever. 

My father had been in a hit and run.

We rushed to the hospital without opening the rest of my presents. I didn't care about them. Only about my dad. We ran inside and ran into dad's room. And what we saw wasn't a pretty sight. His body was mangled in such a way that I threw up. My mom was crying her eyes out, and Adam was silent.  10 minutes later he breathed his last. And one week later we had his funeral. Just family. Adam, mom, and I. We didn't have any other family. We were all we had. No grandparents, no uncles or aunts. Nothing. 

And here we were. Cheshire, England. My mom had moved us. She said we would be better off here. And today was the first day for us to wake up in our new house. 


I sighed as i let the necklace fall onto the counter. I looked at it and whispered "Why, why did you leave us?" 

13 minutes later after taking a shower and throwing some clothes on, I ran down the stairs 2 at a time and walked to the kitchen. Mom was in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Hello Lins, finally up I see! Breakfast should be ready soon."

I grabbed an apple and replied "I won't be here, I'm going down to the park and i'm taking Major." Our German Sheppard dog looked up at his name. "Yes, you. Now come on." I grabbed his leash and hooked it to his collar.

 "Be safe, Lins!" mom yelled out as I walked out the door.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

I walked down the street feeling, horrible. I hated this place, why couldn't we go back to CA? 

Because mom doesn't want to stay where dad is.

I sighed out loud and didn't notice that I had walked into someone.

"OH MY GOSH. I AM SO SORRY" I nearly screamed. I let the leash fall and helped the person back onto his feet.

"It's all right love." He replied.

I hadn't responded though. I was staring at his face. Curly brown hair, dreamy green eyes. Hot? Yes. Yes he was.

 I snapped back to earth and grabbed Major's leash. "Erm, sorry again." And took of running down the street.

I'm so stupid! Why couldn't I have thought of something interesting to say?

I didn't stop running until I was at the entrance of the park. I walked in and let Major off his leash. Than I walked over to a big weeping willow tree and sat down at the trunk.

I wish I was home.

I leaned back and imagined what i would be doing right now if I was home. I would probably be at my bff's house. Sitting on her bed giggling over Taylor Lautner pictures. And than her annoying little brother would run in and demand that we come play with him. Than we would chase him out of the room and sit back down on her bed. 

I was woken up from my daydream by a short tap on my shoulder. "GAAAAAH!" I yelled. I turned my head around to face a brown haired girl. She very nervously stuttered out. "Uh....uh sorry....Its just I was wondering if I could pet your dog." 

I realized that I had probably just scared her pants off so I replied "Oh its ok, I was just surprised! Of course! His name is Major." She let out her breath of air and walked over to Major, "Ok, thanks! My name is Sarah." "I'm Lindsey." I replied. She smiled at me. 

I smiled back and leaned my head back once more. This time, I fell asleep. 

I was in a big dark room. Sitting in a chair. I got up and walked around the floor. No door, no window, no nothing. "How did I get here?" I whispered into the darkness. When suddenly, the floor gave way. I was falling...falling.....into the darkness....I knew that if I hit the ground, I would never wake up...falling....I kept on falling..I knew it was a dream...I don't know how I knew....falling.....falling...I was going to hit the bottom but than I heard someone say my name...I was falling still.......than I woke up.

Somebody was shaking my shoulders. "LINDSEY!! WAKE UP!!!" I snapped my head up and said "I'm up, I'm up! Geez." I looked up at the person who was shaking me and found myself looking into green eyes.......Somebody with green eyes, and curly hair.

"You!" I gasped. He looked confused but said "Um, yea, me. Here, you dropped your phone." He handed me my phone and I took it. "Erm, thanks." He smiled and said "See you later" and started walking off. 

Oh my goodness! He just said my name! Wait, how did he know my name??

"WAIT!!!" I screamed.

He turned around and looked at me. I got up and brushed the dirt off my clothes. I ran down the hill and stopped right in front of him. "How, how did you know my name?" 

He smiled, "Sarah told me. I'm Harold by the way. But you can call me Harry." 

Harry.......oh I have butterflies...

"You..You can call me Lins." I stuttered out. Harry pulled me into a hug, and whispered "Goodbye....Lins". He winked and started leaving again. "Bye...Bye Harry.." I called out.

As soon as he was out of sight I grabbed Major's leash and whistled. Major came running up the hill and sat down in front of me. "Good boy!" I told him. 

"Hello again!" A voice called out.

I spun around to face the girl from earlier. Sarah. "Erm, hi Sarah!" 

She smiled at me, "So do you like Harry?"

I gave her a confused look, "I just met Harry. And why did you tell him my name?" She snorted, "He asked me. I think he likes you. Hey, I'm not busy today. Do you want to come over?" 

Well, she seems nice enough...But I don't feel like socializing.

"I would but I have things I need to do when I get home." I answered, "maybe some other time eh?" 

She nodded "Some other time! Well, see ya around!" She took of running the other direction before I could even reply. "Erm, right." I attached the leash to Major's collar and started to walk home. Unfortunately, when I was about 3 blocks away, it started to rain. "NOOOOO! I hate rain." I moaned. Major meanwhile was having the time of his life. He started pulling at his leash, whimpering to run. "No, Major, NOOO!" Before I knew it I was on the sidewalk. "Majjooooorrr!" I pouted. I tried to stand up, but Major kept on pulling me down. 

Somebody grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I turned around to thank the person and came face to face with a blonde boy. "You ok?" he asked. "Erm, yea, thanks for helping me!" I smiled at him, hoping he wouldn't notice I was drenched.

"Anytime. Whats your name?" He replied.

"Lindsey. And yours?"

"I'm Niall. Niall Horan."

Continuer la Lecture

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